MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 27113: Defragmentation of Economic Growth with a Focus on Diversification: Evidence from Russian Economy

- Andrey Gnidchenko
- 27107: Will 2000-era retirees experience the worst retirement outcomes in U.S. history? A progress report after 10 years

- Wade Pfau
- 27106: Hunger, Malnutrition and Millennium Development Goals: What Can Be Done?

- K.p Vipin chandran and P Sandhya
- 27104: Ricardo vs. “Ricardian” Model

- Jorge Morales Meoqui
- 27101: Child Nutrition in Rural India: Some Policy Priorities and Strategies

- K.p Vipin Chandran and P Sandhya
- 27099: Comparative advantage and the labor theory of value

- Jorge Morales Meoqui
- 27098: Financial development in adversarial and inquisitorial legal systems

- Baptiste Massenot
- 27096: Nodokļu ieņēmumu modelēšana, izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi (Taxes income modeling with system dynamic method)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 27095: Latvijas būvniecības nozares uzņēmumu finansiālās stabilitātes novērtēšana (Estimation of the financial stability of the Latvian building industry enterprises)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 27093: Does financial development increase rural-urban income inequality? Cointegration analysis in the case of Indian economy

- Aviral Tiwari and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 27091: 'Mavenism' and 'innovativeness' among small ruminant keepers in Kenys'a Isiolo and Marsabit Districts

- Stephen Mailu
- 27089: Determinants of government size: Evidence from China

- Alfred Wu and Mi Lin
- 27088: Sectoral Location of FDI in China

- Mi Lin and Yum K. Kwan
- 27086: Managing technological change by committee: Adoption of computers in Spanish and British savings banks (circa 1960-1988)

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 27085: The creation of internet communities: A brief history of on-line distribution of working papers through NEP, 1998-2010

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Thomas Krichel
- 27084: Building Bankomat: The development of on-line, real-time systems in British and Swedish savings banks, c.1965-1985

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Tobias Karlsson and Björn Thodenius
- 27083: The history of the Swedish ATM - Sparfrämjandet and Metior

- Björn Thodenius, Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Tobias Karlsson
- 27081: Climate Change: A Threat to Human Health

- K.p Vipin Chandran and P Sandhya
- 27073: Pourquoi s'intéresser à la notion d'"Evidence -based policy" ? (Why should we care about evidence-based policy?)

- Catherine Laurent, Jacques Baudry, Marielle Berrier-Solliec, Marc Kirsch, Daniel Perraud, Bruno Tinel, Aurélie Trouvé, Nicky Allsopp, Partrick Bonnafous, Françoise Burel, Maria Jose Carneiro, Christophe Giraud, Pierre Labarte, Frank Matose and Agnès Ricroch
- 27072: Küresel Kriz Dersleri Işığında Aracı Kurumlarda Finansal Dayanıklılığı Artıran Düzenlemelerin Gözden Geçirilmesi (Review the Regulations of Financial Strength in Securities Firms in the Light of Global Crisis Lessons)

- Yener Coskun
- 27070: The Deindustrialization of Istanbul

- Fatma Doğruel and A. Suut Dogruel
- 27067: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in the Netherlands

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27066: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Sweden

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27065: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in the UK

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27064: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Denmark

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27063: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Portugal

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27062: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Poland

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27061: Gender dimension of human right

- Mallika M G
- 27060: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Norway

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27059: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in Italy

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27057: Enterprise performance, privatization and the role of ownership in Germany

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27056: Enterprise Performance, Privatization and the Role of Ownership in France

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27055: Enterprise performance, privatization and the role of ownership in Finland

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27054: Enterprise performance, privatization and the role of ownership in Bulgaria

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27053: Enterprise performance, privatization and the role of ownership in Austria

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27052: Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27051: Enterprise performance, privatization and the role of ownership in Belgium

- Motasam Tatahi
- 27049: Lessons of global experience and european road transport - infrastructure investment and pricing methods

- Nicolae Cernaianu
- 27048: Strategic vector of romanian road transport process

- Nicolae Cernaianu
- 27047: Risk management in road transport

- Nicolae Cernaianu
- 27045: Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27043: Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27040: The market for development

- George Plammoottil and Ravi Saraogi
- 27035: Does Debt Affect Firm Financial Performance? The Role of Debt on Corporate Governance: Evidence from Indonesia

- Fitri Ismiyanti and Putu Mahadwartha
- 27034: Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27033: Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27032: EU rural policy: proposal and application of an agricultural sustainability index

- Gaetano Vecchione
- 27030: OPEC and political considerations when deciding on oil extraction

- Khalid Kisswani
- 27026: Households typology for relating social diversity and technical change. The example of rural households in the Khambashe area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa

- Catherine Laurent, Johan van Rooyen, Patrick Madikizela, Philippe Bonnal and Johan Carstens
- 27023: La variazione dei prezzi relativi da Ricardo a Sraffa (The change in relative prices from Ricardo to Sraffa)

- Roberto Iacono
- 27022: Procyclical Monetary Policy and Governance

- Ali Choudhary, M. Nadim Hanif, Sajawal Khan and Muhammad Rehman
- 27021: From Data to Celebration of Cultural Heritages: Preservations, Acquisitions, and Intellectual Property Regulations

- Hokky Situngkir
- 27020: Effizienz der staatlichen Riester-Förderung - Eine empirische Analyse mit dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP) (Effectiveness of the public Riester subsidies - An empirical analysis using the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP))

- Ivonne Honekamp
- 27019: Why do educated mothers matter? A model of parental help

- Luciano Canonva and Alessandro Vaglio
- 27018: Simulation of queueing systems with many stations and of queueing networks using copulas

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 27016: How innovation intermediaries are shaping the technology market? An analysis of their business model

- Henry Lopez and Wim Vanhaverbeke
- 27011: Bank efficiency and openness in Africa: do income levels matter?

