MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 116055: The Predictive Power of Oil and Commodity Prices for Equity Markets

- Leila Dagher, Ibrahim Jamali and Nasser Badra
- 116054: The Institute of Financial Economics Financial Stress Index (IFEFSI) for Lebanon

- Layal Mansour Ishrakieh, Leila Dagher and Sadika El Hariri
- 116053: The Cash Flow Concept in Modern Financial Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investment Financing

- Rajko Bukvić and Radica Pavlović
- 116052: Economic impact of the digital revolution on the Asian economy

- Dr Oliver
- 116048: How Inclusive Is Online Education in India: Lessons From the Pandemic

- Navaneeth M S and Ismail Siddiqui
- 116045: Importers and the Survival of New Exporters

- Dirk Boehe, Camila F S Campos and Naercio Menezes-Filho
- 116041: Empirical Research on Financial Efficiency and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Ayine R.S. Nigo and Vincent Gibogwe
- 116035: Rural Development and Education: Critical Strategies for Ending Child Marriages

- Sana Fatima
- 116033: An Analysis of the Hypes, Realities, and Opportunities Associated With Digital Freight Business Models

- Dr Aria Maestracci
- 116030: What Explains the Volatility in Pakistan’s Sovereign Bond Yields?

- Mohsin Waheed Tunio
- 116029: Digitization of Bulgarian furniture manufacturers during the COVID-19

- Daniela Georgieva
- 116028: To Democratize or not to Democratize? The Sufficient Condition for Democratization

- Thomas Apolte
- 116027: An analysis of fake news and its effects on the economy and society

- Daan Heikkinen
- 116025: Accounting for Spanish economic development 1850-2019

- Fernando del Río and Francisco-Xavier Lores
- 116024: Accounting for the role of investment frictions in recessions

- Fernando del Río and Francisco-Xavier Lores
- 116022: Sensitivity Analysis between Lagrange Multipliers and Consumer Coupon: Utility Maximization Perspective

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 116021: Tokenizing Startups, from Utility Tokens into Security Tokens

- Fadi Amroush
- 116018: International Trade and Global Value Chain: An Overview

- Supriyo Mondal
- 116013: Advancing Evidence-Based Policy in Crisis Management: The Case of Lebanon

- Leila Dagher, Ibrahim Jamali and Oussama Abi Younes
- 116011: Ο Σταυρός και η Γροθιά: Επιδράσεις του Χριστιανισμού στον εργατικό συνδικαλισμό (The Cross and the Raised Fist: The impact of Christianity on Trade Unions)

- Theodore Koutroukis
- 116010: Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the Interest Rate Parity

- Julián Fernández Mejía
- 116005: Modeling the impact of economic sanctions on a small open economy: A dynamic approach

- Ibrahim Onour
- 115999: Introduction to Competition Economics

- Carlos Merino Troncoso
- 115998: The Role of Government Effectiveness in the Light of ESG Data at Global Level

- Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
- 115996: Assessing the Impact of covid-19 Shock on major Asian stock markets

- Ibrahim Onour
- 115995: Crime surge and institutional weakness: Are they associated? Evidence from a conflict country

- Ibrahim Onour
- 115994: The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on major Asian stock markets: evidence of decoupling effects

- Ibrahim Onour
- 115993: An Analysis of Mobile Governance and Its Impact on the Economy in the Asian Context

- Daan Heikkinen
- 115990: Determinants of interest in eNaira and financial inclusion information in Nigeria: role of Fintech, cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency

- Peterson Ozili
- 115989: Bank loan loss provisioning for sustainable development: the case for a sustainable or green loan loss provisioning system

- Peterson Ozili
- 115988: Effect of abnormal increase in credit supply on economic growth in Nigeria

- Peterson Ozili, Olajide Oladipo and Paul Iorember
- 115987: Income Inequality in Indonesia: Which Aspects Cause the Most?

