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64488: Financial Crises, Development, and Growth: A Long-term Perspective Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
64487: Examining asymmetric effects in the South African Philips curve: Evidence from logistic smooth transition regression (LSTR) models Downloads
Andrew Phiri
64486: Convergence of absolute purchasing power parity Downloads
Zhibai Zhang
64482: The relationship between Foreign Currency trading and Economic Development: A case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Asim Mashkoor, Ovais Ahmed and Dr. Gobin Herani
64481: Issues and barriers in economic development (Last stage of economic development) Downloads
Aasim Mashkoor and Ovais Ahmed
64478: Health Disparities in Haryana - A District Level Analysis Downloads
Laxmi Narayan
64475: Bank Competition and Risk Appetite: Evidence from Tunisia Downloads
Khemais Zaghdoudi, Helmi Hamdi, Hichem Dkhili and Abdelaziz Hakimi
64473: Editoriale: “La PA digitale: un ossimoro italiano?” (Editorial: "The Digital Public Administration: An Italian Oxymoron?") Downloads
Nicola Matteucci and Paolo Seri
64469: Implementation of Operational Risk Regime: A Case of Commercial Banks in Pakistan Downloads
Zahir Hussain and Syed Ali
64468: Instability of Equilibria with Imperfect Private Monitoring Downloads
Yuval Heller
64465: Do Stock Returns Provide a Good Hedge Against Inflation? An Empirical Assessment Using Turkish Data during Periods of Structural Change Downloads
Halit Aktürk
64462: “For Being Aboriginal”: Economic Perspectives on Pre-Holocaust Genocide and Mass Killings Downloads
Jurgen Brauer and Raul Caruso
64461: Institutions and Poverty: A Critical Comment Based on Evolving Currents and Debates Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Oasis Kodila-Tedika
64460: Foreign aid, investment and fiscal policy behavior: theory and empirical evidence Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Mohamed Jellal
64459: The Role of Lifelong Learning in Political Stability and Non-violence: Evidence from Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
64458: A brief clarification to the questionable economics of foreign aid for inclusive human development Downloads
Simplice Asongu
64457: The Effects of Remittances on Output per Worker in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Production Function Approach Downloads
John Ssozi and Simplice Asongu
64456: Risk and Scope of Debit Check Card in Competitive Market of Pakistan Downloads
Syed Najaf Ali Zaidi and Syed Babar Ali
64455: Publication Bias in Measuring Anthropogenic Climate Change Downloads
Dominika Reckova and Zuzana Irsova
64454: Identifying Geographic Clusters: A Network Analytic Approach Downloads
Roberto Catini, Dmytro Karamshuk, Orion Penner and Massimo Riccaboni
64453: Good Board Governance and Perceived Business Continuity in Tunisian Corporate Groups Downloads
Wajdi Ben Rejeb
64451: A Rational Economic Model of Paygo Tax Rates Downloads
Eytan Shehsinski, George de Menil and Fabrice Murtin
64450: The Impact of Globalization on CO2 Emissions in China Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Saleheen Khan, Amjad Ali and Mita Bhattacharya
64449: Перспективы развития федерального фонда обязательного медицинского страхования (Prospects for the development of the federal compulsory medical insurance fund) Downloads
Lavrinenko Angelika
64446: Modeling tourism flows through gravity models: A quantile regression approach Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Mariangela Morelli
64441: The direct effect of climate change on the cereal production in Tunisia: A micro-spatial analysis Downloads
Zouabi Oussama and Montassar Kahia
64440: Smets-Wouters '03 model revisited - an implementation in gEcon Downloads
Grzegorz Klima, Karol Podemski, Kaja Retkiewicz-Wijtiwiak and Anna E. Sowińska
64439: A teacher unlike me: Social distance, learning, and intergenerational mobility in developing countries Downloads
Naureen Karachiwalla
64437: Research and Technology in Bulgaria -Challenges both for Policy and Economic Actors Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64435: Challenges to the Indicators on Science, Technology and Innovation Development Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64433: Information Society Development in Bulgaria Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64432: Flows in Europe - Bulgaria Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64429: Innovation policy in seven candidate countries: the challenges. Final Report Volume 2.1 Innovation Policy Profile: Bulgaria Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64426: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Financial Markets Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
