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109234: A Baseline DSGE model of Climate Change for Climate Policy Analysis Downloads
Wenli Xu
109231: Exploring volatility of crude oil intra-day return curves: a functional GARCH-X Model Downloads
Gregory Rice, Tony Wirjanto and Yuqian Zhao
109229: The heterodox stabilization plans: main effects for the brazilian economy in the period 1985 to 1989 (The heterodox stabilization plans: main effects for the brazilian economy in the period 1985 to 1989) Downloads
Caroline Andressa Welter, Thiago Pereira de Souza Paetzhold, Daniel Amorim Souza Centurião and Mirian Beatriz Schneider
109228: Discussion on the Influence of Public Policy Related to Economic Solidarity Developments Related to Tourism in Corumbá - MS (Discussion on the Influence of Public Policy Related to Economic Solidarity Developments Related to Tourism in Corumbá - MS) Downloads
Daniel Amorim Souza Centurião, Mayra Batista Bitencout Fagundes and Vanessa Schmidt
109227: Business challenges and policy suggestions in face of the Covid-19 pandemic (Business challenges and policy suggestions in face of the Covid-19 pandemic) Downloads
Daniel Amorim Souza Centurião, Caroline Andressa Welter and Mateus Abrita
109226: Identifying SWOT variables as a tool to promote tourism and the diagnosis of local development: Corumbá-MS (Identifying SWOT variables as a tool to promote tourism and the diagnosis of local development: Corumbá-MS) Downloads
Mayra Batista Bitencourt Fagundes, Vanessa Schmidt and Daniel Amorim Souza Centurião
109225: Is there any long run Granger-causality between economic growth and energy consumption ? evidence from Singapore Downloads
Ilham Mahmood and Abul Masih
109224: Disclosures relating to Covid-19 in the Malaysian banking industry: Theory and Practice Downloads
Arsalan Haneef Malik, Awais Ur Rehman and Mubashir Ali Khan
109223: Identification of key-variables for the promotion local development through tourism activity in the municipality of Corumbá in the municipality of Corumbá/ MS/ Brazil: an application of SWOT Analysis (Identification of key-variables for the promotion local development through tourism activity in the municipality of Corumbá in the municipality of Corumbá/ MS/ Brazil: an application of SWOT Analysis) Downloads
Milton Augusto Pasquotto Mariani, Mayra Batista Bitencourt Fagundes, Dyego de Oliveira Arruda, Vanessa Schmidt and Daniel Amorim Souza Centurião
109222: Identification and Analysis of the Evolution of Local Productive Arrangements Downloads
Caroline Welter, Luiz Cypriano and Daniel Centurião
109219: Money Market Integration in Spain in the Ninetheen Century: The Role of the 1875-1885 Decade Downloads
Emma Iglesias and J. Carles Maixé-Altés
109217: Financial structure and growth of pension funds in Kenya Downloads
Harold Omollo, Tobias Olweny, Oluoch Oluoch and Joshua Wamatanda
109216: Financial theories on pension fund portfolios in Kenya Downloads
Harold Omollo, Tobias Olweny, Oluoch Oluoch and Joshua Wamatanda
109214: Employment protection regimes and dismissal of members in worker cooperatives Downloads
Ermanno C. Tortia
109213: The political economy of social protection adoption Downloads
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa and Alma Santillán Hernández
109192: Влияние на новата индустриална революция върху трудовоправните отношения в сферата на заетостта в селското стопанство (Impact of the new industrial revolution on the labour – law relationship in the sphere of employment in the agriculture) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
109191: El déficit cuasifiscal del Banco Central de la República Dominicana (The quasi-fiscal deficit of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic) Downloads
Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
109188: Knowledge Economy Classification in African Countries: A Model-Based Clustering Approach Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah, Abraham Otero and Antonio Andres
109187: Protestant Education among Indigenous Mexicans: The Social Impact of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), 1935-1970 Downloads
Andrew Paxman
Gatot Hadi Gunarso
109185: Resurgence of small eateries– The successful business model of online Food Apps in major cities of Kerala Downloads
