MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 46625: Robustness of Stability to cost of carrying money in a Matching Model of Money

- Pidong Huang
- 46624: Trejos-Wright with a 2-unit bound: existence and stability of monetary steady states

- Pidong Huang and Yoske Igarashi
- 46623: Why Ten $1's Are Not Treated as a $10

- Pidong Huang and Yoske Igarashi
- 46622: Suspension in a Global-Games version of the Diamond-Dybvig model

- Pidong Huang
- 46621: A comment on: 'Efficient propagation of shocks and the optimal return on money'

- Pidong Huang
- 46615: The Effects of Additional Monetary Tightening on Exchange Rates

- Ergun Ermisoglu, Yasin Akcelik, Arif Oduncu and Temel Taskin
- 46613: GDP Growth and Credit Data

- Ergun Ermisoglu, Yasin Akcelik and Arif Oduncu
- 46612: Central Banking in Making during the Post-crisis World and the Policy-Mix of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

- Yasin Akcelik, Ahmet Aysan and Arif Oduncu
- 46610: Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve in a Global Economy

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Ilhan Ozturk, Talat Afza and Amjad Ali
- 46609: Recovering from the Global Financial Crisis: achieving financial stability in times of uncertainty

- Marianne Ojo
- 46608: Transparency and View Regarding Nuclear Energy Before and After the Fukushima Accident: Evidence on Micro-data

- Eiji Yamamura
- 46605: Current State and Issues of Logistics Cost Accounting and Management in Malaysia

- Sahidah Zakariah and Jaafar Pyeman
- 46602: Tourism Economics in Saudi Arabia: PP-VAR Approach

- Mohammed Ageli
- 46594: Wagner’s Law in Saudi Arabia 1970 - 2012: An Econometric Analysis

- Mohammed Ageli
- 46591: Saudi Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Macroeconometric Approach

- Mohammed Ageli and Shatha Mousa Zaidan
- 46590: Consequential Effects of Defence Expenditure on Economic Growth of Saudi Arabia: 1970-2012

- Mohammed Ageli and Shatha Mousa Zaidan
- 46589: Indigenous R&D Effectiveness and Technology Transfer on Productivity Growth: Evidence from the Hi-Tech Industry of China

- Ahmar Qazi and Yulin Zhao
- 46582: Testing rational speculative bubbles in Central European stock markets

- Oleg Deev, Veronika Kajurova and Daniel Stavarek
- 46580: Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Growth: Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks in Lebanon

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Salah Abosedra and Rashid Sbia
- 46579: World System Energetics

- Stephen Ternyik
- 46578: Financial Fragility and Macroeconomic Instability in a Heterogeneous Interacting Agents Framework

- Alberto Russo
- 46575: Networking Activities and Growth of Newly Founded Firms under Incubation

- Hakan Demirgil, Murat Karaöz, Rui Baptista and Onur Sungur
- 46574: Bölgesel Politika Ekseninde Yaşanan Dönüşüm: Türkiye’de Kalkınma Planlarında Bölgesel Politikaların Değişimi (Transformation in Regional Policy: Changes in Regional Policies in Development Plans in Turkey)

- Hidayet Keskin and Onur Sungur
- 46573: What Do Parties Do in Congress? Explaining the Allocation of Legislative Specialization

- Aldo Ponce
- 46572: The Causality of FDI Inflow and Economic Growth in Indonesia

- Nurrachmi Rininta
- 46567: The sources of profits and their sustainability: A survey of basic theoretical issues

- Thanos Skouras
- 46548: Information Technology and Transportation: Substitutes or Complements?

- Atara Stephanie Oliver
- 46544: Urban Agriculture, Price Volatility.Drought,And Food Security In Developing Countries

- Sylvester Jatta
- 46543: Labour Market Activities of Rural Households in developing countries

- Sylvester Jatta
- 46540: Agricultural Policy Reforms and Structural Adjustments in Bangladesh

- Mohammad Monirul Hasan
- 46538: Bayesian Approach and Identification

- Andrzej Kocięcki
- 46537: Euroization and cyclical stabilization in Montenegro: an empirical analysis

- Alexandre Sokic and Nikola Fabris
- 46536: Further Results on Identification of Structural VAR Models

- Andrzej Kocięcki
- 46531: România în perioada post-criză: investiţiile străine directe şi efecte asupra echilibrului financiar extern (Romania in post-crisis period: foreign direct investments and effects on external financial balance)

- George Georgescu
- 46530: Brownian motion in the treasury bill futures market

- Charles Dale
- 46529: Short and Long-Term Effects of September 11 on Stock Returns: Evidence from U.S. Defense Firms

