MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39378: Reconsidering the effect of economic development on urban unemployment under non-homothetic preferences

- Nobuyuki Takeuchi
- 39377: A mathematical introduction to transitional lotteries

- Francesco Strati
- 39374: Региональные аспекты применения адаптивного подхода к управлению портфелем проектов государственно-частного партнерства (Adaptive Approach to Portfolio Management of Public-Private Partnership Projects: Regional Implementation Aspects)

- V. Zh. Dubrovsky and Evgeny Kuzmin
- 39373: Финансово-экономический механизм поддержания инфраструктурного развития через модель государственно-частного партнерства (Financial-economic mechanism to maintain infrastructure development through the public-private partnership)

- V. Zh. Dubrovsky and Evgeny Kuzmin
- 39372: Uncertainty and certainty property estimation of organizational-economic system

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 39371: A decomposition analysis of capital structure: evidence from Pakistan’s manufacturing sector

- Attiya Yasmin Javed and Qaisar Imad
- 39370: Is There a J-curve for Azerbaijan? Evidence from Industry-Level Analysis

- Rustam Jamilov
- 39365: A brief look at Say's Law: Attempting to understand its relevance and meaning

- Tarnell Brown
- 39364: From competitive advantage to dynamic capabilities: small and medium-sized multinationals in Asia

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 39362: Pricing behaviour at capacity constrained facilities

- Jesper Fredborg Huric Larsen
- 39360: Estimation in Non-Linear Non-Gaussian State Space Models with Precision-Based Methods

- Joshua Chan and Rodney Strachan
- 39359: Innovation et externalisation des services: une analyse empirique sur données d'entreprises tunisiennes (Innovation and outsourcing of services: a firm-level analysis)

- Hanen Sdiri and Mohamed Ayadi
- 39357: The economics of food security in Arab micro states: preliminary evidence from micro data

- Syed Abul Basher, David Raboy, Simeon Kaitibie and Ishrat Hossain
- 39355: Drawing out the Satisficer from the Maximizer

- Edsel Beja
- 39354: Assessing the Mumbai metropolitan region: a governance perspective

- Abhay Pethe, Sahil Gandhi and Vaidehi Tandel
- 39353: Inferring monetary policy objectives with a partially observed state

- Gregory Givens and Michael Salemi
- 39352: Risk management – a new priority system customs and its consequences

- Constanta Iacob and Stefan Zaharia
- 39351: Public firm incentives under asymmetric information and prospect of deregulation and privatization

- J.F. Huric Larsen
- 39349: Customs duty or duty ?

- Constanta Iacob and Stefan Zaharia
- 39348: The need for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): some explanations for the pace of implementation

- Marianne Ojo
- 39346: Structure des exportations des économies africaines au sud du sahara et mésalignement du taux de change réel: cas de la zone franc (Manufactured exports and real exchange rate misalignment: cfa franc zone case)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 39343: Rescuing the concept of vertical fiscal imbalance

- Chanchal Kumar Sharma
- 39337: Economy of referential preferences

- T Goucha
- 39336: La collaboration entre les universités et les organismes professionnels - une autre chance de marché du travail (Collaboration between universities and professional bodies - another chance labour market)

- Constanta Iacob and Valeriu Brabete
- 39334: Price stickiness and exchange-rate pass-through: some evidence from Indian online retail

- Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya
- 39332: National and international exigencies on increasing the quality of accounting information generated by evaluation by comparison

- Daniel Goagara, Laura Vasilescu and Cornelia Nitu
- 39331: Considerations on the financial structure of the company

- Cornelia Nitu
- 39321: The economics curriculum in Australian Universities 1980 to 2011

- Tim Thornton
- 39320: Estimating the willingness to pay for environmental resources in the Chilean Patagonia

- Juan-Pedro Garces-Voisenat and Zinnia Mukherjee
- 39318: Income inequality in rural Pakistan-sources and decompositions

- Khadija Shams
- 39316: Fiscal decentralization in Eastern Europe: a twenty-year perspective

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 39315: Analyzing trade liberalization effect in egg sector using a dynamic gravity model

- Lota Tamini, Maurice Doyon and Rodrigue Simon
- 39314: Factors affecting internet banking adoption among internal and external customers: a case of Pakistan

