MPRA Paper
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- 29626: Effects of urbanisation on multiple cropping pattern in coastal districts in India

- Sanjay Rode
- 29625: The Legal Barriers to International Movement of Goods and their Impact on the Administration of Small Scale Organisations in the United Kingdom

- Kato Gogo Kingston and Sacha Christina Kingston
- 29624: A New Keynesian Phillips curve for Tunisia: Estimation and analysis of sensitivity

- Samir Ben Ali
- 29623: University rankings – a guide to choose a university?

- Jianu (Dumitru), Ionela and Ionut Dumitru
- 29622: Intelectual capital (IC) models – a comparative approach

- Jianu (Dumitru), Ionela and Ionut Dumitru
- 29619: Analysing Shared Service Contracts: The Case of Food Services for Winnipeg Hospitals

- Philippe Cyrenne
- 29617: Campaign Contributions and Political Polarization

- Simge Tarhan
- 29613: Instrument endogeneity and identification-robust tests: some analytical results

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Jean-Marie Dufour
- 29611: Subset hypotheses testing and instrument exclusion in the linear IV regression

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka
- 29609: The Role of Institutions, Culture, and Wellbeing in Explaining Bilateral Remittance Flows: Evidence Both Cross-Country and Individual-Level Analysis

- Faruk Balli, Cahit Guven, Hatice Balli and Rukmani Gounder
- 29606: Flattening of the Phillips Curve and the Role of Oil Price: An Unobserved Components Model for the USA and Australia

- Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 29598: The impacts of health care reforms on the efficiency of the Turkish public hospitals: Provincial markets

- Seher Nur Sulku
- 29593: The importance of developing future contracts: a case study of Iran Agricultural Commodity Exchanges

- Seyed-Ali Hossein-Yekani and Mohammad Bakhshoodeh
- 29591: How uncertainty reduces greenhouse gas emissions

- Oliver Schenker
- 29589: Can Microcredit and Job Under NREGS Jointly Bring More Happiness to the Villagers?

- Amit Kundu
- 29587: Comercialização de Produtos Agropecuários em Alagoas: Um Estudo de Margem de Comercialização e Transmissão de Preços (Marketing of Agricultural Products in Alagoas: A Study of Marketing Margins and Price Transmission)

- José Jeferson da Conceição Silva and André Lages
- 29585: The Liquidation - based on Evaluation and Accounting Information (The Liquidation - based on Evaluation and Accounting Information)

- Daniel Goagara and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
- 29584: Kaleckian vs. Marxian specifications of the investment function: Some empirical evidence for the US

- Christian Schoder
- 29582: Could Sri Lanka afford sustainable electricity consumption practices without harming her economic growth?

- Rajaratnam Shanthini
- 29579: A dynamic econometric study of income, energy and exports in Turkey

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 29578: Microfinance Impact Evaluation: A Managerial Perspective

- Manoj K Yadav
- 29577: Estimation of economic discounting rate for practical project appraisal: the case of Turkey

- Ferda Halicioglu and Cevat Karatas
- 29574: Fossil fuel based CO2 emissions, economic growth, and world crude oil price nexus in the United States

- Rajaratnam Shanthini
- 29572: Retirement planning: conceptualisation, challenges and policy options

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 29571: Financial development, bank savings mobilization and economic performance in Ghana: evidence from a multivariate structural VAR

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 29569: Entrepreneurship, job creation, income empowerment and poverty reduction in low-income economies

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 29568: Long run performance of IPOs and the role of financial analysts: some French evidence

- Romain Boissin and Patrick Sentis
- 29567: The dividend strategy of Indian companies: An empirical assessment

- Saibal Ghosh
- 29565: Shrinking Goods and Sticky Prices: Theory and Evidence

- Avichai Snir and Daniel Levy
- 29563: Equilibrium Prices Model for Sectors of Azerbaijan Economy Based on Input-Output Tables

- Yadulla Hasanli, Fakhri Hasanov and Malahat Mansimli
- 29561: Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in Azerbaijan

- Fakhri Hasanov and Fariz Huseynov
- 29560: RE looking at forest policies in Assam: facilitating reserved forests as de facto open access

- Jitu Tamuli and Saswati Choudhury
- 29559: Why had the Money Market Approach been irrelevant in explaining inflation in Azerbaijan during the rapid economic growth period?

