MPRA Paper
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- 31767: Parametric inference and forecasting in continuously invertible volatility models

- Olivier Wintenberger and Sixiang Cai
- 31765: Threshold GARCH modeling of the inflation & inflation uncertainty relationship: historical evidence from the Turkish economy

- Levent Korap
- 31764: Economic Integration between ASEAN+5 Countries: Comparison of GDP

- Jerome Kueh, Chin-Hong Puah and Murphy Lai Mattias
- 31763: Penang as a knowledge hub

- Hans-Dieter Evers
- 31762: On the Long-Run Monetary Neutrality: Evidence from the SEACEN Countries

- Chin-Hong Puah, M.S. Habibullah and Shazali Abu Mansor
- 31761: The maritime potential of ASEAN economies

- Hans-Dieter Evers and Azhari Karim
- 31760: The Maritime Potential of ASEAN Economies

- Hans-Dieter Evers and Azhari Karim
- 31757: Nexus between Oil Price and Stock Performance of Power Industry in Malaysia

- Chin-Hong Puah, Lay-Phin Tan and Abu Hassan Md Isa
- 31756: Kierunki ewolucji polityki Unii Europejskiej na rzecz małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw i przedsiębiorczości (Evolutionary Directions of the European Union Policy in favour of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31755: Persistently optimal policies in stochastic dynamic programming with generalized discounting

- Anna Jaśkiewicz, Janusz Matkowski and Andrzej Nowak
- 31754: Wokół pojęcia europeizacji (On the Europeanisation)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31753: The impact of oil price fluctuations on stock markets in developed and emerging economies

- Thai-Ha Le and Youngho Chang
- 31750: Testing long-run monetary neutrality in Malaysia: Revisiting divisia money

- Chin-Hong Puah, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, Evan Lau and Shazali Abu Mansor
- 31749: Optimal Dynamic Nonlinear Income Taxes with No Commitment

- Marcus Berliant and John Ledyard
- 31748: White-collar crime and stock return: Empirical study from announcement effect

- Chin-Hong Puah and Samuel Wei-Siew Liew
- 31746: Από την Οικονομική Άνθηση στην Κρίση του 1930 (From Economic Prosperity to the Depression of 1930s)

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 31745: Crowding out capitalism: A law of historical materialism

- Klaus Hagendorf
- 31744: Dutch disease, factor mobility costs, and the ‘Alberta Effect’ – The case of Federations

- Ohad Raveh
- 31743: The effect of vertical knowledge spillovers via the supply chain on location decision of firms

- Mohammad Ali Kashefi
- 31741: Family size, human capital and growth: structural path analysis of Rwanda

- Tugrul Temel
- 31733: Towards a stochastic model with heterogeneous agents and class division

- Alberto Russo
- 31731: Financial Liberalization, Weighted Monetary Aggregates and Money Demand in Indonesia

- Chin-Hong Puah and Hiew Lee-Chea
- 31729: Does re-design of the policies on housing finance and supply help to solve housing question of Turkey?

- Yener Coskun
- 31727: Labor Market Institutions and Labor Productivity Growth

- Fatih Macit
- 31726: A profile of financially at-risk college students from an emerging market

- Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva, Toshiro Nakamura Wilson and Carrasqueira de Moraes Daniel
- 31722: The future of the fence around the European labour market

- Henk Kox
- 31721: Researches in a sistemic approach of intangible assets accounting

- Eleodor Popesc
- 31720: Determining the optimal moment for replacing equipment

- Eleodor Popescu
- 31719: Analysis of the influence factors on the capital cost

- Eleodor Popescu
- 31717: Dynamic matching and bargaining games: A general approach

- Stephan Lauermann
- 31716: Business cycle with nominal contracts and search frictions

- Weh-Sol Moon
- 31715: What is the actual shape of perception utility?

