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82824: The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and monetary policy channels of transmission: developments and progress of Basel III leverage ratios Downloads
Jim DiGabriele and Marianne Ojo
82819: Was Zidane honest or well-informed? How UEFA barely avoided a serious scandal Downloads
László Csató
82818: Determinants of personality and skill development in the Socio-emotional environment during childhood Downloads
Karsten Reuß
82815: Sustainable Development Policy of Global Economy Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
82812: The Impact of Olive Oil Exports on Economic Growth: Empirical Analysis from Tunisia Downloads
Sayef Bakari
82810: Predicting Psychology Attributes of a Social Network User Downloads
Rustem M. Khayrullin, Ilya Makarov and Leonid E. Zhukov
82808: Combination of Content-Based User Profiling and Local Collective Embeddings for Job Recommendation Downloads
Vasily Leksin, Andrey Ostapets, Mikhail Kamenshikov, Dmitry Khodakov and Vasily Rubtsov
82807: Do Imports and Exports Adjust Nonlinearly? Evidence from 100 Countries Downloads
Augustine C. Arize and Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee
82806: Unemployment, neets and the social role of education in Europe Downloads
Csaba Csintalan and Alina Badulescu
82805: Citizens’ involvement in public decisions: between normative framework and actual findings (I – Theoretical overview) Downloads
Alina Badulescu and Lucia Kolozsi
82801: Innovation and performance. An analysis on European and Romanian companies Downloads
Otilia Cadar and Daniel Badulescu
82800: Sociality is Not Lost with Monetary Transactions within Social Groups Downloads
Evgeniya Lukinova, Tatiana Babkina, Anna Sedush, Ivan Menshikov, Olga Menshikova and Mikhail Myagkov
82799: Black-Box Classification Techniques for Demographic Sequences: from Customised SVM to RNN Downloads
Anna Muratova, Pavel Sushko and Thomas H. Espy
82797: Do Women Socialize Better? Evidence from a Study on Sociality Effects on Gender Differences in Cooperative Behavior Downloads
Anastasia Peshkovskaya, Mikhail Myagkov, Tatiana Babkina and Evgeniya Lukinova
82795: Behavior Mining in h-index Ranking Game Downloads
Rustam Tagiew and Dmitry Ignatov
82794: The Completion Shift of German Universities of Applied Sciences Downloads
Sabine Gralka, Klaus Wohlrabe and Lutz Bornmann
82791: Trends in Globalization of Select Asian Countries Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
82782: Volatility Spillovers between South Asian Stock Markets: Evidence from Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan Downloads
Yeshan Withanage and Prabhath Jayasinghe
82780: Monetary policy and inequality under household heterogeneity and incomplete markets Downloads
Francisco Villarreal
82778: Do emigrants self-select along cultural traits? Evidence from the MENA countries Downloads
Frédéric Docquier, Aysıt Tansel and Riccardo Turati
82776: How Fast are Small Tourism Countries Growing? Evidence from the Data for 1980–2003 Downloads
Rinaldo Brau, Alessandro Lanza and Francesco Pigliaru
82773: Demand-driven sustainable tourism? A choice modelling analysis Downloads
Rinaldo Brau
82765: Синергия и конкурентоспособност на българските предприятия (Synergy and Competitiveness of Bulgarian Enterprises) Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov, Radka Ileva and Tsanko Stefanov
82764: Европейската дългова криза, качеството на институциите и икономическия растеж в България (The European Debt Crisis, the Quality of Institutions and Economic Growth in Bulgaria) Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov
82763: The Carpathian Euroregion from the perspective of economic cooperation in peripheral regions Downloads
Maciej Smętkowski and Jakub Rok
82762: Governance Innovation for SOEs in Bulgaria: Based on Korean Experience Downloads
Jin Park, Mitko Dimitrov, Daniela Bobeva, Spartak Keremidchiev and Plamen Tchipev
82760: Икономическият растеж в България – алтернативи, възможности и политика (Economic Growth in Bulgaria – Alternatives, Opportunities and Policy) Downloads
Mitko Dimitrov
82759: Das Nichts ist Zentralbankgeld. Anmerkungen zu Dirk Ehnts' Buch über Geld und Kredit (The Nothing is Central Bank Money. Comments on Dirk Ehnts' book on Money and Credit) Downloads
Georg Quaas
82758: Bank competition and financial system stability in a developing economy: does bank capitalization and size matter? Downloads
Patrick Chileshe
82757: Banking structure and the bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission: evidence from panel data methods Downloads
Patrick Chileshe
82754: Preventing Self-fulfilling debt crises Downloads
Michal Szkup
82753: Wisdom of the Crowd? Information Aggregation and Electoral Incentives Downloads
Carlo Prato and Stephane Wolton
82752: العلاقة بين الاستثمار الأجنبى المباشر والتجارة الدولية: حالة مصر (The Relationship between FDI and International Trade: The Case of Egypt) Downloads
Saber Adly Shaker
