MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 12642: Tax reform in emerging transition: Is Kosovo’s Government and NGOs mathematical economics rational?

- Isa Mulaj
- 12640: Politique Commerciale, Qualité et Environnement: une Application aux Négociations Commerciales entre l’Union Européenne et le Mercosur

- Maria Ramos
- 12637: Distribución de pérdidas de la cartera de créditos: el método unifactorial de Basilea II vs. estimaciones no paramétricas

- Analía Rodríguez
- 12636: Empirical Assessment of Nigeria’s Agricultural Export and Economic Welfare

- Ifeanyi Nwachukwu, Felix Ehumadu, Remy Mejeha, Jude Nwaru, Nnanna Agwu and Joe Onwumere
- 12632: Value Preservation through Risk Management - A Shariah Compliant Proposal for Equity Risk Management

- Obiyathulla Bacha
- 12626: Education in Eritrea: Developmental Challenges

- Ravinder Rena
- 12625: Premarital Sex – Lessons from American Experience

- Ravinder Rena
- 12624: Social Impact of Coffee Crisis on the Pasemah coffee farmers in South Sumatera

- Aloysius Brata
- 12622: Spatial Concentration of the Informal Small and Cottage Industry in Indonesia

- Aloysius Brata
- 12621: Information Exchange and the Limits of Arbitrage

- Wesley Gray
- 12620: Fundamental Value Investors: Characteristics and Performance

- Wesley Gray and Andrew Kern
- 12615: Profitability as a basic criterion of efficient management

- Petra Růčková
- 12613: Applying Basel II Requirements in Romania

- Oana Maria Miru, Roxana Hetes-Gavra and Ana Cristina Nicolescu
- 12610: Electoral systems and the distortion of voters' preferences

- Amedeo Piolatto
- 12604: تأثير الأزمة المالية العالمية على الاقتصاد المصرى (Impact of The global financial crisis on the Egyptian economy)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 12602: Economic value added as an instrument of the efficiency´s evaluation in the conditions of the Czech capital market

- Petra Růčková
- 12599: Returns to Qualification in Informal Employment: A Study of Urban Youth in Egypt

- Jon Frost
- 12597: Debt Relief Effectiveness and Institution Building

- Andrea Presbitero
- 12596: Re-thinking on the role of business in biodiversity conservation

- Cristina Barna
- 12595: Post-Soviet countries in global and regional institutional competition: The case of Kazakhstan

- Alexander Libman and Daria Ushkalova
- 12587: The net contribution of the Agri-Food Sector to the inflow of funds into Ireland: a new estimate

- Edward Riordan
- 12582: Could you hand me the efficiency section, please? Newspaper circulation and local government efficiency in Norway

- Christian Bruns and Oliver Himmler
- 12581: Polyinclusive strategies for the development of cities

- Sumati Varma and H.s Gill
- 12575: A Pure-Jump Transaction-Level Price Model Yielding Cointegration, Leverage, and Nonsynchronous Trading Effects

- Clifford Hurvich and Yi Wang
- 12574: Theories of the evolution of cooperative behaviour: A critical survey plus some new results

- Robert E. Rowthorn, Ricardo Guzmán and Carlos Rodriguez-Sickert
- 12573: Market force of institutional investors on the Romanian capital market

- Carmen Corduneanu and Laura Raisa Milos
- 12572: Multiplying financing choices through capital markets

- Carmen Corduneanu and Laura Raisa Iovu
- 12571: Steps in the development of the Romanian financial system and the corellation with the level of economical growth

- Carmen Corduneanu and Laura Raisa Iovu
- 12569: A Latent Budget Analysis Approach to Classification: Examples from Economics

- Juan Larrosa
- 12568: The role and the performance of public sector in the European Union

- Liliana Donath and Marius Milos
- 12564: Speed and income

- Mogens Fosgerau
- 12562: The Hold-Up Problem and Incomplete Contracts: A Survey of Recent Topics in Contract Theory

