MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 70784: Center-State Political Transfer Cycles in India

- Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Mehra
- 70781: Higher Education and Philanthropy Potential in the GCC States: Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities for FDI and Venture Philanthropy in the MENA Region

- Alphin Henry C. and Lavine Jennie
- 70780: State Development Interventions versus Indigenous Resource management institutions: Whose Reality Count? Evidence from Borana Pastoral system of Southern Ethiopia

- Demissie Belayneh
- 70777: Hysteresis in a New Keynesian Model

- William Craighead
- 70772: Modeling exchange rate dynamics in Peru: A cointegration approach using the UIP and PPP

- Miguel Jaramillo Franco and Sergio Serván Lozano
- 70770: US Dollar Carry Trades in the Era of “Cheap Money”

- Ali Shehadeh, Péter Erdős, Youwei Li and Michael Moore
- 70769: Неоклассическая экономическая теория и экономическая действительность (Neoclassical Economic Theory and Economic Reality)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 70768: Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy

- Aan Jaelani
- 70767: Capital Financing by Indonesian Local Governments: Will Subnational Bonds (Finally) Play a Part?

- John Petersen and Darius Tirtosuharto
- 70765: On the comparison of alternative specifications for money demand: The case of extremely low interest rate regimes in Japan

- Kiyotaka Nakashima and Makoto Saito
- 70764: FDI in R&D: An Introspection

- Sanjib Pohit and Pradip Biswas
- 70758: Impact Of Employee Motivation On Customer Satisfaction: Study Of Airline Industry In Pakistan

- Muhammad Bilal Ahmed, Ejaz Wasey and Saif Ullah
- 70753: The perils of first-order conditions of New Keynesian models

- Minseong Kim
- 70752: La Inversión Extranjera Directa y su Impacto Económico en el Perú Periodo 1993 - 2013 (Foreign Direct Investment and Its Economic Impact in Peru Period 1993 - 2013)

- Nestor Jordan Ramos
- 70751: On Behavioral Macroeconomics, Globalization, and Economic Growth

- Victor H. Rosas-Martinez
- 70750: Effective Speed Enforcement and Photo Radar: Evidence from Australia

- Ida Ferrara and Paul Missios
- 70749: Transboundary Renewable Resource Management: A Dynamic Game with Differing Non-Cooperative Payoffs

- Ida Ferrara and Paul Missios
- 70748: Transboundary Renewable Resource Management and Conservation Motives

- Paul Missios and Charles Plourde
- 70747: A rising e-channel tide lifts all boats? The impact of manufacturer multi-channel encroachment on traditional selling and leasing

- Wei Yan, Youwei Li, Ying Wu and Mark Palmer
- 70746: La franquicia hotelera (Hotel franchising)

- María Cruz Mayorga-Toledano
- 70744: Trade Liberalization and Industrial Productivity: Evidence from Pakistan

- Gulzar Ahmed, Muhammad Arshad Khan and Muhammad Afzal
- 70741: Convergența instituțională a României cu Uniunea Europeană (Institutional convergence of Romania with the European Union)

- George Georgescu
- 70740: Provocări în perioada tranziției la economia de piață în România. Creșterea gradului de îndatorare externă și internă (Challenges facing Romania during the period of transition to a market-based economy. The increase in the degree of external and internal indebtedness)

- Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
- 70735: The Role of Oil Prices, Real Effective Exchange Rate and Inflation in Economic Activity of Russia: An Empirical Investigation

- Asset Izatov
- 70728: Earnings, Coalitions and the Stability of the Firm

- Marco Marini
- 70726: On the Effect of Premia and Penalties on the Optimal Portfolio Choice

- Sergio Currarini and Marco Marini
- 70725: Analyzing Market Economies From the Perspective of Information Production, Policy, and Self-organized Equilibrium

- C-Rene Dominique
- 70722: Effects of fiscal consolidation on exports in Ukraine

- Artem Vdovychenko and Artur Zubrytskyi
- 70719: The Agricultural Origins of Time Preference

- Oded Galor and Ömer Özak
- 70718: Women Parliamentarians and Deforestation Around The World

- Raufhon Salahodjaev, Oybek Yuldashev and Nurmukhammad Yusupov
- 70704: An Econometric Evaluation of Bank Recapitalization Programs with Bank- and Loan-level Data

- Kiyotaka Nakashima
- 70701: Currency substitution in an oil-rich CIS country: The case of Azerbaijan

- Salman Huseynov and Vugar Ahmadov
- 70699: Pratique des tests statistiques de conformité (Practice of statistical tests of conformity)

- Moussa Keita
- 70692: Stock Returns and Investors’ Mood: Good Day Sunshine or Spurious Correlation?

