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122706: Потенциал замедления экономики регионов в условиях локализации внешнеэкономической деятельности с КНР (Potential for a slowdown in regional economies in the context of localization of foreign economic activity with China) Downloads
Leonid Elshin, Almaz Mingulov and Polina Mikhalevich
122705: Оценка перспектив устойчивого развития регионов РФ в условиях ограничения экспортно-импортных операций с КНР (Assessment of the Prospects for Sustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Context of Restricted Export-Import Operations with China) Downloads
Leonid Elshin, Almaz Mingulov and Polina Mikhalevich
122704: Эмпирическая оценка влияния экспортно-импортных операций на экономический рост регионов РФ в условиях внешнего давления (Empirical assessment of the impact of export-import operations on the economic growth of the regions of the Russian Federation under external pressure) Downloads
Leonid Elshin, Polina Mikhalevich and Almaz Mingulov
122701: Fair Division Approach Based on Clustering and Reduction of Inequalities Downloads
Denis-Robert Mputu Losala Lomo
122699: Türkiye’de enflasyonun belirleyicilerine dair bölgesel bir analiz 2005-2018 (Regional analysis of the causes inflation in Turkey 2005-2018) Downloads
Devran Şanlı and Nadide Gülbay Yiğiteli
122698: Kırılgan Ekonomilerde Döviz Kuru Oynaklığının Dış Ticaret Üzerine Etkisi (The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Trade in Fragile Economies) Downloads
Devran Şanlı
122697: Beyond Temperature: How the Heat Index 35 Shapes Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards Downloads
Carlo Drago and Angelo Leogrande
122695: Information Quality, Disagreement and Political Polarisation Downloads
R. Emre Aytimur and Richard M. H. Suen
122693: From Discounts to Delivery: Decoding Customer Care Interactions in Warehousing Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
122690: Integrating ESG Principles into Smart Logistics: Toward Sustainable Supply Chains Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
122689: Private Non-Bank Money – a Way for Theorizing CCS Downloads
Rossitsa Toncheva
122688: ОБЩИНСКИ МОДЕЛ НА САМОПОДДЪРЖАЩА СЕ СЪВРЕМЕННА БАРТЕРНА СИСТЕМА (Self-sustainable Municipal Contemporary Barter Exchange System) Downloads
Rossitsa Toncheva
122680: The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from The Philippines Downloads
Chin Lee, M Azali, Zulkornain Yusop and Mohammed Yusoff
122679: Not in My Back Yard: The Local Political Economy of Residential Land-Use Regulations Downloads
Gregory Dobbels and Suren Tavakalov
122677: Regionalökonomische Analyse der Standorte der Spielbanken in Niedersachsen (Regional Economic Analysis of the Locations of the Casinos in Lower Saxony) Downloads
Luca Rebeggiani and Karin Janssen
122675: Preparing for the worst: post-divorce instability risk and economic behaviour of households Downloads
Sehrish Usman
122673: Impact of Cultural, Economic and Political Factors on FDI and Trade Scenario:Empirical evidence from Afghanistan Downloads
Khalid Ahmad Mashal and Muhammad Mirwais Rasa
122672: Impact of Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment, Tax Revenues and Trade in Afghanistan: An Empirical Examination and Literature Review Downloads
Somaya Karokhi and Mohammad Mirwais Rasa
122671: Special Economic Zones in South Asia: Structural Change, Competitiveness, and Growth- A Book Summary Downloads
Aradhna Aggarwal
122668: Inter-City Competition for Heterogeneous Creative Class Members Using Tax Policy Downloads
Umana Huq and Amitrajeet Batabyal
122667: Navigating the Nexus: Overcoming Challenges in Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Building Initiatives in Developing Countries Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah
122663: An Analytical Assessment of Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Green and Digital Transitions in Zamboanga City, Philippines Downloads
Frede G. Moreno and John Michael Brique
122662: Mortality Regressivity and Pension Design Downloads
Svetlana Pashchenko, Youngsoo Jang and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