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12558: Opportunities offered by the capital market for financing public administration

- Marilen Pirtea and Laura Raisa Iovu
- 12554: Prominence and Consumer Search: The Case With Multiple Prominent Firms

- Jidong Zhou
- 12553: Da Impresa Radicata nel Territorio a Rete Globale. La Ristrutturazione del Gruppo Benetton (Towards a Global Network. Competition and Restructuring of the Benetton)

- Giuseppe Tattara and Paolo Crestanello
- 12550: Internal and external habits and news-driven business cycles

- Kengo Nutahara
- 12549: The optimal liquidity principle with restricted borrowing

- Fernando Mierzejewski
- 12547: Political Marketing: A Conceptual framework

- Sudha Venu Menon
- 12545: The Ownership and Industry Effects of Corporate Dividend Policy in India, 1961-2007

- Manoj Kamat
- 12541: Vulnerability of Urban Informal Sector: Street Vendors in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

- Aloysius Brata
- 12540: Creating New Regions, Improving Regional Welfare Equality?

- Aloysius Brata
- 12539: IFRS vs AAOIFI: The Clash of Standards?

- Shahul Hameed Mohamed Ibrahim
- 12538: The von Neumann entropy of networks

- Filippo Passerini and Simone Severini
- 12536: On the Joint Use of Liability and Safety Regulation

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12534: "Yes Men," Integrity, and the Optimal Design of Incentive Contracts

- Christian Ewerhart and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12533: Know-how disclosure and incomplete contracts

- Stephanie Rosenkranz and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12532: Monopolistic Licensing Strategies under Asymmetric Information

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12531: On the Interplay of Hidden Action and Hidden Information in Simple Bilateral Trading Problems

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12530: On simple contracts, renegotiation under asymmetric information, and the hold-up problem

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 12526: Tax Haven and Development Partner: Incoherence in Dutch Government Policies

- Francis Weyzig and Michiel Van Dijk
- 12525: Firm dynamic governance of global innovation by means of flexible networks of connections

- Brigitte Gay
- 12521: The role of an insurance broker an their position on the insurance market in the czech republic

- Lenka Přečková
- 12518: Charakteristics and significance of the sum insured in the Czech Republic

- Lenka Přečková
- 12507: Valoración de flujos de caja en inflación. El caso de la regulación en el Banco Mundial (Cash Flow Valuation in an Inflationary World. The Case of World Bank for Regulated Firms)

- Ignacio Velez-Pareja
- 12505: Partnership Dissolution and Proprietary Information

- Jianpei Li
- 12504: Corruption and Economic Growth in Nigeria: 1986 -2007

- Shehu Aliyu and Akanni Oludele Elijah
- 12503: Admissible clustering of aggregator components: a necessary and sufficient stochastic semi-nonparametric test for weak separability

- William Barnett and Philippe de Peretti
- 12502: The continuing foreclosure crisis: new institutions and risks

- John Tatom
- 12501: The Federal Reserve in crisis

- John Tatom
- 12500: Estimation with inequality constraints on the parameters: dealing with truncation of the sampling distribution

- William Barnett and Ousmane Seck
- 12499: The foreclosure crisis: a two-pronged attack on the U.S. economy

- John Tatom
- 12498: Experimental Economics: Some Methodological Notes

- Annamaria Fiore
- 12497: Structure versus Agency in the Great Deprivation of 21st Century

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 12493: The impact of foreign interest rate on the macroeconomic performance of Turkey

- Aysegul Çorakcı Eruygur
- 12492: On the Implications of Two-way Altruism in Human-Capital-Based OLG Model

- Takaaki Aoki
- 12485: Is Privatization Necessary to achieve Quality of Universities?

