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52909: South Africa’s Informal Economy: A Statistical Profile Downloads
Gabrielle Wills
52908: Childbearing and labour force participation in South Africa: sibling composition as an identification strategy? Downloads
Gabrielle van der Stoep
52907: Co-resident and absent mothers: Motherhood and labour force participation in South Africa Downloads
Dorrit Posel and van der Stoep Gabrielle
52906: Dietary quality and tree cover in Africa Downloads
Amy Ickowitz, Bronwen Powell, Mohammad Salim and Terry Sunderland
52905: Wealthiest Is Not Always Healthiest: What Explains Differences in Child Mortality in West Africa? Downloads
Amy Ickowitz
52904: Long-run Consumption Risk and Asset Allocation under Recursive Utility and Rational Inattention Downloads
Yulei Luo and Eric Young
52900: La Spesa sanitaria Ssn in Italia e nella Regione Basilicata Ricostruzione e benchmarking con la metodologia Ecofin-Ocse (Public Health Care Expenditure in Basilicata - Analysis and Benchmarking with the same methodology used by Ecofin-Ocse to develope long-term projections) Downloads
Nicola Carmine Salerno
52899: R&D models: lessons from vaccine history Downloads
Paul Wilson, Sarah Post and Smita Srinivas
52897: The economics of happiness and psychology of wealth Downloads
Janusz Czapinski
52892: Oil Prices, Drought Periods and Growth Forecasts in Morocco Downloads
El Mostafa Bentour
52887: How To Win Acceptance Of The Inequality Process As Economics? Downloads
John Angle
52883: The Deadweight Loss of Diwali Downloads
Parag Waknis and Ajit Gaikwad
52882: Environmental Kuznets curve and domestic material consumption indicator: an European analysis Downloads
Sabrina Auci and Donatella Vignani
52881: Global interpersonal inequality Trends and measurement Downloads
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Laurence Roope and Finn Tarp
52880: An extended model of currency options applicable as policy tool for central banks with inflation targeting and dollarized economies Downloads
Luis-Felipe Arizmendi
52879: Can the periphery achieve core? The case of the automobile components industry in Spain Downloads
Jesús Lampón, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Pablo Cabanelas
52878: Tax Havens, Growth, and Welfare Downloads
Hsun Chu, Ching-chong Lai and Chu-chuan Cheng
52877: Should Parents Work Away from or Close to Home? The Effect of Temporary Parental Absence on Child Poverty and Children’s Time Use in Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Viet Nguyen and Linh Vu
52876: Impact Assessment of Poverty Reduction Programs of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam Downloads
Trang Do, Chau Le, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Hong Thuy Nguyen, Thanh Thu Phung and Tung Phung
52875: The Effect of Social Fathers on the Cognitive Skills of Out-of-Wedlock Children Downloads
Kwok Ho Chan and Ka Wai Terence Fung
52874: An Examination of Sports Event Sentiment: Microeconomic Evidence from Borsa Istanbul Downloads
Ka Wai Terence Fung, Ender Demir, Marco Chi Keung Lau and Kwok Ho Chan
52873: Predation Due to Bargaining Power Difference in Financial Contracting Downloads
Kwok Ho Chan, Zhou Lu and Ka Wai Terence Fung
52871: Convergence in Health Care Expenditure of 14 EU Countries: New Evidence from Non-linear Panel Unit Root Test Downloads
Marco Chi Keung Lau and Ka Wai Terence Fung
52869: Abatement R&D, Market Imperfections, and Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model Downloads
Hsun Chu and Ching-chong Lai
52864: Bang for Your Buck: STI Risk and Pregnancy Risk as Sources of the Price Premium for Unprotected Sex Downloads
Constantine Manda
52858: On various confidence intervals post-model-selection Downloads
Hannes Leeb, Benedikt Pötscher and Karl Ewald
52856: A note on the calculation of entropy from histograms Downloads
Kenneth Wallis
52852: Effective public policy which can reduce gender discrimination in the agricultural labour market: A theoretical investigation Downloads
Amit Kundu
52850: A Re-examination of Incumbents’ Response to the Threat of Entry: Evidence from the Airline Industry Downloads
Philip Gayle and Chi-Yin Wu
52849: Business Networks in China: Legacies and Practice Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52848: Margin of victory vs. opportunity-cost of time as voting motivators in the Biobio Region Downloads
Andrés Acuña-Duarte
