MPRA Paper
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- 94683: Does environmental awareness determine GDP growth ? evidence from Singapore based on ARDL and NARDL approaches

- Redha Elyas and Abul Masih
- 94678: Quantifying benefit losses from poor governance of climate change adaptation projects: A discrete choice experiment with farmers in Kenya

- Mary Nthambi, Frank Wätzold and Nonka Markova-Nenova
- 94676: Uncertain R&D Outcomes and Cooperation in R&D

- Abhishek Kabiraj and Tarun Kabiraj
- 94672: Are attitudes towards immigration changing in Europe? An analysis based on bidimensional latent class IRT models

- Ewa Genge and Francesco Bartolucci
- 94670: Marriage and Housework: Analyzing the Effects of Education Using the 2011 and 2016 Japanese Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities

- Kamila Kolpashnikova, Man-Yee Kan and Kiyomi Shirakawa
- 94669: Remittances and poverty: A comparison of Bangladesh and Pakistan, 2000-2016

- Rashid Amjad
- 94665: Corporate Governance and Efficiency of Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) in Ghana

- Eric Oteng-Abayie, Anthony Affram and Henry Kofi Mensah
- 94663: Is the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth symmetric or asymmetric? evidence from Indonesia based on linear and non-linear ARDL

- Aminudin Maruf and Abul Masih
- 94660: A Panel Analysis of Polish Regional Cities Residential Price Convergence in the Primary Market

- George Matysiak and Krzysztof Olszewski
- 94659: Rohingya-The Stateless Community Becoming the Lost Generation

- Mahbubur Rahman and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 94657: International Financial Credit Crises; Lessons from Canada

- Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
- 94656: Нормативни мерки за гарантиране на трудовото възнаграждение при несъстоятелност на работодателя (Normative measures for guarantee of the labour remuneration in case of insolvency of the employer)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 94655: Специфика в правния режим на обществените поръчки, провеждани от висшите училища в България (Specifics in the legal regime of the public procurements conducted by the higher schools in Bulgaria)

- Andriyana Andreeva, Darina Dimitrova and Diana Dimitrova
- 94653: Прaвeн рeжим нa рeктoрa кaтo oргaн зa упрaвлeниe нa висшeтo училищe (Legal regime of the rector as a body of governance of the higher school)

- Andriyana Andreeva, Galina Yolova and Darina Dimitrova
- 94650: Patronage Appointments between Politics and Public Governance: a Review

- Federico Quaresima
- 94648: Други канон и Маршалов план као модел економске политике (Other Canon and Marshall’s Plan as a Model of Economic Policy)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 94647: Использование PDE-моделей для построения единой теории производственных линий (Using PDE-models for a unified theory of production lines)

- Олег Пигнастый
- 94646: Do Private Household Transfers to the Elderly Respond to Public Pension Benefits? Evidence from Rural China

- Plamen Nikolov and Alan Adelman
- 94638: Terrorist attacks and public approval and confidence in the Russian president: Evidence from time series analysis

- Igor Fedotenkov
- 94621: Health Sector Reforms in India: A Situation Analysis

- Indranil De, Sanjib Pohit and Samantak Das
- 94620: Effects of R&D Subsidies in a Hybrid Model of Endogenous Growth and Semi-Endogenous Growth

- Angus Chu and Xilin Wang
- 94617: Consumers’ perception on human-like artificial intelligence devices

- Corina Pelau and Irina Ene
- 94614: Does Agricultural Trade promote Chinese economic growth? ARDL Approach

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 94607: Survey of literature on Measuring Logistics cost: A Developing Country’s Perspective

- Sanjib Pohit, Devendra Gupta, Sameer Malik and Devender Pratap
- 94606: Slacktivism

- Boris Ginzburg
- 94605: A Simple Model of Competitive Testing

- Boris Ginzburg
- 94604: ¿Cuál es el modelo microeconómico ideal para representar las preferencias de los consumidores españoles en el periodo 1980-2015?: El caso de muebles, mobiliario y equipamiento (Which is the ideal microeconomic model to represent the preferences of Spanish consumers in the period 1980-2015?: The case of furniture, furniture and equipment)

- Diego Magaña and Katherine Muñoz
- 94603: Optimal Information Censorship

- Boris Ginzburg
- 94601: Globalization and Obesity: Asian Experiences of ‘Globesity’

- Sudeshna Ghosh
- 94600: Time-Varying Exchange Rate Risk Premium

- Anh D.M.Nguyen and Ly Dai Hung
- 94598: Temporary Trade Shocks, Spatial Reallocation, and Persistence in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in West Africa

