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26925: The role of monetary policy in matters relating to financial stability: Monetary policy responses adopted during the most recent Financial Crisis Downloads
Marianne Ojo
26923: Environment and environmental effects of pollution. Model of eco-dashboard – A tool for analysis of environmental management performances Downloads
Martinescu (Oprea), Dana Maria/G and Sorinel Capusneanu
26922: Some aspects of the control and analysis of costs in the steel industry Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu
26921: Activity-Based Management principles and implementation opportunities of the ABM system Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu
26920: Dashboard auditing of ABC (Activity-Based Costing). Theoretical approaches Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu
26919: Research of the implementation factors of the ABC method in the steel industry of Romania Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu
26918: The methodological steps in management accounting and cost calculation - A comparative analysis between the traditional methods used in Romania and the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu and Lepădatu, Gheorghe/V
26917: Possibilities of Implementation of the ABC-Method (Activity-Based Costing) in the enterprises of the steel industry in Romania Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu and Lepădatu, Gheorghe/V
26916: The ABC-method (Activity-Based Costing) and the transversal organization of enterprises in the steel industry of Romania Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu and Gheorghe Lepădatu
26915: Prestazione professionale = Competenza x Motivazione. Un modello a due dimensioni per la Gestione delle Risorse Umane (Work Performance = Competence x Motivation. A two-side model for Human Resources Management) Downloads
Filippo Ferrari
26910: Stock Market Development in Africa: do all macroeconomic financial intermediary determinants matter? Downloads
Simplice Asongu
26908: The links between inflation and inflation uncertainty at the longer horizon Downloads
Alexander Tsyplakov
26907: Economic growth, electricity consumption and foreign dependence in Italy between 1963 and 2007 Downloads
Gaetano Vecchione
26906: Tax compliance, self-assessment and tax administration Downloads
Simon James and Clinton Alley
26904: Kantian Altruism in Economics and Ibn Khaldun (Kantian Altruism in Economics and Ibn Haldun) Downloads
Hakan Sarıbaş
26890: Nash Equilibrium and Robust Stability in Dynamic Games: A Small-Gain Perspective Downloads
Iasson Karafyllis, Zhong-Ping Jiang and George Athanasiou
26884: Information Dissemination through Official Websites: A Critique Downloads
Kaushik Bhattacharya
26881: Rendimientos crecientes, costos de transporte, eslabonamientos verticales y asimetrías regionales persistentes (Increasing returns, transport costs, vertical linkages and persistent regional inequalities) Downloads
Valentina Viego
26880: Las condiciones socioeconómicas como determinantes del sobrepeso y la obesidad. El caso argentino (Socioeconomic factors as determinants of overweight and obesity. The Argentinian case) Downloads
Karina Temporelli and Valentina Viego
26878: Econometría espacial: una aplicación a los problemas de sobrepeso y obesidad en las provincias de Argentina (Spatial econometrics: an application to obesity indicators in Argentinian provinces) Downloads
Valentina Viego and Karina Temporelli
26871: Algunos métodos para modelar tendencias y su aplicación a las series de empleo sectorial en Puerto Rico (Different Techniques of Modelling Trend and its applications to Puerto Rico Sectoral Employment Series) Downloads
Wilfredo Toledo
26867: Women's multiple-partner fertility in the United States: Prevalence, correlates and trends, 1985-2008 Downloads
Eirik Evenhouse and Siobhan Reilly
26861: Are Turkish Enterpreneurs Altrustic? Evidence From Western Black Sea Region Downloads
Hakan Sarıbaş and Halil Yıldırım
26860: Economic Stability and the Central Bank: Rule or Discretion Downloads
Hamid Zangeneh
26856: الإطار النظرى للتنسيق بين السياستين المالية والنقدية (The Theoretical Framework for the Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Polices) Downloads
Mona Kamal
26855: Factor Analysis of Permanent and Transitory Dynamics of the U.S. Economy and the Stock Market Downloads
Zeynep Senyuz
26854: Finanţarea învăţământului public în Uniunea Europeană. Studiu de caz: învăţământul superior (Financing public education in the European Union. Case study: The higher education system) Downloads