82751: Did Central Banks apply the right strategies after the financial crisis? Downloads
Kees De Koning
82750: Religiosity and life satisfaction in Russia: Evidence from the Russian data Downloads
Maksym Bryukhanov and Igor Fedotenkov
82749: Building Peace through Education: Case of India and Pakistan Conflict Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82748: A note on industrial adjustment and regional labor markets in Russia Downloads
Annette Brown
82744: Empirical Study on Conservative and Representative Heuristics of Hong Kong Small Investors Adopting Momentum and Contrarian Trading Strategies Downloads
Nikolai Sheung-Chi Chow, Tai-Yuen Hon, Wing-Keung Wong and Kai-Yin Woo
82737: Farinelli and Tibiletti ratio and Stochastic Dominance Downloads
Cuizhen Niu, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
82733: Do Company Builders Create Jobs? Examining the Rise of Incubation Finance in Germany Downloads
Christoph Scheuplein and Julian Kahl
82730: New Evidence on the Casual Effect of Traffic safety Laws on Drunk Driving and Traffic Fatalities Downloads
Nicholas Anthony Wright and La-troy Lee
82729: Multiplier effect and comparative statics in global games of regime change Downloads
Michal Szkup
82724: The new Common Policy of the Fisheries Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82722: Emptiness Existence: A Free-Strategic view Downloads
Victor H. Rosas-Martinez
82718: Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side of the fence? Composite Index of Well-Being Taking into Account the Local Relative Appreciations in Better Life Index Downloads
Salvatore Greco, Alessio Ishizaka, Giuliano Resce and Gianpiero Torrisi
82717: Инфраструктура аграрного рынка труда региона: методы анализа, эффективность функционирования, развитие институтов, воспроизводственный процесс (Infrastructure of the agricultural labor market in the region: methods of analysis, efficiency of functioning, development of institutions, reproduction process) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Julia Marus
82715: News, Noise, and Tests of Present Value Models Downloads
Mehdi Hamidi Sahneh
82713: Is the tourism-economic growth nexus time-varying? Bootstrap rolling-window causality analysis for the top ten tourist destinations Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Román Ferrer, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Ilham Haouas
82712: Patent Protection, Optimal Licensing, and Innovation with Endogenous Entry Downloads
Keishun Suzuki
82706: The Effect of Firm Ownership Structure on Performance: A case study of Eastern Europe and Central Asian Countries Downloads
Sisay Menji Bekena
82705: Fiscal Consolidation Programs and Income Inequality Downloads
Pedro Brinca, Miguel Ferreira, Francesco Franco, Hans A. Holter and Laurence Malafry
82699: On the system-theoretical foundations of non-economic parameter constancy assumptions in economic growth modeling Downloads
Denis Stijepic
82695: When Armies Don’t Fight: Are Militaries in India and Pakistan Strategically Aligned to Promote Peace in South Asia? Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82694: MODEL PREDIKSI FINANCIAL DISTRESS DENGAN BINARY LOGIT (STUDI KASUS EMITEN JAKARTA ISLAMIC INDEX) (Application of Binary Logit Regression on Financial Distress Prediction of Jakarta Islamic Index) Downloads
Azwar Iskandar
Azwar Iskandar
82692: Follow the Value Added: Tracking Bilateral Relations in Global Value Chains Downloads
Alessandro Borin and Michele Mancini
82690: Eficiencia técnica en la producción de café en Nicaragua: Un análisis de fronteras estocásticas (Technical efficiency in coffee production: a stochastic frontier analysis for Nicaragua) Downloads
Jilber Urbina
82688: Will China Avoid the Middle-Income Trap? Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
82687: Malaysia-EU Trade at the Industry Level: Is there an Asymmetric Response to Exchange Rate Volatility? Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Muhammad Aftab
82686: Pakistan-EU Commodity Trade: Is there Evidence of J-Curve Effect? Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Javed Iqbal, Misbah Nosheen and Muhammad Muzammil
82684: Will social media strengthen or threaten romantic love? Downloads
Satu Uusiautti and Kaarina Määttä
82683: Libya beyond the Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities Downloads
Ahmed Al-Darwish, Serhan Cevik, Ralph Chami, Joshua Charap, Susan George, Borja Gracia, Simon Gray and Sailendra Pattanayak
82682: A Template for Analyzing and Projecting Labor Market Indicators Downloads
Yasser Abdih, Alberto Behar, Serhan Cevik, Ralph Chami, Lisa Dougherty-Choux, Davide Furceri, Nick Janus and Paul Zimand
82681: Practicing Catholics and their attitudes on homosexuality. Comparative analyses, based on recent World Values Survey data Downloads
Arno Tausch
82680: Reasons for unmet needs for health care: the role of social capital and social support in some Western EU countries Downloads
Damiano Fiorillo