- Mohamed Douch and Naceur Essaddam
- 46528: Macroeconomic Forces and Stock Prices:Evidence from the Bangladesh Stock Market

- Mashrur Mustaque Khan and Ahmed Sadek Yousuf
- 46519: Government Solvency, Austerity and Fiscal Consolidation in the OECD: A Keynesian Appraisal of Transversality and No Ponzi Game Conditions

- Karim Azizi, Nicolas Canry, Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Bruno Tinel
- 46516: Environmental tax reform and induced technological change

- Hiroaki Yamagami
- 46515: Skala Postaw Wobec Pieniędzy SPP: Konstrukcja i walidacja narzędzia pomiarowego (Money Attitudes Questionnaire MAQ: Development and validation of measurement scale)

- Agata Gąsiorowska
- 46512: Effects of Option Introduction on Price and Volatility of Underlying Assets - A Review

- Gourishankar S Hiremath
- 46506: Growth and Global Imbalances: The Role of Learning-by-Exporting

- Byoung Hoon Seok
- 46504: Conceptualizing the Innovation Process – Trends and Outlook

- Maxim Kotsemir and Dirk Meissner
- 46502: Do stock returns in India exhibit a mean reverting tendency? Evidence from multiple structural breaks test

- Gourishankar S Hiremath and Kamaiah Bandi
- 46499: On the random walk characteristics of stock returns in India

- Gourishankar S Hiremath and Kamaiah Bandi
- 46496: Marże monopolistyczne i przychody skali w gospodarce polskiej (Monopolistic markups and returns to scale in the Polish economy)

- Michał Gradzewicz and Jan Hagemejer
- 46487: Work incentive and productivity in Spain

- M. Isabel Pisa and Rosario Sánchez
- 46486: Regional Initiative in the Gulf Arab States: The Search for a Common Currency

- Basher Syed Abul
- 46483: The Role of Capital on Noise Shocks

- Korie Amberger
- 46479: Linking ICT related Innovation Adoption and Productivity: results from micro-aggregated data versus firm-level data

- George Leeuwen and Michael Polder
- 46474: Financial development and manufactured exports: the african experience

- Evelyn Wamboye and Rajen Mookerjee
- 46469: Information technology, organizational change and firm productivity: A panel study of complementarity effects and clustering patterns in Manufacturing and Services

- Fardad Zand, Cees Van Beers and George Leeuwen
- 46468: Locating inside the Salop circle: Demand rotations in a micro-founded model

- Heski Bar-Isaac, Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat
- 46466: Comparative study of static and dynamic neural network models for nonlinear time series forecasting

- Abbas Ali Abounoori, Hanieh Mohammadali, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Esmaeil Naderi
- 46458: Poverty in Tribal Dominated Economy: Dimensions and Proximate Determinants

- Jhilam Ray and Atanu Sengupta
- 46451: Estimating investors' behavior and errors in probabilistic forecasts by the Kolmogorov entropy and noise colors of non-hyperbolic attractors

- C-Rene Dominique
- 46449: Forget your gods: African evidence on the relation between state capacity and cognitive ability of leading politicians

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- 46446: Refinement and Retesting of “eBankQual” Scale in Internet Banking Service Settings

- Vijay Kumbhar
- 46439: Развитие методологии предварительного финансового контроля государственных программ регионов России (Development of the methodology of public programs a priori financial control for Russian regions)

- Alexandra Bratanova
- 46437: Эконометрический анализ динамики российских паевых инвестиционных фондов в кризисный и посткризисный периоды (Econometric analysis of Russian mutual funds in crisis and postcrisis periods)

- Alexander Zaytsev
- 46435: Aspects and Importance of Digital Media in Pakistan

- Syed Abdur Raheem, Fahad Akber and Umair Hashmi
- 46424: Correcting inflation with financial dynamic fundamentals: which adjustments matter in Africa?

- Simplice Asongu
- 46416: Wealth Martingale and Neighborhood Turnpike Property in Dynamically Complete Market with Heterogeneous Investors

- Darong Dai
- 46415: The Effect of Performance Evaluation on Employee’s Job Satisfaction in Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (2013)

- Mohsin Alvi, Mehreen Surani and Saneea Hirani
- 46413: Mean-Reverting Logarithmic Modeling of VIX

- Qunfang Bao
- 46410: Why do banks optimize risk weights? The relevance of the cost of equity capital

- Andrea Beltratti and Giovanna Paladino
- 46407: Monetary exchange rate model as a long-run phenomenon: evidence from Nigeria

- Monday A. Adawo and Ekpeno Effiong
- 46402: Monitoring of Credit Risk through the Cycle: Risk Indicators

- Olga Yashkir and Yuriy Yashkir
- 46391: Modelling of stochastic fat-tailed auto-correlated processes: an application to short-term rates

- Olga Yashkir and Yuriy Yashkir
- 46387: Are Forecast Updates Progressive?

