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44156: Europe between Exclusive Borders and Inclusive Frontiers Downloads
Ioan Horga and Mircea Brie
44155: Alteritatea confesională prin căsătorie la românii din zona Crişanei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX) (Confessional Alterity Achieved through Marriage by the Romanians from Crisana Area (2nd Half of the 19th Century – Beginning of the 20th Century)) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44154: Infantile mortality and life expectancy: vulnerability indicators in north-western Transylvanian communities (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century) Downloads
Mircea Brie and Istvan Polgar
44153: The efficiency cost of tax enforcement: evidence from a panel of spanish firms Downloads
Miguel Almunia and David Lopez-Rodriguez
44152: The Political Economy of In-Kind Redistribution Downloads
David Lopez-Rodriguez
44151: Governance, Regulation and Innovation: Introducing New Studies Downloads
Mehmet Ugur
44150: The scope of political redistribution with proportional income taxation Downloads
David Lopez-Rodriguez
44149: Căsătoria mixtă – punct de trecere a „frontierei” comunitare (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX - debutul secolului XX) (Mixed Marrige – a Passing Point of the Community “frontier” (second haft of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th)) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44148: Căsătorie, mentalităţi colective şi reglementări cutumiare în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea) (Marriage, Collective Mentality and Customary Regulations in North-Western Transylvania (2nd Half of the 19th Century)) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44147: REPENSER LE FUTUR DE LA POLITIQUE DE COHÉSION EUROPÉENNE POUR LES PAYS D'EUROPE CENTRALE ET ORIENTALE: LA PRISE EN COMPTE DE L'ESPACE GÉOGRAPHIQUE COMME PISTE DE RECHERCHE (The necessity of taking into account the geographical space for the future of the European cohesion policy, a new line of thinking) Downloads
Sébastien Bourdin
44146: Reglementări juridice privitoare la familie în legislaţia austriacă şi maghiară din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea (Legal Regulations regarding Family in the Austrian and Hungarian Legislation in the Second Half of the 19th Century) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44145: Distributive Politics and Economic Ideology Downloads
David Lopez-Rodriguez
44144: La coopération interuniversitaire aux frontières extérieures de l’Union Européenne et la contribution à la politique européenne de voisinage (Cooperation between Universities at External European Union Borders and its contribution to European Neighbourhood Policy) Downloads
Ioan Horga and Mircea Brie
44141: Market Power, Governance and Innovation: OECD Evidence Downloads
Mehmet Ugur
44140: Parish registers of civil status in Transylvania in the second half of the nineteenth century. Documentary signification Downloads
Mircea Brie
44139: Life Expectancy in North-Western Transylvania (latter half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44136: Renewable energy consumption and economic efficiency: Evidence from European countries Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
44135: Market Concentration, Corporate Governance and Innovation: Partial and Combined Effects in US-Listed Firms Downloads
Nawar Hashem and Mehmet Ugur
44134: Quantitative versus qualitative in neuromarketing research Downloads
Monica Diana Bercea
44133: Are South East Europe stock markets integrated with regional and global stock markets? Downloads
Francesco Guidi and Mehmet Ugur
44132: Relationship between Non-current Assets & Firms Profitability Downloads
Athar Iqbal and Madhu Mati
44131: Speculation and regulation in commodity markets: The Keynesian approach in theory and practice Downloads
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
44130: Le changement spatial dans l'industrie automobile en Europe centrale et orientale: entre effets d'héritage, cycles de vie et transition (Spatial change in the automotive industry in Central and Eastern Europe: between heritage effects, life cycles, and transition) Downloads
Sébastien Bourdin, Anaïs Le Thiec and Bernard Elissalde
44124: Overbidding and Heterogeneous Behavior in Contest Experiments Downloads
Roman Sheremeta
44122: The link between economic growth and financial development: Evidence from districts of Bangladesh Downloads
Md. Alauddin Majumder and Ellis Eff
44121: Free and open source software underpinning the european forest data centre Downloads
Dario Rodriguez Aseretto, Margherita Di Leo, Daniele de Rigo, Paolo Corti, Daniel McInerney, Andrea Camia and Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz
44120: Europe: A Cultural Border, or a Geo-cultural Archipelago Downloads
Ioan Horga and Mircea Brie
44119: The cultural Frontiers of Europe. Introductory Study Downloads
Alina Stoica and Mircea Brie
44118: The Interreligious Dialogue in the Context of the New Europe: The European Ecumenical Movement Downloads
Ioan Brie and Mircea Brie
