MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 118820: Кволсетов индекс као нова мера концентрације: неке емпиријске провере (Kvålseth’s index as a new concentration measure: Some empirical tests)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 118810: Analyse comparative de la performance des missions de maintien de la paix de l'UE et de l'UA en Afrique subsaharienne (Comparative Analysis of the Performance of EU and AU Peacekeeping Missions in Sub-Saharan Africa)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 118809: Comparative Analysis of the Performance of EU and AU Peacekeeping Missions in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 118807: Redesigning the eNaira central bank digital currency (CBDC) for payments and macroeconomic effectiveness

- Peterson Ozili
- 118806: Using central bank digital currency to achieve the sustainable development goals

- Peterson Ozili
- 118805: Using eNaira CBDC to solve economic problems in Nigeria

- Peterson Ozili
- 118803: Earnings management for sustainability: the surplus income model of sustainable development

- Peterson Ozili
- 118801: Central bank digital currency in India: the case for a digital rupee

- Peterson Ozili
- 118800: The Future of Financial Inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 118799: Corporate governance and financial inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 118798: Implications of fuel subsidy removal on the Nigerian economy

- Peterson Ozili
- 118797: Impact of central bank digital currency (CBDC) activity on bank loan loss provisions

- Peterson Ozili
- 118796: Benefits of digital-only financial inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 118795: The 2018 Revised Nigerian Code of Corporate Governance: An Academic Response and Lessons for Africa

- Peterson Ozili
- 118794: A Survey of Central Bank Digital Currency Adoption in African countries

- Peterson Ozili
- 118793: Financial stability and sustainable development

- Peterson Ozili
- 118792: Why is financial inclusion so popular? An analysis of development buzzwords

- Peterson Ozili
- 118791: Global energy crisis: impact on the global economy

- Peterson Ozili
- 118790: Economic research in banking – a survey

- Peterson Ozili
- 118789: Forensic accounting research around the world

- Peterson Ozili
- 118788: Impact of financial inclusion on economic growth: review of existing literature and directions for future research

- Peterson Ozili
- 118785: Why do households repay their debt in UK during the COVID-19 crisis?

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis, Mike Tsionas and Steven Ongena
- 118781: Non-Tariff Barriers and Their Effect on Export: Evidence from 5 ASEAN Countries

- Chin Lee and Abdolaziz Yousefi
- 118780: Intellectual Property Rights, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth

- Ayappan Palaniaandy and Chin Lee
- 118772: What are the key factors of economic growth that affect rural development in India?

- Ira Bhruguwar
- 118771: Digital Marketing Strategies, plan and implementations: A case study of Jumia Group and ASDA Uk

- John Ologunebi and Ebenezer Taiwo
- 118770: Infraestructura, educación, capital humano y crecimiento económico (Infrastructure, education, human capital and economic growth)

- Joab Valdivia Coria
- 118769: Health, basic research, human capital accumulation, and R&D-based economic growth

- Pintu Parui
- 118763: Econometric Analysis and Forecasting of Madagascar’s Economy: An ARIMAX Approach

- Andrianady Josue, Fitiavana M. Randriamifidy, Michel H. P. Ranaivoson and Thierry Miora Steffanie
- 118760: Impact of Innovation on CO2 Emissions in South Asian Countries

- Saima Ashiq, Amjad Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Abubakar Siddique and Sumaira Sumaira
- 118758: La economía gallega en el nuevo contexto mundial (The Galician economy in the new global context)

- Gonzalez Laxe Fernando, Armesto Pina José Francisco and Sanchez-Fernandez Patricio
- 118757: Inflation and growth in developing economies: A tribute to Professor Thirlwall

- Kevin Nell
- 118750: Effects of Institutional Setting on Value Estimates of Stated Preference Surveys in Developing Economies: A Discrete Choice Experiment on Conserving Biodiversity in The Cape Floristic Region

- Henrique Manhique and Frank Wätzold
- 118748: Geography, Land Ownership and Literacy: Historical Evidence from Greek Regions

- Nikos Benos, Stelios Karagiannis and Sofia Tsitou
- 118744: Mixed data methods of estimating undeclared earnings, with application to Latvia

- Mihails Hazans
- 118733: Maximal Fines and Corruption: An Experimental Study on Illegal Waste Disposal

- Antonio Abatemarco, Alessandro Cascavilla, Dell’Anno, Roberto and Andrea Morone
- 118731: How the reduction of Temporary Foreign Workers led to a rise in vacancy rates in the South Korea

- Deokjae Jeong
- 118730: Factors Influencing Labor Share: Automation, Task Innovation, and Elasticity of Substitution