- Hasanov Fakhri and Hasanli Khudayar
- 29557: Four generations of Islamic economists

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 29556: The Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rate on the Non-oil Export: The Case of Azerbaijan

- Hasanov Fakhri
- 29555: Analyzing price level in a booming economy: the case of Azerbaijan

- Fakhri Hasanov
- 29553: Sustainable Small Scale Irrigation Experiment in the Dry Zones: A Case Study on Happa ( Small Tank) Model in the State of West Bengal, India

- Sebak Jana
- 29549: The Relationship Between State Income Taxes and Local Property Taxes: Education Finance in New Jersey

- Timothy Goodspeed
- 29548: Analyzing the link between real exchange rate and productivity

- Ibrahima Diallo
- 29547: Income and consumption smoothing and welfare gains across Pacific Island countries: The role of remittances and foreign aid

- Faruk Balli and Hatice Balli
- 29546: Reproduction of institutions through people’s practices: Evidences from a Gram Panchayat in Kerala

- K Rajesh
- 29544: Participatory Institutions and People’s Practices in India: An analysis of Decentralisation experiences in Kerala State

- K Rajesh
- 29542: Unobservable savings, risk sharing and default in the financial system

- Ettore Panetti
- 29540: Financial liberalization and contagion with unobservable savings

- Ettore Panetti
- 29538: Productivity Growth in Food Crop Production in Imo State, Nigeria

- C.e Onyenweaku, Ifeanyi Nwachukwu and T.C. Opara
- 29537: The Capital Inflow “Problem” Revisited

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 29536: Differences in the effect of social capital on health status between workers and non-workers

- Eiji Yamamura
- 29535: Governance in Spanish Savings Banks. A Historical Perspective

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 29533: Effects of urbanisation on multiple cropping pattern in coastal districts of India

- Sanjay Rode
- 29532: Beyond Institutionalism: There Lies a Good Set of Trade Policies

- Dawood Mamoon and S. Mansoob Murshed
- 29529: Labour Markets, Education and Duality of Returns

- Dawood Mamoon and S. Mansoob Murshed
- 29528: Transitioning Democracies are a Risky Business in the South

- Dawood Mamoon
- 29518: On the economic rationality of fluctuations in tourism frequentation at nature-based destination

- Sauveur Giannoni
- 29513: Per un giusto equilibrio tra efficacia ed efficienza nell’attuazione della legge delega sul federalismo fiscale: verso la definizione dei LEP e dei costi standard delle Regioni

- Salvatore Villani
- 29509: Derivatives Usage in Risk Management By Turkish Non-Financial Firms and Banks: A Comparative Study

- Selvi Yakup and Asli Turel
- 29508: Co-operative Credit Delinquency: Identification of Factors Discriminating Defaulters

- Nelson Michael Justin
- 29507: Modest expectations: Causes and effects of migration on migrant households in source countries

- Jessica Hagen-Zanker
- 29506: Opportunity and/or necessity entrepreneurship? The impact of the socio-economic characteristics of entrepreneurs

- Olivier Giacomin, Frank Janssen, Jean-luc Guyot and Olivier Lohest
- 29505: Service quality gap analysis in private sector bank - a customer perspective

- A. Ananth, R. Ramesh and B. Prabaharan
- 29502: Lessons from the foreign exchange market reforms in Ghana: 1983-2006

- Aliyu Rafindadi Sanusi
- 29500: An empirical analysis of the money supply process in Ghana: 1983-2006

- Aliyu Rafindadi Sanusi
- 29498: Foreign Aid-Growth Nexus in Pakistan: Role of Macroeconomic Policies

- Muhammad Javid and Abdul Qayyum
- 29497: Measuring Islamic banks efficiency: the case of world Islamic banking sectors

- Nor Hayati Bt Ahmad, Mohamad Akbar Noor Mohamad Noor and Fadzlan Sufian
- 29495: Social protection for development: a review of definitions

- Paolo Brunori and Marie O'Reilly
- 29494: An empirical analysis of the money supply process in Ghana: 1983-2006

- Aliyu Rafindadi Sanusi
- 29493: Openness and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Time series and cross-country analysis

- Aliyu Rafindadi Sanusi
- 29491: Exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Ghana: Evidence from structural vector auto-regression

- Aliyu Rafindadi Sanusi
- 29487: Beyond City Living: Remaking the Inner Suburbs

- Rachael Unsworth and Max Nathan
- 29486: The Wrong Stuff? Creative Class Theory and Economic Performance in UK Cities

- Max Nathan
- 29481: Impact of mutual fund investment in indian equity market

- A. Ananth and Swaminathan J
- 29478: How has internal migration in Albania affected the receipt of transfers from family and friends?