Suresh Kumar S, Shehnaz S R and Shiny Salam
109184: Gold prices and Nifty – Unravelling of an intricately interwoven nexus Downloads
Shehnaz S R and Suresh Kumar S
109183: The liberalisation effect on variability in net income of food processing industry in Kerala: An empirical evaluation Downloads
Sulfiya Samad, Jacob Thomas and Suresh Kumar S
109173: Incentives for Entrepreneurial Firms and Technical and Policy Appendices Downloads
Darrene Hackler and Ellen Harpel
109171: Effects of government spending on consumption Dynamics Downloads
Wisdom Takumah
109166: Chinese Investment in Ethiopia: Contribution, Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Recommendations Downloads
Berihu Gebrehiwot, Mulu Gebreeyesus and Alebel Bayrau Weldesilassie
109161: The Analysis of Protein Consumption Pattern in Indonesia: A Case of Own-produced Commodities Downloads
Rodhiah Umaroh and Evita Hanie Pangaribowo
109157: Анализ малого и среднего предпринимательства: Построение производственных функций с оценкой эффективных фондов (Analysis of small and medium business: The constructing production functions with estimating effective funds) Downloads
Vladimir Gorbunov and Alexander Lvov
109154: Market demand: a holistic theory and its verification Downloads
Vladimir Gorbunov
109153: The impact of Brexit on Israel and neighbouring Arab states in times of the COVID-19 crisis Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
109151: Intelligent Decision Support in Automating ABET Accreditation Processes: A Conceptual Framework Downloads
Abdul-Rahim Ahmad, Imran A. Tasadduq, Muhammad Hasan Imam, Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi, Muhammad Bilal Ahmad, Muhammad Tanveer and Haider Mahmood
109149: The Green Side of Industry: The Drivers and the Impacts of ECO-Innovations in Brazil Downloads
Fernanda Q. Sperotto and Iván G. Tartaruga
109148: Transnationalism for Migration Studies: A Critical Review and Analysis Downloads
Russell Brownee
109147: The Impacts of Strengthening Regulatory Surveillance on Bank Behavior: A Dynamic Analysis from Incomplete to Complete Enforcement of Capital Regulation in Microprudential Policy Downloads
Kiyotaka Nakashima and Toshiaki Ogawa
109145: Egyptian Intra Agriculture Trade with Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Trading Partners: A Gravity Model Downloads
Haider Mahmood, Tarek Tawfik Yousef Alkhateeb and Nabil Maalel
Haider Mahmood
109143: Energy consumption, economic growth and pollution in Saudi Arabia Downloads
Haider Mahmood, Tarek Tawfik Yousef Alkhateeb, Maleeha Mohammed Zaaf Al-Qahtani, Zafrul Allam Allam, Nawaz Ahmad and Maham Furqan
109141: Level of Education and Renewable Energy Consumption Nexus in Saudi Arabia Downloads
Haider Mahmood
109138: Evaluation of technology clubs by clustering: A cautionary note Downloads
Antonio Andres, Abraham Otero and Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
109137: Using Deep Learning Neural Networks to Predict the Knowledge Economy Index for Developing and Emerging Economies Downloads
Antonio Andres, Abraham Otero and Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
109136: The grievances of a failed reform: Chilean land reform and conflict with indigenous communities Downloads
Dany Jaimovich and Felipe Toledo
109135: The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the export competitiveness of manufacturing firms in Croatia Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic
109134: Impact of financial market development on the CO2 Emissions in GCC countries Downloads
Haider Mahmood
109133: Should the United States Rejoin the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal? Downloads
Ken Itakura and Hiro Lee
109131: Market success of innovations in the retail sector Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic and Katija Vojvodic
109130: Determinants of profitability of firms in the retail sector: The case of Croatia Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic and Katija Vojvodic
109129: Decision to export and decision to innovate: Empirical evidence on firm behaviour in CEECs and SEECs Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic, Marija Becic and Perica Vojinic
