MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 66766: Теория социальной работы: методические указания к самостоятельной работе студентов (Theory of social work: guidelines for independent work of students)

- Elena Kuznetsova and Vasiliy Filatov
- 66759: Selection of an estimation window in the presence of data revisions and recent structural breaks

- Jari Hännikäinen
- 66758: Factor intensities and factor substitution in general equilibrium: A Comment

- Yoshiaki Nakada
- 66757: The Transaction-cost Roots of Market Failure

- Tamara Todorova
- 66756: Vertical Integration and Macroeconomic Growth: the Case of the Steel Industry

- Christoph Scheuplein
- 66755: Comment on Suzuki’s rebuttal of Batra and Casas

- Yoshiaki Nakada
- 66749: Investigating entrepreneurial spirit with the rule approach: why self-employment is on the decline in Japan

- Georg Blind
- 66748: Regional Business Climate and Interstate Manufacturing Relocation Decisions

- Tessa Conroy, Steven Deller and Alexandra Tsvetkova
- 66744: Towards an Economic Theory of Islamic Finance Regulation

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66741: A Monetary and Financial Structure for an Interest-Free Economy: Institutions, Mechanism & Policy

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66740: Особенности социальной защиты населения в Омском регионе: методические указания к семинарским занятиям и СРС (Features of social protection of the population in Omsk region: guidelines for seminars and independent work of students)

- Elena Kuznetsova and Vasiliy Filatov
- 66739: The Philosophy of Islamic Banking and Finance

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66737: Do vegetarian marketing campaigns promote a vegan diet?

- Waters James
- 66736: The Absorption and Spending Capacity of Aid in the Economic Community of West African States

- Zakaria Zoundi
- 66733: Remedy for Banking Crises: What Chicago and Islam Have In Common: A Comment

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66732: Reviving the Ethics of Islamic Finance

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66731: Model of Effective Management of Bulgarian Public Administration Managing EU Funds

- Shteryo Nozharov
- 66725: A Comparison of Transactions in Conventional and Islamic Economies

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66724: Should I double park or should I go? The effect of political ideology on collective action problems

- Antonis Adam, Andreas Drichoutis, Maria Georgoula and Pantelis Kammas
- 66723: Endogenizing the ICT sector: A multi-sector approach

- Daniela Federici, Enrico Saltari and Clifford Wymer
- 66722: Trends in economics publications represented by JEL categories between 2007 and 2013

- Klaus Wohlrabe and Katharina Rath
- 66719: Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises in Tajikistan: Drivers of and Barriers to Growth

- Kanat Tilekeyev
- 66718: Towards an Islamic Macro Model of Distribution: A Comparative Approach

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66717: Productivity Implications of Participation in Export Activities: The Case of Farmers in Talas Oblast of Kyrgyzstan

- Kanat Tilekeyev
- 66716: Gaps in the Theory and Practice of Islamic Economics

- Mabid Al-Jarhi
- 66715: Competition between high-frequency traders, and market quality

- Johannes Breckenfelder
- 66712: Правовой статус муниципального служащего в субъектах Российской Федерации (Legal status of the municipal employee in subjects of the Russian Federation)

- Viktor Muravchenko
- 66705: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry in the Mediterranean Partner Countries and Turkey: Factors, Indicators and Challenges

- Matleena Kniivilä, Samir Mili, A. Ait El Mekki, Kyösti Arovuori, Moncef Ben Saïd, Selim Çağatay, Paula Horne, Taylan Kıymaz, Abderraouf Laajimi, Javier Martinez-Vega, Perttu Pyykkönen, Ibrahim Soliman and Boubaker Thabet
- 66704: Особенности социальной защиты населения в Омском регионе (Features of social security in Omsk region)

- Elena Kuznetsova and Vasiliy Filatov
- 66702: Short term Bayesian inflation forecasting for Tunisia

- Ahlem Dahem
- 66701: Fiscal Effects of a One-Percent Property Tax Cap on Maine Municipalities and the State Government

- Todd Gabe, Jonathan Rubin, Thomas Allen and Catherine Reilly
- 66700: Impact of Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Skills and Mindsets: Experience from Nigeria

