MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 30442: El crédito solidario, el colateral social, y la colusión. Algunos apuntes (Group Lending, Social Collateral and Collusion. Some Notes)

- Francisco Galarza
- 30440: Motivations and strategies for a real revaluation of the Yuan

- Meixing Dai
- 30431: Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy

- Carlo Ciccarelli and Tommaso Proietti
- 30429: Does Military Spending Explode External Debt in Pakistan?

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Shahbaz Muhammad Shabbir and Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt
- 30426: Accumulation of reserves and keeping up with the Joneses: the case of LATAM economies

- Yin-Wong Cheung and Rajeswari Sengupta
- 30423: Dove or Hawk? characterizing monetary regime switches during financial liberalization in India

- Michael Hutchison, Rajeswari Sengupta and Nirvikar Singh
- 30420: Neighborhood preferences of house buyers: the case of klang valley, malaysia

- Teck Hong Tan
- 30419: Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory and job satisfaction in the malaysian retail sector: the mediating effect of love of money

- Teck Hong Tan and Amna Waheed
- 30417: Financial Crises and Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Flows

- Ashraf Mahmoud
- 30415: Barriers in EU retail financial markets

- Dan Micuda
- 30414: Indirect taxation in the European Union

- Sebastian Ene and Dan Micuda
- 30412: Some aspects regarding the financial structure theories

- Sorin Visinescu and Dan Micuda
- 30411: A Visibility Analysis of the Scientific Production of Ukrainian Economists

- Jean Mirucki
- 30410: Correlating car sales and credit availability on the Romanian market

- Gheorghe Cruceru and Dan Micuda
- 30408: An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market

- Ricardo Araujo, Paulo Loureiro and Nathalia Almeida Souza
- 30407: Light at the End of Tunnel?

- Thomas Fullerton and Molina, Angel L.,
- 30406: Assessing trends in editorial preferences towards industrial organization article

- Jean Mirucki
- 30403: The effect of microaggregation on regression results: an application to Spanish innovation data

- Alberto López
- 30402: Visibilité des contributions en économie industrielle dans les revues scientifiques internationales: 1991-96 (Visibility of Contributions in Industrial Organization in International Scientific Journals: 1991-96)

- Jean Mirucki
- 30401: Real wage growth over the business cycle:contractual versus spot markets

- Andriana Bellou and Baris Kaymak
- 30399: Analyse comparative de la visibilité des articles en économie industrielle: 1991-98 (Comparative Analysis of Industrial Organization Contributions in English-Speaking and French-Speaking Journals)

- Jean Mirucki
- 30398: A Revisit of the Relation between Central Bank Independence and Inflation

- Hsin-Yi Lin
- 30392: Islamic banks:Profit sharing, equity, leverage lure, and credit control

- Zubair Hasan
- 30391: Political Crises and Risk of Financial Contagion in Developing Countries: Evidence from Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 30390: Coalition formation in the U.S. Supreme Court: 1969-2009

- Steven Brams, Gustavo Camilo and Alexandra D. Franz
- 30389: ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ЗЛИТТІВ І ПОГЛИНАНЬ В БАНКІВСЬКІЙ СФЕРІ: РОЛЬ СИНЕРГЕТИЧНИХ ВИГОД (Cross-border bank mergers and acquisitions efficiency: the role for synergies)

- Vasyl Namonyuk
- 30388: Narrowing the field in elections: the next-two rule

- Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
- 30387: Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy

- Nicholas Herro and James Murray
- 30386: Faktoru modeļu agregēta un dezagregēta pieeja IKP prognožu precizitātes mērīšanā (Measuring GDP forecasting accuracy using factor models: aggregated vs. disaggregated approach)

- Andrejs Bessonovs
- 30385: A case of integration of organic dairy sheep farm in value chains in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 30383: Ethnic Diversity in Malaysia-Lessons Learned from Bio-Diversity Research

- Hans-Dieter Evers, Yusuf Anis and A.B. Shamsul
- 30381: Structural Change and Macrodynamic Capabilities

- Ricardo Araujo and Joanílio Teixeira
- 30380: Hierarchical shrinkage priors for dynamic regressions with many predictors

- Dimitris Korobilis
- 30378: The Variance Profile

- Alessandra Luati, Tommaso Proietti and Marco Reale
- 30373: Identification of Panel Data Models with Endogenous Censoring

- Shakeeb Khan, Maria Ponomareva and Elie Tamer
- 30367: Календарні закономірності розподілу дохідності та волатильності на українському фондовому ринку (The calendar regularity of earnings and volatility distribution on the Ukrainian stock market)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 30365: Design, effectiveness and role of visual merchandising in creating customer appeal

- Rajasekharan Pillai, Azmiya Iqbal, Habiba Umer, Aisha Maqbool and Namrata Sunil
- 30364: Are realized volatility models good candidates for alternative Value at Risk prediction strategies?

