MPRA Paper
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- 58473: Asian Leadership for New Development Bank

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58471: Le istituzioni non-profit in Italia. Dimensioni organizzative, economiche e sociali (The non-profit institutions in Italy. Organizational size, economic and socia)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 58470: Неоинституционализм и структурные изменения в экономике (New Institutionalism and Structural Changes in the Economy)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58467: Effect of consuming imported cultural goods on tolerance for immigrants from trade partners: Case of Japanese anime in Korea

- Eiji Yamamura and Inyong Shin
- 58463: Economía política de la modernidad (Political economics of modernity)

- Fernando Estrada
- 58462: Progresividad e impuesto de guerra: análisis de la Ley 002 de las Farc después de 10 años (Progressivity and war tax: analysis of Act 002 of the FARC after 10 years)

- Fernando Estrada
- 58461: Argumentación y guerras civiles (Argumentation and Civil Wars)

- Fernando Estrada
- 58458: Estabilidad política y poder fiscal (political stability and tax power)

- Fernando Estrada
- 58456: Technical Innovations and Banking in a Quantum Economy

- Edward Song
- 58454: Effect of corporate tax on sector specific foreign direct investment in Ghana

- Camara Kwasi Obeng
- 58449: The collusion incentive constraint

- Jesper Fredborg Huric Larsen
- 58447: Asymmetric Cointegration: Barley and Crude Oil Price in United States

- Siti Rohaya Mat Rahim
- 58446: Kualitas Hidup Menurut Tafsir Nusantara: Baldatun Thayyibatun wa Rabbun Ghafûr dalam Tafsir Marâh Labîd, Tafsir Al-Azhar, Tafsir An-Nûr, Tafsir Departemen Agama, dan Tafsir Al-Mishbâh (Quality of Life in Tafsir Nusantara: Baldatun Thayyibatun wa Rabbun Ghafûr in Tafsir Marâh Labîd, Tafsir Al-Azhar, Tafsir An-Nûr, Tafsir Departemen Agama, and Tafsir Al-Mishbâh)

- Yuli Andriansyah
- 58445: Regularized Extended Skew-Normal Regression

- Karl Shutes and Chris Adcock
- 58442: Capital Formation in Thailand: Its Importance and Determinants

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 58438: Corruption, Tax Evasion and Social Values

- Anastasia Litina and Theodore Palivos
- 58437: Bank Industry Structure and Public Debt

- Erotokritos Varelas
- 58435: Customer-base concentration, profitability and distress across the corporate life cycle

- Paul Irvine, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
- 58430: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Voting

- Richard Cebula, Richard McGrath and Chris Paul
- 58428: Choosing put option parameters based on quantiles from the distribution of portfolio value

- Peter Bell
- 58427: Системный мониторинг социально-экономических противоречий в Российской Федерации (System monitoring socioeconomic contradictions in the Russian Federation)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58424: Child Rights in Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 58422: Elasticity of substitution and the slowdown of the Italian productivity

- Enrico Saltari and Daniela Federici
- 58420: Improvement of Health Sector in Kenya

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 58416: Competitiveness and environmental protection: a dirty dilemma

- Geoffrey Oliver and Rishi Basak
- 58413: Религиозная пропаганда в СМИ: проблематика сосуществования (Religious propaganda in the Media: Issues of Coexistence)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58411: Low participation in national health insurance scheme in Central Region OF Ghana: underlying reasons and health seeking behaviour of both insured and uninsured

- Kofi Adu
- 58410: Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment in the contemporary globalized world: should they be still treated separately?

- Marcin Humanicki, Robert Kelm and Krzysztof Olszewski
- 58409: Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Kontribusinya bagi Pembangunan Nasional (Islamic Banking Performance in Indonesia and Its Contribution to National Development)

- Yuli Andriansyah
- 58407: The unfortunate uselessness of most ’state of the art’ academic monetary economics

- Willem Buiter
- 58406: Fragmentarea internaţională a producţiei. Fenomenul perfecţionării active: un "rău necesar" sau o şansă pentru România? (International fragmentation of production. The inward processing trade phenomenon: a necessary evil or a chance for Romania?)

