MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 119337: Развитие человеческого капитала в условиях неопределенности (Development of human capital in conditions of uncertainty)

- Alexandra Znamenskaya, Sergey Larin and Natalia Noakk
- 119336: Подходы к организации инструментальной инфраструктуры на предприятиях сельскохозяйственного машиностроения в условиях нестабильности (Approaches to the organization of the instrumental infrastructure in agricultural engineering enterprises in the conditions of instability)

- Alexander Bobkov, Andrey Slavyanov and Evgeny Khrustalev
- 119334: Разработка и апробация цифровой модели принятия эффективных инвестиционных решений для формирования стратегий развития экономических субъектов (Building and testing a digital model for effective investment decisions to form strategies for development of economic entities)

- Olga Basharina, Nina Baranova and Sergey Larin
- 119329: Historical prevalence of infectious diseases and gender equality in 122 countries

- Omang Messono, Simplice Asongu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 119328: Understanding drivers of self-service technologies (SSTs) satisfaction and marketing bottom lines: Evidence from Nigeria

- Chidera Ugwuanyi, Chukwunonso Oraedu, Chuka Ifediora, Ernest Izogo, Simplice Asongu and Ikechukwu Attamah
- 119325: First Among Equals? How Birth Order Shapes Child Development

- Mikkel Aagaard Houmark
- 119324: Till mess do us part: Married women's market hours, home production, and divorce

- Eva García-Morán and Zoe Kuehn
- 119323: The End of Slovakia’s Convergence in GDP per Capita at PPP: Role of Shortcomings in Input Data Submitted to Eurostat

- Marek Hlavac
- 119322: Multibrand price dispersion

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 119321: Disruptive Innovation (DI) and Chief Executive Officer(CEO): A synthetic literature review

- Fu Chen Chen, Logaiswari Indiran Indiran and Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar Abdul Kohar
- 119319: Census-based comparability of data on literacy processes in Western Europe

- José Manuel Gutiérrez
- 119316: Взаимосвязь факторов инновационной деятельности на примере регионов РФ (Interrelation of innovation activity factors on the example of Russian regions)

- Oleg Golichenko and Yulia Balycheva
- 119315: Передача знаний и трансформация мезоединиц: роль сетевых взаимодействий на мезотраектории развития экономической системы (Transfer of Knowledge and Transformation of Mesounits: the Role of Network Interactions on the Mesotrajectories of the Development of the Economic System)

- Oleg Golichenko
- 119314: Окна возможностей и ловушки при переходе к собственным инновациям (Transition toward own innovation: the windows of opportunity and traps)

- Svetlana Samovoleva
- 119312: Financial Development and Renewable Energy Consumption in Nigeria

- Stephen Dimnwobi, Chekwube Madichie, Chukwunonso Ekesiobi and Simplice Asongu
- 119311: Проблемы регулирования абсорбции знаний в России (The Challenges of Regulating Knowledge Absorption in Russia)

- Svetlana Samovoleva
- 119310: Does corruption starve? An African perspective

- Henri Njangang, Simplice Asongu and Eric Mouchili
- 119309: Effect of women’s political inclusion on the level of infrastructures in Africa

- Tii Nchofoung, Simplice Asongu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 119308: Мезоэкономическое лицо российской экономики (Mesoeconomic image of the russian economy)

- George Kleiner
- 119307: Системная парадигма как теоретическая основа стратегического управления экономикой в современных условиях (System paradigm as a theoretical basis for strategic management of the economy in modern conditions)

- George Kleiner
- 119306: Экономические циклы во времени и в пространстве: возможности синтеза (Economic cycles in time and space: possibilities of synthesis)

- George Kleiner
- 119305: Management in crisis and pacific periods: strategy or tactics?

