MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 34177: Subjective well-being approach to the valuation of income inequality

- Edsel Beja
- 34175: The effects of asymmetric and symmetric fetal growth restriction on human capital development

- Joshua Robinson
- 34174: The determinants of household poverty in Sri Lanka: 2006/2007

- Seetha Ranathunga
- 34173: Bank competition, securitization and risky investment

- Zhe Li and Jianfei Sun
- 34163: Risk management and the implementation of the Basel Accord in emerging countries: An application to Pakistan

- Omar Masood and John Fry
- 34162: Effect of financial development on agricultural growth in Pakistan: new extensions from bounds test to level relationships and granger causality tests

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Shahbaz Muhammad Shabbir and Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt
- 34160: The instability of the correlation structure of the S&P 500

- Štefan Lyócsa, Tomáš Výrost and Eduard Baumohl
- 34155: Foreign direct investment in Kenya

- Mathew Nyamwange
- 34152: Small worlds and board interlocking in Brazil: a longitudinal study of corporate networks, 1997-2007

- Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
- 34147: Optimal monetary policy with durable services: user cost versus purchase price

- Jun-Hyung Ko
- 34145: Convergence and divergence in living standards among regions of the enlarged European Union (1992-2006)

- Josef Novotný
- 34144: The codetermined firm in a Cournot duopoly: a stability analysis

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 34131: Why do education vouchers fail at the ballot box?

- Peter Bearse, Buly Cardak, Gerhard Glomm and B Ravikumar
- 34128: Does the weather affect stock market volatility?

- George Daskalakis, Lazaros Symeonidis and Raphael Markellos
- 34124: Business cycle: From birth to the Austrian school theory (Business cycle: From birth to the Austrian school theory)

- Vieru Bianca
- 34121: Efficiency wage setting, labor demand, and Phillips curve microfoundations

- Carl Campbell
- 34120: Adaptación al castellano y estructura factorial del «Denison Organizational Culture Survey» (Spanish adaptation and factor structure of the «Denison Organizational Culture Survey»)

- Tomas Bonavia, Vicente Prado and David Barberá
- 34119: Further examination of the organizational culture scale of artifacts

- Tomas Bonavia, Gabriel Molina and Joan Boada
- 34118: Common priors for generalized type spaces

- Miklós Pintér
- 34117: From Wald to Savage: homo economicus becomes a Bayesian statistician

- Nicola Giocoli
- 34116: On the finite-sample properties of conditional empirical likelihood estimators

- Federico Crudu and Zsolt Sándor
- 34115: Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution, household debt and financial fragility in a Kaleckian distribution and growth model

- Eckhard Hein
- 34114: Analyzing the Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks on Public Debt Dynamics: An Application to the Czech Republic

- Ales Melecky and Martin Melecký
- 34113: News and Financial Intermediation in Aggregate Fluctuations

- Christoph Görtz and John Tsoukalas
- 34111: Distortionary Taxes and Public Investment in a Model of Endogenous Investment Specific Technological Change

- Monisankar Bishnu, Chetan Ghate and Pawan Gopalakrishnan
- 34107: Generalized type spaces

- Miklós Pintér and Zsolt Udvari
- 34104: What does financial volatility tell us about macroeconomic fluctuations?

- Marcelle Chauvet, Zeynep Senyuz and Emre Yoldas
- 34103: Employment and the business cycle

- Marcelle Chauvet and Jeremy Piger
- 34102: The Service Quality Undergraduate - A Case of Public Education (The Service Quality Undergraduate - A Case of Public Education)

- Luciana Onusic
- 34100: Cournot and Bertrand competition with asymmetric costs in a mixed duopoly

- Kangsik Choi
- 34099: Genetic algorithms in seasonal demand forecasting

- Grzegorz Chodak and Witold Kwasnicki
- 34098: Evolution of polish E-commerce - main trends and perspectives

- Grzegorz Chodak
- 34097: Analysis of on-line services

- Grzegorz Chodak
- 34096: Оценка эффективности транспортных проектов: опыт и проблемы (Transport project appraisal: Experience and problems)

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 34095: Causal relationship between wages and prices in UK: VECM analysis and Granger causality testing

