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67844: Analyzing the TFP Performance of Chinese Industrial Enterprises Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
67843: Система гарантий муниципальных служащих (System of guarantees of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67842: Состав денежного содержания муниципальных служащих (Structure of the monetary maintenance of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67841: Российское законодательство об установлении гарантий муниципальным служащим (Russian legislation on establishment of guarantees by the municipal employee) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67840: Nonstationary Z-score measures Downloads
Davide Salvatore Mare, Fernando Moreira and Roberto Rossi
67839: The Costs of Implementing a Unilateral One-Sided Exchange Rate Target Zone Downloads
Markus Hertrich
67838: A Note on Credit Spread Forwards Downloads
Markus Hertrich
67837: Does Credit Risk Impact Liquidity Risk? Evidence from Credit Default Swap Markets Downloads
Markus Hertrich
67834: An econometric investigation of forecasting liquefied petroleum gas in Ghana Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
67833: Ex-Ante Labor Market Effects of Compulsory Military Service Downloads
Huzeyfe Torun
67830: Assessing the railways subsidy in selected European countries: insights from the Italian case Downloads
Ugo Arrigo and Giacomo Di Foggia
67829: Schemes and levels of state aid to rail industry in Europe: evidences from a cross-country comparison Downloads
Ugo Arrigo and Giacomo Di Foggia
67827: Per un'analisi del costo della vita nella Verona del Settecento (For an analysis of the living cost in Verona during the XVIII century) Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67826: Labour Market Policies for Increasing Economic Activity and Labour Productivity in Bulgaria Downloads
Iskra Beleva
67825: The “Costs” of Informal Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Elderly Care on Caregivers' Subjective Well-being in Japan Downloads
Yoko Niimi
67824: A Social Business Model for Poverty Alleviation through Collecting & Merchandising of Dry Fish: A Case Study from Bangladesh Downloads
Nazim Ullah and Md Akther Uddin
67823: Процедура оценки муниципальных служащих (Procedure of an assessment of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67822: Единые требования к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы (Uniform requirements to municipal positions of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67817: Административная ответственность муниципальных служащих (Administrative responsibility of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67816: Гражданско-правовая ответственность муниципальных служащих (Civil responsibility of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67813: Alle origini del debito: il contributo della spesa per le Poste alla formazione del debito pubblico dell’Italia (On the debt origin: the impact of the government expenditure on postal services to the formation of the Italian public debt) Downloads
Ugo Arrigo and Giacomo Di Foggia
67811: Institutional Tawarruq: a Products of Ill Repute in Islamic Finance Downloads
Mabid Al-Jarhi
67810: التورق المنظم (Organized Tawarruq) Downloads
Mabid Al-Jarhi
67809: Redistribution Adjusts Efficiency In Economy; Islamic Paradigm Downloads
Dwi Retno Widiyanti
67807: Good governance in context: Learning from anti-corruption policies of Finland and Singapore Downloads
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko
67806: Уголовная ответственность муниципальных служащих (Criminal liability of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67805: Pay-off to Participation in Global Value Chains: How Much are New EU Member States Lagging behind the Rest of EU Countries in Terms of Domestic Value Added in Exports? Downloads
Nataša Vrh
67804: Vérité sociale ou fausseté économique (Social truth or economic falseness) Downloads
Akhenaton Izu
67802: Quid de l’instabilité gouvernementale sur la croissance économique ? (Does the government instability has an impact on the economic growth?) Downloads
Akhenaton Izu and Verlin Motanda
67801: To pay or not to pay? Water bill and delay in payment in Bejaia (Algeria): A duration analysis Downloads
Mourad Kertous and Sahad Zerzour
67799: Produzione, costi e performance delle principali reti ferroviarie dell’Unione Europea (Production, costs and performance of the main European rail networks) Downloads
Ugo Arrigo and Giacomo Di Foggia
67798: La spesa pubblica per le ferrovie nei principali paesi dell’Unione Europea (Public Expenditure on Railways in Major European Countries) Downloads
Giacomo Di Foggia and Ugo Arrigo
67795: Материальная ответственность муниципальных служащих (Liability of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67794: Дисциплинарная ответственность муниципальных служащих (Disciplinary responsibility of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67792: Determinants of the recent growth surge in Africa: what changed since mid-1990s? Downloads
Elhadj Ezzahidi and Aicha El Alaoui