- Seungjin Baek and Deokjae Jeong
- 118729: Brecha de infraestructura vial en el Perú: El septuagenario caso de la carretera Huarmey-Aija-Recuay (Road infrastructure gap in Peru: The septuagenarian case of the Huarmey-Aija-Recuay highway)

- Renzo Jiménez-Sotelo
- 118728: The Influence of Corporate Governance on The Intellectual Capital Disclosure: A Study on Indonesian Private Banks

- Joy Tulung, Ivonne Stanley Saerang and Stevanus Pandia
- 118727: South Asian Economic Constitutionalism: A Path to Constitutional Order

- Manjunathan Malhotra, Sumitra Bhagwan and Jakhongir Shaturaev
- 118726: Terms-of-Trade Shocks, External Adjustments and Growth in Pakistan: How Much to Sacrifice

- Asif Mahmood and Hashaam Asif
- 118725: Opportunity Cost of Capital, Marginal Cost of Funds and Numeraires in Cost-Benefit Analysis

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 118724: Empirical Determinants of Innovation in European Countries: Testing the Porter's Hypothesis

- Elena Makrevska Disoska, Jasna Tonovska, Katerina Toshevska-Trpcevska, Dragan Tevdovski and Viktor Stojkoski
- 118723: Effects of Triple Constraints on Project Success: Evidence from Bangladesh

- Nazim Ullah, Rakesh Rakesh, Fahim Shariar, Safin Ahmed, Kaisar Sakib and Tahmidul Chowdhury
- 118722: Economic Theory as Successive Approximations of Statistical Moments

- Victor Olkhov
- 118721: Effects of Project Failure Towards Stakeholders: A Review of Literature

- Nazim Ullah, Ifthakarul Showrav and Mubarrat Eram
- 118717: Roles of Stakeholders Towards Project Success: A Conceptual Study

- Nazim Ullah, Mamun Rashid, Taufiqul Islam, Md Ayub, Shariar Tanzi and Mohaiminul Utsho
- 118712: Econometric Analysis and Forecasting of Madagascar’s Economy: An ARIMAX Approach

- Andrianady Josue, Fitiavana M. Randriamifidy, Michel H. P. Ranaivoson and Thierry Miora Steffanie
- 118710: Numerical Simulations of How Economic Inequality Increases in Democratic Countries

- Taiji Harashima
- 118706: Digital Governance in the 21stCentury: The LiTCoDE Framework for Transparency, Leadership, and Technological Evolution A Comparative Study of Mexico and Vietnam

- Carlos Medel-Ramírez, Hilario Medel-López and Jennifer Lara-Mérida
- 118703: Negotiated transfer pricing and uncertain regulation: a simulated trust game approach

- Alessandro Cascavilla
- 118700: Serving Abroad: Export, M&A, and Greenfield Investment

- Francesco Conteduca and Ekaterina Kazakova
- 118699: Analysis of Australian business and research specialisation in antimicrobial resistance technology

- Alexandra Bratanova
- 118696: Employment polarization: evidence from regions in Greece

- Stelios Roupakias
- 118689: Early Retirement Provision for Elderly Displaced Workers

- Herman Kruse and Andreas Myhre
- 118687: Comparative and absolute competitiveness of governing structures in Bulgarian farming

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 118686: Does space natter? The case of the housing expenditure cap

- Yifan Gong and Charles Leung
- 118683: Acquirer’s Operational Performance and Stability of Islamic Banks: Mediation Role of Market Structure

- Nazim Ullah, Fauzias Mat Nor, Junaidah Abu Seman, Ahmed Fadly and Nur Ainna
- 118682: The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Operational Performance of Islamic Banking sector

- Nazim Ullah
- 118681: Mergers and Acquisitions in Islamic Banking Sector: An Empirical Analysis on Size Effect, Market Structure, and Operational

- Nazim Ullah, Fauzias Mat Nor, Junaidah Abu Seman, Nur Ainna Binti Ramli and Ahmed Fadly
- 118680: Stability and fairness in sequencing games: optimistic approach and pessimistic scenarios

- Sreoshi Banerjee
- 118679: What would happen if we banned billionaires?