- Alexander Kobylko
- 119304: Accelerating the process of forced import substitution using the introduction of the triple spiral model

- Dariya Akimkina and Evgenij Khrustalev
- 119303: Функции стратегии в контексте размера предприятия (Strategy functions in the context of enterprise size)

- Alexander Kobylko
- 119302: Интенсификация технологического обмена и диверсификации через внедрение модели тройной спирали (Intensification of technology exchange and diversification through Triple Helix Model implementation)

- Dariya Akimkina
- 119301: A linear model for freight transportation

- Alfredo Valencia-Toledo and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 119300: Доказательное моделирование как перспективный инструмент научного исследования социально-экономических процессов (Evidence-based Modeling as a Perspective Tool for Scientific Research of Socio-economic Processes)

- George Kleiner
- 119299: Socio-economic characteristics as determinants in the job market: The case of Piedmont in Italy (1867–2005)

- Matteo Calabrese and Bas van Leeuwen
- 119297: High-tech component import substitution as an important factor in national security

- Akimkina Dariya, Khrustalev Oleg and Khrustalev Evgeniy
- 119296: Climate cha(lle)nges in global wine production and trade patterns

- Emilia Lamonaca, Antonio Seccia and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 119291: Экстерналии политики санкционного давления и ее последствия для развития российского малого и среднего бизнеса (Externalities of the of sanctions pressure policy and its consequences for the development of Russian small and medium business)

- Ekaterina Koroleva
- 119290: МСП в условиях санкционной политики: анализ состояния и меры финансовой поддержки (SMEs Under the Sanctions Policy: Analysis of Their Current State And Measures Of The Financial Support)

- Ekaterina Koroleva and Elina Abdyukova
- 119289: An investigation of auctions in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

- Peyman Khezr and Armin Pourkhanali
- 119287: The use of Unconventional Monetary Policy Instruments by South Asian Central Banks

- Muhammad Arby, Sayera Younus, Sonam Tobgye, Phurpa Dema, Praggya Das, Aminath Shafwath, Siddha Raj Bhatta, Bilal Raza and W.S Navin Perera
- 119281: Αδήλωτες οικονομικές δραστηριότητες κατά την πολυδιάστατη οικονομική κρίση (Unregistered economic activities during the Greek multidimentional crisis)

- Aristidis Bitzenis and Vasileios Vlachos
- 119278: Equity Premium in Efficient Markets

- Nat Kausik
- 119277: Trade Between WAEMU And EU Countries Ante-Brexit: Lessons From A Gravity Model

- Niénéyéri Coulibaly
- 119275: Humanization of Virtual Assistants and Delegation Choices

- Nanyin Yang, Marco Palma and Andreas Drichoutis
- 119272: Testing the Structural Empirical Dynamics of the Economic Growth Path of Egypt, 1950-1997

- Tarek Selim
- 119269: Free Riding, Democracy and Sacrifice in the Workplace: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment

- Kenju Kamei and Katy Tabero
- 119265: Nexus between Financial Inclusion and Economic Activity: A Study about Traditional and Non-Traditional Financial Service Indicators Determining Financial Outreach

- Florian Gerth
- 119264: Can innovation reduce the size of the informal economy? Econometric evidence from 138 countries

- Dorgyles C.M. Kouakou and Kolotioloma I.H. Yeo
- 119263: Драйверы и тормозы развития ядерной энергетики (Drivers and brakes on the development of nuclear energy)

- Chernavskii Sergei
- 119260: Сопоставление прогнозов развития мирового рынка нефти на среднесрочную и долгосрочную перспективы (Comparison of forecasts for the development of the world oil market in the medium and long term)

- Evseeva Olga
- 119259: Изменение долгосрочных прогнозов развития мирового рынка нефти под влиянием нового геополитического фактора (Changing long-term forecasts for the development of the world oil market under the influence of a new geopolitical factor)

- Evseeva Olga
- 119258: Влияние новейших геополитических факторов на динамику мирового газового рынка (The influence of the latest geopolitical factors on the dynamics of the global gas market)