52847: Financing Higher Education Reforms in the UK: An Institutional Analysis Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52846: Networks Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52845: Strategic Alliances Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52844: Business Networks Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52843: Multi-divisional Form Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52842: Network Co-Evolution Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52841: Behavioural Theory of the Firm Downloads
Emanuela Todeva
52840: Региональная диагностика эффективности отраслевых производств (на примере сельского хозяйства) (Regional economic diagnostics of industry efficiency (in case of agriculture)) Downloads
Alexander Zaytsev
52837: Marx: The Spectre Haunting Economics Downloads
Alan Freeman
52836: Submission from the Association for Heterodox Economics to the International Benchmarking Review on Research Assessment Downloads
Alan Freeman
52835: Оценка перспективных направлений заимствования технологий (на примере отрасли выращивания зерновых культур) (Identification of perspective sources for technology borrowing (in cereal cultivation industry case)) Downloads
Alexander Zaytsev
52834: The Triple Helix as a Highly Charged Intellectual Enterprise Downloads
Emanuela Todeva and Henry Etzkiwitz
52831: Does income inequality contribute to credit cycles? Downloads
Tuomas Malinen
52819: Two Concepts of ‘Centre Of Gravity’: Commentary on Contributions by Gary Mongiovi and Fred Moseley Downloads
Alan Freeman
52815: Measuring the UK Economy (Conference Paper) Downloads
Alan Freeman
52812: Asymmetric Volatility Dynamics: Evidence From the Istanbul Stock Exchange Downloads
Nesrin Okay
52808: Explaining Behavior in the "11-20" Game Downloads
Lawrence Choo and Todd Kaplan
52807: Political economy of sub-national spending in India Downloads
Parag Waknis
52805: Simultaneous and Temporal Valuation Contrasted Downloads
Alan Freeman and Andrew Kliman
52799: Examination of European Union Economic Cohesion: A Cluster Analysis Approach Downloads
Jiri Mazurek
52797: Eco-Innovation – Does Additional Engagement Lead to Additional Rewards? Downloads
Justin Doran and Geraldine Ryan
52796: Four endogenous market failures which (TSS) value explains better: Inequality, Unemployment, Crisis and Liquidity Preference Downloads
Alan Freeman
52795: Why Quantitative Marxism? Downloads
Alan Freeman
52790: Farm profitability and Labour Use Efficiency Downloads
A Reddy
52788: Coalitional Fairness: The Case of Exact Feasibility with Asymmetric Information Downloads
Anuj Bhowmik
52786: Spatial panel data models with common shocks Downloads
Jushan Bai and Kunpeng Li
52785: Multifactor asset pricing with a large number of observable risk factors and unobservable common and group-specific factors Downloads
Jushan Bai and Tomohiro Ando
52784: Child rights & child development in India: a regional analysis Downloads
Chandan Roy
52782: Panel data models with grouped factor structure under unknown group membership Downloads
Jushan Bai and Tomohiro Ando
52779: Centre Rules the Markets Downloads
Paulo Alves and Miguel Ferreira
52775: Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China’s power sector: A perspective from different allowance allocation options Downloads
Rong-Gang Cong and Yi-Ming Wei
52774: Reference Dependent Altruism Downloads
Yves Breitmoser and Jonathan Tan
52772: Can be Hungarian-Ukrainian-Romanian-Moldovan an Inclusive Frontier of Europe? Downloads
Ioan Horga and Mircea Brie
52771: Determinants of profitability of Polish rural micro-enterprises Downloads
Karel Janda, Wadim Strielkowski and Gordon Rausser
52770: Prolonged holiday effects on Romanian capital market before and after the adhesion to EU Downloads
Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu and Costel Nistor
52768: State - owned banks from Romania Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
52766: Pay What You Want – But Pay Enough! Information Asymmetries and PWYW Pricing Downloads
Matthias Greiff, Henrik Egbert and Kreshnik Xhangolli
52765: Кластерные стратегии и кластерные инициативы: перспективы и факторы эффективной кластеризации (Cluster strategy and cluster initiatives: prospects and factors of effective clustering) Downloads
Irina Filippova and Yurii Mindlin
52763: Have economic growth and institutional quality contributed to poverty and inequality reduction in Asia? Downloads
Liyanage Devangi H. Perera and Grace H.Y. Lee
52762: Analysis of customer satisfaction in services industry: A case study of private universities in Karachi, Pakistan Downloads
S. Nazneen Waseem, Imran Chhapra and Shumaila Bhutto
52760: National Accounts in Value Terms: The Social Wage and Profit Rate in Britain 1950-1986 Downloads
Alan Freeman
52759: A short note on the definable Debreu map in regular O-minimal equilibrium manifolds Downloads
Omar Fdo. Arias-R.
