MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 76369: The Revolution of Grexit: The Plan

- Dionysios Solomos and Dimitrios Koumparoulis
- 76366: Birth and Fertility during War: Afghanistan from 2007 to 2010

- Anton Parlow
- 76365: Adult Health Outcomes during War: The Case of Afghanistan

- Anton Parlow
- 76360: A Simple Model on Mothers’ Autonomy, Health Inputs, and Child Health

- Biswajit Mandal, Prasun Bhattacharjee and Souvik Banerjee
- 76359: Does NOTA Affect Voter Turnout? Evidence from State Legislative Elections in India

- Arindam Mandal, Biswajit Mandal and Prasun Bhattacharjee
- 76351: Development of Functionally Graded Implant Materials in Commercial Use

- Jain Shi
- 76350: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Performance Based Budgeting Implementation

- Borce Trenovski and Marjan Nikolov
- 76349: İnflyasiya hədəflənməsinin əməliyyat çərçivəsi: ölkə təcrübələri AMB üçün nə vəd edir? (Operational framework of Inflation Targeting: what promises do country experiences make to the CBAR?)

- Shaig Adigozalov and Salman Huseynov
- 76348: A small scale forecasting and simulation model for Azerbaijan (FORSAZ)

- Salman Huseynov and Fuad Mammadov
- 76347: Growth, environment and Islam

- Zubair Hasan
- 76345: Sir William Petty y la conformación de la Ley Petty-Clark (Sir William Petty and the conformation of the Petty-Clark Law)

- Julián Mauricio Vélez Tamayo
- 76344: Potterian Economics

- Daniel Levy and Avichai Snir
- 76343: Neoclassical theories of stationary relative prices and the supply of capital

- Saverio Fratini
- 76342: End of 9-Endings and Price Perceptions

- Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Daniel Levy and Avichai Snir
- 76340: Plurality in Teaching Macroeconomics

- Rohit Azad
- 76338: Gender Bias in Educational Attainment in India: The Role of Dowry Payments

- Arun Jacob
- 76331: The Case for MFN under Asymmetries of Cost and Market Structure

- Kamal Saggi and Halis Yildiz
- 76330: Preferential Trade Agreements and Rules of the Multilateral Trading System

- Kamal Saggi, Woan Foong Wong and Halis Yildiz
- 76321: Fiscal Sustainability of Macedonia on its path towards the EU

- Borce Trenovski and Biljana Tashevska
- 76315: Employing Data Mining Techniques in Testing the Effectiveness of Modernization Theory

- Tolga Aydın and Gülşen Aydın
- 76314: Feminist Challenge to the Mainstream IR

- Gülşen Aydın
- 76308: Statistical and Economic Evaluation of Time Series Models for Forecasting Arrivals at Call Centers

- Andrea Bastianin, Marzio Galeotti and Matteo Manera
- 76306: Austerity and gender wage inequality in EU countries

- Cristiano Perugini, Jelena Žarković Rakić and Marko Vladisavljevic
- 76304: Fiscal deficit composition and economic growth relation in India: A time series econometric analysis

- Anantha Ramu M R and K Gayithri
- 76303: Testing Wagner's Law for The Gambia, 1977-2013

- Mustapha Jobarteh
- 76302: Transaksi drop shipping perspektif ekonomi syari’ah (Dropshipping transaction in shariah economic perspective)

- Achmad Busthomi
- 76299: Open and transparent budget process in Western Balkan countries

- Marjan Nikolov, Borce Trenovski and Gabriela Dimovska
- 76297: The Global Economic Crisis - What Should NOT be Forgotten

- Borce Trenovski, Biljana Tashevska and Suzana Makreshanska
- 76295: Causal Inference on Education Policies: A Survey of Empirical Studies Using PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS

- José Manuel Cordero, Victor Cristobal and Daniel Santín
- 76287: Investigating the effect of efficiency and technical changes on productivity

- George Halkos and Christina Bampatsou
- 76286: Принципи на методологията за анализ на финансовото състояние на търговските дружества чрез финансови съотношения (Principles of methodology of financial statement analysis)

- Rossitsa Toncheva
- 76285: Innovaciones sociales e inclusivas: límites y posibilidades para el desarrollo territorial en el contexto de la globalización (Social and inclusive innovations: limits and possibilities for territorial development in the context of globalization)

- Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76284: Bulgarians Are On the Way to Modern Barter Exchange System (MBES). An Expert Survey

- Rossitsa Toncheva
- 76283: Il turismo automobilistico in Italia nel periodo fra le due guerre mondiali (Automobile tourism in Italy during the interwar period)

- Andrea Zanini
- 76282: Is Gold Different for Islamic and Conventional Portfolios? A Sectorial Analysis

- Abdelbari El Khamlichi, Thi Hong Van Hoang and Wing-Keung Wong
- 76281: Relationship between regional Shariah stock markets: The cointegration and causality