122661: Winning Strategies for Launching a Successful Business in Developing Markets Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah
122659: The relationship between general equilibrium models with infinite-lived agents and overlapping generations models, and some applications Downloads
Ngoc-Sang Pham
122657: Trade Fragmentation Unveiled: Five Facts on the Reconfiguration of Global, US and EU Trade Downloads
Francesco Conteduca, Simona Giglioli, Claire Giordano, Michele Mancini and Ludovic Panon
122654: Stochastic Calculus and the Black-Scholes-Merton Model: A Simplified Approach Downloads
Kuo-Ping Chang
122653: Measuring Risk Structures of Assets: P-index and C-index Downloads
Kuo-Ping Chang
122651: Is Renewable Energy A Curse or Blessing? Evidence from Solar Power Downloads
Xianling Long, Kaixing Huang and Shang Xu
122650: The Unexpected Impact of Genetically Modified Crops on Global Carbon Emissions Downloads
Kaixing Huang and Yaxuan You
122644: Horses, Serfs, Slaves and Transitions Downloads
Thomas Lambert
122643: Bridging the Gap: Public-Private Partnerships in Sustainable Building for Developing Countries Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah
122642: Navigating Scarcity: An Analysis of Expenditure Patterns Among Low-Income Households Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah
122630: Agricultural trade and industrial development Downloads
Angus Chu, Yuichi Furukawa, Pietro Peretto and Rongxin Xu
122629: A Meta-Analysis of Attitudes Towards Migrants and Displaced Downloads
Sigrid Weber, Nik Stoop, Peter Van der Windt and Haoyu Zhai
122628: More legislation, more violence? The impact of Dodd-Frank in the DRC Downloads
Nik Stoop, Marijke Verpoorten and Peter Van der Windt
122624: Resolving Puzzles of Monetary Policy Transmission in Emerging Markets Downloads
Jongrim Ha, Dohan Kim and Ayhan Kose
122621: Indonesia-Australia University-Based Cooperation since the 1940s Downloads
Pierre van der Eng
122617: Higher education funding: The value of information Downloads
Limor Hatsor
122615: Yakınsama Hipotezinin Türkiye Ekonomisi Örneğinde Bölgesel Verilerle Test Edilmesi (Testing the Convergence Hypothesis with Regional Data in Turkish Economy) Downloads
Devran Şanlı
122613: Decomposition of climate-induced productivity growth in Indian agriculture Downloads
Souryabrata Mohapatra, Basil Sharp, Auro Kumar Sahoo and Dukhabandhu Sahoo
122612: How to successfully apply industrial symbiosis Downloads
Limor Hatsor and Artyom Jelnov
122611: Green antitrust conundrum: Collusion with social goals Downloads
Limor Hatsor, Nigar Hashimzade and Artyom Jelnov
122608: Trade Variations Due to Distance and Delaying Costs across Time Zones Downloads
Biswajit Mandal and Maitrayee Das
122603: Breastfeeding and the return to work after childbirth of new mothers: evidence from a baby formula scare Downloads
Limor Hatsor and Ity Shurtz
122602: Ignorance is Strength Downloads
Thomas Friedrich
122600: Aggregate Temperature Measures and the Overestimation of the Impact of Global Warming on Crop Yield Downloads
Kaixing Huang and Peng Zhang
122599: The Impact of Social Disruption on Food Safety: Evidence from COVID-19 and Vegetable Pesticide Residue Downloads
Kaixing Huang, Pengfei Liu, Yuxi Liao and Zhengcong Wang
122597: Tracing the Evolution of Natural Capital in Global Sustainability Metrics: The Advance of Inclusive Wealth Downloads
Shuning Chen and Shunsuke Managi
122596: It Takes Three to Ceilidh: Pension System and Multidimensional Poverty Mitigation in China Downloads
Yansong Wang, Tao Xu and Cheng Yuan
122595: Political Power Shifts, Varying Tax Policy, and Economic Outcomes in a Creative Region Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
122594: Party selectors, voters, and the choice of productive representatives under different types of list proportional representation Downloads
Thomas Däubler and Lukáš Linek
122588: Impact of Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement on Afghanistan Trade: An Empirical Exploration Downloads
Ahmad Saleem Rlung and Mohammad Mirwais Rasa
122587: A Reexamination of the Relationship Between Money Growth and Inflation Around the World: 1961-2022 Downloads
Victor Olivo
