MPRA Paper
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- 54477: Študijný program ako produkt a jeho imidž (Study program as a product and its image)

- Juraj Misun
- 54476: Podnikový dizajn fakúlt zameraných na manažment na Slovensku (Corporate design of the faculties oriented on management in the Slovak republic)

- Juraj Misun
- 54475: Podnikateľský model ako nástroj strategického manažmentu na príklade spoločnosti Marvel entertainment (Business model as a tool of strategic management on the example of the Company Marvel Entertainment)

- Ivana Misunova Hudakova and Juraj Misun
- 54473: Grooming Classifications: Exchange Rate Regimes and Growth in Transition Economies

- Marjan Petreski
- 54472: Financial Stability of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Saudi Arabia: Evidence using Pooled and Panel Models

- Hassan Ghassan and Farid B. Taher
- 54471: Identification of Building and Locational Characteristics’ Ranking for Purpose-built Offices in Malaysia: A Delphi Methodology

- Edie Ezwan Mohd Safian, Abdul Hadi Nawawi and Ibrahim Atan Sipan
- 54470: أثر تحرير سوق رأس المال على التذبذب في سوق الأسهم السعودي (Effect of Capital Market Liberalization on Volatility of TASI)

- Hassan Ghassan and Hassan R. Alhajhoj
- 54467: Development and testing of a business process efficiency scale

- Arshad Zaheer, Kashif ur Rehman and M. Iqbal Saif
- 54461: Environmental Quality and Economic Growth: A Panel Analysis of the "U" in Kuznets

- Usenobong Akpan and Dominic E. Abang
- 54456: Real vs. Nominal Cycles: A Multistate Markov-Switching Bi-Factor Approach

- Danilo Leiva-Leon
- 54455: Short- and long-term growth effects of special interest groups in the U.S. states: A dynamic panel error-correction approach

- Ismail M. Cole
- 54453: اختبار أثر مزاحمة الإنفاق الحكومي للإستثمار الخاص في الاقتصاد السعودي عبر المعاينة المعادة (Crowding out Test of Government Expenditures to Private Investment in Saudi Arabia using Bootstrapping)

- Hassan Ghassan and Hassan R. Alhajhoj
- 54452: A New Approach to Infer Changes in the Synchronization of Business Cycle Phases

- Danilo Leiva-Leon
- 54448: Time Series Analysis using Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) Model of Wind Speeds in Bangui Bay and Selected Weather Variables in Laoag City, Philippines

- Cherie Orpia, Dennis Mapa and Julius Orpia
- 54443: Is the truth out there? Avaliando as opções de integração econômica para o Brasil (Is the truth out there? Evaluating the economic integration options for Brazil)

- Eduardo Simões de Almeida and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54442: Yield to Maturity Is Always Realized as Promised: A Reply

- Richard Cebula and Bill Yang
- 54441: Quince años del Sistema Nacional Ambiental de Colombia (SINA). Evaluación y perspectivas. Síntesis de conclusiones y recomendaciones - Mesa de expertos (Fifteen years of the Colombian National Environmental System (Sistema Nacional Ambiental - SINA). Evaluation and perspectives. Synthesis of findings and recommendations - Panel of experts)

- Guillermo Rudas-Lleras
- 54440: Right-to-Work Laws and Geographic Differences in Living Costs: An Analysis of Effects of the "Union Shop" Ban for the Years 1974, 1976, and 1978

- Richard Cebula
- 54439: Measuring a Territorial Labor Market Development Index

- Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia, Diego Cardozo-Medeiros and Pedro Pablo Parra-Diaz
- 54438: Социетальные аспекты эффективности экономических процессов (Societal aspects of the effectiveness of economic processes)

- Irina Filippova
- 54436: Imputación de ingresos laborales: Una aplicación con encuestas de empleo en México (Labor earnings imputation: An application using labor surveys in Mexico)

- Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia and Bruno Lopez-Videla
- 54433: การลดความยากจนและการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจในกลุ่มประเทศต่างๆ (Poverty Reduction and Economic Development in various groups of country)

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj and Rossarin Osathanunkul
- 54431: A study measuring the effect of pay, promotion and training on job satisfaction in pakistani service industry

- Babar Zaheer Butt, Kashif Ur Rehman and Nadeem Safwan
- 54429: Enjeux des politiques industrielles basées sur les clusters d'innovation: cas des pôles de compétitivité (Issues of Innovative Clusters-based Industrial Policy: Case of Pole of Competitiveness)

- B. G. Jean-Jacques Iritié
- 54427: Reputation in Repeated Moral Hazard Games

- Alp Atakan and Mehmet Ekmekci
- 54426: The myth of “neutrality” and the rhetoric of “stability”: macroeconomic policy in democratic South Africa

- Gilad Isaacs
- 54425: Health care and social care: complements, substitutes and attributes

- John Wildman and Peter McMeekin
- 54420: Prospective Demand for an Index-Based Microinsurance in Sri Lanka

- Shirantha Heenkenda
- 54419: Inequalities in the Financial Inclusion in Sri Lanka: An Assessment of the Functional Financial Literacy

- Shirantha Heenkkenda
- 54418: Do Large Governments Decrease Happiness?