- Florian Tomini and Jessica Hagen-Zanker
- 29477: Decisioni e razionalità in economia (Decisions and rationality in economics)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 29475: پول شویی، مفهوم، پیشینه و بررسی ابعاد آن (Money laundering; definition, history and dimensions)

- Nima Nasrollahi Shahri
- 29473: Policy Bias and Agriculture: Partial and General Equilibrium Measures

- Romeo M. Bautista, Sherman Robinson, Finn Tarp and Peter Wobst
- 29470: Küresel Finans Krizinin Türkiye'ye Etkileri (Effects of Global Financial Crisis on Turkey)

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 29469: SME Fringe Benefits Provision

- John Rand, Finn Tarp, Tran Tien Cuong and Tam Nguyen
- 29467: SME Access to Credit

- John Rand, Finn Tarp, Tran Tien Coung and Tam Nguyen
- 29466: The impact of global economic imbalance on migrant workers and economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council

- Olga Marzovilla
- 29465: The Long Term Impacts of Migration in British Cities: Diversity, Wages, Employment and Prices

- Max Nathan
- 29461: Works of economic interest in the seventeenth century Muslim world

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 29456: The “more is less” phenomenon in Contingent and Inferred valuation

- Spiros Stachtiaris, Andreas Drichoutis and Stathis Klonaris
- 29448: Revisiting the Fisher and Statman Study on Market Timing

- Wade Pfau
- 29440: EQUITY Premium Puzzle in a Data-Rich Environment

- Mohamed Douch and Mohammed Bouaddi
- 29436: Are the old poor? A discussion and some cursory evidence

- Gijs Dekkers
- 29429: The Japanese Quantitative Easing Policy under Scrutiny: A Time-Varying Parameter Factor-Augmented VAR Model

- Zakaria Moussa
- 29427: Export Performance and Determinants in Ethiopia

- Sisay Menji
- 29426: Keeping up with the Joneses by finding a better-paid job - The effect of relative income on job mobility

- Kristin Kronenberg and Tobias Kronenberg
- 29424: The Survival of the Fattest. Evolution of needs, lust and social value in a long-run perspective

- Hardy Hanappi
- 29423: Dragon by the Tail, Dragon by the Head, Bilateralism and Globalism in East Asia

- David Roland-Holst, Finn Tarp, Pham Lan Huong and Vo Tri Thanh
- 29422: The UK Future Jobs Fund: Labour’s adoption of the job guarantee principle

- Tanweer Ali
- 29420: Financial Sector Reforms in Vietnam: Selected Issues and Problems

- Jens Kovsted, John Rand, Finn Tarp, Dinh Tai Nguyen, Van Huong Nguyen and Ta Minh Thao
- 29419: The role of socio-demographic factors on self-rated happiness: The case of Malaysia

- Yong Kang Cheah and Chor Foon Tang
- 29418: Rodolfo Benini e gli inizi dell'economia applicata in Italia (Rodolfo Benini: the beginnings of applied economics in Italy)

- Bruno Sitzia
- 29417: Vietnam’s Accession to the World Trade Organization: Economic Projections to 2020

- David Roland-Holst, Finn Tarp, Van An Dinh, Vo Tri Thanh, Pham Lan Huong and Hien Minh Dinh
- 29416: Household Income Determination in Vietnam: A Structural Analysis with Implications for Market Reform

- Finn Tarp and David Roland-Holst
- 29415: Economic Structure and Development in an Emergent Asian Economy: Evidence from a Social Accounting Matrix for Vietnam

- Finn Tarp, David Roland-Holst and John Rand
- 29414: Scarcity, self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle

- Zubair Hasan
- 29410: The Employment Cycles of Neighboring Cities

- Howard Wall
- 29409: Liquidity and Dividend Policy

- Deniz Igan, Aureo de Paula and Marcelo Pinheiro
- 29407: Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Welfare Consequences of Asymmetric Growth

- Daniel Murphy
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