82677: Consumption of farmland between traditional interpretative paradigms and new spatial models Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82673: Asymmetry of the Interest Rate Pass-through in Zambia Downloads
Patrick Chileshe and Olusegun Akanbi
82669: Elderly Labor and Unemployment Downloads
Minoru Watanabe and Masaya Yasuoka
82668: The actuality of Malthus's law in the economic and social evolutionary processes Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82665: Pengendalian Hama & Penyakit Dan Efeknya pada Hasil Ekonomis Perkebunan Tebu (Pest & Disease Control And Its Effects on Economic Results of Sugar Cane Plantations) Downloads
Bambang Suprianto
82663: The Damocles Malthusian sword Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82660: Absorption capacity of the structural funds. Integrating perspectives Downloads
Corina Cace, Sorin Cace, Cristina Iova and Nicolaescu Victor
82659: Proces svojinske transformacije u privredi Srbije i problem njegovog sagledavanja (Ownership Transformation Process in Serbian Economy and the Problem of Its Observations) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
82653: Comparative Analysis of Afghanistan and Pakistan Central Banks Monetary Policy Downloads
Noor Rahman Tahiri
82652: European qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup can be manipulated Downloads
László Csató
82649: Predatory publishing and Islamic economics: consequences of fake journals making imitative writings original Downloads
Zubair Hasan
82648: Работники высококвалифицированного аграрного труда: оценка конкурентоспособности, система повышения квалификации (Workers of highly skilled agrarian work: competitiveness assessment, system of professional development) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Albina Tetereva
82646: An Overview on the Practice and Issues of Hedging in Islamic Finance Downloads
Lahsen Oubdi and Abdessamad Raghibi
82641: Linkages between financial development, financial instability, financial liberalisation and economic growth in Africa Downloads
Enowbi Batuo, Kupukile Mlambo and Simplice Asongu
82636: Mitigating capital flight through military expenditure: insight from 37 African countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
82633: Conditional Market Timing in the Mutual Fund Industry Downloads
Vanessa Tchamyou and Simplice Asongu
82632: Trade Intensity Analysis of South Africa-BRIC Economic Relations Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Oluwatosin Adeniyi and Jimoh Saka
82631: Information Asymmetry and Conditional Financial Sector Development Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
82630: Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Oluwatosin Adeniyi and Jimoh Saka
82629: Does Globalization Promote Good Governance in Africa? An Empirical Study Across 51 countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu
82621: Generation, Security and Distribution of NationCoins by a Sovereign Authority Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti and Yatish S G
82615: The New Concept of Money: From Record-Of-Value (RoV) To Record-Of-Entropy (RoE) Downloads
Kartik Hegadekatti
82614: Measuring Degree of Globalization of African Countries on Almost Equimarginal Contribution Principle Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
82611: Linking FDI inflows to economic growth in North African countries Downloads
Anis Omri and Amel Sassi-Tmar
82609: Simultaneity Modeling Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis Downloads
Adel Ben Youssef, Shawkat Hammoudeh and Anis Omri
82608: When starting with the most expensive option makes sense: optimal timing, cost and sectoral allocation of abatement investment Downloads
Adrien Vogt-Schilb, Guy Meunier and Stephane Hallegatte
82606: Emergent trilateralism in the Pacific Basin: How should China, Japan, and the United States respond to regional trade initiatives? Downloads
Hiro Lee, David Roland-Holst and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
82605: General equilibrium evaluation of Japan-Singapore free trade agreement Downloads
Hiro Lee
82604: The infrastructural investments pursued in the Polish host cities in connection with Euro 2012 Downloads
Dagmara Wiker
82603: Sustainability Models for the Venice lagoon fishing sector Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82602: The impact of Euro 2012 on employment and wages in Poland Downloads
Dagmara Wiker
82587: L’attuazione delle misure paesaggistiche nella politica di sviluppo rurale del Veneto (The implementation of landscape measures in Veneto's rural development policy) Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82586: Le trasformazioni delle strutture agricole del Veneto tra il 2000 ed il 2010 (The transformations of Veneto's agricultural structures between 2000 and 2010) Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82581: La Pac fino al 2020 (The Pac up to 2020) Downloads
Antonio De Pin
82580: L’insostenibile consumo di terreno agricolo (The unsustainable consumption of agricultural land) Downloads
Antonio De Pin
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