- Tiago Sequeira, Tiago Minas and Alexandra Lopes
- 54413: دور المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مواجهة البطالة فى الدول الخليجية (Role of small and medium enterprises in reducing unemployment in the GCC countries)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 54412: The economic, environmental and public health impacts of new power plants: a sequential interindustry model integrated with GIS data

- Andre Avelino, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54411: Chronological Description about Financial Crisis and Gap between Academic and Professional Approach

- Hyejin Cho
- 54409: bank capital regulation model

- Hyejin Cho
- 54408: ‘Cold, Calculating Political Economy’: Fixed costs, the Rate of Profit and the Length of the Working Day in the Factory Act Debates, 1832-1847

- Steven Toms
- 54405: Expressing Emotion and Fairness Crowding-out in an Ultimatum Game with Incomplete Information

- Josie I Chen and Kenju Kamei
- 54402: Hicks' thread (out of the equilibrium labyrinth)

- Antonio Bianco
- 54398: الارتباط الحركي بين الاستثمار في مؤسسات القطاع الحكومي والاستثمار الخاص عبر نموذج التقهقر الذاتي البنيوي: حالة الاقتصاد السعودي (The Dynamic Relationship between the Investment in Public and Private Sectors Using an SVAR Model: Case of Saudi Arabia)

- Hassan Ghassan and Hassan Alhajhoj
- 54397: Evolutionary Model of Moore’s Law

- Joachim Kaldasch
- 54396: Poslanie diablovho advokáta v skupinovom rozhodovaní (The role of devil's advocate in the group decision making)

- Juraj Misun
- 54395: Podniková identita ako konkurenčná výhoda (Corporate identity as a competitive advantage)

- Juraj Misun
- 54394: Optimal Use of Put Options in a Stock Portfolio

- Peter Bell
- 54393: Non Linear Adjustment in the MLR Condition: Evidence from Threshold Cointegration

- Hassan Ghassan
- 54392: Beyond Extended Phenotype Evolution of extended identity in order to reconcile study of humanity with biological evolution

- Taddese Mezgebo
- 54391: Banking Stability System: Does it Matter if the Rate of Return is Fixed or Stochastic?

- Hassan Ghassan
- 54389: Concvergence or Divergence? Analysis of Human Resource Practices in SME Turkey

- Tuncay Karartı
- 54388: BRICs versus Other Emerging Economies: The Case of India

- Dimitrios Nikolaou Koumparoulis
- 54387: The Linkage Between Fitness, Nutrition and Mind for our Well-being, Abundance and Health

- Anat Feldman
- 54386: Results Intelligence: The Ability of Results-Focused Self-Management

- Diti Klein
- 54385: The Use of Guerilla Marketing In SMEs

- Zeki Yüksekbilgili
- 54384: An Algorithm for Making Value-Based Strategic Decisions

- Victor Palamarchuk
- 54383: Investigation of Iterative Algorithms for Evaluation of Capital Structure and Cost

- Vigen Minasyan
- 54382: The Doctrinal Peculiarity of 19th Century Adventism: Teaching About The Trinity

- Bernard Kozirog
- 54381: Strategic Management of Innovative Development of the Russian Pharmaceutical Complex

- Natalia Klunko
- 54380: Special Legal Instruments for Placement of Shares in the Course of a Joint Stock Company Reorganization: «Stock Conversion Procedure»

- Andrey Glushetskiy and Vigen Minasyan
- 54378: 研发边际收益递减条件下的经济增长 (The Economic Growth with the marginal decreasing returns of R&D)

- Haiyang Liu
- 54376: Federalismo fiscal en Argentina: Un análisis de efectos spillover mediante un CGE regional (Fiscal Federalism in Argentina: An analysis of spillover effects using a regional CGE)

- Leonardo Mastronardi
- 54375: Development Finance in the BRIC Countries

- Anna Abalkina, Alexander Libman and Xiofan Yu
- 54374: Sistema inter-regional sul-restante do Brasil: geração de renda e interdependência regional (South-rest of Brasil inter-regional system: income generation and regional inter dependency)

- Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Joaquim Guilhoto, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Paulo Rogério Alves Brene
- 54373: La relation de prix entre le Cameroun et le Gabon (Is there a food price transmission between Cameroon and Gabon?)

