MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 120706: The crisis effect in TPB as a moderator for post-pandemic entrepreneurial intentions among higher education students: PLS-SEM and ANN Approach

- Jyoti Chahal, Vishal Dagar, Leila Dagher, Amar Rao and Edmund Ntom Udemba
- 120705: Economic Policy Uncertainty: Global Energy Security with Diversification

- Vishal Dagar, Leila Dagher, Amar Rao, Nadia Doytch and Muneza Kagzi
- 120704: Does ESG have an impact on stock performance? A panel study of Indian companies

- Sachin Singh and Bhanu Pratap Singh
- 120699: Azərbaycan-Özbəkistan İnvestisiya Fondunun İqtisadi Potensialının Qiymətləndirilməsi (Assessment of the Economic Potential of the Azerbaijan–Uzbekistan Investment Fund)

- Ibrahim Niftiyev
- 120697: Measurement of Sustainable Agriculture at Household Level: Results of Indonesian Agriculture Integrated Survey (AGRIS) Pilot

- Kadir Kadir and Isnaeni Nur Hasanah
- 120696: Employment Formalization in Indonesia: Role of Parents’ Employment Mobility Toward Children’s Employment Mobility

- Kadir Ruslan and Weni Lidya Sukma
- 120695: Assessing the Impact of Jajar Legowo Planting System on Wetland Paddy Productivity and Income of Farmers in Indonesia

- Octavia Rizky Prasetyo and Kadir Kadir
- 120686: Unraveling the Nexus:Oil Price Dynamics and Inflation

- Andrianady Josue, H. Yves Razanajatovo and M. Fabienne Ravelomanantsoa
- 120685: The extent to which government grants to nonprofit organizations crowd-out or crowd-in private giving to them: An unresolved debate revisited within a strategic fundraising setting

- Philip Gayle
- 120684: Do Nonprofits Engage in Excessive Fundraising?

- Philip Gayle
- 120679: Fiscal policy, interest rate and the manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria

- Ubong Edem Effiong, Idongesit Justin Ukere and John Polycarp Ekpe
- 120678: Gaskam: an extended version of the quarterly projection model for Madagascar

- Radoniaina Randrianarisoa
- 120672: The Effects of Supply Chain Management Strategies on Competitive Advantage on Food and Beverage Processing Companies; A Case Study in the Ashanti Region Of Ghana

- Johnson Nsowah, Augustine Anane, John Zunuo Tang and Janet Aopare
- 120671: Prezzi politici e ostacoli istituzionali in Maffeo Pantaleoni (Political prices and institutional obstacles in Maffeo Pantaleoni)

- Nicolo' Bellanca
- 120662: Growth Effects of European Monetary Union: A Synthetic Control Approach

- Bernd Lucke
- 120659: Healthcare expenditure projections up to 2050: ageing and the COVID-19 crisis

- Carsten Colombier and Thomas Braendle
- 120657: Priority change and driving factors in the voluntary carbon offset market

- Hidemichi Fujii, Jeremy Webb, Sagadevan Mundree, David Rowlings, Peter Grace, Clevo Wilson and Shunsuke Managi
- 120653: The Role of Public Security Reforms on Violent Crime Dynamics

- Danilo Souza and Mateus Maciel
- 120650: Globalisation of Indian Rupee in the New World Economic Order

- Pazhanisamy R and Thomas Mathew Sri
- 120648: Fundamental determinants of exchange rate expectations

- Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj
- 120646: Regional inequalities in access to STEM-oriented secondary education in Latvia

- Mihails Hazans, Rasmus Bøgh Holmen, Jānis Upenieks and Oksana Žabko
- 120645: Coopetition For The Greater Good. Exploratory study of coopetition management mechanisms in the pharmaceutical industry

- Leena Alshareef, Simon Frederic Dietlmeier and Urmetzer Florian
- 120642: Is Hong Kong still an entrepôt under the Sino-U.S. trade war?