Lucica Matei, Diana Camelia Iancu and Iulia Grigorovici
26850: An Information Approach to the Dynamics in Farm Income: Implications for Farmland Markets Downloads
Matthew Salois and Charles Moss
26848: Farm Income, Population, and Farmland Prices: A Relative Information Approach Downloads
Matthew Salois, Charles Moss and Kenneth Erickson
26846: The impact of oil shocks on the G-7 countries GDP growth Downloads
Usama Al-mulali
26844: Oil Shocks and Kuwait’s Dinar Exchange Rate: the Dutch Disease Effect Downloads
Usama Al-mulali and Normee Che Sab
26840: Mediating effects of broadband consumers’ behavior in India Downloads
Thiagarajan G, Senthil Kumar Nakkeeran and Arulraj Arockiasamy
26839: Top tax system: a common taxation system for all nations Downloads
Vijaya Varma
26838: Consecutive k-within-m-out-of-n:F system with exchangeable components Downloads
Serkan Eryilmaz, Cihangir Kan and Fatih Akici
26837: Models and Economists: A Methodological Note Downloads
Alex M Thomas
26836: Riesgo crediticio derivado del riesgo cambiario: Perspectiva de una Economía Latinoamericana Parcialmente Dolarizada (Derivative credit risk from exchange risk: Perspective of a partially dollarized Latin American economy) Downloads
Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
26833: Some solutions to the equity premium and volatility puzzles Downloads
Jinlu Li
26832: The determinants of macroeconomic volatility: A Bayesian model averaging approach Downloads
Leonidas Spiliopoulos
26829: Fiscal stimulus in model with endogenous firm entry Downloads
Alexander Totzek and Roland Winkler
26828: On the expansion of finance and financialisation Downloads
Alberto Russo and Adelino Zanini
26825: The impact of ethic formation on individual income Downloads
Hakan Sarıbaş
26824: Bank lending to the production sector: credit crunch or extra-credit? Downloads
Daniele Di Giulio
26822: Industrialization and the role of government Downloads
Nobuyuki Takeuchi
26820: Algebraic theory of identification in parametric models Downloads
Andrzej Kocięcki
26818: Parametric Estimation Of Technical And Scale Efficiencies In Italian Citrus Farming Downloads
Fabio Madau
26817: Asymmetric Response in Foreign Exchange Volatility under Structural Break Downloads
Chitrakalpa Sen, Gagari Chakrabarti and Amitava Sarkar
26812: Introduction of the Profit Surface Downloads
Peter Bell
26811: The Bayesian Solution and Hierarchies of Beliefs Downloads
Qianfeng Tang
26810: Interim Partially Correlated Rationalizability Downloads
Qianfeng Tang
26807: Investing In Civilization Downloads
Alan Freeman
26806: Saving, Investment and Growth: A Causality Test Downloads
Hamid Zangeneh
26805: El conocimiento productivo aplicado en el sector autopartista de Córdoba: sus distintas dimensiones (The productive knowledge applied in the auto parts sector in Cordoba: its various dimensions) Downloads
Jorge Motta and Hernán Morero
26804: Policies insurance of property Downloads
Marian Lucian Achim and Ion Neamtu
26803: Evoluzione del mercato internazionale e nazionale del comparto olivicolo (Trends in the world olive-oil sector market) Downloads
Fabio Madau
26800: Estimation of the Semiparametric Factor Model: Application to Modelling Time Series of Electricity Spot Prices Downloads
Dominik Liebl
26799: Flexibilización laboral y competitividad durante el plan de convertibilidad (Labor flexibility and competitiveness during the Convertibility Plan) Downloads
Hernán Morero
26797: A Non-parametric Approach to Incorporating Incomplete Workouts Into Loss Given Default Estimates Downloads
Grazia Rapisarda and David Echeverry
26793: Bypassing Russia: Nabucco project and its implications for the European gas security Downloads
Erkan Erdoğdu
26791: An analysis of Turkish hydropower policy Downloads
Erkan Erdoğdu
26785: Does asymmetric information play a role in explaining the Asian currency crisis? Application to Indonesian and Malaysian cases using a two-state Markov Switching model Downloads
Emna Trabelsi
26783: Towards an observational economics of business behaviour: the horizontal supply curve, 'fuzzy' demand and other anomalies for conventional theory Downloads
Bruce W. Ross
26782: Bundling revisited: substitute products and inter-firm discounts Downloads
Mark Armstrong
26770: Measuring inequality of poverty: theory and an application to India Downloads
Ashish Singh
26766: A Note on the Post-Revolution Iranian Economy and the Banking Sector Downloads
Omid Dehghan Nejad
26764: School Failure and Intergenerational “Human Capital” Transmission in Portugal Downloads