- Sabine Mireille Ntsama
- 54371: Impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais da melhoria no saneamento básico rural no Brasil (Social, economic and environmental impacts of basic rural sanitation improvements in Brasil)

- Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54370: EPSIM - An integrated sequential interindustry model for energy planning: evaluating economic, eletrical, environmental and health dimensions of new power plants

- Andre Avelino, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54368: The role of Brazilian regions in the global value chain

- Erik Dietzenbacher, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
- 54367: The Truly General Theory of Employment: How Keynes Could Have Succeeded

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 54366: Being efficient to stay strong in a weak economy. The case of calabrian manufacturing firms

- Francesco Aiello and Concetta Castiglione
- 54365: bank capital regulation model

- Hyejin Cho
- 54362: The laffer curve and the debt-growth link in low-income Sub-Saharan African economies

- Kelbesa Megersa
- 54358: Poverty Reduction in Urban China: The Impact of Cash Transfers

- Alfred Wu and M. Ramesh
- 54356: Consumption and Income Inequality During the Transition to a Market Economy: Poland, 1985–1992

- Michael Keane and Eswar Prasad
- 54353: ¿Es la dolarización oficial una opción real para las economías emergentes? (Is Official Dollarization a real option for emerging countries?)

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 54352: Un análisis del ciclo económico de la República Dominicana bajo cambios de régimen (Analysis of business cycle of the Dominican Republic using Markov Switching model)

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 54350: The potato value chain in Bihar: An assessment and policy implications

- Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54349: Branding in food retail of high value crops in Asia: Case of Makhana from Bihar (India)

- Bart Minten, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54345: The benefit of cold storages: Evidence from Bihar

- Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54344: The makhana value chain and the fast emergence of branding in food retail: Evidence from Bihar (India)

- Bart Minten, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54343: The Development of the Hungarian Banking Sector Prior to Basel II

- Roland Attila Csizmazia
- 54342: Role of work overload toward turnover intention among newly hired public accountants

- Andika Pradana and Imam Salehudin
- 54341: Marketing impact of halal labeling toward Indonesian muslim consumer’s behavioral intention

- Imam Salehudin and Bagus Adi Luthfi
- 54339: Halal Literacy: A Concept Exploration and Measurement Validation

- Imam Salehudin
- 54337: The rapid emergence of branding in food retail in Asia: Insights from Bihar (India)

- Bart Minten, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54335: Commuting for meetings

- Mogens Fosgerau, Leonid Engelson and Joel Franklin
- 54334: Branding in food retail of high value crops in Asia: Case of Makhana from Bihar (India)

- Bart Minten, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
- 54330: Towards the reproducibility in soil erosion modeling: a new pan-European soil erosion map

- Claudio Bosco, Daniele de Rigo, Olivier Dewitte and Luca Montanarella
- 54328: Teoretické pohľady na manažérsku spôsobilosť a jej ohodnocovanie (Theoretical perspectives on managerial competence and its valuation)

- Ivana Misunová Hudaková and Juraj Misun
- 54326: Social Transfers and Inequality During the Polish Transition

- Michael Keane and Eswar Prasad
- 54325: Talent manažment ako súčasť konkurenčnej výhody (Talent management as a part of competitive advantage)

- Juraj Misun and Ivana Hudakova
- 54322: Budovanie konkurenčnej výhody v dynamickom a zložitom podnikateľskom prostredí (Building competitive advantage in a dynamic and complex business environment)

- Ivana Hudakova and Juraj Misun
- 54320: Abilenský paradox v skupinovom rozhodovaní (Abilene paradox in group decision making)

- Juraj Misun and Nadezda Jankelova
- 54316: Using input-output to measure the GDP and to estimate monthly growth rates of productive complexes: the case of the Brazilian agribusiness

- Maria Cristina Ortiz Furtuoso and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54315: The role of the food processing industries in the economic development of the Paraná state in Brazil, 1980 to 1995

- Rossana Lott Rodrigues, Antonio Carlos Moretto and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54314: The meat sectors and the Brazilian macro regions economies: an interregional input-output approach

- Flávia Maria de Mello Bliska and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54310: Competences and skills training for the European negotiator provided by the Romanian universities

- Florentina Chirodea and Luminita Soproni
- 54309: MIBRA-USP, an interregional applied general equilibrium model for the Brazilian economy

- Francisco Casimiro Filho, Marcelo Theoto Rocha, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales Lima, Silvia Helena G. de Miranda and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54304: Panel Data Parametric Frontier Technique for Measuring Total-factor Energy Efficiency: Application to Japanese Regions

- Satoshi Honma and Jin-Li Hu
- 54300: The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption and Trade: Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries

- Mehdi Ben Jebli, Slim Ben Youssef and Ilhan Ozturk
- 54297: On the pseudo-equilibrium manifold in semi-algebraic economies with real financial assets

- Omar Fdo. Arias-R.
- 54295: City price convergence in Turkey with structural breaks

- Faik Bilgili
- 54294: Socialism is dead, long live socialism!

- Vladimir Popov
- 54292: Emocionálna inteligencia ako významný faktor ohodnocovania celostnej kompetentnosti manažéra (Emotional intelligence as an important factor of valuation of the holistic competence of a manager)

- Ivana Misunova Hudakova and Juraj Misun
- 54291: Should Africa promote stock market capitalism?

- Ajit Singh
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