- Dimitrios Louzis, Spyros Xanthopoulos-Sisinis and Apostolos P. Refenes
- 30363: Trade liberalization and inter-provincial dumping in a spatial equilibrium model: the case of the Canadian dairy industry

- Abdessalem Abbassi and Bruno Larue
- 30357: Using weight-for-age for predicting wasted children

- Georges Nguefack-Tsague and Agatha Tanya K. N.
- 30356: The Effects of Social Spending on Economic Activity: Empirical Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries

- Davide Furceri and Aleksandra Zdzienicka
- 30355: Tombstones of Fallen Heroes

- Zulfiqar Kalhoro
- 30354: Sit down at the ball game: how trade barriers make the world less food secure

- Martine Rutten, Lindsay J. Chant and Gerdien Meijerink
- 30348: Machine de guerre, machine de paix: le cas de l’analyse input-output comme modèle pour l’intervention publique (War Machine, Peace Machine: Input-Output Analysis as a Case Study of Public Intervention)

- Amanar Akhabbar
- 30347: Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Evidence from U.S. States' Exports and Business-Class Travel

- Anca Cristea
- 30344: Foreign assistance and economic growth: evidence from Pakistan 1972 - 2010

- Vaqar Ahmed and Mohammad Abdul Wahab
- 30343: Can tailored communications motivate volunteers? A field experiment

- Omar Al-Ubaydli and Min Lee
- 30339: Construction d'un MEGC pour l'évaluation de l'impact de la politique économique au Cameroun sur le secteur informel et la pauvreté (Evaluation of the effects of economic policies on informal sector performance and poverty in Cameroon: a Computable General Equilibrium model analysis)

- Didier Alia, Willy Ndjana and Erith Nghogue
- 30334: Are we able to capture the EU debt crisis? Evidence from PIIGGS countries in panel unit root framework

- Eduard Baumohl, Tomáš Výrost and Štefan Lyócsa
- 30332: New insights from a structural economic dynamic approach to balance of payments constrained growth

- Ricardo Araujo
- 30331: A multi-sector version of the Post-Keynesian growth model

- Ricardo Araujo and Joanílio Teixeira
- 30327: Cost benefit analysis to assess modular investment: the case of the New Turin-Lyon Railway

- Andrea Debernardi, Raffaele Grimaldi and Paolo Beria
- 30326: Economic Growth, Technical Progress, and Social Capital: the Inverted U Hypothesis

- Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
- 30324: Sozialstaat und ethische Legitimität (The Welfare State and Ethical Legitimacy)

- Sebastian Thieme
- 30323: A la recherche des déterminants du taux de réussite de l'étudiant dans les universités du Cameroun: une analyse empirique (In search of determinants of the success rate of the student in universities of Cameroon: an empirical analysis)

- Nacisse Palissy Chassem
- 30322: Firm Ownership Type, Earnings Management and Auditor Relationships: Evidence from India

- Saibal Ghosh
- 30321: A Simple Index of Banking Fragility: Application to Indian Data

- Saibal Ghosh
- 30318: Adoption of Information and Communications Technology in Rural Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Case of MSEs in South Indian State of Kerala, India

- Perumal Koshy
- 30314: Classification of competitiveness types using copula

- Cezar Mereuta, Lucian Albu and Daniel Ciuiu
- 30313: Experience of other Nations in Convergence to IFRS

- Muthupandian K S
- 30312: New exports from emerging markets: do followers benefit from pioneers ?

- Rodrigo Wagner and Andres Zahler
- 30311: Gravity and extended gravity: estimating a structural model of export entry

- Eduardo Morales, Gloria Sheu and Andres Zahler
- 30310: Repeated moral hazard and recursive Lagrangeans

- Antonio Mele
- 30308: Informational price cascades and non-aggregation of asymmetric information in experimental asset markets

- Jason Shachat and Anand Srivinasan
- 30306: Renewable Energy Sources in Romania: A Statistical Approach

- Nicoleta Caragea and Ciprian Alexandru
- 30305: Knowledge-based Economic Development as a Unifying Vision in a Post-awakening Arab World

- Wes Schwalje
- 30302: A Conceptual Model of National Skills Formation for Knowledge-based Economic Development

- Wes Schwalje
- 30298: Massively parallel computation using graphics processors with application to optimal experimentation in dynamic control

- Sergei Morozov and Sudhanshu Mathur
- 30295: Decomposing world export growth and the relevance of new destinations

- Andres Zahler
- 30292: Voting rules as statistical estimators

- Marcus Pivato
- 30290: The Trough Deepens

- Thomas Fullerton and Molina, Angel L.,
- 30289: Does the level of capital openness explain “fear of floating” amongst the inflation targeting countries?

