MPRA Paper
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- 79991: Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs

- Damian Clarke and Benjamín Matta
- 79990: Assessing European business cycles synchronization

- Zlatko Kovačić and Miloš Vilotić
- 79989: Energy Conservation, Fossil Fuel Consumption, CO2 Emission and Economic Growth in Indonesia

- Traheka Erdyas Bimanatya and Tri Widodo
- 79988: Labour market institutions in small Pacific island countries: Main guidelines for labour market reforms

- Miguel Malo
- 79985: Zmiany zasobów ludzkich w Polsce z uwzględnieniem tendencji migracyjnych w latach 2010-2016 (Changes in human resources in Poland with regard to migration tendencies in the period 2010-2016)

- Adam Karbowski
- 79978: Структурные или институциональные сдвиги? Попытка измерения на примере банковского сектора (Structural change, institutional change and their measurement: The case of banking)

- Andrei Vernikov
- 79977: Reliability and Validity of the Happiness Approach to Measuring Preferences

- André van Hoorn
- 79976: Perkembangan Produksi dan Konsumsi Pangan di Indonesia (Development Production and Food Comsumpsion in Indonesia)

- Acep Kusmana, Agus Budiman and Arif Hidayat
- 79974: To enable private banks to create and lend out money, households must first be driven into debt

- Ralph Musgrave
- 79973: Breaking Badly: The Currency Union Effect on Trade

- Douglas Campbell and Aleksandr Chentsov
- 79970: Health Inequalities for Immigrants in Canada: Quebec versus the Rest of Canada

- Laetitia Lebihan, Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo and Fanny McKELLIPS
- 79965: Financial Development and Capital Flows: An Application

- Margaret Davenport and Guido Cozzi
- 79964: Comparative Advantage of Energy Products in the Midst of ASEAN Economic Integration

- Tri Widodo
- 79961: Automation, Computerisation and Future Employment in Singapore

- King Fuei Lee
- 79960: Regime Learning and Asset Prices in A Long-run Model: Theory

- Binbin Deng
- 79959: A Simple Model of Managerial Incentives and Portfolio-Investment Decision

- Binbin Deng
- 79956: Inflation persistence in BRICS countries: A quantile autoregressive (QAR) model

- Andrew Phiri
- 79952: Political Instability: The Neighbor vs. the Partner Effect

- Daryna Grechyna
- 79951: Trade Openness and Political Distortions

- Daryna Grechyna
- 79948: What Affects General Trust? A Perspective from Institutional Economics and Empirical Evidence from China

- Lin Gao
- 79944: The measurement of housing preferences in the Analytic Hierarchy Process

- Remigiusz Gawlik
- 79942: Assessing the Current Account Sustainability in ECCAS economies: A Dual Cointegration Analysis

- Marius Amba, Taoufiki Mbratana and Gilles Quentin Kane
- 79941: Social economy in Europe

- Sorin Cace
- 79940: Good Practices in Social Economy in Greece and in Other States of the European Union

- Sorin Cace
- 79934: Forward Ordinal Probability Models for Point-in-Time Probability of Default Term Structure

- Bill Huajian Yang
- 79931: Inflation and Stabilization in Argentina after 1975 Part 2: Structural Estimation: Tentative Results

- Erwin Klein, Javier Ortiz, U.L. Gouranga Rao and Botai Wang
- 79929: Does the Type of Neighbor Matter? Heterogeneous Export Spillovers on Domestic Companies in Mexico

- Carlos-Enrique Cardoso-Vargas
- 79927: Modeling Qualitative Outcomes by Supplementing Participant Data with General Population Data: A Calibrated Qualitative Response Estimation Approach

- Brian Erard
- 79925: The African origins of Euro-American development: Pins on an empirical roadmap

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 79924: Do Pollution Havens Exist? Evidence from East Asia

- Soca Indriya and Tri Widodo
- 79923: School Management and Public-Private Partnerships in Uganda

- Lee Crawfurd
- 79921: Offshoring Intensities and Skill Upgrading of Employment in the Slovak Republic

- Júlia Ďurčová and Rajmund Mirdala
- 79920: Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks in the Euro Area (Lessons Learned from Fiscal Consolidation)

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 79918: Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks in CE3 Countries (TVAR Approach)

