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121000: The impact of risk governance structure on bank risk management effectiveness: evidence from ASEAN countries Downloads
Quang Khai Nguyen
120998: Oversight of bank risk-taking by audit committees and Sharia committees: conventional vs Islamic banks Downloads
Quang Khai Nguyen
120996: Individual versus Team Production with Social Preferences Downloads
Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay) and Somenath Chakraborty
120992: The dynamics of regional inequalities in Romania. Comparative analysis between the major crises – financial and sanitary Downloads
Daniela Antonescu and Ioana Florescu
120991: The Dwindling Trade Policy Scenario in India: Fresh Insights Downloads
Nassir Wani and Veena Grover
120989: How Information Design Shapes Optimal Selling Mechanisms Downloads
Hien Pham
120977: Цифровая экономика и развитие сельских территорий (на примере Сербии) (Digital Economy and Rural Development (On the Example of Serbia)) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić, Polina Nikolenko and Vladimir Bocharov
120976: Предмет и методы экономических наук (Scope and Method of the Economic Sciences) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
120975: Неоклассическая экономика и Другой канон (Neoclassical Economics and Other Canon) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić, Radica Pavlović and Vladimir Zakharov
120974: Financial Deepening in Ghana; Does Macroeconomics Matter Downloads
Samuel Erasmus Alnaa and Juabin Matey
120971: Istraživanje odnosa u društvenoj reprodukciji posredstvom reprodukcione celine opšteg tipa (Investigation of Relationships in Social Reproduction Through a Reproductive Unit of a General Type) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
120970: Market Concentration in banking sector of Serbia: decomposition of the Changes in 2016–2021 Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
120969: Трансформационный кризис и экономическое развитие Сербии (Transformational Crisis and the Economic Development of Serbia) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
120966: Central bank digital currency: what it can achieve and cannot achieve in Africa Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120958: Examining Predictors of Gender Parity in Education Downloads
Veronika Anepska, Sofiia Krotova, Polina Mamchur and Sofiia Tyshchenko
Andrianady Josue
120950: Turning Back the Clock: The Changing Nature of North Korean Food Insecurity Downloads
Marcus Noland
120949: Behavior-based price discrimination and elastic demand Downloads
Suzuka Okuyama
120948: Impact of identity fusion and pro-group motivation on employees’ productivity: experimental survey Downloads
Don Isuru Samaranayake, Dhammika Jayarathna and Asokkumar Mithursan
120945: Environmental efficiency of Japanese regions before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake Downloads
Satoshi Honma, Yoshiaki Ushifusa, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Soyoka Okamura and Lilu Vandercammee
120943: Beyond green bonds: Stock market reactions to ESG bond announcements and issuances in Japan Downloads
Mingqing Yuan
120938: Effet du ROP, RIP, et R sur RSP: Symétrie ou Asymétrie? Cas des pays exportateurs et importateurs de pétrole (ROP, RIP, and R effects on RSP, symmetric or asymmetric? case of oil exporter and importer countries) Downloads
Malika Neifar and Amira HarzAllah
120937: Tax progressivity and R&D employment Downloads
Diego d'Andria
120931: Aging Population and its Effects on Long-Horizon Momentum Profits Downloads
King Fuei Lee
120930: The Role of Catering Incentives in ESG Disclosure Downloads
King Fuei Lee
120929: Circular Economy and agribusiness sector: Creating long-run benefits for the environment Downloads
George Ekonomou and George Halkos
120928: Defining the Key Predictors of Losses in Healthy Years of Life: A Cross-Country Investigation Downloads
Vladyslava Kyselova, Tetiana Popovych, Khrystyna Buryhina and Sofiia Topchii
120925: Inflation and Seigniorage-Financed Fiscal Deficits: The Case of Mexico Downloads
Guillermo Moloche
120920: Role of Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Wheat Prices and the Impact of the ‎Russian-Ukrainian War on the Investor Social Network Sentiment; Evidence ‎from the US Stock Market Downloads
Malika Neifar and Anis Hdider
120918: Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Food Security in Africa: Regional Variations and Socio-Economic Perspectives Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
120913: Transition du pouvoir au Sénégal: les perspectives des nouveaux espoirs sont-elles réalistes ? (Transition of power in Senegal: How realistic are the new hopefuls' prospects?) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
120912: Transition of power in Senegal: How realistic are the new hopefuls' prospects? Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