- M. Shahe Emran, Forhad Shilpi, Harold Coulombe and Brian Blankespoor
- 94591: How to disappear completely: non-linearity and endogeneity in the new keynesian wage Phillips curve

- Daniel Sebastião Abreu and Artur Silva Lopes
- 94588: Long-run dynamics of sulphur dioxide emissions, economic growth and energy efficiency in China

- Bin Hu, Zhengtao Li and Lin Zhang
- 94587: The Global Rise of Asset Prices and the Decline of the Labor Share

- Ignacio Gonzalez and Pedro Trivin
- 94581: Incremental Risk Charge Methodology

- Tim Xiao
- 94577: Understanding market failure in the developing country context

- Emerson Jackson and Mohamed Jabbie
- 94576: A simple characterization for sustained growth

- Thai Ha-Huy and Nhat-Thien Tran
- 94572: A Note on Socially Insufficient Advertising in Tirole’s Duopoly Model

- Anthony Creane
- 94570: Oil prices, US exchange rates, and stock market: evidence from Jordan as a net oil importer

- Algia Hammami, Ameni Ghenimi and Abdelfatteh Bouri
- 94561: Firm Heterogeneity and the Aggregate Labour Share

- Matteo Richiardi and Luis Valenzuela
- 94560: Understanding Inflation Dynamics in the kingdom of Eswantini: A Univariate Approach

- Hamadziripi Oscar Hapanyengwi, Chipo Mutongi and Thabani Nyoni
- 94555: Estimating Equilibrium Real Exchange Rates of the Rupiah

- Sahminan Sahminan
- 94552: Does Agricultural investment still promote economic growth in China? Empirical evidence from ARDL bounds testing model

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 94546: Heterogeneous effects of the implementation of macroprudential policies on bank risk

- Regis Ely, Benjamin Tabak and Anderson Mutter Teixeira
- 94543: On the Dynamic Theory of Astroeconomics

- Stephen Odedoyin
- 94536: Employment protection regimes in worker co-operatives: dismissal of worker members and distributive fairness

- Ermanno Tortia
- 94516: Savage's theorem with atoms

- Thai Ha-Huy
- 94515: The British Foreign Policy in Greece during the period 1943-1949

- Ioannis Vidakis and John Karkazis
- 94509: Особенности формирования резюме при отсутствия опыта работы Features of formation summary with no experience (Features of formation summary with no experience)

- Sofia Meltserik
- 94508: Government Spending on Education and Closing the Gender Gap: The Case of Developing Economies

- Noha Emara and Azza Hegazy
- 94505: Learning Through Hiring: Knowledge From New Workers as an Explanation of Endogenous Growth

- Michael Kirker
- 94504: Sovereign Ratings, Foreign Direct Investment, and Financial Contagion: The Case of Emerging Markets

- Noha Emara and Aya El Said
- 94497: Child Labor: Theory of Foreign Trade and Investment Intervention

- Katja Michalak and Nadeem Naqvi
- 94496: Мотивация работников промышленного предприятия (Motivation of workers industrial enterprises)

- Yulia Ogai
- 94493: Система отбора найма персонала в сфере ресторанного бизнеса (The selection system of recruitment in the field of restaurant business)

- Nazilya Musaeva
- 94490: Персонал в ресторанном бизнесе (The personnel in restaurant business)

- Mariia Grin
- 94489: The Impact of Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Investment on Economic Growth: New Evidence from Asian Developing Countries

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 94488: The Relationship between Economic Growth, Exports and Imports in Morocco: An Empirical Validation Based on VAR Modeling Techniques and Causality in the Meaning of Granger

- Sayef Bakari and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 94487: The Challenges of the Administrative Process in a Financial Crisis and their Effectiveness

- Adelina Dumitrescu-Peculea and Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
- 94482: Medium-term budgetary framework in the EU Member States: study case

- Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru and Adelina Dumitrescu-Peculea
- 94478: Counter sanctions and well-being population of Russia: econometric analyses

- Skrypnik Dmitriy and Shakleina Marina
- 94477: Cultura, educación y ocio en España: Estimaciones del Sistema de Demanda Casi Ideal y del Modelo de Rotterdam (Culture, education and laisure in Spain: Estimation of the Ideal demand system and Rotterdam model)

- Manuel Mora Gómez and David Mompel Lancina
- 94473: Superkurtosis

- Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, Grigorios Siourounis and Lorenzo Trapani
- 94470: L'impact du Brexit sur l'Afrique francophone (The impact of Brexit on Francophone Africa)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 94469: If You Think 9-Ending Prices Are Low, Think Again

- Avichai Snir and Daniel Levy
- 94468: The Slave Trade and Conflict in Africa, 1400-2000

- Levi Boxell, John Dalton and Tin Cheuk Leung
- 94465: Forward Guidance and the private forecast disagreement – case of Poland

- Jakub Rybacki
- 94463: Do potential future health shocks keep older Americans from using their housing equity?