64417: The Calculation of Weighted Price Elasticity of Tax: Turkey (1998-2013) Downloads
Engin Yılmaz and Bora Süslü
64416: Italian economic trends and labor market reforms: a 50-years overview Downloads
Walter Paternesi Meloni and Matteo Deleidi
64412: Long-term projection of Myanmar economy by macro econometric model Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Ni Lar
64411: FDI, industrial upgrading and economic corridor in Myanmar Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Ni Lar
64410: Regional connectivity in continental ASEAN Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Kenji Nozaki
64409: International production networks in ASEAN economies Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Harutaka Murofushi
64407: 東アジア諸国のインフレターゲットと日本への示唆 (Inflation targeting in east Asia economies and its implication to Japan) Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi and Chizuru Kato
64406: Full cost, profit et concurrence (Full cost, Profit and Competition) Downloads
Paul Jael
64405: Relationship between health status and recycling rates: Evidence from Great Britain Downloads
Eleftherios Giovanis and Oznur Ozdamar
64404: Calendar Effects and Seasonality on Returns and Volatility Downloads
Eleftherios Giovanis
64403: Relationship between Recycling Rate and Air Pollution in the State of Massachusetts Downloads
Eleftherios Giovanis
64402: An Over-the-Counter Approach to the FOREX Market Downloads
Athanasios Geromichalos and Kuk Mo Jung
64401: Evaluation of Ozone Smog Alerts on Actual Ozone Concentrations:A Case study in North Carolina Downloads
Eleftherios Giovanis
64399: Multilevel empirics for small banks in local markets Downloads
Francesco Aiello and Graziella Bonanno
64398: The Simple Economics of Motor Vehicle Pollution: A Case for Fuel Tax Downloads
Josef Montag
64395: Външнотърговски отношения на България с държавите в Африка (Bulgaria’s International Trade Relations with the African Countries) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
64391: Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0 Downloads
Roger L Goodwin
64389: The impact of exchange rate volatility on international trade between South Africa, China and USA: The case of the manufacturing sector Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Sandile Dube
64388: Posterior outperformance, selectivity and market timing skills in hedge funds: do they persist altogether? Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba
64387: Extreme conditional value at risk: a coherent scenario for risk management Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Isaah Mhlanga
64386: Modelling the short-term interest rate with stochastic differential equation in continuous time: linear and nonlinear models Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba, Lethaba Thabo and Josine Uwilingiye
64384: International diversification and dependence structure of equity portfolios during market crashes: the Archimedean copula approach Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Paula Mokwena
64383: Another reason why the efficient market hypothesis is fuzzy Downloads
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba
64380: Asian Participation and Performance at the Olympic Games Downloads
Marcus Noland and Kevin Stahler
64378: Measuring the Impact of Financial Taxation on Capital Downloads
Juan Correa, Miguel Lorca and Francisco Parro
64375: Эволюция институтов конкуренции, власти и сотрудничества (Institutions of competition, power and collaboration) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
64374: Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 2. Рационализация структуры собственности (Privatization and the rational ownership structure. Part 2: rationalization of the ownership structure) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
64373: What Makes People Go to War? Defensive Intentions Motivate Retaliatory and Preemptive Intergroup Aggression Downloads
Robert Böhm, Hannes Rusch and Özgür Gürerk
64372: Skills heterogeneity among graduate workers: real and apparent overeducation in the Spanish labor market Downloads
Lucía Mateos-Romero and María del Mar Salinas Jiménez
64371: Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 1. Приватизация: проблема эффективности (Privatization and the rational ownership structure. Part 1: privatization: the effeciency problem) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
64369: Influence of Macroeconomic Variable on Indian Stock Movement: Cointegration Approach Downloads
Harsh Vardhan and Pankaj Sinha
64367: Indicator Based Forecasting of Business Cycles in Azerbaijan Downloads
Fuad Mammadov and Shaiq Shaig Adigozalov
64366: Regulating a Manager-Controlled Monopoly with Unknown Costs Downloads
Ismail Saglam
64364: Investigation of Participation in Adult Education in Turkey: AES Data Analysis Downloads