120911: Identifying Municipality Discretion Using a Quasi-Experimental Approach: The Case of Eligibility Assessments for Japan’s Long-Term Care Insurance Program Downloads
Katsuyoshi Nakazawa
120909: The impact of the population’s age composition on technological progress Downloads
Vladyslava Homonenko, Ivan Suprun and Vladyslava Platonovska
120907: Evaluating Policy Interventions for Audit Quality Improvement: Market Competition versus Audit Firm Separation Downloads
Chiaki Kawabata and Tsuyoshi Takahara
120906: Socio-Cultural Influences on Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Syrian Migrants in Turkey Downloads
Eleftherios Giovanis, Sacit Akdede and Oznur Ozdamar
120904: Towards Sustainable Prosperity? Policy Evaluation of Jiangsu Advanced Manufacturing Clusters Downloads
Tao Xu and Yabei Hu
120902: Humour, Misery and Penguins Downloads
Engin Toker and Mustafa Yücel
120901: Introduction to Spatial Spillovers: Viewpoints from Asia Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano and Peter Nijkamp
120899: Energy Inflation and Consumption Inequality Downloads
Francesco Ricciutelli
120898: Incentives and Payment Mechanisms in Preference Elicitation Downloads
Andreas Drichoutis, Marco Palma and Paul Feldman
120891: Simon and Knight Downloads
J. C. Spender
120889: «Indústria 5.0» como conceito de um novo tipo de interação humano-máquina? ([“Industry 5.0” as a concept of a new human-machine interaction?) Downloads
António Moniz
120888: Transformações tecnológicas em Portugal e o papel dos parceiros laborais na prevenção dos seus riscos (Technological transformations in Portugal and the role of labor partners in the prevention of its risks) Downloads
Nuno Boavida and António Moniz
120886: Άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις και κόστος εργασίας στην ευρωζώνη στον απόηχο της πρόσφατης οικονομικής κρίσης (Foreign direct investment and labor costs in the euro area in the wake of the recent financial crisis) Downloads
Vasileios Vlachos
120885: Διεθνής επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα στην Ελλάδα την εποχή του ευρώ: Ανταγωνιστικότητα και εξωστρέφεια (International business activity in Greece in the euro era: Competitiveness and extroversion) Downloads
Aristidis Bitzenis and Vasileios Vlachos
120884: Sustainability of public debt, investment subsidies, and endogenous growth with heterogeneous firms and financial frictions Downloads
Noritaka Maebayashi
120882: A balance sheet analysis of monetary policy effects on banks Downloads
Boyao Li
120880: To be(tween) or not to be(tween)? Combining between- and within-subjects design characteristics in preference elicitation for organic and local apples Downloads
Andreas Drichoutis, Marija Cerjak, Damir Kovačić and Josip Juračak
120876: Demographic Change, Automation and the Role of Education Downloads
Johanna Rude
120875: Income Inequality and Aggregate Demand Downloads
Johanna Rude
120873: Is Baumol's Cost Disease Really a Disease? Healthcare Expenditure and Factor Reallocation Downloads
Johanna Rude and Lukas Weber
120871: Large Effects of Small Cues: Priming Selfish Economic Decisions Downloads
Avichai Snir, Dudi Levy, Dian Wang, Chen, Haipeng (Allan) and Daniel Levy
120870: Assessment of Drinking Water Quality: Its Health and Marketing Impacts Downloads
Saba Ahmad
120869: Honor, Goal Setting, and Energy Conservation: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Student Dormitories Downloads
Botao Qin, Siyuan Xie and Chenyang Xu
120868: Unpacking the persistence of informality Downloads
Benjamin Villena-Roldan
120866: Bitcoin, speculative sentiments and crypto-assets valuation Downloads
Daniel Tut
120865: With or Without Usura? Monetary Policy and Market Creation Downloads
Iulia Igescu
120864: Politics and income taxes: progress and progressivity Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Pierre Boyer
120863: Realizing expectations? Downloads
Johannes Kleinhempel and Saul Estrin
120860: The Great Reversal Downloads
Tommy Chrimes, Bram Gootjes, Ayhan Kose and Collette Wheeler
120858: Composition and measurement of agro-food governance Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev and Bozhidar Ivanov
120853: Integrated Marketing Communications: Pushing the Boundaries through Digital Technologies Downloads
Anastasios Koukopoulos and Adam Vrechopoulos
120849: Optimal Bidding for a Bundle of Power Transmission Infrastructure Works Downloads
Andres Hernando, Mauricio Villena and Valentina Apablaza
120847: The impact of Fiscal decentralization on regional development Downloads
Shiret Elezi
120845: Knowledge creation through multimodal communication Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
120843: Потенциал аграрного вуза: научные школы, анализ активов, направления развития (The potential of an agricultural university: scientific schools, asset analysis, development directions) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Oksana Shumakova