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Vincent Pok Ho Lo
- 120640: Distance to Abortion Facilities and Child Living Conditions-Implication of the Abortion Law Change in the United States

- Cheuk Ling Lee and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 120639: The Impact of Caste on Income Disparity in India Today. A Pan-India Panel Data Approach

- Sonal Chandra and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 120638: Economic Prospects of the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: The Competitive Advantages and Importance of the Service Sector

- Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 120637: Companies with at least 10 Employees Selling Online across the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120629: Perceived and expected quantity constraints in inventory dynamics

- Shogo Ogawa
- 120623: Beyond selfishness: the interaction of income and human values in shaping Europeans’ ideology

- Fernando Bruna
- 120620: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems as an Enabler of Technological Sovereignty: The Case of the Indian Short Form Video Market

- Pillai, Neiil (Nehaal), Simon Frederic Dietlmeier and Florian Urmetzer
- 120619: Multi-Stakeholder Ecosystem for Standardization of AI in Industry

- George J.J. Bonilla, Simon Frederic Dietlmeier and Florian Urmetzer
- 120617: Evaluating the integration of artificial intelligence technologies in defense activities and the effect of national innovation system performance on its enhancement

- Dorgyles C.M. Kouakou and Eva Szego
- 120612: Regular Internet Users Across the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120610: Performance of B2B Platform Partnership Management

- Simon Frederic Dietlmeier, Rob Jago Floetgen and Florian Urmetzer
- 120608: The economic impact of arms spending in Germany, Italy, and Spain

- Marco Stamegna, Chiara Bonaiuti, Paolo Maranzano and Mario Pianta
- 120606: Merge-proofness and cost solidarity in shortest path games

- Eric Bahel, María Gómez-Rúa and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 120603: Cultural and Creative Employment Across Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120601: The Value of Corporate Bond Listing

- Brittany M. Cole and Nell S. Gullett Gullett
- 120595: Personalized ad Content and Individual User Preference: A boost for Conversion Rates in the UK E-commerce Business

- John Ologunebi and Ebenezer Taiwo
- 120588: Common Good Institutions, Identity in the Workplace, and Value Dynamics

- Laure Athias
- 120585: Causal inference using factor models

- Jushan Bai and Peng Wang
- 120582: Uncertainty and Risk in Cryptocurrency Markets: Evidence of Time-frequency Connectedness

- Amar Rao, Vishal Dagar, Leila Dagher and Olatunji Shobande
- 120581: A Value-Added Social Welfare Optimization Problem For Micro-Sustainable Development

- Tarek Selim
- 120579: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Resources Management

- Kamrun Nahar, Suraiya Akhter and Jakhongir Shaturaev
- 120577: A Study on Energy Import Dependency in India

- Khushboo Singh and Sebak Jana
- 120575: The neo-Fisherian effect in a new Keynesian model with real money balances

- Daisuke Ida
- 120573: A Research on the Economic Integration of the Kurdistan Region and the Eurozone Countries: The Place and Importance of International Trade Companies

- Alî Toptancî
- 120568: Effects of Relaxing Residence Status for Foreign Workers on Native Residents

- Masatoshi Jinno and Masaya Yasuoka
- 120565: An investigation into the relationship between town size and well-being in Latin America and the role of education

- Antje Jantsch and Alan Piper
- 120564: Digital Transformation and the D17 Application: A Case Study of the Tunisian Post Office

- Hayet Kaddachi, Yassine Kroumi and Naceur Ben Zina
- 120563: Monetary-Fiscal Forward Guidance

- Paweł Kopiec
- 120562: The effects of sleep duration on child health and development

- Ha Nguyen, Stephen Zubrick and Francis Mitrou
- 120559: Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems

- Simon Frederic Dietlmeier and Florian Urmetzer
- 120558: Tech Sovereignty and Industrial Ecosystems

- Simon Frederic Dietlmeier and Florian Urmetzer
- 120556: Investigating Mobile Payment Adoption During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam: An Imperative Analysis

- Luan-Thanh Nguyen
- 120553: The Propensity for Patenting in the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120550: Knowledge Workers across the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120548: Sur l'histoire des Juifs en Afrique subsaharienne: Le cas de l’Afrique du Sud, du Nigeria, de la RD Congo et de l’Éthiopie (On the history of Jews in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of South Africa, Nigeria, DR Congo and Ethiopia)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120547: On the history of Jews in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of South Africa, Nigeria, DR Congo and Ethiopia

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120542: The Innovation of the Production System in the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 120538: The Entry of BRICS Currency and Exit of Dollar: Evidence from International Trade Theories and Policy Implications

- Pazhanisamy R
- 120534: Are Cartels Forever? Global Evidence Using Quantile Regression Analysis

- Michael Polemis
- 120532: Gig Sector in the African Economy: Frameworks, Challenges and Prospects

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 120531: Pollution, partial privatization and the effect of ambient charges: price competition

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 120530: Richard III, the Tudor Myth, and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

- Thomas Lambert
- 120526: Asset Pricing in the Resource-Constrained Brain

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 120524: Impact of Some Innovative Programmes for Improving Agricultural Productivity– A Study in Arid Zones of West Bengal, India