- George Georgescu
- 58403: Stock Market Reactions to Announcements of Board of Director Appointments: Evidence from Italy

- Fabrizio Rossi and Richard Cebula
- 58402: Examining the Success of the Central Banks in Inflation Targeting Countries: The Dynamics of Inflation Gap and the Institutional Characteristics

- Omid Ardakani and N Kishor
- 58401: The Determinants of Human Migration

- Richard Cebula
- 58400: Do people care for a sustainable future? Evidence from happiness data

- Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino and Laurent Theis
- 58399: Incentives and status

- Oindrila Dey and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
- 58397: Механизм формирования единого экономического (рыночного) пространства в России (Formation mechanism of general economic (market) space in Russia)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58395: Endogenous Growth and Demographic Transition in a model of Cultural Transmission

- Roman Zakharenko
- 58393: Trapped by the high-tech myth: The need and chances for a new policy rationale

- Attila Havas
- 58391: Using Smart Grids to Enhance Use of Energy-Efficiency and Renewable-Energy Technologies

- Mia Paget, Tom Seacrest, Steve Widergren, Patrick Balducci, Alice Orrell and Cary Bloyd
- 58389: Общая ситуация на российском рынке печатных СМИ: тенденции и перспективы развития (The overall situation in the Russian media market: trends and prospects)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky and Anastasia Petrunina

- Katie Feeney, Daniel Brass, Dominic Kua, Atsushi Yamamoto, Elisabeth Tourneboeuf and David Adams
- 58387: Региональная система информационного обеспечения коммерциализации энергосберегающих и инновационных технологий в строительстве (REGIONAL Information Management System for commercialization of energy-efficient and innovative technologies in construction)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58386: Are Smaller Turbines the Way Forward for Wind Energy in Herefordshire?

- Peter Linnell
- 58378: Stock returns predictability and the adaptive market hypothesis in emerging markets: evidence from India

- Gourishankar S Hiremath and Jyoti Kumari
- 58370: How to divide things fairly

- Steven Brams, D. Marc Kilgour and Christian Klamler
- 58369: Splitting up Beta’s change

- Ronny Suarez
- 58368: Institutions and Economic Performance in Mexican States

- Robert Sonora
- 58366: Strategic Management of Multinational Companies: Case of Hilton

- Lubna Ahsan, Burhan Qazi and Shahabuddin Syed
- 58364: Внешнеэкономические аспекты экономической безопасности Российской Федерации (Economical safety of Russia and its foreign economy aspects)

- Elena Drobot
- 58360: The mortgage spread as a predictor of real-time economic activity

- Jari Hännikäinen
- 58358: Explaining social capital effects on growth and property rights via trust-alternative variables

- Mahyudin Ahmad and Stephen G. Hall

- Bishnu Gautam
- 58353: Межкультурный тренинг как способ подготовки к межкультурному взаимодействию (Intercultural training as a way of preparation for intercultural interoperability)

- Olga Frik
- 58351: Обусловленность политического контроля в современном обществе (Conditionality political control in modern society)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 58347: Natural Land Productivity, Cooperation and Comparative Development

- Anastasia Litina
- 58345: Domestic Debt Market in India –Its Resilience in Funding Infrastructure

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58344: On the intergenerational nature of criminal behavior

- Carlos Bethencourt and Lars Kunze
- 58342: Management of Interest Rate Risk in Indian Banking

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58337: Reforms in Institutional Finance for Inclusive Growth

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58333: Finite Sample Properties of Tests Based on Prewhitened Nonparametric Covariance Estimators

- David Preinerstorfer
- 58332: Unionised labour market, efficiency wage and endogenous growth

- Chandril Bhattacharyya and Manash Gupta
- 58331: Innovation at Rural Enterprises: Results from a Survey of German Organic and Conventional Farmers

- Ilkay Unay Gailhard and Miroslava Bavorova
- 58329: Evaluación de la eficiencia comparativa de empresas y entidades productivas: Indicadores y técnicas de análisis (Evaluating comparative efficiency of companies and productive entities: Measures and analisis' techniques)

- Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
- 58328: Residual exports and domestic demand: an empirical analysis

- Jesús A. Muñoz Sepúlveda
- 58326: On various confidence intervals post-model-selection

- Hannes Leeb, Benedikt Pötscher and Karl Ewald
- 58324: Domestic Debt Market in India –Its Resilience in Funding Infrastructure

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58323: Modelling the Impact of New Capital Regulations on Bank Profitability

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58320: Elasticity of Factor Substitution and Capital Formation in a Two-Sector Economy

- Kazuo Mino
- 58319: Understanding Food Inflation in India

- Abhijit Sen Gupta, Rudrani Bhattacharya and Narhari Rao
- 58318: Assessing Impact of Large-Scale Distributed Residential HVAC Control Optimization on Electricity Grid Operation and Renewable Energy Integration