109128: The Competitiveness of exporters from Croatian manufacturing industry Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic
109127: Foreign direct investment and structural transformation of exports Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic and Edvard Orlic
109126: Knowledge spillovers, innovation activities and competitiveness of industries in eu member and candidate countries Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic and Iraj Hashi
109125: Decomposing Scale and Technique Effects of Financial Development and Foreign Direct Investment on Renewable Energy Consumption Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Avik Sinha, Chandrashekar Raghutla and Xuan Vinh Vo
109120: Quantitative Analysis of a Wealth Tax in the United States: Exclusions, Evasion, and Expenditures Downloads
Rachel Moore and Brandon Pecoraro
109118: Conditional asymmetry in Power ARCH($\infty$) models Downloads
Julien Royer
109117: From social netizens to data citizens: variations of GDPR awareness in 28 European countries Downloads
Razvan Rughinis, Cosima Rughinis, Simona Nicoleta Vulpe and Daniel Rosner
109115: A Literature Review of Economic Diaspora Downloads
Izumi Mitsui
109105: U.S. Government debts, a dangerous cocktail of borrowing, spending and inflation levels Downloads
Kees De Koning
109101: L'impact du Brexit sur Israël et les États arabes voisins en période de crise du COVID-19 (The impact of Brexit on Israel and neighbouring Arab states in times of the COVID-19 crisis) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
109100: The impact of Brexit on Israel and neighbouring Arab states in times of the COVID-19 crisis Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
109087: Uncertainty and Exchange Rates: Global Dynamics (Well, I Don't Quite Know Anymore) Downloads
Jing Lian Suah
109086: Veiled Expectations: The Heterogeneous Impact of Exchange Rate Shocks at the Sectoral-Level Downloads
Jing Lian Suah
109083: Can the Indonesian banking industry benefit from a risk-based deposit insurance system? Downloads
Muhammad Nizar and Alfan Mansur
109080: Conjectures of English and UK Economic Surplus, Investment, Tax Revenues and Deficit Amounts from the 13th to the 19th Century Downloads
Thomas Lambert
109077: भारत मे बेरोजगारो का मेला (Unemployment Fair in India) Downloads
Rakshit Bagde
109075: भारत मे किसान आत्महत्याये (Farmer suicides in India) Downloads
Rakshit Bagde
109068: Determinants of Trust in Police: A Cross-National Analysis Downloads
Olzhas Zhorayev
109067: Managing the Water Crisis in Bundelkhand, India: A Governance Approach Downloads
Radhika Singh and Shail Joshi
109066: Designing and implementing future scenarios: Foresight methodology, economics, technologies, society,and ecology Downloads
Yelena Shevchenko, Vitaly Pomogaev, Victor Stukach and Danil Nikulin
109061: Economists' fatal flaws Downloads
Matt Berkley
109059: Paces of fiscal consolidations, fiscal sustainability, and welfare: An overlapping generations approach Downloads
Noritaka Maebayashi
109054: Government Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Cointegration Analysis for Thailand under the Floating Exchange Rate Regime Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
109053: Race to the podium: Separating and conjoining the car and driver in F1 racing Downloads
Duane Rockerbie and Stephen Easton
109052: Simultaneous optimization of transformer tap changer and network capacitors to improve the distribution system’s static security considering distributed generation sources Downloads
Mohammad Mortazi, Ahmad Moradi and Mohsen Khosravi
109051: Инвестиционната среда и проблемите на придобиването на собственост върху недвижими имоти в Грузия от инвеститори (The investment environment and the problems of origination of Investors’ ownership over real estate in Georgia) Downloads
Lia Kekelidze
109049: За границите и съдържанието на института работно време в дигитални условия и в контекста на работа от разстояние (About the boundaries and content of the institute working time in digital conditions in the context of remote work) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
109042: The predators assuage to the prey – The effectiveness of CSR initiatives of companies in Kerala Downloads
Shiny Salam, Shehnaz S R and Suresh Kumar S