- Ramazan Yildirim and Abul Masih
- 76278: Does Globalization Impede Environmental Quality in Bangladesh? The Role of Real Economic Activities and Energy Use

- Muhammad Ahad and Wali Khan
- 76277: Impact of health and recreation on work-life balance: A case study of expatriates

- Pranav Naithani
- 76276: Evaluation des pays en voie de développement selon la réalisation des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement: cas de la mortalité infantile en république démocratique du Congo (RDC) (Evaluation of developing countries according to the accomplishment of the millennium development goals: case of infant mortality in the democratic republic of Congo (DRC))

- Jean Bosco Mbusa Mulendu and Dieu-Merci Nzanzu Wasingya
- 76275: Nouvelles perspectives theoriques du developpement economique au niveau regional (The new perspectives of the regional development theories)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 76271: Point-in-time PD term structure models for multi-period scenario loss projection: Methodologies and implementations for IFRS 9 ECL and CCAR stress testing

- Bill Huajian Yang
- 76270: Rating Transition Probability Models and CCAR Stress Testing: Methodologies and implementations

- Bill Huajian Yang and Zunwei Du
- 76264: What we talk about when we talk of Productivity

- Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
- 76262: Innovation and public understanding of science: possibility of new indicators for the analysis of public attitudes to science, technology and innovation

- Iván G. Tartaruga, Rosmari Terezinha Cazarotto, Clitia Helena Backx Martins and Ana Fukui
- 76261: Environmental Protection and Economic Growth: An Optimal Pollution Controlling Model

- Liyuan Liu and Fei Peng
- 76260: La influencia de la globalización y los retos para el diseño de políticas públicas adecuadas a la agricultura en Quintana Roo (The influence of globalization and the challenges for the design of adequate public policies for agriculture in Quintana Roo)

- Crucita Ken
- 76250: Determinants of Obesity in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis from a Developing Country

- Deniz Karaoglan and Aysıt Tansel
- 76247: Kırım’ın Merkantilist Dönemde Karadeniz Ticaretindeki Yeri (The Place of Crimea at the Black Sea Trade in the Mercantilist Period)

- Bora Altay and Cem Korkut
- 76244: Measuring the Distributions of Public Inflation Perceptions and Expectations in the UK

- Yasutomo Murasawa
- 76243: Mr (Mr)

- Azwar Iskandar
- 76242: Increasing Returns, the Choice of Technology, and the Gains from Trade

- Haiwen Zhou
- 76240: Can forbidden zones for the expectation explain noise influence in behavioral economics and decision sciences?

- Alexander Harin
- 76237: Industri Wisata Halal di Indonesia: Potensi dan Prospek (Halal tourism industry in Indonesia: Potential and prospects)

- Aan Jaelani
- 76235: Halal tourism industry in Indonesia: Potential and prospects

- Aan Jaelani
- 76229: Offshored Service Cost Model as a Key Post-Transition Challenge

- Damian Kedziora, Andrzej Kraslawski and Timo Kärri
- 76225: Архетипический маркетинг как методология и методика исследования Интернета: психология восприятия контента (Archetypal marketing as methodology and methods of journalism’s research: The psychology of content’s perception)

- Anna Sosnovskaya
- 76218: Wie effizient sind Universitäten in Deutschland, deren Zukunftskonzepte im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative ausgezeichnet wurden? Ein empirischer Vergleich von Input- und Output-Daten zur Forschung (How efficient are universities in Germany, which were funded for their “future concepts” in the Excellence Initiative? An empirical comparison of input- and output-data on research)

- Klaus Wohlrabe, Lutz Bornmann and Felix de Moya Anegon
- 76217: Wirtschaftsforschung in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus – Materialien zur Geschichte des Instituts für Konjunkturforschung (IfK) und des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) 1925 bis 1945, Berlin 2016 (Economic Research in the Weimar Republic and in NS-Germany: Archival Documents on the History of the Institute for Business Cycle Research (IfK) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) 1925 – 1945)

- Reiner Stäglin and Rainer Fremdling
- 76216: Об управлении экономическим ростом и развитием (On the management of economic growth and development)

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
- 76215: Invisible hand discipline from informed trading: Does market discipline from trading affect bank capital structure?