- Syed Raza and Nida Hanif
- 39312: Comparative Advantage, Scale Economy and Regional Specialization:An Empirical Analysis Based on China’s Industries

- Zheng Lu and Xiang Deng
- 39311: Evolution towards efficient coordination in repeated games, preliminary version

- Stefano Demichelis
- 39306: Unravelling the anatomy of legal corruption in India: Focusing on the ‘honest graft’ by the politicians

- Abhay Pethe, Vaidehi Tandel and Sahil Gandhi
- 39305: Investigating the relationship between income, health and biomass consumption: a panel data analysis

- Adewale Oparinde
- 39304: Die Transformation des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Berlin/Brandenburg unter Berücksichtigung der Exporte: eine empirische Analyse mit amtlichen Mikrodaten (The transition of the manufacturing industry in Berlin/Brandenburg paying particular consideration to exports: an empirical analyze with official micro data)

- Stefan Mangelsdorf
- 39302: Do international remittances cause Dutch disease?

- Edsel Beja
- 39300: The marketing spirit from the perspective of moral values

- Andrei Cosmin Dumea and Dragos Florentin Mariciuc
- 39299: Efficiency of Indian Commercial Banks: The Post-Reform Experience from Mergers & Acquisitions

- Surajit Bhattacharyya and Ankit Chatri
- 39298: Implications of Economic and Financial Crisis for Agricultural Sector of India

- Shah Deepak
- 39297: Crimonometric Analysis: Testing the Deterrence Hypothesis in Sabah

- Evan Lau and Siti Nur Zahara Hamzah
- 39295: Finite sample performance of kernel-based regression methods for non-parametric additive models under common bandwidth selection criterion

- Carlos Martins-Filho and Ke Yang
- 39294: Forecasting Value-at-Risk with time-varying variance, skewness and kurtosis in an exponential weighted moving average framework

- Alexandros Gabrielsen, Paolo Zagaglia, A. Kirchner and Zhuoshi Liu
- 39286: Implementation of national food security mission: farmers’ perceptions

- Shah Deepak
- 39284: A framework for assessing innovation collaboration partners and its application to India

- Giuditta De Prato and Daniel Nepelski
- 39283: A macroeconomic analysis of the land market in the count of Flanders and the duchy of Brabant. (fifteenth and sixteenth century)

- Nicolas De Vijlder
- 39282: Longevity, life-cycle behavior and pension reform

- Peter Haan and Victoria Prowse
- 39281: Internationalisation of ICT R&D in Asia vis a vis the world regions

- Daniel Nepelski and Giuditta De Prato
- 39278: How substitutable are fixed factors in production? evidence from pre-industrial England

- Joshua Wilde
- 39277: Identifying spikes and seasonal components in electricity spot price data: A guide to robust modeling

- Joanna Janczura, Stefan Trueck, Rafał Weron and Rodney Wolff
- 39276: Economic implications of intra-state conflict:Evidence from Manipur state of India

- Jiyaur Rahman and Zeba Sheereen
- 39275: Trade performance of India in livestock products: prospects and issues under WTO regime

- Shah Deepak
- 39274: Financial and economic crisis: implications for agricultural sector in India

- Shah Deepak
- 39273: Special economic zones in India: investment, trade, employment generation and impact assessment

- Shah Deepak
- 39270: Implementation of NREGA in Maharashtra: experiences, challenges and ways forward

- Shah Deepak
- 39269: Implementation of national food security mission for pulse crops in Maharashtra

- Shah Deepak
- 39268: Traditional sufficient conditions for Nash implementation may fail on Internet

- Haoyang Wu
- 39265: The employment challenges for Pakistan in the 1990s

- Rashid Amjad and Nasim (edited), Anjum
- 39264: Warfare, Fiscal Capacity, and Performance

- Mark Dincecco and Jose Prado
- 39262: Pakistan's economic system: a stage of transition

- Naved Hamid and Rashid Amjad
- 39261: R&D, innovation and productivity, and the CIS: sampling, specification and comparability issues

