MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 95482: Impact of Financial Crisis on Determinants of Capital Structure of Indian Non-financial Firms: Estimating Dynamic Panel Data Model using Two-Step System GMM

- Sandeep Vodwal, Vishakha Bansal and Pankaj Sinha
- 95479: The Signalling Channel of Negative Interest Rates

- Oliver de Groot and Alexander Haas
- 95476: Modeling Caribbean Tourism Demand: An Augmented Gravity Approach

- Troy Lorde, Gang Li and David Airey
- 95475: Price-Setting Behavior in a Tourism Sharing Economy Accommodation Market: A Hedonic Price Analysis of AirBnB Hosts in the Caribbean

- Troy Lorde, Jadon Jacob and Quinn Weekes
- 95474: Domestic Investment, Export, Import and Economic Growth in Brazil: An Application of Vector Error Correction Model

- Sayef Bakari, Nissar Fakraoui and Sofien Tiba
- 95471: Adjustments of the Non-Financial Sector to the Rise in Exchange Rate Volatility and Their Policy Implications in Indonesia

- Sahminan Sahminan
- 95467: Innovation spillover, licensing, and ex-post privatization in international duopoly

- Yi Liu, Yu Tan and Yu Fang
- 95466: Do presidential elections affect stock market returns in Nigeria?

- Shehu Aliyu
- 95460: Deuss’ demise: an oil trader’s struggle to keep up with the market, 1970s-1990s

- Marten Boon
- 95459: Nowcasting US GDP with artificial neural networks

- Julius Loermann and Benedikt Maas
- 95458: Mergers on Networks

- Andrei Dubovik
- 95455: Les normes prudentielles: étude d’impact sur la solvabilité bancaire (Prudential standards: impact study on bank solvency)

- Tijani Amara and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 95454: Les normes prudentielles: étude d’impact sur la solvabilité bancaire (Prudential standards: impact study on bank solvency)

- Tijani Amara and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 95453: Impact de risque de crédit et de liquidité sur la stabilité bancaire (Impact of liquidity and credit risks on the bank stability)

- Tijani Amara and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 95452: A Stochastic Model of Competition between Two Cities for Members of the Creative Class

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
- 95451: The Optimal Provision of Information and Communication Technologies in Smart Cities

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 95450: Prioritization of sustainability indicators for promoting the circular economy: The case of developing countries

- Sue Lin Ngan, Bing Shen How, Sin Yong Teng, Michael Angelo B. Promentilla, Puan Yatim, Ah Choy Er and Hon Loong Lam
- 95449: Adaptive Analytical Approach to Lean and Green Operations

- Wei Dong Leong, Sin Yong Teng, Bing Shen How, Sue Lin Ngan, Hon Loong Lam, Chee Pin Tan and S. G. Ponnambalam
- 95443: Realized Volatility Forecasting with Neural Networks

- Andrea Bucci
- 95440: Behavioral Impact of Disaster Education: Evidence from a Dance-Based Program in Indonesia

- Masahiro Shoji, Yoko Takafuji and Tetsuya Harada
- 95435: Vertical Integration and Disruptive Cross-Market R&D

- Ping Lin, Tianle Zhang and Wen Zhou
- 95433: Aid and Human Development: Is There A Role for Good Policy Environment?

- Ashim Kar
- 95428: Governance and institutions for stability and growth in the Eurozone

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 95424: Welfare effects of public information in a laboratory financial market

- Alba Ruiz-Buforn, Simone Alfarano and Andrea Morone
- 95423: Bringing together “old” and “new” ways of solving social dilemmas? The case of Spanish Gitanos

- Antonio Espín, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Juan Gamella, Benedikt Herrmann and Jesus Martin
- 95413: Is Declining Union Membership Contributing to Low Wages Growth? Discussion

- Thijs van Rens
- 95412: Missing Women, Gender Imbalance and Sex Ratio at Birth: Why the One-Child Policy Matters

- Qingfeng Wang
- 95411: Son Preference and Human Capital

- Qingfeng Wang
- 95410: Official development aid effectiveness and economic growth in African countries: The role of the governance

- Ismahene Yahyaoui, Mekki Hamdaoui and Najeh Bouchoucha
- 95409: Fluctuations de prix des matières premières et économie congolaise: manne d’espoir ou de malédiction ? (Fluctuations in commodity price and the congolese economy: hope or curse manna?)

- Floribert Ntungila and Christian Pinshi
- 95407: Oil and pump prices: Is there any asymmetry in the Greek oil downstream sector?