- Eny Sulistyaningrum and Alexander Tjahjadi
- 115985: Controller-Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of A Single-Phase Single-Stage Transformerless Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter

- Fazel Mohammadi, Rasoul Bok, Masood Hajian and Afshin Rezaei-Zare
- 115980: Government Debt Deleveraging in the EMU

- Alexandre Cole, Chiara Guerello and Guido Traficante
- 115979: Management of projects and enhancing Education’s competitiveness and economic impact

- Dr Aria
- 115978: Структура и правомощия на Националната агенция за оценяване и акредитация - ретроспективен анализ и съвременна правна уредба (Structure and powers of The National evaluation and accreditation agency – retrospective analysis and actual legal framework)

- Diana Dimitrova
- 115976: Sustainable E-commerce Logistics for Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from Vietnam

- Phi Dung Nguyen and Cong Minh Huynh
- 115975: Energy Prices and Household Heterogeneity: Monetary Policy in a Gas-TANK

- Jenny Chan, Sebastian Diz and Derrick Kanngiesser
- 115973: Recent Trends in Economics Research in India: A Study on EPW Articles (2017-2021)

- Raju John
- 115967: Can the stock market boost economic growth? Evidence from the Mexican real estate investment trust (REIT)

- Jorge Omar Razo-De-Anda, Salvador Cruz-Aké and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 115966: The unemployment invariance hypothesis and the implications of added and discouraged worker effects in Latin America

- Ángel Maridueña-Larrea and Ángel Martín-Román
- 115965: Social Identity, Redistribution, and Development

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 115964: Valutazione marchio FRB (FRB's trademark valuation)

- Davide Osti
- 115960: Gen Z, Personality Traits and Sustainability Awareness: An Econometric Investigation

- Luciano Canova and Giovanna Paladino
- 115958: Role of Global Value Chains and Exchange Rate: An Empirical Examination in case of Pakistan

- Asif Mahmood and Muhammad Awais Zahoor
- 115957: Enhancing health information infrastructures in Asia: an economic impact study

- Elias Johansen
- 115956: National Concentration of High-tech Products: The Second Great Divergence?

- Jiandong Ju, Bing Lu and Xinding Yu
- 115950: L'impact de QAnon et d'autres idéologies du complot sur l'Afrique subsaharienne à l'ère du capitalisme mondial (QAnon and other conspiracy ideologies' impact on Sub-Saharan Africa in the age of Global Capitalism)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 115942: Cultural Roots of Entrepreneurship

- Johannes Kleinhempel, Mariko Klasing and Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
- 115939: La Turquie soutient-elle le développement en Afrique de l'Ouest ? L'exemple du Nigeria, du Ghana et de la Côte d'Ivoire (Does Turkey support development in West Africa? The example of Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 115938: Енергетичната и екологична икономическа теория на Славчо Загоров (1898 - 1970) (The energy and ecological economic theory of Slavcho Zagorov (1898 - 1970))

- Nona Nenovska, Eric Magnin and Nikolay Nenovsky
- 115933: Property rights and the Cyprus Problem: insights from economics and social psychology

- Andreas Kyriacou
- 115932: Economic integration, legitimacy and European Union enlargement

- Andreas Kyriacou
- 115931: On the viability of potentially divided multi-ethnic states

- Andreas Kyriacou
- 115930: History and development of the banking sector in Kosovo

- Jeton Zogjani and Fife Kovaci-Uruci
- 115929: A viable solution to the Cyprus Problem in the context of European Union accession

- Andreas Kyriacou
- 115927: An Investigation into the Spatial Rice Market Integration in Bangladesh: Application of Vector Error Correction Approach

- Ehsanur Prince, Basanta Barmon and Teresa Islam
- 115926: Stealth Startups, Clauses, and Add-ons: A Model of Strategic Obfuscation

- Daniel Monte and Luis Henrique Linhares

- Tiago Silveira Gontijo and Fabiana Alexandra Motta Alves
- 115920: Economic Sanctions during Humanitarian Emergencies: The Case of North Korea

- Marcus Noland and Stephan Haggard
- 115917: QAnon and other conspiracy ideologies’ impact on Sub-Saharan Africa in the age of Global capitalism

- Dirk Kohnert
- 115914: The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania

- Daniela Antonescu
- 115912: Condition-based maintenance in hydroelectric plants: A systematic literature review

- Rodrigo Barbosa de Santis, Tiago Silveira Gontijo and Marcelo Azevedo Costa
- 115911: Дигитална економија као претпоставка бржег развоја руралних подручја у Србији (Digital Economy as a Condition for Fastest Development of Rural Areas in Serbia)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 115910: Pre-suffrage impartiality, democratic experience and clientelism: How sequencing matters