67788: Product Quality Effects of International Airline Alliances, Antitrust Immunity, and Domestic Mergers Downloads
Philip Gayle and Tyson Thomas
67785: Divergent Paths to a Network World. An Approach to the IT from Savings Banks Industry Downloads
J. Carles Maixé-Altés
67784: Impact of Oil Production on Human Condition in Nigeria Downloads
W.A. Isola and Ekundayo Mesagan
67775: New Health Technologies and Health Workforce in Developing Economies Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi
67772: Правовое закрепление субъектами Российской Федерации принципа стабильности муниципальной службы (Legal fixing with subjects of the Russian Federation of the principle of stability of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67768: Правовое закрепления принципа гласности в законодательстве о муниципальной службе (Legal fixing of the principle of publicity in the legislation on municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67765: Nash equilibrium uniqueness in nice games with isotone best replies Downloads
Maria Carmela Ceparano and Federico Quartieri
67760: Правовое закрепление принципа равенства прав и обязанностей муниципальных служащих (Legal fixing of the principle of equal rights and duties of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67759: Ludwig M. Lachmann contro la Scuola di Cambridge (Ludwig M. Lachmann against the Cambridge School) Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67758: Rules of remuneration of material risk takers and their implementation in the European Banks Downloads
József Tóth
67756: The Nexus between Remittances and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Guyana Downloads
Elton Bollers and Dennis Pile
67753: Правовое закрепление принципа разграничения предметов ведения и полномочий между органами государственной власти и органами местного самоуправления (Legal fixing of the principle of differentiation of areas of jurisdiction and powers between public authorities and local governments) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67748: Box-Jenkins modelling and forecasting of Brent crude oil price Downloads
Emmanuel Kwasi Mensah
67747: Garrison's Capital-Based Macroeconomics: The Role of Deficit, Credit Control and Taxation Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67746: On Human Rationality and Government Control Downloads
Emile Phaneuf and Carmelo Ferlito
67745: Bruno Leoni and the Socialist Economic Calculation Debate Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67741: Sostenibilidad fiscal y crisis cambiarias: Un análisis empírico (Fiscal sustainability and currency crises: An empirical analysis) Downloads
Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
67738: The Role of the Corinth Canal In the Development of the S.E. European Short Sea Shipping Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
67737: Fiscal policy and economic performance: A review of the theoretical and empirical literature Downloads
George Halkos and Epameinondas Paizanos
67714: Malaysia NAP: More Shadows than Lights Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67713: Principles and application of Preemption in Islamic finance: A critical analysis Downloads
Md Akther Uddin
67712: Il Ciclo Naturale. Perche' le fluttuazioni economiche sono inevitabili. Un'estensione schumpeteriana della teoria austriaca del ciclo economico (The Natural Cycle: Why Economic Fluctuations are Inevitable. A Schumpeterian Extension of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory) Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67711: Principles of Islamic Finance: Prohibition of Riba, Gharar and Maysir Downloads
Md Akther Uddin
67709: Ludwig M. Lachmann Against the Cambridge School. Macroeconomics, Microfoundations, Expectations, Rate of Profit, Equilibrium and Innovations Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67708: At the Root of Economic Fluctuations: Expectations, Preferences and Innovation. Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidences Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67705: Vietnam's responses to provincial economic disparities through central-provincial government financial relations Downloads
Binh (Benjamin) Vu, Tom Nguyen, Christine Smith and Hong Son Nghiem
67704: Revisiting the role of public debt in economic growth: The case of OECD countries Downloads
Jernej Mencinger, Miroslav Verbič and Aleksander Aristovnik
67702: Functional generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity Downloads
Alexander Aue, Lajos Horvath and Daniel Pellatt
67701: Tariff-induced (de)industrialization: An empirical analysis Downloads
Marjan Petreski, Branimir Jovanovic and Igor Velickovski
67700: Системите за управление на околната среда и еко-иновациите – опитът на бизнеса в България (Environmental Management System and Eco-innovation – Bulgarian Business Case Study) Downloads
Anelia Haradinova, Daniela Ivanova and Elka Vasileva
67698: Иновационни модели за увеличаване на енергийната ефективност в българските домакинства (Innovative models for increasing energy efficiency in Bulgarian households) Downloads