- Zacharias Bragoudakis, Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
- 95406: Numerical Study of the Gap at the Base of the Bridge on the River Flow Parameters

- Mohamadamin Oyarhossein, Vahid Khiali, Kasra Hosseinmostofi, Mostafa Adineh and Hamid Bayatghiasi
- 95404: Corporate social responsibility and strategic trade policy: an endogenous timing game and its policy implications

- Sumi Cho, Sang-Ho Lee and Xoan Hoang
- 95397: Credit, Default, and Optimal Health Insurance

- Youngsoo Jang
- 95395: A Residual-Based Cointegration test with a Fourier Approximation

- Veli Yilanci
- 95394: Economic-Based Synchronization and Control of New Fractional-Order Chaotic System Based on Lyapunov Theorem

- Alireza Bayat, Ehsan Khazaei and Sadegh Mahdavi
- 95393: Economic Operation of Self-Sustained Microgrid Optimal Operation by Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition

- Sadegh Mahdavi, Alireza Bayat, Ehsan Khazaei and Ashkan Jamaledini
- 95392: A Novel Practical and Fast Economic Method Based on Nonconvex Quadratic Programming

- David Rodrigues and Manuel Seruca
- 95391: Solving the Economic Scheduling of Grid-Connected Microgrid Based on the Strength Pareto Approach

- Manuel Seruca, Andrade Mota and David Rodrigues
- 95390: The dynamic causality between ESG and economic growth: Evidence from panel causality analysis

- Sy-Hoa Ho, Rim Oueghlissi and Riadh El Ferktaji
- 95387: Firms as Drivers of Growth and (In-)Equality

- Christian Moser
- 95386: Returns to Education Through Access to Higher-Paying Firms: Evidence from US Matched Employer-Employee Data

- Niklas Engbom and Christian Moser
- 95385: Firms and the Decline in Earnings Inequality in Brazil

- Jorge Alvarez, Felipe Benguria, Niklas Engbom and Christian Moser
- 95384: Earnings Inequality and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Brazil

- Niklas Engbom and Christian Moser
- 95383: Optimal Paternalistic Savings Policies

- Christian Moser and Pedro Olea de Souza e Silva
- 95382: Pay, Employment, and Dynamics of Young Firms

- Tania Babina, Wenting Ma, Christian Moser, Paige Ouimet and Rebecca Zarutskie
- 95381: How Could Wage Inequality Within and Across Enterprises be Reduced?

- Christian Moser
- 95379: Incentive scheme and productivity in microfinance institutions in Benin

- Denis Acclassato Houensou and Melain Modeste Senou
- 95377: The impact of civil society and governance on poverty: Are there differences between the North and East Africa region?

- Zouhaier Aloui
- 95375: Microfinancing and Home-purchase Restrictions: Evidence from the Online “Peer-to-Peer” Lending in China

- Xin Chen, Yaohua Qin, He Xiao and Yifei Zhang
- 95365: FINANCEMENT DES DEFICITS PUBLICS ET COMPORTEMENT DU SECTEUR FINANCIER EN ZONE CEMAC (Financing Fiscal deficit and private sector behavior in CEMAC countries)

- Christophe Raoul Besso
- 95361: Cooperation with a multiproduct corporation in a strategic managerial delegation

- Arturo Garcia, Mariel Leal and Sang-Ho Lee
- 95358: Riforme e Investimenti. Europa e Italia. By Marco Fortis and Alberto Quadrio Curzio. An analysis

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 95356: Antecedents of brand loyalty in the fashion industry of Pakistan: Moderating effect of Individual-level collectivist values

- Yasir Ali Soomro
- 95355: An investigation on price elasticity of demand for protein consumption in Sylhet City, Bangladesh

- Md. Azim Uddin Al Sayed, Das Susmita, Akter Farjana and Akter Nusrat
- 95353: Division of Labor and Switch Cost

- Joshua Ping Ang
- 95352: Barter, Money and Direct Search Equilibrium

- Joshua Ping Ang
- 95347: A preliminary test on risk and ambiguity attitudes, and time preferences in decisions under uncertainty: towards a better explanation of participation in crop insurance schemes

- Attilio Coletta, Elisa Giampietri, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Simone Severini and Samuele Trestini
- 95346: Integration into formal enterprise space: Challenges and opportunities for informal sector entrepreneurs

- Perumal Koshy
- 95345: Persamaan Dan Perbedaan Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Ekonomi Konvensional Dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam

- Gatot Hadi Gunarso
- 95344: Systemic liquidity risk index for Moroccan banking sector

- Firano Zakaria
- 95343: Intersectorial contagion risk in Morocco

- Firano Zakaria and Fatine Filali adib
- 95342: Probability of default using APT model: Case of Moroccan banking system

- Firano Zakaria
- 95341: Transaksi Jual Beli Online (E-Commerce) dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

- Fahmi Khalamillah
- 95338: Impact of quantitative easing on the long-term investment values

- Alexei Krouglov
- 95336: Patterns of Competitive Interaction

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 95334: Market awareness and profitability: case study of Mango production in Karnataka, India