44116: Day of the Week Effect on Turkish Foreign Exchange Market Volatility During the Global Financial Crisis Downloads
Ece Oral
44114: Product Market Predatory Threats and the Use of Performance-sensitive Debt Downloads
Einar Kjenstad and Xunhua Su
44113: Credit rationing by loan size: a synthesized model Downloads
Einar Kjenstad and Xunhua Su
44110: Politici imperiale în Estul şi Vestul Spaţiului Românesc (Imperial Politics in the East and West of the Romanian Space) Downloads
Sorin Şipoş, Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Igor Şarov and Ion Gumenâi
44109: Humanization: Explaining the Law of Cooperatives in India Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia and Sweta Patel
44108: Optimizing Decision Making Capacity: Lessons from Empirical Study of Selected Successful and Collapsed major Cooperatives in India Downloads
Sapovadia Vrajlal
44107: Economia sommersa e lavoro nero (Shadow economy and black labor) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
44106: Is the Use of Autocovariances in Level the Best in Estimating the Income Processes? A Simulation Study Downloads
Tak Wai Chau
44105: Banks’ Capital Buffer, Risk and Performance in the Canadian Banking System: Impact of Business Cycles and Regulatory Changes Downloads
Alaa Guidara, Van Son Lai, Issouf Soumaré and Fulbert Tchana Tchana
44102: The relationship between international tourism and economic growth: the case of Morocco and Tunisia Downloads
Mohamed Bouzahzah and Younesse El Menyari
44101: Interculturality and ethnodiversity in post-comunist Romania Downloads
Mircea Brie and Cosmin Adrian Pop
44100: Dual citizenship granted to hungarian ethnics. context and arguments Downloads
Mircea Brie and Istvan Polgar
44099: European union. identity, diversity and integration Downloads
Mircea Brie, Istvan Polgar and Florentina Chirodea
44097: The difficult task of integrating money in the theory of production Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44094: Market value of the firms and R&D investment: Theoretical overview and empirical estimation for the panel of countries Downloads
Dushko Josheski and Marija Magdinceva-Sopova
44093: A meso-level representation of economic systems: a theoretical approach Downloads
Roman Matkovskyy
44090: Firm R&D units and outsourcing partners: A matching story Downloads
Andrés Barge-Gil and Annamaria Conti
44089: The economic crisis between liberalization and government intervention Downloads
Paula-Elena Diacon
44087: Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space Downloads
Mircea Brie
44086: Ethnic Identity and the Issue of Otherness through Marriage in Northwest Transylvania (Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Century) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44083: European Culture between Diversity and Unity Downloads
Mircea Brie
44082: Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border Downloads
Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga and Sorin Şipoş
44080: Missing links, missing markets: Internal exchanges, reciprocity and external connections in the economic networks of Gambian villages Downloads
Dany Jaimovich
44078: Divorţul ca formă de erodare a familiei în comitatele Bihor şi Sătmar (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX) (Divorce as a Means of Family Erosion in the Counties of Bihor and Sătmar (latter half of the 19th century)) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44077: Measuring Women Empowerment: Dissecting the Methodological Discourse Downloads
Pillai N. Vijayamohanan and B. P. Asalatha
44075: The European Neighborhood Policy, Mass-media and Cross-border Cooperation Downloads
Mircea Brie
44072: Controversele Globalizării Economice (The Controversies of Economical Globalization) Downloads
Andreea-Nicoleta Donici and Mădălina Calance
44071: The New European and/or EU Studies Curriculum Downloads
Mircea Brie, Dorin Dolghi and Dana Pantea
44070: Cooperarea inter-universitară la frontierele externe ale Uniunii Europene şi contribuţia la politica europeană de vecinătate (Cross-border Cooperation between Universities at External European Union Borders and its contribution to European Neighbourhood Policy) Downloads
Ioan Horga and Mircea Brie
44069: Europe from Exclusive Borders to Inclusive Frontiers: Case Study Romanian - Ukrainian Frontier Downloads
Mircea Brie
44068: CoR’s White Paper on Multilevel Guvernance – Advantages and Desadvantages Downloads
Mircea Brie and Diana Gal
44067: Cultural Identity, Diversity and European Integration. Introductory Study Downloads
Mircea Brie, Istvan Polgar and Florentina Chirodea
44066: State fragility, rent seeking and lobbying: evidence from African data Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Oasis Kodila-Tedika
44065: Financial exclusion and the cost of incomplete participation Downloads
Fabrizio Botti and Carlo Andrea Bollino
44063: The Impact of Public Capital Investments on the Revenue Growth of Medium Enterprise in Indonesia Downloads
Darius Tirtosuharto
44062: Dynamic Voluntary Advertising and Vertical Product Quality Downloads
Yohei Tenryu and Keita Kamei