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 31713: The quantitative role of child care for female labor force participation and fertility

- Alexander Bick
- 31708: How does corruption influence perceptions of the risk of nuclear accidents?: cross-country analysis after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 31707: Discrete-Choice-Experimente zur Ermittlung der Präferenzen für Umverteilung (Discrete-Choice-Experiments to elicit individuals' preferences for redistribution)

- Christian Pfarr and Volker Ulrich
- 31705: Economic culture and knowledge economy

- Codrin Teiu
- 31700: Asymmetric generalized impulse responses and variance decompositions with an application

- Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- 31692: Utilizing System Dynamics Models in Analyzing Macroeconomic Variables of Yemen

- Issam Mohamed
- 31690: Decision Support Systems and the Economics of Seeding Rate in Crop Yield

- Issam A.W. Mohamed
- 31689: Preparing for Basel IV (whilst commending Basel III): why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision ( Part II)

- Marianne Ojo
- 31688: Visibilité des contributions en économie industrielle dans les revues scientifiques internationales (Visibility of contributions in Industrial Organization in international scientific journals)

- Jean Mirucki
- 31682: Retirement savings guidelines for residents of emerging market countries

- Channarith Meng and Wade Pfau
- 31681: R&D and productivity in the Indian pharmaceutical firms

- Chandan Sharma
- 31680: Equilibrium selection in a cashless economy with transaction frictions in the bond market

- Massimiliano Marzo and Paolo Zagaglia
- 31677: Współpraca małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z ośrodkami naukowo-badawczymi na przykładzie Krakowskiego Parku Technologicznego (Co-operation of small and medium-sized enterprises with research and development centres based on the example of the Kraków Technology Park)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31676: Otoczenie biznesu a fazy rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiebiorstw (The business environment and phases of development of small and medium-sized enterprises)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31675: Zmiany obrotów handlu zagranicznego Polski przed akcesją i po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej (Changes in Poland’s foreign trade turnover before and after accession to the European Union)

- Izabela Czaja and Krzysztof Wach
- 31674: Mezootoczenie małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w ujęciu czynnikowym (Mezienvironment of small and medium-sized enterprises from a factors perspective)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31673: Rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw a parametry demograficzne przedsiębiorstw i przedsiębiorców (The development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the demographic parameters of enterprises and entrepreneurs)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31672: Menedżerska percepcja zmian w otoczeniu konkurencyjnym przedsiębiorstw w procesie europejskiej integracji gospodarczej (Managerial perception of changes in the competitive environment in the process of European economic integration)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31671: Międzynarodowe powiązania kooperacyjne małopolskich przedsiębiorstw w procesie europejskiej integracji gospodarczej (International cooperation among firms in Małopolska Voivodship in the process of European integration)

- Marta Najda-Janoszkoa and Krzysztof Wach
- 31670: Analiza otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa w szkołach i koncepcjach zarządzania (An Analysis of Business Environment in Different Theories of Organisation and Management)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31667: Wymiary europeizacji i jej kontekst (The dimensions of Europeanisation and its context)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31663: Managerial perception of regional small business environment in southern Poland

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31662: Regional barriers and stimuli of SMEs development in southern Poland

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31661: Impact of the accession to the European Union on Polish enterprises development

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31660: Global product as a result of globalization process

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31659: Does Polish foreign trade impact employment? Empirical investigation

- Rafał Morawczyński and Krzysztof Wach
- 31657: Europejska swoboda przepływu pracowników (European Freedom of Movement for Workers)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31656: Swoboda przedsiębiorczości w Unii Europejskiej (European Freedom of Establishing)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31655: Produkt globalny jako jeden z efektów procesu globalizacji (Global Product as One of the Outcomes of Globalization Process)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31654: Nowe kryteria klasyfikacji małego i średniego przedsiębiorstwa w ustawodawstwie unijnym (New Classification Criteria of a Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in the European Union Legislation)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31651: Kształtowanie postaw przedsiębiorczych w programach nauczania. Stan obecny i proponowane kierunki zmian

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31650: Wsparcie finansowe rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (Financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises' development)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31649: Crowdfunding: disintermediated investment banking

- Brian J Rubinton
- 31648: Regionalne wsparcie finansowe małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Empiryczna analiza porównawcza Małopolski i Śląska (Regional Finacial Support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Empirical Comperative Analysis of Lesser Poland and Silesia Regions)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31647: Inicjatywy lokalne na rzecz małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (Local Initiatives in favour of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31646: إستعراض للموقف في الصومال ، الجشع ، الاستعمار والآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية (REVIEW OF SOMALIA, GREED, COLONIZATION AND SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31645: La logistica nei distretti industriali. Scenari di evoluzione per l’integrazione delle filiere (Logistics in the industrial districts. Evolutionary trends for supply chains integration)