- Charles Corbin
- 58316: Gender, Geography and Generations: Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Post-reform India

- M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
- 58315: Epicarmo Corbino, economista liberale neoclassico (Epicarmo Corbino, XXth century liberal neoclassical economist)

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 58314: Cognitive constraints increase estimation biases: Cognitive load and delay in judgments

- Sarah Allred, L. Elizabeth Crawford, Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 58313: Comovement of Selected International Stock Market Indices:A Continuous Wavelet Transformation and Cross Wavelet Transformation Analysis

- Abul Masih and Hamdan Abdul Majid
- 58312: Side-effects of anti-smoking policies on health behaviors. Evidence from the US

- Martina Celidoni, Luca Pieroni and Luca Salmasi
- 58310: Interrelationship between taxes, capital structure decisions and value of the firm: A panel data study on Indian manufacturing firms

- Pankaj Sinha and Vishakha Bansal
- 58309: Is inequality an unavoidable by-product of skill-biased technical change? No, not necessarily!

- Philipp Hühne
- 58308: Stock Price and Industrial Production in Developing Countries: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Analysis

- Abul Masih and Hamdan Abdul Majid
- 58307: Recent Developments in Quantitative Finance: An Overview

- Chia-Lin Chang, Shing-Yang Hu and Shih-Ti Yu
- 58303: Investigating impact of volatility persistence, market asymmetry and information inflow on volatility of stock indices using bivariate GJR-GARCH

- Pankaj Sinha and Shalini Agnihotri
- 58302: Elasticity of substitution and the slowdown of the Italian productivity

- Enrico Saltari and Daniela Federici
- 58298: Modelling the Impact of New Capital Regulations on Bank Profitability

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58295: Bank regulation, supervision and efficiency during the global financial crisis

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 58293: Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance in the Case of Turkey

- Emre Ozsoz, Sevin Gurarda and Abidin Ates
- 58292: Are Fertility Responses to Local Unemployment Shocks Homogenous Across Social Strata? Evidence from England, 1994 to 2010

- Cevat Giray Aksoy
- 58290: Does military spending stimulate growth? An empirical investigation in Italy

- Giorgio d'Agostino, Pierluigi Daddi, Luca Pieroni and Eric Steinbrueck
- 58285: Inovações Não Drásticas: Patentes, Difusão Tecnológica e Antitruste (Non Drastic Innovations: Patents, Technological Diffusion, and Antitrust)

- Luiz Esteves
- 58273: Treasury/Federal Reserve Study of Treasury Futures Markets Volume I: Summary and Recommendations

- Anthony Vignola, Charles Dale and Federal Reserve Staffs Federal Reserve System
- 58271: Contests with Random Noise and a Shared Prize

- Roman Sheremeta, William Masters and Timothy Cason
- 58269: The Effect of Recent Financial Crisis over Global Portfolio Diversification Opportunities – Empirical Evidence A Comparative Multivariate GARCH-DCC, MODWT and Wavelet Correlation Analysis

- Ramazan Yildirim and Abul Masih
- 58267: El sector público y el cambio tecnológico (The public sector and technological change)

- Salvador Rivas-Aceves
- 58266: Роль ВТО в современных мирохозяйственных связях. Проблемы и перспективы России в ВТО (The role of WTO in modern global economy. Problems and perspectives of Russia within WTO)

- Elena Drobot
- 58264: Глобализация, будущее устройство мира и формирование системы общечеловеческих ценностей (Glabalisation, future world structure and formation of universal human values)

- Elena Drobot
- 58262: Estimating sign-dependent societal preferences for quality of life

- Arthur Attema, Werner Brouwer, Olivier L'Haridon and Jose-Luis Pinto-Prades
- 58257: From degrees of belief to beliefs: Lessons from judgment-aggregation theory

- Franz Dietrich and Christian List
- 58256: Focal Points Revisited: Team Reasoning, the Principle of Insufficient Reason and Cognitive Hierarchy Theory

- Nicholas Bardsley and Aljaz Ule
- 58255: Coevolution of Deception and Preferences: Darwin and Nash Meet Machiavelli

- Yuval Heller and Erik Mohlin
- 58253: The Three Fatal Mistakes of Yesterday Economics: Profit, I=S, Employment

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 58252: ICT the Nordic Way and European Savings Banks

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés
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