- Dushko Josheski, Darko Lazarov, Risto Fotov and Cane Koteski
- 34094: The role of reciprocation in social network formation, with an application to blogging

- Alexia Gaudeul and Caterina Giannetti
- 34093: Forecasting seasonality in prices of potatoes and onions: challenge between geostatistical models, neuro fuzzy approach and Winter method

- Arshia Amiri, Mohamad Bakhshoodeh and Bahaeddin Najafi
- 34088: Timing of childbirth, capital accumulation, and economic welfare

- Akira Momota and Ryo Horii
- 34084: The risk-taking channel of monetary policy in the USA: Evidence from micro-level data

- Manthos Delis, Iftekhar Hasan and Nikolaos Mylonidis
- 34082: Law, economic growth and human development

- Simplice Asongu
- 34080: Law and finance in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 34079: Global food and energy markets: volatility transmission and impulse response effects

- Ibrahim Onour and Bruno Sergi
- 34071: Impact of fiscal policy shocks on the Indian economy

- Swati Yadav, V Upadhyaya and Seema Sharma
- 34067: Punishment, reward, and cooperation in a framed field experiment

- Charles Noussair, Daan van Soest and Jan Stoop
- 34066: Analysis of renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: A structural VAR approach in Romania

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Muhammad Zeshan and Aviral Tiwari
- 34063: Time Preference and Interest Rate in a dynamic general Equilibrium Model

- Gaowang Wang
- 34062: Theoretical approach and practical analysis on employment measures- case study on Romania, 2010

- A. Ana Maria Balan
- 34059: Teachers in action: delivering individualized education plan

- Nora Mislan, Azlina Mohd Kosnin, Yeo Kee Jiar and Rio Sumarni Shariffudin
- 34058: Parents as stakeholders: Their expectations in individualized education plan for special education

- Nora Mislan, Azlina Mohd Kosnin, Kee Jiar Yeo and Shariffudin Rio Sumarni
- 34057: Growth and financial reforms trajectory: an optimal matching sequence analysis approach

- Zorobabel Bicaba
- 34055: A real options analysis of dual labor markets and the single labor contract

- Pedro Gete and Paolo Porchia
- 34053: Structural change and regional convergence: the case of declining transport costs

- Trevor Tombe
- 34052: Monetary policy restriction and dividend behavior of Pakistani firms: an empirical analysis

- Hasan Mohsin and Muhammad Shahzad Ashraf
- 34051: The propensity function as formal passkey to economic action

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 34050: Historical centres as resources of development opportunity. Problems and improvements concearning the south of Italy

- Rosa De Paoli
- 34049: Rethinking connectivity as interactivity: a case study of Pakistan

- Nadeem Haque, Ahmed Pirzada and Vaqar Ahmed
- 34045: The management learning tool: Andragogy

- Subburethina Bharathi Pugalendhi and Senthil Kumar Nakkeeran
- 34044: Does corruption affect suicide? Empirical evidence from OECD countries

- Eiji Yamamura, Antonio Andres and Marina-Selini Katsaiti
- 34041: How Important are Oil and Money Shocks in Explaining Housing Market Fluctuations in an Oil-exporting Country?: Evidence from Iran

- Nasser Khiabani
- 34038: Managementul calităţii în învăţământul superior-între eficienţă şi deficienţă (Quality management in higher education between desiderate and reality)

- Monica Turturean
- 34036: Rôle de l'internationalisation des entreprises tunisiennes de service dans la promotion de l'innovation (Role of the Tunisian service firms internationalization in promoting innovation)

- Hanen Sdiri and Mohamed Ayadi
- 34034: Genetic algorithms in forecasting of Internet shops demand

- Grzegorz Chodak
- 34033: Wage effects of non-wage labour costs

- María Cervini-Plá, Xavi Ramos and José I. Silva
- 34032: Study the effectiveness of retail environment classification of Cadbury India Limited

- Leua Dr. Alpesh and Sawhney Ms. Sweta
- 34030: Measuring Food Security for Pakistan Using 2007-08 HIES Data

- Zahid Asghar
- 34028: Fiskální pravidla v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky (Fiscal Rules in the Visegrad Countries)

- Ales Melecky and Marketa Skutova
- 34025: Security of payment regime in construction industry: are Malaysian sub-contractors ready?