- Sebak Jana, Tapas Payra and Siddhartha Manna
- 120519: Diversity in Teams: Collaboration and Performance in Experiments with Different Tasks

- Ornella Darova and Anne Duchene
- 120515: Inflationary impacts since the Global Pandemic Crisis: the potential of forecasting techniques and technologies

- Marianne Ojo
- 120514: Addressing current inflation levels through green energy technologies and techniques: recent developments

- Marianne Ojo
- 120513: The Effects of Reverse Logistics on Organizational Performance of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies; A Case Study in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

- Janet Aopare, Augustine Anane and Rexford Sarfo Mensah
- 120512: On the history of Jews in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of South Africa, Nigeria, DR Congo and Ethiopia

- Dirk Kohnert
- 120508: Numerical Simulation of Economic Depression

- Taiji Harashima
- 120503: Multifactor productivity growth enhancers across industries and countries: Firm-level evidence

- Ryota Nakatani
- 120502: Monetary Policy and Mispricing in Stock Markets

- Benjamin Beckers and Kerstin Bernoth
- 120498: On the Spatial Allocation of College Seats: Human Capital Production and the Distribution of Skilled Labor

- Yu (Alan) Yang
- 120495: Payoff interdependence and welfare-improving location diversification

- Yi Liu and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 120493: Litigation and access to healthcare: an analysis of universal coverage and judges’ decision making criteria

- Daniela Monge-Navarro and Andrea N Monge
- 120492: Reflections on the Performance of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and the Need for their Revitalization on the lines of Enhanced Access and Service Excellence (EASE)

- Dr Pradeep Kumar B Kumar B
- 120489: Clientelism, Cronyism, and Job Creation in Lebanon

- Jamal Haidar and Ishac Diwan
- 120485: A dynamic carbon tax on gasoline

- Stefano F. Verde and Valeria Di Cosmo
- 120483: Displaced Worker Angst and Far Right Populism

- Thomas Lambert
- 120482: “Safe” Annuity Retirement Products and a Possible US Retirement Crisis

- Thomas Lambert and Christopher Tobe
- 120481: Financial sector and macroeconomics links in MEAM

- Lorena Skufi
- 120479: Сколько прав нужно человеку: взлет и падение либерализма (How many rights does a human need: The rise and fall of liberalism)

- Vladimir Popov
- 120477: Is bitcoin an inflation hedge?

- Harold Rodriguez and Jéfferson Colombo
- 120472: Liberated from care: Long-term care insurance policy and Employment for women

- Ge Zhu
- 120464: Обща характеристика на съдебното производство за установяване на трудов и/или осигурителен стаж (General characteristics of the court proceedings to establish labour length of service and/or security length of service)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 120463: Предварителната закрила при уволнение по чл. 333, ал. 4 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 4 от 2013 г. на ОСГК на ВКС) (The preliminary protection in case of dismissal under Art. 333, para. 4 of the Labour Code (opinion regarding interpretative case No. 4 of 2013 of the Supreme Court of Cassation of Bulgaria))

- Ивайло Стайков
- 120462: How Information Design Shapes Optimal Selling Mechanisms

- Hien Pham
- 120459: Competition and strategic responses to fundraising in donative markets

- Philip Gayle and Teresa Harrison
- 120457: Testing the Impact of Exports, Imports, and Trade Openness on Economic Growth in Namibia: Assessment Using the ARDL Cointegration Method

- Tafirenyika Sunde, Blessing Tafirenyika and Anthony Adeyanju
- 120456: Noising the GARCH volatility: A random coefficient GARCH model

- Abdelhakim Aknouche, Bader Almohaimeed and Stefanos Dimitrakopoulos
- 120455: Acceptance of publicly assisted affordable rental housing in German society [Advanced research in marketing]

- Brigitte Steinhoff
- 120451: Malthus in Germany? Fertility, Mortality, and Status in pre-industrial Germany 1600-1850

- Johann Ohler
- 120450: Универсальный инструмент координации (Universal Coordination Instrument)

- Sergey Parinov
- 120448: Acceptance of publicly assisted affordable rental housing in German society [Methods for qualitative research and qualitative data analysis]

- Brigitte Steinhoff
- 120441: Exchange Rate Unification in Nigeria: Benefits and Implications

- Peterson Ozili
- 120440: Sustainable financial inclusion: integrating sustainability principles into financial inclusion strategies

- Peterson Ozili
- 120430: Exploring the Linkages between Financial Development, Savings, and Economic Growth in Ethiopia: Empirical Evidence Based Analysis

- Degefe Olkamo
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