Nergiz Dincer, Ayça Tekin-Koru and Petek Aşkar
64363: A League of Their Own: Services Exporters –A Developing Country Perspective- Downloads
Nergiz Dincer and Ayça Tekin-Koru
64362: Trade finance and international currency Downloads
Tao Liu
64361: Bubbles, Bluffs, and Greed Downloads
Taiji Harashima
64357: Asymmetric Exchange Rate Exposure in Indonesian Industry Sectors Downloads
Lestano Lestano
64353: On the spectrum of oscillations in economics Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
64342: Risk Taking Behavior of Investors of Pakistan Downloads
Aoun Rizvi and Syed Ali
64341: Quantile forecasts of inflation under model uncertainty Downloads
Dimitris Korobilis
64339: Сравнение институциональной структуры банковских систем России и Китая (Comparing the institutional structure of Russian and Chinese banking systems) Downloads
Andrei Vernikov
64338: The effects of mass media on corruption in South Africa: A MTAR-TEC persepctive Downloads
Naomi Motlhasedi and Andrew Phiri
64335: Does Energy Intensity Contribute to CO2 Emissions? A Trivariate Analysis in Selected African Countries Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Rashid Sbia and Sadia Bibi
64328: The relationship between Financial liberalization, Financial Stability and Capital Control: Evidence from a multivariate framework for developing countries Downloads
Nabila Boukef Jlassi and Helmi Hamdi
64325: Re-imagining Federalism in India: Exploring the Frontiers of Collaborative Federal Architecture Downloads
Chanchal Kumar Sharma
64320: Russia's current economic conundrum Downloads
Jakub Kucera
64318: Does Defensive Medicine Reduce Health Care Spending? Downloads
Scott Barkowski
64317: Impact of income shock on children’s schooling and labor in a West African country Downloads
Mafaizath Fatoke Dato
64312: Robustly Strategic Consumption-Portfolio Rules with Informational Frictions Downloads
Yulei Luo
64311: Game Form Representation for Judgement and Arrovian Aggregation Downloads
Daniel Schoch
64310: Did banks and financial markets developments lead to economic growth in MENA region? Evidence from Dynamic panel data estimation Downloads
Helmi Hamdi and Abdelaziz Hakimi
64309: Innovation in small and medium enterprises in the United Arab Emirates Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
64306: Corruption et développement économique: Application aux secteurs de l’éducation et de la santé dans la zone MENA (Corruption and Economic Development: Application to the sectors of education and health in the MENA region) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
64303: A middle-manager model of wage and salary distribution within firms Downloads
Eric Kemp-Benedict
64286: The Mechanics of the Weitzman-Gollier Puzzles Downloads
Szabolcs Szekeres
64282: Hofstede, Inglehart and beyond. New directions in empirical global value research Downloads
Arno Tausch
64272: Student Learning and Computer Managed Instruction in the Principles of Economics Course Downloads
Paul Grimes, James Marlin and James Niss
64271: Procesos de internacionalización en la educación superior de Costa Rica (Internationalisation Processes in Costarican Higher Education) Downloads
Jorge Mora-Alfaro
64266: New Accounting Rules for Loan Loss Provisions in Europe: Much Ado about Nothing? Downloads
Enrico Onali and Gianluca Ginesti
64265: Sins of Omission in Value Relevance Empirical Studies Downloads
Enrico Onali and Gianluca Ginesti
64255: Socialist Calculation and Market Socialism Downloads
Paul Jael
64250: Discernible growth of Gold Loan NBFCs in India Downloads
Justine George and Alphonsa Kurian
64241: Raport Desk Research: Polityka społeczna wobec starości i osób starszych w mieście Białystok. Przegląd literatury i dokumentów strategicznych (Desk Research Report: Social Policy Towards Ageing and Older People in the City of Bialystok. A Literature and Strategic Documents Review) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
64240: Współpraca transgraniczna małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw jako czynnik rozwoju regionalnego. Na przykładzie podregionu białostocko-suwalskiego i podregionu krośnieńsko-przemyskiego w Polsce, obwodu zakarpackiego na Ukrainie oraz obwodu Grodzieńskiego na Białorusi (The Cross-border Cooperation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as a Factor in Regional Development. The Example of Sub-bialystok-suwalki and Sub Kroso-przemysl in Poland, the Circuit Carpathian Ukraine and Belarus Grodno Region) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Bogusław Plawgo
64239: Potencjał współpracy transgranicznej podregionu białostocko-suwalskiego (The Potential for Cross-border Cooperation of Subregion Bialystok-Suwalki) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
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