120842: Riduzione dell’orario e creazione di lavoro. Una nota critica-ostruttiva sulla proposta di legge depositata in Parlamento (Working Time Reduction and Labour Creation. A critical-constructive note on the law proposal submitted to the Italian Parliament) Downloads
Giovanni Bonifati
120831: The What and How of Data Analysis Downloads
Sidharta Chatterjee
120830: Amalgamation of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Study on its Impact and Implications Downloads
Amena Hasan
120829: The role of asymmetric innovation’s sizes in technology licensing under partial vertical integration Downloads
Mariola Sánchez and Adrián Nerja
120828: Sustainable Growth and Secular Trends Downloads
Pietro Peretto and Simone Valente
120822: Unintended Consequences of Foreign Exchange Reserve Movements? Financial Dollarization in Emerging Market Economies Downloads
Zhongxia Zhang and Katsiaryna Svirydzenka
120818: Does Zillow Rent Measure Help Predict CPI Rent Inflation? Downloads
N Kishor
120801: Nigeria cNGN stablecoin: everything you need to know about cNGN and eNaira CBDC Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120800: Research and development, innovation inputs and productivity; The role of National Innovation Systems Downloads
Charles-Henri DiMaria
120797: Government spending and industrialization in a Schumpeterian economy Downloads
Angus Chu, Pietro Peretto and Xilin Wang
120796: Tasso di occupazione, orario di lavoro e distribuzione del reddito. Le condizioni alle quali i benefici degli aumenti della produttività oraria del lavoro sono indirizzati alla crescita dell’occupazione (Employment rate, working time and income distribution. The conditions under which the benefits of increases in hourly labour productivity are directed to employment growth) Downloads
Giovanni Bonifati
120794: Математическая экономика в эпоху социализма и переход к рынку (Mathematical Economics in the Era of Socialism, and Transition to the Market) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
120790: Migranti, Europa e Mediterraneo (Migrants, Europe and Mediterranean Sea) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
120789: A Sufficient Condition for Weakly Acyclic games with Applications Downloads
Guo Zhao and Yingming Chai
120786: Optimal Retirement Age: Death Hazard Rate Approach Downloads
Mikael Linden
120781: Global Economic Consequences of Russian Invasion of Ukraine Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120777: Bank profitability determinants in Africa: A review of literature Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120776: Impact of Financial stability on economic growth in Nigeria Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120775: Inflation-targeting monetary policy framework in Nigeria: The Success Factors Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120774: Thinking Fast and Slow about Central Bank Digital Currencies Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120770: O agricultura diferita este posibila, dar si necesara. Grupurile de producatori in contextul dezvoltarii durabile si rezilientei zonei montane privind crizele actuale (A different kind of farming is possible and necessary. Producer groups in the context of sustainable development and resilience of the mountain area to current crises) Downloads
Carmen Catuna
120763: Развитие трудового потенциала АПК Казахстана: эконометрический анализ Downloads
Sania Saginova, Victor Stukach and Guzel Sultanova
120762: Dual Disruptions: An Evaluation of the Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Bangladesh's Economy and Stock Market Downloads
Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
120761: Development: Where Do We Stand? Downloads
Abul Kalam Azad
120760: Tre saggi su Claudio Napoleoni (Three essays on Claudio Napoleoni) Downloads
Nicolo' Bellanca
120759: Tre saggi su Claudio Napoleoni (Three essays on Claudio Napoleoni) Downloads
Nicolo' Bellanca
120758: Inspecting a seasonal ARIMA model with a random period Downloads
Abdelhakim Aknouche and Nadia Rabehi
120752: Environmentalism in the light of Behavioral Economics Downloads
George Halkos and Anastasia Gkargkavouzi
120749: Правовая социализация как способ предотвращения уклонения от уплаты налогов за счет обеспечения эффективности бюджетных расходов (Legal socialization as a way to prevent tax evasion by ensuring the efficiency of budget expenditures) Downloads
Sergei Shorin
120739: Political views regarding the war in Ukraine in an online dating experiment Downloads
Anna Beloborodova
120713: Does Farm Size Matter for Food Security Among Agricultural Households? Analysis of Indonesia’s Agricultural Integrated Survey Results Downloads
Kadir Ruslan and Octavia Rizky Prasetyo
120711: USD/IRR Prediction by ARIMA model and Stochastic Simulation (1403 Hijri Year) (USD/IRR Prediction by ARIMA model and Stochastic Simulation (1403 Hijri Year)) Downloads
Kamran Golmohammadpoor Azar
120709: Oligarchs, Political Ties and Nomenklatura Capitalism: Introducing a New Dataset Downloads
Ion Marandici
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