- Corrado Cerruti and Fabio Musso
- 31643: السيادة والسياسة ، والهيمنة والبقاء (Sovereignty and Politics, Hegemony and Survival)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31642: Le relazioni di guanxi per l’accesso ai business network cinesi (Guanxi relationships for access to Chinese business network)

- Fabio Musso
- 31641: Financial repression redux

- Carmen Reinhart, Jacob Kirkegaard and Belen Sbrancia
- 31640: Presentazione del numero monografico di Sinergie su “L’internazionalizzazione delle imprese e dei distretti industriali” (Presentation of the special issue of Sinergie Journal on "The internationalization of small businesses and industrial districts")

- Giancarlo Ferrero and Fabio Musso
- 31639: Identyfikacja i strukturalizacja cech otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa (Identiofication and Structuralization of Company External Environemnt Dimensions)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31638: "Islamic house financing:current models and a proposal from social perspective

- Zubair Hasan
- 31634: Ewolucja europejskiej polityki wspierania przedsiębiorczości w latach 1973-2013 (Evolution of European Policy in favour of Entrepreneurship in the years 1973-2013)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31633: Europeizacja działalności gospodarczej po akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej (Europeanisation of Business Activities after the Accession of Poland to the European Union)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31632: Elastyczność działania małopolskich przedsiębiorstw w procesie europejskiej integracji gospodarczej (Malopolska Region Firms Flexibility in the Process of European Economic Integration)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31631: Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle

- Zubair Hasan
- 31628: A study on influencers of total sales revenue of generic pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia

- Destrina Grace Simanjuntak and Raymond Tjandrawinata
- 31627: Financial Crisis and the Comovements of Housing Sub-markets: Do relationships change after a crisis?

- Charles Leung, W. Y. Patrick Cheung and Edward Chi Ho Tang
- 31622: Does corruption affect suicide? Empirical evidence from OECD countries

- Eiji Yamamura and Antonio Andres
- 31620: Implementacja algorytmów ewolucyjnych w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy (Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms in the Knowledge-Based Economy)

- Marek Sieja and Krzysztof Wach
- 31619: Polityka Unii Europejskiej na rzecz małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na lata 2007-2013 (European Union Policy in favour of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the years 2007-2013)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31615: Linking farmers to markets through valorisation of local resources:the case for intellectual property rights of indigenous resources

- Estelle Bienabe, Cerkia Bramley, Johann Kirsten and Dirk Troskie
- 31614: Appraisal of land reform projects in the Northwest Province of South Africa

- Johann Kirsten and Charles Machethe
- 31612: Monotone comparative statics: Changes in preferences vs changes in the feasible set

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 31611: Challenges of formal social security systems in Sudan

- Issam Mohamed
- 31610: Od człowieka racjonalnego do emocjonalnego. Zmiana paradygmatu nauk ekonomicznych (From a Rational to an Emotional Human Being. The Change of the Paradigm in Economic Sciences)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31609: Succession planning in Polish family business. An exploratory investigation (chapter 4)

- Aleksander Surdej and Krzysztof Wach
- 31606: Estimates of the steady state growth rates for the Scandinavian countries: a knowledge economy approach

- Paolo Casadio, Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 31605: Succession scenarios in Polish family firms. Empirical Study (Chapter 8)

- Aleksander Surdej and Krzysztof Wach
- 31604: Hidden panel cointegration

- Hatemi-J Abdulnasser
- 31603: Ethnic heterogeneity and the probability of technological disasters

- Eiji Yamamura
- 31601: Estimates of the long-run growth rate of Singapore with a CES production function

- B. Rao and Sriram Shankar
- 31600: Regional social mobility as a factor affecting small and medium-sized enterprises’ development

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31599: Empiryczna analiza konkurencyjności małopolskich przedsiębiorstw w procesie integracji europejskiej (Empirical Analysis of Małopolska Enterprises’ Ccompetitiveness in the Process of European Integration)

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31598: Działalność eksportowa małopolskich przedsiębiorstw w procesie europejskiej integracji gospodarczej (Export Activities of Małopolskie Voivodeship Enterprises in the Process of European Economic Integration (Empirical Results))

- Krzysztof Wach
- 31597: New product development in business to business marketing - a relational perspective

- Alina Filip
- 31596: Chłonność rynku lokalnego a rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w świetle badań empirycznych (Local Market Readiness and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Development. An Empirical Investigation)

- Krzysztof Wach