52756: Halalan Toyyiban Supply Chain The New Insights in Sustainable Supply Chain Management Downloads
Emi Normalina Omar, Harlina Suzana Jaafar, Muhamad Rahimi Osman and Faisol Nasruddin
52753: A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London (2007) Downloads
Alan Freeman and Veruete-McKay Leticia
52752: A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London (2006) Downloads
Alan Freeman and Veruete-McKay Leticia
52751: Sulfur allowance trading and the regional clean air incentives market: How similar are the programs really? Downloads
Reimund Schwarze and Peter Zapfel
52749: Network Topology, Higher Orders of Stability and Efficiency Downloads
Subhadip Chakrabarti and Supanit Tangsangasaksri
52746: A Kreps-Scheinkman állítás érvényessége lineáris keresletű vegyes duopóliumok esetén (The Kreps and Scheinkman result remains valid for mixed duopolies with linear demand) Downloads
Barna Bakó and Attila Tasnádi
52745: CMEA and COCOM Abolished: Restructuring Precision Engineering Industry in Hungary Downloads
Attila Havas
52744: The Interplay between Innovation and Production Systems at Various Levels: The case of the Hungarian automotive industry Downloads
Attila Havas
52739: Финансовая инновация - миф или реальность? (Financial innovation - myth or reality?) Downloads
Anton Kogan
52736: Economic and Employment Effects of Microloans in a Transition Country Downloads
Guido Baldi, Vairis Sadovskis and Viktorija Šipilova
52735: The African Slave Trade and the Curious Case of General Polygyny Downloads
Lena Edlund and Hyejin Ku
52732: A new Pearson-type QMLE for conditionally heteroskedastic models Downloads
Ke Zhu and Wai Keung Li
52730: Performance optimization – "sometimes" – result creativity Downloads
Constanta Iacob and Cristina Mihaela Gheorghe
52724: Forecasting with Factor Models: A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective Downloads
Dimitris Korobilis
52723: The Case for Simplicity: a Paradigm for the Political Economy of the 21st Century Downloads
Alan Freeman
52722: Export-Led Growth in Tunisia: A wavelet filtering based analysis Downloads
Mohamed Essaied Hamrita
52720: Decision Making Tool in Aviation Industry Considering Safety and Technologies Integration Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and Eleftherios Katarelos
52719: Разработка и исследование ссудо-сберегательных программ ипотечного кредитования: динамическая модель (Designing and Analyzing the Programs of Contractual Savings for Housing: а Dynamic Model) Downloads
Victor Polterovich, Oleg Starkov and Dmitry Ilinskiy
52716: Defining and Measuring Metropolitan Regions Downloads
Alan Freeman
52715: Macroeconomic policy for employment creation: The case of Malawi Downloads
Sonali Deraniyagala and Ben Kaluwa
52714: Defining and Measuring Metropolitan Regions: a rationale Downloads
Alan Freeman and Paul Cheshire
52711: Connect: Children with School and Workers with Wages in Bagladesh Downloads
Alida Paunic
52710: Not Rocket Science: A Roadmap for Arts and Cultural R&D Downloads
Hasan Bakhshi, Alan Freeman and Radhika Desai
52707: Statistica Afacerilor (Business Statistics) Downloads
Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
52705: Do university rankings matter for growth? Downloads
Clifford Tan Kuan Lu
52701: Is Creation an Industry? A Constructive Critique of the Economics of the Cultural and Creative Industries Downloads
Alan Freeman
52699: If they're so rich, why ain't they smart? Another prelude to the critique of economic theory Downloads
Alan Freeman
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