- Rajmund Mirdala and Martin Kameník
- 79917: The Greenspan conundrum of 2005-7 and the acceleration in US ABCP supply: a single ‘reach for yield’ story

- Photis Lysandrou and Mimoza Shabani
- 79915: Pengeluaran (Belanja) dan Kecukupan Pangan Pada Keluarga Petani (Expenditure (Shopping) and Food Supply in Farmer Family)

- Kundang Harisman
- 79913: Optimal Privatization Policy under Private Leadership in Mixed Oligopolies

- Ming Hsin Lin and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 79912: Service quality in Indian telecom sector - A regression model study

- Keerthi K, Swaminathan J, Renukadevi R and Bharathipriya K
- 79911: Smoothing Algorithms by Constrained Maximum Likelihood

- Bill Huajian Yang
- 79907: Top Management Team And Company Performance In Big Countries Vs Small Countries

- Joy Tulung, Olivia Nelwan and Viktor P. K. Lengkong
- 79906: The Influence of Top Management Team Characteristics on BPD Performance

- Joy Tulung and Dendi Ramdani
- 79905: Resource Availability And Firm's International Strategy As Key Determinants Of Entry Mode Choice

- Joy Tulung
- 79900: On the relationship between bank market concentration and stability of financial institutions: Evidence from the Italian banking sector

- Cristian Barra and Roberto Zotti
- 79895: An open economy New-Keynesian model of government spending across U.S. regions

- Davide Osti
- 79893: Boundedly Rational Expected Utility Theory

- Daniel Navarro-Martinez, Graham Loomes, Andrea Isoni, David Butler and Larbi Alaoui
- 79892: The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes: Evidence from Southern European Regions

- Davide Osti
- 79891: Bank Stability and Competition: Evidence from Albanian Banking Market

- Gerti Shijaku
- 79890: Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms

- Eva Erhardt
- 79887: Optimal Apartment Cleaning by Harried College Students: A Game-Theoretic Analysis

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 79886: Are the Islamic and conventional money markets really highly correlated ? MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet approaches

- Bai Chen and Abul Masih
- 79885: Bulgaria in the EU Cohesion Process

- Dimitar Hadjinikolov
- 79883: Waste collection in rural communities: challenges under EU regulations. A Case study of Neamt County, Romania

- Florin Mihai
- 79881: Eco-Firms and Sequential Adoption of Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility in the Managerial Delegation

- Sang-Ho Lee and Chul-Hi Park
- 79879: Enfoque de capacidades: una introducción formal (Capability approach: a formal introduction)

- Dorian Fernando León Tamayo
- 79877: Enfoque de capacidades: una introducción formal (Capability approach: a formal introduction)

- Dorian Leon
- 79876: Should Jurors Deliberate?

- Brishti Guha
- 79872: Comparative Advertising: The role of prices

- Stuart Baumann
- 79871: The Long Run and Short Run Impacts of Exports on Economic Growth: Evidence from Gabon

- Sayef Bakari
- 79870: Promoting social innovation in rural areas through living labs

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 79869: How is technology changing the World landscape? A view over the European continent

- Catalin Vrabie and Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 79868: Living labs – instruments of social innovation in rural areas

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu and Catalin Vrabie
- 79866: Primena klaster analize u istraživanju tržišnih struktura u jugoslovenskoj prehrambenoj industriji (The Use of Cluster Analysis in Research of Market Structure in Yugoslav Food Industry)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 79864: The Soviets monetary experience (1917 – 1924) through the perspective of the discussion on unity and diversity of money

- Nikolay Nenovsky
- 79863: Did minimum wage increases reduce employment? Panel data evidence from Romania

- Smaranda Pantea
- 79860: Teacher to an Educator: (Re) locating the role of ICTs in the backdrop of the theoretical framework - TPACK

- Nevil Stephen S
- 79857: Airport, airline and departure time choice and substitution patterns: An empirical analysis

- Diego Escobari
- 79853: Yardstick competition and fiscal disparities: an experimental study

- Giuseppe Di Liddo and Andrea Morone
- 79852: Uncertainty and the Cost of Bank vs. Bond Finance

- Christian Grimme
- 79849: Dynamic privatization policy

- Susumu Sato and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 79848: The effects of population ageing on public education in Japan: A reinterpretation using micro data