- Jae Kim
- 70691: Decentralization and Regional Inflation in Indonesia

- Darius Tirtosuharto and Handri Adiwilaga
- 70689: An Extremely Low Interest Rate Policy and the Shape of the Japanese Money Demand Function: A Nonlinear Cointegration Approach

- Kiyotaka Nakashima
- 70688: Ideal and Real Japanese Monetary Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Actual and Optimal Policy Measures

- Kiyotaka Nakashima
- 70687: The Bank of Japan's Operating Procedures and the Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks: A Reexamination using the Bernanke-Mihov Approach

- Kiyotaka Nakashima
- 70686: Quantitative Easing and the Liquidity Channel of Monetary Policy

- Lucas Herrenbrueck
- 70684: Towards the massification of broadband internet access in Brazil: an application of alternative dispute resolution settlement of administrative proceedings

- Luciano De Freitas, Flávio Fagundes Ferreira, Osmar Bernardes da Silva Júnior, João Marcelo Azevedo Marques Mello da Silva and Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas
- 70680: Corporate Governance and Global Supply Chains: How Self -regulation Replaces the Lack of Regulatory Initiatives or Do Regulatory Initiatives Add Value to Corporate Governance

- Bistra Boeva
- 70676: LA CHUTE DES PRIX DE PETROLE: QUELS IMPACTS POUR L’ECONOMIE TUNISIENNE ? (How falling oil prices impact tunisia’s economy ?)

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 70675: Climat des Affaires et Compétitivité de l’Entreprise Tunisienne Après la Révolution: Analyses et Perspectives (Business Climate and Competitiveness of the Tunisian Enterprise After the Revolution: Analysis and Perspectives)

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 70674: Efficiency assessment of Portuguese municipalities using a conditional nonparametric approach

- José Manuel Cordero, Francisco Pedraja-Chaparro, Elsa C. Pisaflores and Cristina Polo
- 70668: The Real Effects of Bank-Driven Termination of Relationships: Evidence from Loan-level Matched Data

- Kiyotaka Nakashima and Koji Takahashi
- 70667: Asset Valuation and the Fascination with Efficiency

- Bennett Labson
- 70666: Factors influencing the diffusion of electric arc furnace steelmaking technology

- Bennett Labson and Peter Gooday
- 70665: Two decades in the European Union - economic success of Spanish regions

- Jakub Piecuch
- 70661: Market Integration Analysis of Japan’s Wakame Seaweed Market Before and After the Great East Japan Earthquake

- Hiroki Wakamatsu and Tsutom Miyata
- 70660: Determinants of Low Birth Weight a Cross Sectional Study: In Case of Pakistan

- Ghulam Ghouse and Muhammad Zaid
- 70659: Integration of Energy Storage and Distributed Generation (DG) in Distribution Systems: Economic Analysis and Development Perspective

- Saeed Mohajeryami, Ronald Jennings and Ghadeer Alkhbbaz
- 70650: How to stabilize the currency exchange rate

- Sergey Blinov
- 70647: Collusion under Imperfect Monitoring with Asymmetric Firms

- Luke Garrod and Olczak Matthew
- 70646: Dezvoltarea economica endogena la nivel regional. Cazul Romaniei (Endogenous economic development at regional level. The case of Romania)

- Gheorghe Zaman, George Georgescu, Zizi Goschin, Daniela Antonescu and Florina Popa
- 70645: Changes in inflation persistence prior and subsequent to the subprime crisis: What are the implications for South Africa?

- Andrew Phiri
- 70644: A General Optimal Investment Model in the Presence of Background Risk

- Moawia Alghalith, Xu Guo, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
- 70640: Private Returns to Education in Pakistan: A Statistical Investigation

- Haroon Jamal
- 70638: India's merchandise trade with China: growth, prospects and future potential?

- Nassir ul Wani and Jasdeep kaur Dhami
- 70637: Multivariate Stochastic Dominance for Risk Averters and Risk Seekers

- Xu Guo and Wing-Keung Wong
- 70636: Impact of Oil Price and Its Volatility on Stock Market Index in Pakistan: Bivariate EGARCH Model

- Abida Naurin and Abdul Qayyum
- 70635: Public bad conflicts: Cyclical Nash strategies and Stackelberg solutions

- George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
- 70632: Managing the Impossible Trinity: Volatile Capital Flows and Indian Monetary Policy

- Rakesh Mohan and Muneesh Kapur
- 70631: Monetary Transmission Mechanism in India: A Quarterly Model

- Muneesh Kapur and Harendra Behera
- 70628: Bias Correction Methods for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects

- Mohamed Abonazel
- 70627: R-Codes to Calculate GMM Estimations for Dynamic Panel Data Models