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis, Xiaoxiang Zhang and Chaoke Wang
- 76213: The impact of agricultural activities on urbanization: Evidence and implications for India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi and Chetana Rani
- 76211: Девизна политика Југославије 1945–1990: искуства и поуке (Yugoslav Foreign Currency Policy in 1945–1990: Experiences and Lessons)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 76210: Rare Events in the American GDP Time Series, 1790-Present: Fact or Artefact

- Mohamed Chikhi and Claude Diebolt
- 76209: Modelling Trade Liberalisation-Poverty Nexus for Ghana

- Bright James Nyarkoh
- 76206: Cyclical Mackey Glass Model for Oil Bull Seasonal

- Sadek Melhem, Michel Terraza and Mohamed Chikhi
- 76205: FDI and economic growth: Evidence on the Role of the Size of Natural Resource Sector

- Arshad Hayat
- 76204: Untaxed Social-Media Problem and Potential Solutions

- Fatih Kaplanhan and Cem Korkut
- 76201: Three Economist’s Tools for Antitrust Analysis: A Non-Technical Introduction

- Russell Pittman
- 76200: Основы новой стратегии, модели и политики неоиндустриальной реконструкции (Fundamentals of the new neo-industrial reconstruction strategy, model and policy)

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
- 76199: An econometric modelling of financial development-aggregate energy consumption nexus for Ghana

- Samuel Yeboah
- 76194: Military expenditures and shadow economy in the Baltic States: Is there a link?

- Igor Fedotenkov and Friedrich Schneider
- 76186: A note on the identification and transmission of energy demand and supply shocks

- Michelle Gilmartin
- 76185: The Effect of Franchising on Store Performance: Evidence from an Ownership Change

- Jeff Ackermann
- 76184: How effective quantitative easing is in relation to the Gold Standard? A historical approach based on the US experience

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou, Kyriazis Nickos and Stephanos Papadamou
- 76183: Defining the Relevant Product Market: An Application of Price Tests to the Beer Market in Barbados

- Rommell Hippolyte
- 76182: Walras' Law in the steady state of DSGE models

- Celso Costa Junior
- 76172: A Global Voice for Survival: An Ecosystemic Approach for the Environment and the Quality of Life

- André Pilon
- 76171: Gender Disparities in Health Outcomes of Elderly Persons in India

- Vani Borooah
- 76170: Merkezi Yönetimin Vergi Gelirlerini Yerel Yönetimlere Dağıtımı (Küreyerelleşme) (Disturbition of Tax Revenue of Central Government to Local Governments (Glocalization))

- Fatih Kaplanhan and Cem Korkut
- 76165: Profitability and Crisis in the South African Economy

- Christopher Malikane
- 76164: Is faster economic growth compatible with reductions in carbon emissions? The role of diminished population growth

- Gregory Casey and Oded Galor
- 76139: Managerial attributes and equity mutual fund performance: evidence from china

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Bingrun Xu
- 76138: Does corporate governance matter in fund management company: the case of china

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Bingrun Xu
- 76131: Budgetary Institutions in the Context of Budget Reform in Russia

- Ekaterina Kudryashova
- 76125: Too Much Waste: A Failure of Stochastic, Competitive Markets

- David de Meza and Francesco Reito
- 76124: Is information diffusion a threat to market power for financial access? Insights from the African banking industry

- Simplice Asongu, Enowbi Batuo, Jacinta Nwachukwu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 76122: The Comparative Inclusive Human Development of Globalisation in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 76121: Diaspora Remittance Inflow, Financial Development and the Industrialisation of Africa

- Uchenna Efobi, Simplice Asongu, Chinelo Okafor, Vanessa Tchamyou and Belmondo Tanankem
- 76120: Essential Information Sharing Thresholds for Reducing Market Power in Financial Access: A Study of the African Banking Industry

- Simplice Asongu, Sara le Roux and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 76119: Conditional linkages between iron ore exports, foreign aid and terrorism

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 76117: Interpreting sociopolitical change by using Chaos Theory: A lesson from Sparta and Athens

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou, Nicholas Kyriazis and Loukas Zachilas
- 76114: Short Term versus Long Term Economic Planning in Pakistan: The Dilemma

- Ashan Rabbi and Dawood Mamoon
- 76112: Why and How should the EU budget be reformed?

- Mauro Marè
- 76110: The Nexus between Export, Import, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in Japan

- Sayef Bakari
- 76098: The Economic Impact of Changes in the Local Bank Presence

- Iftekhar Hasan, Krzysztof Jackowicz, Oskar Kowalewski and Lukasz Kozlowski
- 76097: Sprechi di cibo e tentativi di riduzione. Un caso sperimentale (Avoiding food waste. A field experiment)

- Davide Zonna
- 76094: Beyond intentional trust: supplier opportunism and management control mechanisms in public sector procurement and contracting

- Chris Lonsdale, Joe Sanderson, Glyn Watson and Fei Peng
- 76090: Escasez y sequía en acuífero del río Copiapó � (Shortage and drought in the Copiapó river aquifer)

- Gino Sturla and Catalina Meza
- 76089: La Política de Aguas en Chile y la Gran Minería del Cobre (Water Policy in Chile and the Great Copper Mining)

- Gino Sturla and Camila Illanes
- 76086: Political Instability and Lessons for Pakistan: Case Study of 2014 PTI Sit in Protests

- Rabbia Javed and Dawood Mamoon
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