122583: The Impact of Doctrines of Salvation and Damnation on Economic Behavior and Social Welfare in Christian and Non-Christian Societies Downloads
Salome Gabriel
122582: Улогата на националните развојни банки во банкарскиот систем – осврт на Развојна банка на Северна Македонија АД Скопје (The Role of National Development Banks in Banking Systems - The Case of Development Bank of North Macedonia) Downloads
Goran Kovachev
122580: Эмпирическая оценка влияния экспортно-импортных операций на экономический рост регионов РФ в условиях внешнего давления (Empirical assessment of the impact of export-import operations on the economic growth of the regions of the Russian Federation under external pressure) Downloads
Leonid Elshin, Almaz Mingulov and Polina Mikhalevich
122576: Does innovation drive corporate sustainability performance? Downloads
Irene Fafaliou, Dimitrios Konstantios, Maria Giaka and Michael Polemis
122575: Estimation du choc de productivité et de préférence avec un petit modèle DSGE sans gouvernement et sans commerce (Estimating productivity and preference shocks using a small DSGE model without government and trade) Downloads
Josué R. Andrianady
122574: Nexus between Women Empowerment, Poverty Reduction, and Relevance with Trade: A Case Study of Afghanistan Downloads
Mohammad Mirwais Rasa and Mujeeb Sharifi
122561: Public spending and primary school enrolment: An Autoregressive distributed lag approach Downloads
Parfait Beri, Logan Cochrane and Sarah Syed Fazlullah
122559: Public education spending and school outcomes: Insights from quantile regression Downloads
Parfait Beri and Logan Cochrane
122554: The impact of economic globalisation on labour market outcomes in Africa Downloads
Parfait Beri and Christopher Sama Molem
122553: The impact of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War on foreign direct investment: A panel quantile regression analysis Downloads
Parfait Bihkongnyuy Beri, Gabriel Mhonyera and Sin Yu Ho
122552: The impact of SME sector on economic growth in Africa Downloads
Sin Yu Ho and Parfait Bihkongnyuy Beri
122550: Do Law Professionals Lack Economic Knowledge? Field Evidence from Greece Downloads
Joseph Hassid, George Maniatis and Michael Polemis
122541: Post and Hold Regulation and Competitive Conduct: Evidence from the U.S. Beer Industry Downloads
Philip Gayle and Adeel Faheem
122540: Gestión del Riesgo en YPF (2007-2019) (Risk Management in YPF (2007-2019)) Downloads
Rodrigo González Ayestarán and Javier Ignacio Garcia Fronti
122531: Urban Fixed-Line Telecommunication Density and Its Influence on Financial Outcomes in Greece's Leading Telecom Firms Downloads
Emmanouil Taxiarchis Gazilas
122530: Volatility spillovers and Financial contagion during global financial crisis: Islamic versus conventional equity indices with Multivariate GARCH approch Downloads
Fatma Houidi and Siwar Ellouz
122529: Periodicity in Bitcoin returns: A time-varying volatility approach Downloads
Abdelhakim Aknouche and Stefanos Dimitrakopoulos
122528: Volatility models versus intensity models: analogy and differences Downloads
Abdelhakim Aknouche and Stefanos Dimitrakopoulos
122522: Административнонаказателна отговорност за маловажно нарушение на трудовото законодателство (Administrative and criminal liability for violations of minor importance of the labour legislation) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
122520: Правна характеристика на правото на здраве и съотношението му с правото на здравно осигуряване и правото на безплатно ползване на медицинско обслужване (Legal characteristics of the right to health and its relationship with the social security rights and the right to free access to medical care) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
122519: Съдебната защита на трудовите права (Judicial protection of labour rights) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
122517: Осигурително правоотношение между осигурителния орган и безработния – същност и особености (Social security legal relationship between the social security authority and the unemployed person – nature and particularities) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
122512: Households’ Willingness to Pay and Payments for Water Services by the Akwa Ibom Water Company Limited, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Downloads