- Timothy Murray
- 94462: Productive Performance and Technology Gaps using a Bayesian Metafrontier Production Function: A cross-country comparison

- Polychronis Economou, Sonia Malefaki and Kostantinos Kounetas
- 94459: Managing Employees 'Insides' to Remedy Agency Problems? A Model of Transformational Leadership

- Jocelyn Donze and Olivier Simard-Casanova
- 94454: Marriage Penalty: Unconditional Quantile Regression of Housework Participation in Japan

- Kamila Kolpashnikova, Man-Yee Kan and Kiyomi Shirakawa
- 94453: The Impact of Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Investment on Economic Growth: New Evidence from Asian Developing Countries

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 94448: Evolution of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Agricultural Cold Chain Monitoring: A Literature Review

- Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy
- 94447: Passive Control of Spar Type Floating Wind Turbine using Effective Economic Optimal Design Values

- Krishna Khatri
- 94445: Oil price volatility forecasts: What do investors need to know?

- Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
- 94442: Weather and children’s time allocation

- Ha Nguyen, Huong Thu Le and Luke Connelly
- 94441: Pricing Financial Derivatives Subject to Multilateral Credit Risk and Collateralization

- Tim Xiao
- 94438: Investigating on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Slotted Breakwater Walls Under Sea Waves

- seyed Hamid Bayat Ghiasi, Mohammad Amin Oyar Hossein, Mostafa Adineh and Vahid Khiali
- 94436: Mechanism design with farsighted agents

- Ville Korpela and Michele Lombardi
- 94435: The price of demography

- Federico Barbiellini Amidei, Matteo Gomellini and Paolo Piselli
- 94432: Capital, technical progress and international trade

- Sikander Rahim
- 94425: On a Theoretical Analysis on the Family and Economic Growth

- Stephen Odedoyin
- 94418: Effect of aging on housing prices: evidence from a panel data

- Tianyu Sun, Satish Chand and Keiran Sharpe
- 94411: Factors affecting the academic performance of female students at Mekelle University, Ethiopia

- Desta Gebrehiwot, Amare Hailu and Tefera Kebede
- 94410: Impact of Weather Index Insurance on Household Demand for Fertilizer in Tigray Region

- Desta Gebrehiwot
- 94405: Synthetic Estimation of Dynamic Panel Models When Either N or T or Both Are Not Large: Bias Decomposition in Systematic and Random Components

- Carolina Carbajal-De-Nova and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 94403: Изследване на екологическите дадености и културни ресурси за развитие на туризма в селските райони на България и Китай (Study of ecological endowments and cultural resources for tourism development in rural areas of Bulgaria and China)

- Bodjidar Ivanov, Hrabrin Bachev, Shenquan Che, Daniela Dimitrova, Anze Liang, Dilyana Mitova and Vasil Stoychev
- 94399: The Effect of Public Administration Reforms under the Post-New Public Management Paradigm

- Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
- 94394: A Political Economy of Social Discrimination

- Torun Dewan and Stephane Wolton
- 94389: Explaining low economic return on road investments. New evidence from Norway

- Askill Halse and Lasse Fridstrøm
- 94388: Global public policies: new tools for governance

- Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
- 94381: Competitive differential pricing

- Yongmin Chen, Jianpei Li and Marius Schwartz
- 94378: Cambodian place in the International trade of Textile and Clothing: Threat and Opportunity

- Kosal Nith
- 94368: Revisiting the Diverse Empirical Findings on the Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade: Some Comparable Evidences from Ghana and Two other Developing Economies

- Kwame Osei-Assibey
- 94366: Geopolitics of Energy versus Geoenergy of Politics

- Ioannis Vidakis, Georgios Baltos and Janis Balodis
- 94364: Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education in Rural India: An Inter-state Comparison

- Amit Kundu and Puja Biswas
- 94362: The long-run and short-run effects of foreign direct investment on financial development in African countries

- Henri Njangang, Nembot Ndeffo Luc and Larissa Nawo
- 94361: Governance and Happiness in African countries

- Henri Njangang
- 94359: Labour-use Efficiency in the Italian Machinery Industry: a Non-parametric Stochastic Frontier Perspective

- Giancarlo Ferrara, Francesco Vidoli, Jacopo Canello and Arianna Campagna
- 94357: Impact of Corruption in Public Sector on Environmental Quality: Implications for Sustainability in BRICS and Next 11 Countries

- Avik Sinha, Monika Gupta, Muhammad Shahbaz and Tuhin Sengupta
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