- Parth Jain
- 118678: Modeling Collateralization and Its Economic Significance

- David Lee
- 118675: The long-term impact of maternal leave duration on smoking behavior

- Anna-Theresa Renner, Mujaheed Shaikh and Sonja Spitzer
- 118665: A Classical Marxian Two-Sector Endogenous Cycle Model: Integrating Marx, Dutt, and Goodwin

- John Cajas Guijarro
- 118662: Socio-Economic Status and Utilization of PM-KISAN Financial Assistance: An Empirical Analysis of Davanagere District Beneficiaries in Karnataka

- Gopi H, Annappa B R and Ashok E U
- 118661: The Optimal Taxation of Network Goods

- Enda Hargaden, Andrew Hanson and Matthew Harris
- 118660: Examining Predictors of Currency Strength in Developing and Transition Economies

- Anna Myslytska, Anton Kruk and Yaroslav Khomych
- 118658: Tillbaka till framtiden: en nygammal planprocess (Back to the future: a renewed infrastructure planning process)

- Jonas Eliasson
- 118654: The dynamic relationship between digital currency and other financial markets in developed and emerging markets

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Muhammad Masood Khalique
- 118652: Evaluación de modelos de predicción para la venta de viviendas (Evaluation of forecasting models for house sales)

- Francisco-Javier Lozano
- 118650: Прогнозирование инфляции в России с помощью TVP-модели с байесовским сжатием параметров (Forecasting inflation in Russia using a TVP model with Bayesian shrinkage)

- Andrey Polbin and Andrei Shumilov
- 118640: Profitability, investment and capital productivity

- Charles-Henri DiMaria
- 118639: The effects on the economy and environment caused by electric cars compared to the conventional ones

- Cosmin Codruț Bledea, Izabela Luiza Pop and Rita Monica Toader
- 118638: Drop-Shipping – A Business Model Without Holding Inventory: A Case Study of Online Store

- Cristian Barcs, Izabela Luiza Pop, Cezar Toader and Diana Ighian
- 118637: Applying SOBANE Strategy for Risk Management in Museums

- Izabela Luiza Pop
- 118635: Beds in Health Facilities in the Italian Regions: A Socio-Economic Approach

- Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello, Domenico Leogrande and Fabio Anobile
- 118634: Community Voices and Financial Choices: Unravelling the Impact of Representation on Rural Cooperative Banks

- Frimpong Amoako and Samuel Yeboah
- 118631: Oblici konkurencije na robnim tržištima u Jugoslaviji (Patterns of Competition in the Commodity Markets in Yugoslavia)

- Rajko Bukvić and Branko Hinić
- 118630: The West versus Beijing? Determinants of the UN Human Rights Council vote (not) to debate human rights in Xinjiang

- Cullen Hendrix and Marcus Noland
- 118629: Community Voices in Control: A Systematic Review of Local Representation's Influence on RCB Governance Structure’

- Frimpong Amoako and Samuel Yeboah
- 118622: A Comprehensive Regression Study on the Drivers of Labour Productivity

- Anastasia Shevelova, Ielyzaveta Machukha, Mark Motliuk and Volodymyr Kulinich
- 118621: Red Sea Ecotourism: A Case Study on Sustainable Development

- Tarek Selim
- 118618: On the Economic Feasibility of Nuclear Power Generation in Egypt

- Tarek Selim
- 118616: On Equilibrium Number of Firms

- Tarek Selim
- 118615: Towards an Aggregate Social Welfare Function with Application to Developing Countries

- Tarek Selim and Nyiwul Mabughi
- 118614: За образователната подготовка на съдебните служители (On the educational training of court clerks)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 118612: A Comparative Essay on the Causes of Recent Financial Crises

- Tarek Selim
- 118603: Employment disparities in Latvia

- Mihails Hazans
- 118601: Tax incentives to encourage corporate investment in Latvia

- Mihails Hazans and Anna Pluta
- 118600: CIP deviations: The role of U.S. banks’ liquidity and regulations

- Walter Bazán, Marco Ortiz, Marco Terrones and Diego Winkelried
- 118599: What drives earnings of return migrants? Evidence from Latvia

- Mihails Hazans
- 118598: An in-depth analysis of the impact of reforms on inequality – Latvia

- Mihails Hazans and Anna Pluta
- 118596: The Role of Electric Vehicles in Road Transport Decarbonization: Exploring Environmental Impacts and Policy Implications through a Systematic Literature Review of System Dynamics Approaches

- Negash Debalke
- 118595: Cost efficiency of renewable district heating systems: the case of Austria

- Bernhard Mahlberg, Andrea Frank-Stocker, Wolfgang Koller and Christian Ramerstorfer
- 118594: How to Identify and Estimate the Demand for Job Safety?

- Nan Zhang, Robert Mendelsohn and Daigee Shaw
- 118592: Analyse de la gestion des stocks de produits périssables en utilisant le modèle EOQ en Tunisie (Analysis of stock management for perishable products using EOQ model in Tunisia)

- Imen Rahal
- 118586: Whispers of Chaos: Intervention on the Mexican Dollar Quotes in Japan, 1869-1885

- Kazuki Yokoyama
- 118582: Heat and Economics: Climate Change’s Influence on Madagascar’s GDP

- Josué R. Andriaandy, Fitiavana M. Randriamifidy and Jovianah Andrianavony
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