- Madhuri Saripalle
- 95333: The Effect of Fiscal Incentives on Business R&D

- Valeria Bucci
- 95332: Successes and failures of industrial policy: Lessons from transition (post-communist) economies of Europe and Asia

- Vladimir Popov
- 95331: Tamil Nadu’s Electronics Industry Lessons for ‘Make in India'

- Madhuri Saripalle
- 95330: Luigi L. Pasinetti: An intellectual biography by Mauro L. Baranzini and Amalia Mirante. An analysis and comment

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 95329: Последващо оценяване на репутацията – преглед на съществуващата нормативна уредба (Subsequent Evaluation Of Goodwill - Overview Of Existing Accounting Legislation)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 95328: Exploitation in a Disruptive and Unjust Gig-Economy

- Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
- 95326: Impact of innovation on employment in quantitative terms: review of empirical literature based on microdata

- Joost Heijs, Guillermo Arenas Díaz and Delia Margarita Vergara Reyes
- 95318: The Effect of Working Capital Management on Dividend Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Listed Firms in Ghana

- Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
- 95311: Nota metodológica para la estimación del índice de pobreza multidimensional en el Estado de Veracruz 2010 (Methodological note for the estimation of multidimensional poverty index in the State of Veracruz 2010)

- Carlos Medel-Ramírez and Hilario Medel-López
- 95310: Intergenerational transmission of education in Europe: Do more comprehensive education systems reduce social gradients in student achievement?

- Kaspar Burger
- 95309: The socio-spatial dimension of educational inequality: A comparative European analysis

- Kaspar Burger
- 95308: Reform of the Personal Income Tax in Spain: Effects on internal mobility of the unemployed

- Jorge González-Chapela and Raquel Ortega-Lapiedra
- 95306: A Bivariate Forecasting Model For Russian GDP Under Structural Changes In Monetary Policy and Long-Term Growth

- Nikita Fokin and Andrey Polbin
- 95304: Testing for Exuberance Behavior in Agricultural Commodities of Pakistan

- Hira Fatima and Mumtaz Ahmed
- 95302: Stock market predictability: Non-synchronous trading or inefficient markets? Evidence from the National Stock Exchange of India

- Silvio Camilleri and Christopher Green
- 95301: Do call auctions curtail price volatility? Evidence from the National Stock Exchange of India

- Silvio Camilleri
- 95300: The impact of the suspension of opening and closing call auctions: Evidence from the National Stock Exchange of India

- Silvio Camilleri and Christopher Green
- 95299: Do Stock Markets Lead or Lag Macroeconomic Variables? Evidence from Select European Countries

- Silvio Camilleri, Scicluna Nicolanne and Bai Ye
- 95298: The Determinants of Securities Trading Activity: Evidence from four European Equity Markets

- Silvio Camilleri and Francelle Galea
- 95297: The Influence of Misperceptions about Social Norms on Substance Use among School-age Adolescents

- Aliaksandr Amialchuk, Gbenga Ajilore and Kevin Egan
- 95296: The extended Friday the 13th Effect in the US stock returns

- Ramona Dumitriu and Răzvan Stefanescu
- 95295: Does Social Health Insurance Help Owners of Micro- and Small Firms Cope with Family Hardships? Evidence from Indonesia

- Siew Yee Lau, Rasyad Parinduri and Hon Lee
- 95294: A Semiparametric Smooth Coefficient Estimator for Recreation Demand

- Weiwei Liu and Kevin Egan
- 95292: Ferndiagnose des RWI-Konjunkturmodells (Remote diagnosis of the RWI business cycle model)

- Georg Quaas
- 95291: Synchronisation des chocs d'offre et de demande dans la Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) (Synchronization of supply and demand shocks in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS))

- Stéphane Zouri
- 95290: Do banks need a supervisor?

- Maksim Osadchiy and Alexander Sidorov
- 95289: (A)-symétrie des cycles économiques dans la Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) ((A) -Symmetry of business cycles in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS))

- Stephane Zouri
- 95284: The Mining Dynamics and Economic performance in South African Mineral Resources Using Quantile Regression

- Lwazi Falakahla
- 95283: The Internal Spatial Organization of Firms: Evidence from Denmark

- Camilo Acosta and Ditte Håkonsson Lyngemark
- 95280: A new approach to estimation of actively managed component of foreign exchange reserves

- Marek Dąbrowski
- 95279: Smart and Green Buildings Features in the Decision-Making Hierarchy of Office Space Tenants: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study

- Michał Głuszak, Remigiusz Gawlik and Małgorzata Zięba
- 95275: Business cycles,bilateral trade and international financial intergration: Evidence from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (Business cycles,bilateral trade and international financial intergration: Evidence from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS))

- Stephane Zouri
- 95271: Teknik Penanaman Jajar Legowo untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah di Jawa Tengah (Jajar legowo cultivation technique to improve the yield of wetland paddy in Central Province)

- Octavia Prasetyo and Kadir Kadir
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