- Azizan Supardi, Hamimah Adnan and Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
- 34024: IS-LM model for US economy: testing in JMULTI

- Dushko Josheski, Darko Lazarov, Risto Fotov and Cane Koteski
- 34023: Security of payment in Malaysian construction industry: issues on sub-contract's direct payment

- Azizan Supardi and Hamimah Adnan
- 34021: Miejsce polski w innowacyjnej gospodarce światowej (Poland in the innovative World economy)

- Magdalena Olczyk
- 34017: Examining health systems challenges and possible mitigation strategies in the face of an economic crisis in Swaziland

- Sam Mndzebele
- 34013: The adequacy of Malaysian security of payment legislation for sub-contractors in construction industry

- Azizan Supardi, Hamimah Adnan and Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
- 34010: Sub-Contractors’ readiness on the Malaysian security of payment legislation in construction industry

- Azizan Supardi, Hamimah Adnan and Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
- 34009: Roaring Food Prices in India

- Soumyatanu Mukherjee
- 34007: Performance bond: conditional or unconditional

- Azizan Supardi, Jamaluddin Yaakob and Hamimah Adnan
- 34006: Output gap and inflation nexus: the case of United Arab Emirates

- Mohammad Osman, Rosmy Jean Louis and Faruk Balli
- 34004: Income smoothing and foreign asset holdings

- Faruk Balli, Rosmy Jean Louis and Mohammad Osman
- 34003: Is the US dollar a suitable anchor for the newly proposed GCC currency?

- Rosmy Jean Louis, Faruk Balli and Mohammad Osman
- 34001: The influence of metallurgical sector on Ukrainian economy

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 33999: Концептуальні помилки багаторівневої сек’юритизації іпотечних кредитів (The conceptual failures of multi-stage securitization of mortgage securities)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 33997: Australia's Carbon Tax: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing?

- Clive Spash and Alex Lo
- 33995: The economic and monetary union vs. shifts in competitiveness of member states

- Tadeusz Kowalski and Maciej Pietrzykowski
- 33994: Economic policy and the financial and economic crisis

- Tadeusz Kowalski
- 33990: Reforms for competitive markets in Pakistan

- Nadeem Haque, Vaqar Ahmed and Sana Shahid
- 33989: An Introduction to the CenPRIS Ocean Research Cluster ‐ ORES

- Mhd Karim Azhari
- 33988: Rational bubbles and the spirit of capitalism

- Ge Zhou
- 33987: Compulsory voting and tax revenues

- Mihai Mutascu
- 33982: The results account of the ABC method. The main source of underlining the performances of an entity

- Sorin Briciu and Sorinel Capusneanu
- 33981: The Simonian bounded rationality hypothesis and the expectation formation mechanism

- Tadeusz Kowalski
- 33980: Looking East, looking West: Penang as a knowledge hub

- Solvay Gerke and Hans-Dieter Evers
- 33979: The governance of Singapore’s knowledge clusters: off shore marine business and waterhub

- Thomas Menkhoff and Hans-Dieter Evers
- 33978: Knowledge cluster formation as a science policy: lessons learned

- Hans-Dieter Evers
- 33976: Implications of microstructure theory for empirical research in stock price behavior

- Gabriel Hawawini, Kalman Cohen, Steven Maier, Robert Schwartz and David Whitcomb
- 33975: Production as behavior toward risk

- Gabriel Hawawini and Pierre Michel
- 33973: Theory of the risk averse producer cooperative firm under uncertain demand

- Gabriel Hawawini and Pierre Michel
- 33971: An assessment of risk in thinner markets: the Belgian case

- Gabriel Hawawini
- 33968: Market games and clubs

- Myrna Wooders
- 33967: Устойчивое региональное развитие, инновации и государствeнный потенциал (Sustainable regional development, innovation and state capacity)

- Arndt Kümpel
- 33966: Sustainable regional development, innovation and state capacity

- Arndt Kümpel
- 33965: Внешнеэкономические связи Австралии (On Australia’s foreign economic relations)

- Arndt Kümpel
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