109039: Concentration, Retail Markups, and Countervailing Power: Evidence from Retail Lotteries Downloads
Renato Giroldo and Brett Hollenbeck
109038: The dynamic relationship between the sovereign CDS market and the Eurozone sovereign bond market (classified by maturity): Contagion or Spillovers? Downloads
Souhir Amri Amamou and Slaheddine Hellara
109035: A theory of optimal paid parental leave policies Downloads
Koichi Miyazaki
109034: Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on mortality in Russian regions Downloads
Pavel Druzhinin, Ekaterina Molchanova and Yulia Podlevskih
109032: Productivity and growth in fish processing sector: The Kerala scenario Downloads
Suresh Kumar S and Sulfiya Samad
109031: The dual index model - Empirical proof of an astute model that augurs stock prices across assorted sectors Downloads
Suresh Kumar S, Joseph James V and Shehnaz S R
109030: The Dual Index Model That Astutely Augurs Stock Prices Using Sectoral Indices – An Empirical Evaluation of Securities That Are Not Constituents of India's Premier Stock Exchange Index Namely BSE-Sensex Downloads
Suresh Kumar S, Joseph James V and Shehnaz S R
109027: Women entrepreneurship enticed family prosperity - an empirical evaluation of performance of microenterprises under Kudumbashree mission in Kerala, India Downloads
Shehnaz S R and Suresh Kumar S
109026: Precision in Predicting the Stock Prices –An Empirical Approach to Accuracy in Forecasting Downloads
Suresh Kumar S and Joseph James V
109025: Walking Trip Generation and Built Environment: A Comparative Study on Trip Purposes Downloads
Aryan Hosseinzadeh and Asiye Baghbani
109024: معدلات التضخم المحفزة للنمو الاقتصادي: مقاربة نموذج العتبة من الجزائر (Growth-stimulating inflation rates: threshold model approach from Algeria) Downloads
Brahim Khouiled, Ahmed Sellami and Oualid Saheb
109023: Assessing the Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Growth in Tunisia: New Empirical and Policy Analysis Downloads
Jamel Eddine Mkadmi, Sayef Bakari and Achwak Msai
109022: COVID-19 and Strategic Sectors in Brazil: A Socially-Embedded Intersectional Capabilities Approach Downloads
Haider Khan and Adam Szymanski-Burgos
109021: Modeling the Social Economy of Pandemics in China: An Input-Output Approach Downloads
Haider Khan and Adam Szymanski-Burgos
109015: Long-Run Cross-State Growth Comparison in Mexico Downloads
Vicente German-Soto and Konstantin Gluschenko
109014: The impact of organisational culture on occupational stress: Comparison of the SME IT sectors in India and the UK Downloads
Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair, John Aston and Eugene Kozlovski
109011: Strategic delegation in spatial price discrimination mixed duopoly; Nash is consistent at the presence of a public firm Downloads
Nickolas Michelacakis
109009: Access to Credit, Education, and Women’s Say in the Household: Evidence from Bangladesh Downloads
Bryan Boulier, M. Shahe Emran and Nazmul Hoque
109007: Examining the Impact of Social Capital Scales on Brand Commitment In An Online Brand Community Downloads
Rutaba Minhaj, Abdul Rafe Tasneem, Maira Farrukh, Mohammad Ziarab and Muhammad Ali Raza
109005: An elementary mathematical model for MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
109004: MMTの数学モデルについて (A mathematical model of MMT) Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
109001: La Zlecaf à l’épreuve des déterminants et stratégies d’internationalisation des firmes multinationales ainsi que du régime du multilatéralisme commercial de l’OMC (The AfCFTA tests the internationalization determinants and strategies of multinational firms as well as the WTO's trade multilateralism regime) Downloads
Célestin Guy-Serge Gaombalet
108990: Spillovers among Energy Commodities and the Russian Stock Market Downloads
Michele Costola and Marco Lorusso
108984: The Global Protection Organisation (GPO) - A Proposal to Improve the Handling of Global Challenges Downloads
Ulrich van Suntum
108981: Оценка состояния и перспективы цифровой трансформации экономики Сербии (Assessment of the Status and Prospects of the Digital Transformation of Serbian Economy)) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
Page updated 2025-03-25
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