- Evseeva Olga
- 119257: Анализ перспектив и рыночных ожиданий в индустрии морского транспорта (Analysis of prospects and market expectations in the maritime transport industry)

- Mikhail Filkin
- 119251: L'impact des relations extérieures entre l'Afrique subsaharienne et les États arabes du Golfe sur les migrants africains dans la région (The impact of foreign relations between Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab Golf states on African migrants in the region)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 119246: L’eurozona e le varie crisi dal 2008 al 2020 (The eurozone and the various crises from 2008 to 2020)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 119245: Decolonizing Development: Unpacking Post-Colonialism in South Asia

- Nga Hoang, Zhao Zhen and Jakhongir Shaturaev
- 119244: Приложения и перспективы технологии распределенного реестра в энергетике (Applications and prospects of distributed ledger technology in the energy sector)

- Mikhail Filkin and Maksim Bozhko
- 119243: A journey toward global value chain upgrading: Exploring the transition from backward to forward integration

- Nebojsa Stojcic and Matija Matic
- 119240: On the estimation of the food poverty line

- Nicola Amendola
- 119238: Short-time work in search and matching models: Evidence from Germany during the Covid-19 crisis

- Juho Peltonen
- 119234: The impact of foreign relations between Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab Golf states on African migrants in the region

- Dirk Kohnert
- 119233: The Theory of Externalities

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 119232: Prioritising sensory systems for Queensland: An evaluation of alternative sensory systems using multiple criteria analysis

- Alexandra Bratanova, Jason Olsen and Stefan Hajkowicz
- 119229: Государственные инициативы и развитие солнечной энергетики в Китайской Народной Республике (Government initiatives and the development of solar energy in the People's Republic of China)

- Mikhail Filkin
- 119228: Construcción de una Matriz Insumo Producto partir de los COU 2019 (Construction of an updated Input-Output Matrix using the COU 2019)

- Gabriel Nicolas Michelena
- 119224: Evolution de la qualité de l’environnement et développement économique dans les pays de l’UEMOA (Evolution of Environmental Quality and Economic Development in WAEMU Countries)

- Hamza Issifou and Stéphane Nadjimadnan L.
- 119223: Financial development, income inequality and institutional quality: A multi-dimensional analysis

- Cong Minh Huynh and Hoai Nam Tran
- 119222: Can Lebanon Export Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes?

- Jamal Ibrahim Haidar, Hussein Zeaiter and Salem Darwich
- 119214: Loyalty rewards and redemption behavior: Stylized facts for the U.S. airline industry

- Alexander Luttmann and Daniel Ladd
- 119211: What determines the Direction of Technological Progress(2023.11.16)?

- Defu Li and Benjamin Bental
- 119210: Restricted bargaining sets in a club economy

- Anuj Bhowmik and Sandipan Saha
- 119208: Пространственные факторы непреднамеренных падений в зимний период (Spatial factors of winter-related unintentional falls)

- Venera Timiryanova, Aleksander Mchedlishvili, Irina Lakman, Railya Bakhitova, Liya Abzalilova and Galina Devyatkova
- 119205: The Importance of SEO and SEM in improving brand visibility in E-commerce industry; A study of Decathlon, Amazon and ASOS

- John Ologunebi and Ebenezer Taiwo
- 119204: Determinantes sociales y económicos del empleo informal en la República Dominicana en el año 2016 (Social and Economic Determinants of Informal Employment in the Dominican Republic in 2016)

- Juan Rodríguez Núñez, Isaac Enmanuel Guerra Salazar and Freddy Manuel Ogando Montero
- 119202: Investigating the use of privately-owned micromobility modes for commuting in four European countries

- Rémy Le Boennec and Frédéric Salladarre
- 119196: Do trade frictions distort the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis? A closer look

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 119195: Hyperinflation in Venezuela. An Analysis Based on Cagan's Conceptual Framework

- Victor Olivo
- 119193: The Supply Chain Management for Perishables Products: A Literature Review