44056: The Theory of Interhybridity: Socio-political Dimensions and Migration Experiences of Post-communist Western Balkan States Downloads
Armando Aliu
44054: Executive Remuneration as an Aspect of Corporate Governance under OHADA's Corporate System Downloads
Richard William Ngwa Kelong
44053: Currency Crises in Reverse: Do Large Real Exchange Rate Appreciations Matter for Growth? Downloads
Matthieu Bussirère, Claude Lopez and Cédric Tille
44049: Crude Oil Prices and Liquidity, the BRIC and G3 countries Downloads
Ronald Ratti and Joaquin Vespignani
44047: Technological change and international interaction in environmental policies Downloads
Yuichi Furukawa and Yasuhiro Takarada
44046: Confused confusers. How to stop thinking like an economist and start thinking like a scientist Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
44045: How to assist separatists in breaking up a country... or, rather, not: The role of decentralization and development assistance Downloads
Jürgen Ehrke
44044: Fighting African Conflicts and Crimes: Which Governance Tools Matter? Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Oasis Kodila-Tedika
44043: Crime and conflicts in Africa: consequences of corruption? Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Oasis Kodila-Tedika
44031: Death Spiral Issues in Emerging Market: A Control Related Perspective Downloads
Woochan Kim, Woojin Kim and Hyung-Seok Kim
44030: Managerial entrenchment of anti-takeover devices: quasi-experimental evidence from Korea Downloads
Sunwoo Hwang and Woochan Kim
44029: Family control and expropriation at not-for-profit organizations: evidence from korean private universities Downloads
Kee-Hong Bae, Seung-Bo Kim and Woochan Kim
44028: Korea investment corporation: its origin and evolution Downloads
Woochan Kim
44026: Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives (XVIII-XX centuries) Downloads
Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş and Ioan Horga
44024: On the stability of the Ramsey accumulation path Downloads
Enrico Bellino
44023: Markets Evolution After the Credit Crunch Downloads
Marco Bianchetti and Mattia Carlicchi
44021: Simplified mathematical model of financial crisis Downloads
Alexei Krouglov
44017: Risk Parity Portfolios with Risk Factors Downloads
Thierry Roncalli and Guillaume Weisang
44016: Output growth in the post‐compulsory education sector: the European experience Downloads
O’Mahony, Mary, José Pastor, Fei Peng, Lorenzo Serrano and Laura Hernández
44014: An SIA analysis of the Investment Chapter in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Downloads
Dan Prud'homme
44013: Contemporary Ecumenism between the Theologians’ Discourse and the Reality of Inter-confessional Dialogue. Case Study: Bihor Downloads
Mircea Brie
44012: Căsătoria în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX - începutul secolului XX). Condiţionări exterioare şi strategii maritale (Marriage in North-Western Transylvania (2nd Half of the 19th Century – Beginning of the 20th Century). External Conditionings and Marital Strategies) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44010: Familie şi societate în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX) (Family and Society in North-Western Transylvania(2nd Half of the 19th Century – Beginning of the 20th Century)) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44007: Human Capital and Industrial Development: Evidence from the Machinery Industry in Bangladesh Downloads
Khondoker Mottaleb and Tetsushi Sonobe
44006: Determinants of Small Enterprises’ Performance in Developing Countries: A Bangladesh Case Downloads
Khondoker Mottaleb and Tetsushi Sonobe
44000: Analiza eficienţei activităţii de cercetare dezvoltare inovare prin metoda DEA (THE EFFICENCY ANALYSIS OF R&D ACTIVITIES BY USING DEA) Downloads
Monica Roman and Christina Suciu
43999: Classical vs. Neoclassical Conceptions of Competition Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis
43998: Macroeconomic framework for financial stability for Morocco Downloads
Firano Zakaria, Saad Benbachir and Mohammed Abouch
43996: Assessing the Treatment Effect on the Causal Models via Parametric Approaches with Applications to the Study of English Educational Effect in Japan Downloads
Takeshi Emura, Hitomi Katsuyama and Jinfang Wang
43995: Voluntary work and labour income Downloads
Bruna Bruno and Damiano Fiorillo
43994: A New Framework for Learning Approaches toward Social Evolution of Organizations Downloads
Mohammad Ali Kashefi and Mohammad Ebrahim Sanjaghi
43991: Dispute between bank and customer in Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA). Case in Malaysia Downloads
Rininta Nurrachmi, Hamida Mohamed and Nawalin Nazah
43987: A 'Trojan Horse' in Daoguang China?: Explaining the flows of silver (and opium) in and out of China Downloads
Alejandra Irigoin
43983: The Easterlin illusion: economic growth does go with greater happiness Downloads
Ruut Veenhoven and Floris Vergunst
43981: Identifying corruption through latent class models: evidence from transition economies Downloads
Luca Pieroni, Giorgio d'Agostino and Francesco Bartolucci
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