- Hitoshi Saito
- 79846: Analyzing Semiconductor component's market sales data to create an Expert Fuzzy inference system

- Saeed Saljooghi and Azamdokht Safisamghabadib
- 79845: Deskripsi Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam Berusahatani Padi Pandan Wangi (Oryza sativa L) di Kalangan Petani Cianjur (Description of Decision Making in Agribusiness of Pandan Wangi (Popular Variety of Rice) in Cianjur District)

- Kundang Harisman
- 79844: Credit Rationing and Pass-Through in Supply Chains: Theory and Evidence from Bangladesh

- M. Shahe Emran, Dilip Mookherjee, Forhad Shilpi and M. Helal Uddin
- 79842: Private and Public Health Investment Decisions

- Manoj Atolia, Chris Papageorgiou and Stephen J Turnovsky
- 79841: Comparison of Chinese reform experience with other transition economies (in the example of Russia)

- Muzaffar Abasov
- 79840: Romania's association with European Union. Integration perspectives

- Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
- 79839: Politique de distribution de dividendes des sociétés cotées sur les marchés en développement: Cas de la BRVM (Dividend policy of companies listed in developing financial markets: Case study of the BRVM)

- Aboudou Ouattara
- 79838: China’s Household Balance Sheet: Accounting Issues, Wealth Accumulation, and Risk Diagnosis

- Cheng Li
- 79837: Impact de la publication des notes financières sur les cours et les volume de transaction des sociétés cotées à la BRVM: Une analyse à partir des études d'évenement (Impact of Rating released on stock's prices and trading volume of companies listed at BRVM: Analysis by event studies)

- Aboudou Ouattara
- 79835: Impulse on the Aggregate Demand in Bolivia through the coordination of the Monetary and Fiscal Policy in crisis time

- Joab Valdivia Coria and Daney Valdivia Coria
- 79834: Economic Impact of Cruise Ship Passengers Visiting Bar Harbor (Maine) in 2016

- Todd Gabe, Dominic Gayton, Patrick Robinson, James Mcconnon and Sean Larkin
- 79833: Regional differences in the Okun’s Relationship: New Evidence for Spain (1980-2015)

- Roberto Bande and Ángel Martín-Román
- 79826: Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy producers: An empirical study of Austrian biogas plants

- Andreas Eder, Bernhard Mahlberg and Stürmer Bernhard
- 79825: Microfinance & Strategy of Financial Inclusion in India

- Avnesh Gupta
- 79823: Demographic convergence and its linkage with health inequalities in India

- Srinivas Goli
- 79822: Stability of the labour shares: evidence from OECD economies

- Ivan D.
- 79821: Merger and Innovation Incentives in a Differentiated Industry

- Dusanee Kesavayuth, Sang-Ho Lee and Vasileios Zikos
- 79819: Emergence of cross-border taxation and firm behaviour

- Ashima Goyal
- 79818: Microfinance and Vulnerability to Seasonal Famine in a Rural Economy: Evidence from Monga in Bangladesh

- Claudia Berg and M. Shahe Emran
- 79812: The effects of the new fiscal rule and creative accounting: Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities

- Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
- 79811: Management Framework for the Visualization of Smart Monitoring Architectures Apply to Distributed Ubiquity Mobility Platform

- Djamel Khadraoui and Christophe Feltus
- 79810: Static and Dynamic Indicators in the Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investments Financing

- Rajko Bukvić, Radica Pavlović and Aleksandar Gajić
- 79809: Internal and External Factors Explaining Chilean Economic Activity

- Guillermo Acuña
- 79807: The Rise and Fall of the Subsistence Fund as a Resource Constraint in Austrian Business Cycle Theory

- Eduard Braun and David Howden
- 79806: The Interest Rate and the Length of Production: A Comment

- David Howden
- 79805: Time Preference and the Process of Civilization

- David Howden and Joakim Kampe
- 79804: The Economic and Legal Significance of “Full” Deposit Availability

- Philipp Bagus and David Howden
- 79803: Mises and Montaigne: A Comment

- Philipp Bagus, David Howden, Amadeus Gabriel and Eva María Carrasco Bañuelos
- 79802: Uses and Misuses of Arbitrage in Financial Theory, and a Suggested Alternative

- Rafael García Iborra and David Howden
- 79801: Central Bank Balance Sheet Analysis

- Philipp Bagus and David Howden