- Imen Rahal
- 119192: The end game to Lebanon’s woes: IMF reform and political willingness

- Leila Dagher and Sumru Altug
- 119183: Redes de Poder y Economía en Bertrand Russell (Power Networks and Economy in Bretrand Russell)

- Víctor Morales-Oñate
- 119179: Defesa do café em tempos de guerra: A segunda valorização e o decreto de "defesa nacional" de 1917 (Defense of coffee in times of war: The second valorization and the "national defense" decree of 1917)

- Gustavo Barros

- Sadam Jamaldin
- 119174: Can parallel airline alliances be welfare improving? The case of airline-airport vertical agreement

- Adrián Nerja
- 119173: Ensuring anonymity in comparison of institutional performance in large-scale register data using heatmap infused funnel plots

- Jonas Olsen and Sonja Wehberg
- 119170: The Effects of Dynamic Capabilities on Operational Performance: An Empirical Study from Manufacturing Enterprises in Vietnam

- Cong Minh Huynh and Long Kiet Vo
- 119168: Retirement Age Trap: RDD Approach to Terminated Retirement Spells

- Mikael Linden
- 119165: On the efficiency of labor markets with short-time work policies

- Juho Peltonen
- 119162: Development of Innovation in Economic

- Henri Kouam and Kingsley Mua
- 119160: The effects of concession revenue sharing contracts in airport competition

- Adrián Nerja and Mariola Sánchez
- 119159: Causalidad Reversa entre Pobreza Monetaria e Informalidad Laboral, evidencia empírica para la República Dominicana año 2010 y 2016 (Reverse Causality between Monetary Poverty and Labor Informality, empirical evidence for the Dominican Republic, 2010 and 2016)

- Juan Rodríguez Núñez
- 119155: Industrial and innovation policies in times of crisis: a widening technological divide?

- Sebastian Vergara
- 119154: Хармонизиране на отчитането на устойчивостта – мисията (не)възможна (Harmonization of Sustainability Reporting – Mission (Im)possible)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 119153: Aides publiques étrangères, gouvernance et terrorisme en Afrique de l'ouest: quelles implications ? (Foreign aid, governance, and terrorism in West Africa: What implications?)

- Hamza Issifou
- 119152: Spillover Effects of Public Capital Stock: A Case Study for Ecuador

- Roberto Zurita and Víctor Morales-Oñate
- 119149: Managing fundamentals versus preferences: Re-balancing portfolios and stock returns

- Julian Winkler
- 119148: Maximizing a preference relation on complete chains and lattices

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 119132: Supply-leading or demand-following financial sector and economic development nexus: evidence from data-rich Indonesia

- Alfan Mansur and Muhammad Nizar
- 119127: Remittances to Lebanon: Economic Impact and the Role of Banks

- Ali Awdeh
- 119126: Evaluation of Banking Fragility: Evidence from Banks in the MENA Region

- Mohamad Kassem, Ali Awdeh and Chawki EL-Moussawi
- 119125: Measuring the Cost Efficiency of Banks Operating in the MENA Region

- Mohamad Kassem, Chawki i EL-Moussaw and Ali Awdeh
- 119124: Impact of financial deregulation on bank productivity: Evidence from a panel of Arab banks

- Ali Awdeh
- 119123: Detecting the Causality between Budget Deficit and Trade Deficit in Lebanon

- Chawki EL-Moussawi and Ali Awdeh
- 119122: Measuring the Degree of Competition in the Arab Banking Systems

- Ali Awdeh, Ahmad Salloum and Elie El Hokayem
- 119121: The Determinants of Bank Net Interest Margin: Evidence from the Lebanese Banking Sector

- Hassan Hamadi and Ali Awdeh
- 119120: Analysing the Motives and the Outcomes of Bank Mergers

- Ali Awdeh and Chawki EL-Moussawi
- 119118: The determination of the price of capital goods: A differential game approach

- Marco Guerrazzi and Giuseppe Candido
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