- Chia-Lin Chang, Philip Hans Franses and Michael McAleer
- 46383: FDI in Multi Brand Retail and Employment Generation in India

- Mohammed Nizamuddin
- 46381: The Costs of Increasing the Fertility Rate in an Endogenous Growth Model

- Peter J. Stauvermann, Sereyvath Ky and Gi-Yu Nam
- 46377: FDI in Multi Brand Retail and Employment Generation in India

- Mohammed Nizamuddin
- 46369: Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy

- Gabriel Popescu, Nicolae Istudor and Dan Boboc
- 46368: Natural resources conservation management and strategies in agriculture

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 46362: Элементы региональной диагностики (на примере Краснодарского края) (Elements of regional economic diagnostics (in Krasnodar region case))

- Alexander Zaytsev
- 46360: Propagation Mechanisms in Inflation: Governance as key

- Ashima Goyal
- 46356: Does long memory matter in forecasting oil price volatility?

- Majid Delavari, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Esmaeil Naderi
- 46350: Demographics and the Long-Horizon Returns of Dividend-Yield Strategies in the US

- King Fuei Lee
- 46346: Speculating China economic growth through Hong Kong? Evidence from the stock market IPO and real estate markets

- Charles Leung and Edward Chi Ho Tang
- 46343: Employer’s moral hazard and wage rigidity

- Marina Albanese, Cecilia Navarra and Ermanno Tortia
- 46342: Measuring export prices

- Charles Dale, Victor Bailey, Timothy Baxter and Elizabeth King
- 46328: Un modelo GARCH con asimetria condicional autorregresiva para modelar series de tiempo: Una aplicacion para los rendimientos del Indice de Precios y Cotizaciones de la BMV (A GARCH model with autorregresive conditional asymmetry to model time-series: An application to the returns of the Mexican stock market index)

- Rocio Duran-Vazquez, Arturo Lorenzo-Valdes and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 46326: Heritability of Lifetime Income

- Ari Hyytinen, Pekka Ilmakunnas, Edvard Johansson and Otto Toivanen
- 46322: Discounting, Distribution and Disaggregation

- Rintaro Yamaguchi
- 46317: Financial Hurdles for Human Capital Accumulation: Revisiting the Galor-Zeira Model

- Bogang Jun and Won-Sik Hwang
- 46305: Religious Diversity and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: So Far So Good

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Julius Agbor
- 46304: Un modelo IS/LM con economía ilegal y lavado de dinero (Modeling illegal economy and money laundering: an IS/LM framework)

- Sadri Slim
- 46299: HRM at Non-profit Organizations in the South-Transdanubian Region

- Roland Schmuck
- 46295: Drought Readiness and Anxiety of new and experienced Indian Farmers

- Vishvesh Raval and Khyati Vyas
- 46287: Comparison Wage in Trade Union Decision Making

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 46283: A General Coalition Structure: Some Equivalence Results

- Giovanna Bimonte
- 46279: On the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Diffusion Processes

- Jinyuan Chang and Songxi Chen
- 46273: Parameter Estimation and Model Testing for Markov Processes via Conditional Characteristic Functions

- Songxi Chen, Liang Peng and Cindy Yu
- 46271: Una propuesta metodológica de discriminación de segundo grado: el caso de tarifas multiclase para el registro marcario en Colombia durante el año 2012 (A methodological proposal for second-degree price discrimination: the case of multiclass fees for trademark registration in Colombia (2012))

- Natalia Cantor Vargas, Juan Pablo Herrera Saavedra, Jacobo Campo Robledo and Jenny Lis-Gutiérrez
- 46251: Non-Parametric methods: An application for the risk measurement

- David Zeballos
- 46250: Relevant States and Memory in Markov Chain Bootstrapping and Simulation

- Roy Cerqueti, Paolo Falbo and Cristian Pelizzari
- 46246: Decreasing returns, patent licensing and price-reducing taxes

- Debapriya Sen and Giorgos Stamatopoulos
- 46245: Municipal Capitalism: from State to Mixed Ownership in Local Public Services Provision

- Margherita Boggio
- 46244: Municipal capitalism, regulatory federalism and politics

- Margherita Boggio
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