- Mohamed Abonazel
- 70626: Tackling Food Waste through a sharing economy approach: an experimental analysis

- Piergiuseppe Morone, Pasquale Marcello Falcone, Enrica Imbert, Marcello Morone and Andrea Morone
- 70623: Islamic Banking Controversies and Challenges

- Muhammad Raza, Syed Farhan Shah and Malik Rizwan Khurshid
- 70622: Portfolio Tilting Hunt for Positive Alpha Through Style Tilts

- Muhammad Raza and Hasan Mohsin
- 70619: Месечна динамика и релативне малопродајне цене пољопривредних производа 1994–2003 (Monthly Dynamics and Relative Retail Prices of Agricultural Products 1994–2003)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 70614: Iterated Kalai-Smorodinsky-Nash Compromise

- Ismail Saglam
- 70613: Theory and Evidence on the Finance-Growth Relationship: The Virtuous and Unvirtuous Cycles

- Eliana Lauretta, Sajid Chaudhry and Andy Mullineux
- 70610: Thatchers Erbe und die Sozialdemokratie (Thatchers Legacy and the social democracy)

- Dimitrios Kotroyannos
- 70608: Региональная проблема социалистической Югославии в 1945–1991 гг (Regional Problem in Socialist Yugoslavia 1945‒1991)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 70607: The Welfare Economics of Tactical Voting in Democracies: A Partial Identification Equilibrium Analysis

- Herman Demeze, Issofa Moyouwou and Roland Pongou
- 70606: Modelling the Effect of Investment on Agricultural Productivity in Ghana

- Samuel Yeboah
- 70603: Intergenerational Income Mobility in Vietnam

- Hung Doan and Ngoc Anh Nguyen
- 70602: Informal Sector in India: A Review

- Justine George
- 70601: How business governance challenges affect the common wealth

- Amanda Jermy
- 70597: A dynamic model of Gambling addiction with social costs: theory and policy solutions

- Leonardo Becchetti, Nazaria Solferino and M. Elisabetta Tessitore
- 70593: The Penn Effect Revisited: New Evidence from Latin America

- Bernard Njindan Iyke
- 70592: Is There Any Regional Price Disparity in Peninsular Malaysia?

- Chin Lee
- 70591: Networks of Enterprises and Innovations: Evidence from SMEs in Vietnam

- Hung Doan and Vu Nam
- 70590: Some results on the graph-theoretical identification of microclusters in the Belgian National Innovation System

- Wim Meeusen and Michel Dumont
- 70589: Innovation and Performance of Enterprises: The Case of SMEs in Vietnam

- Vu Nam and Hung Doan
- 70588: The Network of Subsidized and Spontaneous R&D Cooperation between Belgian and Foreign Firms, Research Institutes and universities: A Graph-theoretical Approach

- Wim Meeusen and Michel Dumont
- 70586: The Role of Transport in Economic Development

- Filip Nistor and Catalin Popa
- 70585: Ukrainian Export Diversification: Macro Level Analysis

- Artur Zubritskiy
- 70584: The Capital Structure Theory and its Practical Implications for Firm Financial Management in Central and Eastern Europe

- Marian Rizov
- 70583: The price of EU accession An insight into the Bulgarian real estate market

- Marian Rizov
- 70582: Rural development under the European CAP: The role of diversity

- Marian Rizov
- 70578: An Economic and Stakeholder Analysis for the Design of IPP Contracts for Wind Farms

- Sener Salci and Glenn Jenkins
- 70573: Changes in nominal rigidities in Poland – a regime switching DSGE perspective

- Pawel Baranowski and Zbigniew Kuchta
- 70571: The evolution of intra- and inter-sector knowledge spillovers in the EU Framework Programmes

- Michel Dumont and Aggelos Tsakanikas
- 70570: Knowledge spillovers through R&D networking

- Michel Dumont and Aggelos Tsakanikas
- 70569: Заложно-кредитне аукције и настанак руских олигарха (Lien-Loan Auctions and Origins of Russian Oligarchy)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 70568: Производительность труда и система управления персоналом (Productivity and Human Resource management)

- Yelena Yakhontova
- 70564: Does the Impact of Gini Index on Growth Differ among GCC Countries ?

- Jihène Sbaouelgi and Ghazi Boulila
- 70562: Ukrainian Export Diversification: Macro Level Analysis

- Artur Zubritskiy
- 70547: Large-cap versus small-cap, a downside risk comparison

- Ronny Suarez
- 70546: The Continuous Hidden Threshold Mixed Skew-Symmetric Distribution

- Mohammed Bouaddi, Rachid Belhachemi and Mohamed Douch
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