- Chiara Criscuolo, Squicciarini Mariagrazia and Lehtoranta Olavi
- 39260: Growth, profitability and savings of quoted public limited companies 1964-70

- Rashid Amjad
- 39258: Non-linearities in exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from smooth transition models

- Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
- 39257: A critique of the green revolution in West Pakistan

- Rashid Amjad
- 39256: Identification, Estimation and Specification in a Class of Semi-Linear Time Series Models

- Jiti Gao
- 39253: The rights and wrongs of intergenerational externalities

- Clive Spash
- 39251: Разработка модели системной динамики для энергетического сектора в Латвии (Development of system dynamics model for the energy sector in Latvia)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 39250: Current issues of motivation, academic performance and internet use- implications for an education of excellence

- Monica Turturean
- 39247: Savings, lending rate and skill improvement in micro-finance operating through public-private cooperation

- Amit Kundu
- 39246: Sexual orientation and social exclusion in Italy

- Fabrizio Botti and Carlo D'Ippoliti
- 39245: British economists on competition policy (1890-1920)

- Nicola Giocoli
- 39244: Old lady charm: explaining the persistent appeal of Chicago antitrust

- Nicola Giocoli
- 39242: Inclusion and Access to Technology in ODL programs – A Case of Commonwealth Executive MBA Program in Bangladesh

- Md. Forhad and Mostafa Azad Kamal
- 39240: A game theory model for currency markets stabilization

- Francesco Musolino and David Carfì
- 39239: The Development of Trade Union theory and Mainstream Economic Methodology

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Katselidis
- 39238: The external debt-servicing constraint and public-expenditure composition in sub-Saharan Africa

- Augustin Fosu
- 39237: Global e-commerce and african participation:a critical assessment

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 39235: Workforce Reductions in Theory and Practice: The Swedish Tobacco Monopoly in the 1920s

- Tobias Karlsson
- 39229: Estimating term structure changes using principal component analysis in Indian sovereign bond market

- Golaka Nath
- 39228: Employment Structure and Wage Levels in Namibia: A Report based on Establishment Survey 1992/93

- Irfan Mohammad
- 39227: Beneficios económicos del implante coclear para la hipoacusia sensorineural profunda (Economic benefits of the cochlear implant for treating profound sensorineural hearing loss)

- Agusto Peñaranda and Jorge Perdomo Calvo
- 39226: Dealing with small samples and dimensionality issues in data envelopment analysis

- Panagiotis Zervopoulos
- 39221: Enhancement of social capital through participation in micro-finance: an empirical investigation

- Amit Kundu
- 39218: Cross-ownership, league policies and player investment across sports leagues

- Kevin Mongeon and Jason Winfree
- 39216: Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An brief introduction for non-economists

- Miguel Niño-Zarazúa
- 39215: The development and production of GDP flash estimates in a newly industrialised country: the case of South Africa

- Nazeem Mustapha and George Djolov
- 39214: Stress test macroéconomique du système bancaire de l'UEMOA (Macroeconomic stress testing of the WAEMU banking system)

- Gammadigbe Vigninou
- 39213: Edward H. Chamberlin (1899 − 1967)

- Rodolfo Signorino
- 39212: David Ricardo on natural and market prices

- Rodolfo Signorino
- 39211: Old lady charm: a comment

- Rodolfo Signorino
- 39210: The symbolic universe of Cyberjaya, Malaysia

- Hans-Dieter Evers and Ramli Nordin
- 39208: Disaggregating rates of return to education

- Shahrukh R. Khan and Irfan Mohammad
- 39201: Social diversification, injustices, and Pareto optimality with non-binary preferences

- Arian Berdellima and Nadeem Naqvi
- 39199: Protecting Sites of Special Scientific Interest: Intrinsic and Utilitarian Values

- Clive Spash and Ian A. Simpson
- 39198: Imperfect Detection of Tax Evasion in a Corrupt Tax Administration

- Diego Escobari
- 39196: Health insurance reform and bankruptcy

- Michal Kuklik
- 39195: On the efficiency of public health expenditure in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does corruption and quality of public institutions matter?

- Jacob Novignon
- 39194: Sovereign debt crises and financial bailouts: the anatomy and components of an everlasting relationship (I)

- Marianne Ojo
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