- Elise Brezis
- 12475: The role of the competition policy in forging the European Common Market

- Radu Muşetescu, Mihaela Dima and Cristian Paun
- 12472: Applied arts and design in museums: USA and Milan experience

- Angela Besana
- 12470: Hot money and economic performance: An empirical analysis

- Jarita Duasa and Salina Kassim
- 12468: Acerca de la responsabilidad contractual del auditor externo de estados contables (About the contractual responsibility of the external auditor of financial statements)

- Hugo Collacciani, Juan Manuel Carrica and Jorge Luis López Aranguren
- 12460: The skill biased technological change in Turkish manufacturing industries

- H. Ozan Eruygur
- 12459: Generalized maximum entropy (GME) estimator: formulation and a monte carlo study

- H. Ozan Eruygur
- 12454: Elasticities of Substitution and Complementarity

- David Stern
- 12453: India’s Development Strategy: Accidents, Design and Replicability

- Nirvikar Singh
- 12452: Federalism and economic development in India: An assessment

- Nirvikar Singh and T.N. Srinivasan
- 12448: The volatility of the European capital markets during the curent financial crisis:what are saying the empirical evidences?

- Bogdan Dima and Aurora Murgea
- 12447: Underground economy modelling: simple models with complicated dynamics

- Lucian Albu
- 12445: Pre and post crisis analysis of stock price and exchange rate: Evidence from Malaysia

- A.H. Baharom, M.S. Habibullah and R. C. Royfaizal
- 12441: How far can developing country commitments go in an immediate post-2012 climate regime?

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 12438: trade implications of extending the turkey-eu customs union agreement to agricultural products

- H. Ozan Eruygur and Erol H. Cakmak
- 12437: Les Facteurs Explicatifs d'Efficience-X Dans Les Banques Tunisiennes: Une Approche De Frontière Stochastique (Explanatory Factors of X-Efficiency In The Tunisian Banks: A Stochastic Frontier Approach)

- Abdessalem Zaghla and Younes Boujelbene
- 12435: Russian economic report No.16 (June 2008), The World Bank

- Zeljko Bogetic, Sergey Ulatov, Olga Emelyanova and Karlis Smits
- 12434: Russian economic report No. 17 (November 2008), The World Bank

- Zeljko Bogetic, Smits Karlis, Ulatov Sergey, Emelyanova Olga and Hernandez Marco
- 12433: The management of inter-state rivers as demands grow and supplies tighten: India, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh

- Ben Crow and Nirvikar Singh
- 12432: Holding India together: The role of institutions of federalism

- Nirvikar Singh
- 12431: The Role of Telecommunication Infrastructure in the Regional Economic Growth of Africa

- Michael Batuo
- 12430: Agrarian Structure and Endogenous Financial System Development

- Dietrich Vollrath
- 12429: Shocks and rigidities as determinants of CEE labor markets' performance. A panel SVECM approach

- Maciej Bukowski, Grzegorz Koloch and Piotr Lewandowski
- 12427: 中小投资者保护、股权结构与公司价值 (Protection of Minority Shareholders, Ownership Structure and Corporate Valuation)

- Yan Chen
- 12425: A Simple Model of Speculation- The Welfare Analysis and Some Problems in the Decision Making Theory

- Takaaki Aoki
- 12423: Historical Development of Money and Banking in Eritrea from the Axumite Kingdom to the Present

- Ravinder Rena
- 12422: Higher Education Trends in Eritrea

- Ravinder Rena
- 12421: Child Rights Convention and its Implementation

- Ravinder Rena
- 12420: Women and Economic Emancipation in Eritrea – Some Observations

- Ravinder Rena
- 12419: A note on the sub-optimality of rank ordering of objects on the basis of the leading principal component factor scores

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 12414: Derivation of the Hicks Elasticity of Substitution from the Input Distance Function

- David Stern

- Jose Cuesta
- 12409: State Intervention and Labour Market in India: Issues and Options

- Rajarshi Majumder and Dipa Mukherjee
- 12408: Cross-Cutting Literature Review on the Drivers of Local Council Accountability and Performance

- Tomila Lankina
- 12407: Enterprise planning model using REA ontology

- Frantisek Hunka, Miroslav Hucka, Josef Kasik and Dominik Vymetal
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