Emilia Kulinska and Elka Vasileva
67697: Islamic monetary policy: Is there an alternative of interest rate? Downloads
Md Akther Uddin and Asyraf Halim
67696: Can GDP growth rate be used as a benchmark instrument for Islamic monetary policy? Downloads
Md Akther Uddin
67695: Governance from Islamic economic perspective: A Shari’ah governance framework Downloads
Md Akther Uddin
67694: Entrepreneurship: State of grace or human action? Schumpeter’s leadership vs Kirzner’s alertness Downloads
Carmelo Ferlito
67691: Chinese Divisia monetary index and GDP nowcasting Downloads
William Barnett and Biyan Tang
67690: The future of the euro Downloads
Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier, Pascal Petit and Jamel Saadaoui
67689: Equilibrium Commuting Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
67686: Structural Economic Model for Ecuador: a Dollar-ized and Oil-ized Economy Downloads
Pedro Elosegui and Nicolas Grosman
67685: Overcoming urban-rural imbalances: the role of cooperatives and social enterprises Downloads
Andrea Salustri, Michele Mosca and Federica Viganò
67684: An econometric investigation of the effect of financial development on aggregate, and disaggregate energy consumption: time series assessment for Ghana Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
67681: On The Term Structure of South African Interest Rates: Cointegration and Threshold Adjustment Downloads
Bernard Njindan Iyke
67680: Déterminants de la qualité du système d'information comptable dans les PME d'une entité décentralisée: Cas de la cité de Mbanza-Ngungu de 2013-2014 (Quality determinants of accounting information system in a decentralized entity SMEs: Case of the Mbanza- Ngungu area from 2013 to 2014) Downloads
Richard Mbumba and Ruffin B. Mbaka
67679: Challenges Faced by Expatriate Workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries Downloads
Pranav Naithani and A.N. Jha
67678: Reference framework for active learning in higher education Downloads
Pranav Naithani
67673: Il Mediterraneo nella politica Italiana del secondo dopoguerra. Analisi e commento (The Mediterranean in Italian politics after World War II. Analysis and comment) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
67672: Правовое закрепление принципа равного доступа граждан к муниципальной службе (Legal fixing of the principle of equal access for citizens to municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67671: Body Weight, Dieting and Obesity Traps Downloads
Paolo Barbieri
67670: Правовое закрепление принципа законности муниципальной службы (Legal fixing of the principle of legality of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67669: Правовое закрепление принципа внепартийности муниципальной службы (Legal fixing of the principle of extra party membership of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67668: Capital Asset Pricing Model Adjusted for Anchoring Downloads
Siddiqi Hammad
67667: Правовое закрепление принципа ответственности муниципальных служащих за неисполнение или ненадлежащее исполнение своих должностных обязанностей (Legal fixing of the principle of responsibility of municipal employees for non-execution or inadequate execution of the functions) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67666: Правовое закрепление принципа приоритета прав и свобод человека и гражданина в законодательстве муниципальной службы (Legal fixing of the principle of a priority of the rights and freedoms of the person and citizen in the legislation of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67665: Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity Downloads
Bruno Ferman and Cristine Pinto
67664: Asymmetric and Endogenous Within-Group Communication in Competitive Coordination Games Downloads
Timothy Cason, Roman Sheremeta and Jingjing Zhang
67662: Revenue Risk Mitigation Options for Toll Roads Downloads
Omid M. Rouhani
67661: Increasing capital income share and its effect on personal income inequality Downloads
Branko Milanovic
67657: Improved classi cation for compositional data using the $\alpha$-transformation Downloads
Michail Tsagris, Simon Preston and Andrew T.A. Wood
67656: Закрепление основных положений муниципальной службы (Fixing of basic provisions of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67655: Основные ограничения муниципальных служащих (Main restrictions of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67654: Основные обязанности муниципальных служащих (Fundamental obligations of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67652: Основные права муниципальных служащих (Basic rights of municipal employees) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
67650: The Surge of Wall Street and The Rise in Income Inequality - Do they share the same root ? Downloads
Duong Ngotran
67648: Open Innovation research: trends and influences – a bibliometric analysis Downloads
Antonio Bob Santos
67647: Sueño y asignación de tiempo entre los estudiantes universitarios: el caso de la Universidad del Atlántico Downloads
Juan Trujillo and Wilman Iglesias
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