- Andreas Kyriacou
- 115908: Mobile applications for government: a framework for evaluating their economic impact

- Elias Johansen
- 115903: Retirement duration maximization with survival time expectations

- Mikael Linden
- 115899: Proprietorship Structure and Firm Performance in the Context of Tunneling: An Empirical Analysis of Non-Financial Firms in Pakistan

- Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri and Amjad Ali
- 115898: Multiproduct Cost Passthrough: Edgeworth's Paradox Revisited

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers

- Cameron Weber
- 115895: The U.K. and the Flow of Funds involving: the Bank of England, U.K. households and the U.K. Government

- Kees De Koning
- 115892: Институционалните условия за членство в еврозоната и защо пътят е по-важен от неговата цел (The institutional conditions for eurozone membership and why the path is more important than the destination)

- Stefan Petranov, Liliana Georgieva and Radostina Ivcheva
- 115889: Съюзът на капиталовите пазари и България (The capital markets union and Bulgaria)

- Stefan Petranov
- 115887: Repeated Transition Method and the Nonlinear Business Cycle with the Corporate Saving Glut

- Hanbaek Lee
- 115883: The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania

- Daniela Antonescu
- 115876: La brecha de género en el emprendimiento y la cultura emprendedora: Evidencia con Google Trends (Entrepreneurship gender gap and entrepreneurial culture: Evidence from Google Trends)

- Antonio Gutiérrez
- 115872: Striking While the Iron Is Cold: Fragility after a Surge of Lumpy Investments

- Hanbaek Lee
- 115864: Ο Σταυρός και η Γροθιά: Επιδράσεις του Χριστιανισμού στον εργατικό συνδικαλισμό (The Cross and the Raised Fist: The impact of Christianity on Trade Unions)

- Θεόδωρος Κουτρούκης
- 115863: A basic two-sector new Keynesian DSGE model of the Indian economy

- Anshul Kumar
- 115860: Immune Deficiency in SARS-CoV-2 Virology — Institutional Crimes and Administrative Oversights

- Yang Pachankis
- 115858: Mathematical Analysis of SEIR Model to Prevent COVID-19 Pandemic

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 115857: A scientific note on the Italian Mini BOTs and the proposal of the CCCFs

- Alessandro Saccal
- 115855: Beberapa Perspektif Pembangunan Ekonomi Inklusif di Era New Normal (Some Perspectives on Inclusive Economic Development in The New Normal Era)

- Solikin Juhro and Masagus H. Ridwan
- 115852: A Dynamic Correlation Analysis of Financial Contagion: Evidence from the Eurozone Stock Markets

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi and Salma Hmida
- 115851: Economic resilience in developing countries: The role of democracy in the face of external shocks

- Salah Ahmed and Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 115848: Answering the social discount rate question

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 115844: Borrowing to finance public investment: a politico-economic analysis of fiscal rules

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 115840: Procurement technology and its impact on the economy: harnessing the power of sustainable procurement

- Shoucheng Zhang
- 115839: Covid 19 en République Démocratique du Congo: de la crise sanitaire à la crise du taux de chnage (Covid 19 in the Democratic Republic of Congo: from the health crisis to the unemployment rate crisis)

- Benjamin Kongolo Tshisuaka and Guylain Nkula Nsindu
- 115838: Utility maximization analysis of an emerging firm: a bordered Hessian approach

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 115837: The fight against corruption at global level. A metric approach

- Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
- 115835: Theories of financing for entrepreneurial firms: a review

- Anton Miglo
- 115833: The role of location in the emergence of crowdfunding

- Anton Miglo
- 115831: The COVID-19 global debt crisis: how to avoid it

- Peterson Ozili
- 115825: The impact of foreign direct investment inflows on nonperforming loans: the case of UAE

- Peterson Ozili, Asma Salman and Qaisar Ali
- 115824: 100 quotes from the global financial crisis: lessons for the future

- Peterson Ozili
- 115817: Social protection for happiness? The impact of social pension reform on subjective well-being of the Korean elderly

- Tae-Young Pak
- 115812: The translation of uniformity or a sociology of knowledge: issues of publishing ethics in the 21st entury

- Yang Pachankis
- 115811: A study of the economic impact of data centres on the nation’s growth and development

- Shoucheng Zhang
- 115809: Innovation in times of Covid-19

- Torsten Heinrich and Jangho Yang
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