Itoro Ubi-Abai
122511: Impact of COVID-19 on Women-Led SMEs in Kabul: Linking and Understanding their Role in Trade and Empowerment Downloads
Parisa Sabar and Mohammad Mirwais Rasa
122509: Search and competition in expert markets Downloads
Yiran Cao, Yongmin Chen, Yucheng Ding and Tianle Zhang
122507: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Dalits in India: A Contemporary Exploration Downloads
Asim K. Karmakar and Sebak Jana
122505: Dynamic of Trade Specialization and Performance of SAFTA: A Case Study of Afghanistan Downloads
Mohammad Mirwais Rasa
122503: The symbolic value of Madrid Nuevo Norte Project (MNNP) Downloads
Gaby Gavriilidis and Theodore Metaxas
122501: Organized corruption an impediment to the socio-economic survival of Nigeria: An MDAs perspective Downloads
Okwuwada Nsirimovu
122500: Dividends, labor remuneration, and capitalization in worker cooperatives. Worker shareholding Downloads
Ermanno C. Tortia
122499: Azerbaijan's Strategic Role in the Middle Corridor: Taking the spotlight in the globalized world and boosting Non-Oil Sectors via transit operations Downloads
Dilara Rafi
122497: Fiscal policy and the business cycle: An argument for non-linear policy rules Downloads
Jan Fleischhacker
122496: Is the Value of Environmental Goods Sensitive to the Source of Public Funding? Evidence from a Marine Restoration Programme in the Black Sea Downloads
Kyriaki Remoundou, Fikret Adaman, Phoebe Koundouri and Paulo A.L.D. Nunes
122495: Does institutional context affect preference formation? Evidence from a stated preference valuation study Downloads
Kyriaki Remoundou, Yiannis Kountouris and Phoebe Koundouri
122494: Valuing Climate Change Mitigation in Coastal Environments Exposed to Extreme Natural Hazards: A choice experiment simulated for different time horizons Downloads
Pedro Diaz, Phoebe Koundouri, Benedique Rulleau and Kyriaki Remoundou
122492: Can Statistical Models of Stock Returns "Explain" Empirical Regularities? Downloads
Phoebe Koundouri, Nikolaos Kourogenis and Nikitas Pittis
122491: The Third Way: Reinterpreting the Political Settlements Framework with Structuration Theory Downloads
Tao Xu
122490: Forecasting US Presidential Election 2024 using multiple machine learning algorithms Downloads
Pankaj Sinha, Amit Kumar, Sumana Biswas and Chirag Gupta
122488: The EU FP7 GENESIS project on groundwater systems. Contributions to the analysis of economic, legal and institutional issues of groundwater management with selected case studies Downloads
Manuel Pulido-Velazquez, Johannes Sauer, Phoebe Koundouri, Andrew Allan and Bjørn Kløve
122486: Beyond the Classroom: Quality Assurance in Developing Nations Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah and Ama Antwi Boasiako
122483: Практические методы прогнозирования сохранения клиентской базы (перевод на русский язык) (Practical Methods for Predicting Customer Retention) Downloads
Александр Черкашин, Владислав Сахаджи, Руслан Гулиев and Елена Большунова
122482: Latin America in the New Millennium: A Region of Macroeconomic Forking Paths Downloads
Martin Rapetti, Emiliano Libman and Gonzalo Carrera
122480: Catalysts for Change: Government Incentives Driving Sustainable Construction in Developing Countries Downloads
Samuel Asuamah Yeboah
122478: The Impact of Capital Adequacy and Bank Size on Profitability of Ghanaian Banks Downloads
Shirazu Kuvidana Abdulai and Siisu Umar
122476: Convergence of gender unemployment gaps in Africa: New evidence from Fourier ADF and KPSS unit root tests with break Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka, Luis Gil-Alana, Olaoluwa Yaya and Xuan Vinh Vo
122475: Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Part II: Ecosystem Services and Management Under Risk of Climate Change and Land Use Intensification Downloads
Bjørn Kløve, Andrew Allan, Guillaume Bertrand, Elzbieta Druzynska, Ali Ertürk, Nico Goldscheider, Sarah Henry, Nusret Karakaya, Timo P. Karjalainen, Phoebe Koundouri, Hans Kupfersberger, Jens Kvœrner, Angela Lundberg, Timo Muotka, Elena Preda, Manuel Pulido Velázquez and Peter Schipper
Page updated 2025-03-25
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