- Simplice Asongu
- 27010: Regional trade in south Asia-impediments and the way forward

- Dawood Mamoon, Rizwan Aslam, Hammad Mughal, Sohail Paracha, Noor ul Ain, Anam Ayesha, Maliha Qudus and Osman Bin Saif
- 27006: Factors affecting the decision making of out-sourcing in textile in Pakistan

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 27005: Analyse Multidimensionnelle de la pauvreté au Bénin: une approche par les sous-ensembles flous (Multidimensional Analysis of Poverty in Benin: A Fuzzy Subsets Approach)

- Hilaire Hounkpodote
- 27004: Perfect surcharging and the tourist test interchange fee

- Hans Zenger
- 27002: Strategic planning in road transport - operational instrument of strategic management

- Nicolae Cernaianu
- 27001: Virtual teams: A literature review

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 27000: Stock returns and economically neutral behavioral variables: evidence from the Nepalese stock market

- Nayan Joshi and Ram Chandra Bhattarai
- 26999: The Nepalese stock market: Efficiency and calendar anomalies

- Nayan Joshi and Fatta Bahadur K.c
- 26989: SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 26986: Cointegration and dynamic linkages of international stock markets: an emerging market perspective

- Walid Ahmed
- 26984: Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 26983: Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 26982: The determinants of home bias puzzle in equity portfolio investment in Australia

- Xuan Vinh Vo
- 26980: Estimation des changements des cours du café et du cacao: Filtre de Kalman, filtre de Hodrick-Prescott et modélisation à partir de processus markovien (Estimated Changes in Prices of Coffee and Cocoa: Kalman Filter, Hodrick-Prescott Filter and Modeling from Markov Switching)

- Rakissiwinde Bationo and Hilaire Hounkpodote
- 26979: Industrialization, economic and employment structure changes in Vietnam during economic transition

- Tuyen Tran and Tinh Doan
- 26977: Institution and foreign direct investment (FDI): survey of the literature

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim
- 26976: Stock market integration: Malaysia and its major trading partners

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim and Bakri Abdul Karim
- 26971: Symptomy kryzysu globalnego a etyka gospodarcza religii światowych. Analiza porównawcza bankowości islamskiej i bankowości klasycznej w kontekście kryzysu finansowego (The differences between the commercial banking system and Islamic Banking in the context of the global financial crisis)

- Adam Czerniak
- 26970: Variabiliti harga relatif dan inflasi: bukti empirikal di Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak (Relative price variability and inflation: empirical evidence in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak)

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi and Mansor Jusoh
- 26967: Mathematical onsets concerning the determination of the optimum limit of the profitability on enterprises

- Grigore Lupulescu, Liliana Guran and Catrina Ioana
- 26966: Halaju wang di Malaysia: bukti empirik (The velocity of money in Malaysia: empirical evidence)

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Mansor Jusoh and Norlin Khalid
- 26965: Procesos de aprendizaje y de acumulación de conocimiento en las empresas autopartistas argentinas (Learning and knowledge accumulation's processes in the argentinian auto parts firms)

- Jorge Motta, Hernán Morero and Irene LLinás
- 26964: Internacionalización, Tramas Productivas y Sistema Nacional de Innovación (Internationalization, Production Networks and National System of Innovation)

- Hernán Morero
- 26962: Revival of classical political economy: An exposition

- V. Basil Hans
- 26958: The evolution of cultural and economic activities in the DKMT Euroregion

- Remus Cretan
- 26957: Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region

- Jaco Woudstra
- 26955: Settlement history and sustainability in the Carpathians in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

- David Turnock
- 26952: Exchange Rate Volatility and Non-Traditional Exports Performance: Zambia, 1965–1999

- Anthony Musonda
- 26950: Beta estimates for leveraged ETF

- Peter Bell
- 26949: Contestability and collateral in credit markets with adverse selection

- Giovanni Cesaroni
- 26947: A trend deduction model of fluctuating oil prices

- Haiyan Xu and ZhongXiang Zhang
- 26941: Mixtures of g-priors for Bayesian model averaging with economic applications

- Eduardo Ley and Mark Steel
- 26937: Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Performance: Testing for Dynamic Linkages with a Known Structural Break

- Abdul Rashid
- 26936: Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
- 26935: Democracy, Inequality and Economic Development: The Case of Pakistan

- Rafi Amir-ud-Din, Abdul Rashid and Shabbir Ahmad
- 26934: Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid and Zahari Taha
- 26933: Determinants of the exchange market pressure in the euro-candidate countries

- Daniel Stavarek
- 26931: Fixed points for singlevalued operators with respect to w-distance

- Liliana Guran
- 26930: Diversion of loan use: who diverts and why?

- Abdul Khaleque
- 26929: Energy market reforms in Turkey: An economic analysis

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 26928: Turkey and Europe: Undivided but not united

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 26927: Fixed points for singlevalued operators with respect to tau-distance

- Liliana Guran
- 26926: Linkages between Financial Development and Openness: panel evidence from developing countries

- Simplice Asongu
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