- Sanchita Mukherjee
- 30288: Exploitation, inequality, and power

- Roberto Veneziani
- 30286: Subgame perfect implementation: A new result

- Haoyang Wu
- 30284: Transmission internationale de la volatilité des prix d’actifs financiers: les relations entre les marchés français et américains de 1997 à 2000 (Volatility and cross correlation across asset markets: Evidence from the French and US markets over the 1997-2000 period)

- David Laborde Debucquet and Serge Rey
- 30282: Multilevel Fiscal Governance in a Balanced Policy Environment

- Chanchal Kumar Sharma
- 30280: Hechos Estilizados de la Economía Ecuatoriana: El Ciclo Económico 1965-2008 (Stylized Facts of the Ecuadorian Economy: The Economic Chicle 1965-2008)

- Ivan Gachet, Diego Maldonado, Nicolas Oliva and José Ramírez
- 30279: Residual Wage Inequality and Immigration in the UK and the US

- Cinzia Rienzo
- 30277: Pollution and Environmental Issues in Agriculture and the Livestock Industry: A Brief Review of the Japanese Case

- Yukichika Kawata
- 30276: The growth of two small economies in the Great Depression: GDP estimation for Cyprus and Malta during the interwar period (1921-1938)

- Alexander Apostolides
- 30274: Capital Controls: A Meta-analysis Approach

- Nicolas Magud, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- 30268: Cultural contingency on the antecedents of the complexity of management accounting systems: Evidence from a meta-analysis of individual data

- Z. Ben Hamadi, Adrien Bonache, Ph. Chapellier and Ali Mohammed
- 30263: Macroeconomic Stress Testing and the Resilience of the Indian Banking System: A Focus on Credit Risk

- Tanima Niyogi Sinha Roy and Basabi Bhattacharya
- 30260: A Review on Liao’s Dissertation Entitled “The Solutions on Multi-choice Games” and Related Publications

- Chih-Ru Hsiao
- 30258: On core solutions in economies with asymmetric information

- Carlos Hervés-Beloso, Claudia Meo and Emma Moreno Garcia
- 30257: Absorptive capacity, the allocation of scientists, and firms' research productivity

- Canidio Andrea
- 30254: Forecasting U.S. Macroeconomic and Financial Time Series with Noncausal and Causal AR Models: A Comparison

- Markku Lanne, Henri Nyberg and Erkka Saarinen
- 30253: Social Status, Human Capital Formation and the Long-run Effects of Money

- Hung-Ju Chen
- 30252: Effets de long terme du taux de change réel sur la balance commerciale nominale et réelle en zone Franc africaine (Long-run effects of real exchange rate on the nominal and real trade balance in African Franc zone)

- Nacisse Palissy Chassem
- 30251: Migration, Social Security, and Economic Growth

- Hung-Ju Chen and I-Hsiang Fang
- 30249: Trends non linéaires et co-trending dans le taux de change réel effectif du dinar tunisien (Nonlinear trend and co-trending in the Tunisian real effective exchange rate)

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Velayoudoum Marimoutou and Serge Rey
- 30247: The Prevalence and Impact of Skills Gaps on Latin America and the Caribbean

- Wes Schwalje
- 30246: Assessing Accrual Accounting Reform in Greek Public Hospitals: An Empirical Investigation

- Nikolaos Eriotis, Filippos Stamatiadis and Dimitrios Vasiliou
- 30243: Divorce laws and fertility decisions

- Héctor Bellido and Miriam Marcén
- 30241: Chocs externes et ajustements des taux de change réels européens (External shocks and adjustment of European real exchange rates)

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Serge Rey
- 30239: Obtaining, developing and preserving human resources

- Gabriela Adina Hasegan Mares
- 30238: Economic growth and its impact on environment: A panel data analysis

- Ahmet Asici
- 30237: A new governance for the EMU and the economic policy framework

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 30234: Aid Allocation of the Emerging Central and Eastern European Donors

- Balazs Szent-Ivanyi
- 30231: Cronyism in Business, Public Sector and Politics

- Galina Zudenkova
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