Margarida Lopes and João Medeiros
26763: Réduction de Droits de Douane et Convergence Réelle dans l'UEMOA (Tariffs Reduction and Real Convergence in WAEMU) Downloads
Doukouré Fe
26762: Does School Improve Equity? Some Key Findings from Portuguese Data Downloads
Margarida Lopes, João Medeiros and Aquiles Pinto
26760: Financing multi-level government Downloads
Simon James
26754: Long-term interest rates, asset prices, and personal saving ratio: Evidence from the 1990s Downloads
Antonio Paradiso
26751: Sur-réaction sur le marché tunisien des actions: une investigation empirique (Overreaction on the Tunisian stock market: an empirical test) Downloads
Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
26747: Projecting health-care expenditure for Switzerland: further evidence against the 'red-herring' hypothesis Downloads
Carsten Colombier and Werner Weber
26744: Portuguese Women in Science and Technology (S&T): Some Gender Features Behind MSc. and PhD. Achievement Downloads
Margarida Lopes
26741: Post-reform economic development in Punjab: constraints and remedies Downloads
Lakhwinder Singh
26740: Trade, conflict, institutional reform and economic growth: The long 18th century expansion of world trade and the Iberian-American frontier Downloads
Mario Pastore
26739: Challenges to Solvency II Reform in Insurance Industry Downloads
Berim Ramosaj
26736: Currency Wars & International Trade Downloads
Siize Punabantu
26733: The brand equity: evidence on marketing investment Downloads
Nebojsa Davcik
26728: An exploratory analysis of the relationship between social interactions, income and health in Italy Downloads
Damiano Fiorillo and Fabio Sabatini
26724: Role of placement in determination of service quality measurement of higher education in India Downloads
Senthil Kumar Nakkeeran and Arulraj Arockiasamy
26722: Real Estate, the External Finance Premium and Business Investment: A Quantitative Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Yi Jin, Charles Leung and Zhixiong Zeng
26721: Posterior Predictive Analysis for Evaluating DSGE Models Downloads
Jon Faust and Abhishek Gupta
26720: A Nonparametric Estimation of the Local Zipf Exponent for all US Cities Downloads
Rafael González-Val
26719: Evaluating the New Greek Electricity Market Rules Downloads
Kostis Sakellaris, Kostis Perrakis and George Angelidis
26718: A Forecasting Metric for Evaluating DSGE Models for Policy Analysis Downloads
Abhishek Gupta
26716: Business Ethics: Some Theoretical Issues Downloads
Valon Lluka
26715: Nachhaltigkeit und Ordnungspolitik in der Krise (Sustainability and Order Policy in Crisis) Downloads
Dr. Gerd Michels
26714: Investment Under Uncertainty: A Theory Downloads
Ali Mellati
26713: An empirical analysis of the counterfactual: a merger and divestiture in the Australian cigarette industry Downloads
Vivienne Pham and David Prentice
26712: Projecting health-care expenditure for Switzerland: further evidence against the 'red-herring' hypothesis Downloads
Carsten Colombier and Werner Weber
26709: Bank interest rates pass-through: new evidence from French panel data Downloads
Sébastien Frappa, Michèle Murez, Jérémi Montornes and Anne Barbier de la Serre
26708: Global financial crisis and its impact on the financial system of Kosovo Downloads
Berim Ramosaj
26707: Internal Migration and Wage Differentials among Italian University Graduates Downloads
Marco Di Cintio and Emanuele Grassi
26705: Elda Pavan Cecchele: biografia di una tessitrice (1915-1998) (Elda Pavan Cecchele: biography of a textile artisan (1915-1998)) Downloads
Irina Inguanotto
26702: Role of Central Bank in Islamic Finance Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
26701: An Ideal Islamic Economic System: A Gone Case Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
26700: Sukuk Bond: The Global Islamic Financial Instrument Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh and Shan Saeed
26699: The effect of social trust on achievement test performance of students in Japan Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
26698: Higher education decision making and decision support systems Downloads
Vasile Bresfelean and Nicolae Ghisoiu
26697: Past is just a fine reality: redefining the Indo-Pak history through its economics Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
26696: Extending Transit Facility to India: Implications for Pakistan’s Bilateral Trade with Afghanistan Downloads
Dawood Mamoon, Zahid Junaid Mukhtar, Anam Ayesha, Noorulain Hanif, Rizwan Aslam and Maliha Quddus
Page updated 2025-03-25
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