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66695: Not a Coincidence: Sons-in-Law as Successors in Successful Japanese Family Firms

- Georg Blind and Stefania Lottanti von Mandach
- 66692: An existence theorem for bounds (restrictions) on the expectation of a random variable. Its opportunities for utility and prospect theories

- Alexander Harin
- 66686: Impact of gender aspect on self-perceived quality of life of elderly

- Dona Ghosh
- 66683: Determinantes del nivel de pensiones en el Sistema Privado de Pensiones (Determinants of the pensions in the Peruvian Private Pension System)

- Javier Olivera
- 66680: Fraud and Forensic Accounting: Knowledge and Risk Assessment Task Performance in Malaysian Public Sector – Conceptual study

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66678: Determinants of Potato Prices and its Forecasting: A Case Study of Punjab, Pakistan

- Mumtaz Anwar, Dr. Ghulam Shabbir, M. Hassam Shahid and Wajiha Samreen
- 66677: Conducting Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) in Difficult Environments: Evidence from Afghanistan

- Ahmad Najim Dost
- 66676: Forensic Accounting Knowledge and Skills on Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment: Nigerian Public Sector Experience

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66674: Do individuals’ risk and time preferences predict entrepreneurial choice?

- William Cook and Richard Whittle
- 66672: In- and Out-patient satisfaction assessment: the case of a greek General Hospital

- Sofia Xesfingi and Dimitris Karamanis
- 66665: Forensic Accounting Knowledge and Mindset on Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66664: Forensic Accounting and Fraud: Capability and Competence Requirements in Malaysia

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66662: Tax Policy and Economic Growth: A Semi-Parametric Approach Using AMT

- Maryam Shafi and Zahid Asghar
- 66661: The Impact of Educational and Gender Inequality on Income Inequality in South Asia

- Ayesha Kanwal and Kashif Munir
- 66659: Местное самоуправление и социальная работа (Local government and social work)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66658: Supply Driven Financial Inclusion of India- An Interstate Analysis

- Tiken Das
- 66656: Социальный контроль: сущность и методы реализации (Social control: essence and methods of implementation)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66655: Forensic Accountant and Auditor Knowledge and Skills Requirements for Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment in the Nigerian Public Sector

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66647: An Examination of Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Accountant Knowledge and Mindset in Nigerian Public Sector

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad, Rose Shamsiah Samsudin and Hartini Ahmad
- 66646: An Empirical Investigation of Fraud Risk Assessment and Knowledge Requirement on Fraud Related Problem Representation in Nigeria

- Oluwatoyin Popoola, Ayoib Che-Ahmad and Rose Shamsiah Samsudin
- 66639: Explaining NGO-State Wage Differentials in Afghanistan: Empirical Findings and New Theoretical Models with Policy Implications in General Equilibrium

- Ahmad Najim Dost and Haider Khan
- 66637: The Incorrect Usage of Propositional Logic in Game Theory: The Case of Disproving Oneself

- Holger Meinhardt
- 66636: Extent of Exchange Rate Coordination in Asia

- Abhijit Sen Gupta
- 66635: The Exchange Rate Uncertaınty On Foreıgn Trade: Evıdence From Panel Coıntegratıon Analysıs For Turkey

- Bulent Dogru
- 66634: Mobile banking and mobile money: a highly instrument against corruption (Mobile banking and mobile money: a highly instrument against corruption)

- Tidiani Sidibe
- 66633: Factors influencing SMEs access to finance: A case study of Westland Division,Kenya

- Gabriel Kamau Kung'u
- 66632: Анализ факторов эффективной кластеризации (Factors influencing the effetiveness of clustering)

- Ирина Филиппова
- 66631: Child Malnutrition in Indonesia: Can Education, Sanitation and Healthcare Augment the Role of Income?

- Sudarno Sumarto and Indunil De Silva
- 66630: Rural Development Policies in Egypt

- Ibrahim Soliman and Mohamed Gaber
- 66629: Diagnosis and Challenges of the Sustainable Agricultural Development in Egypt

- Ibrahim Soliman
- 66628: Egyptian Meat Market: Policy Issues in Trade, Prices, and Expected Market Performance

- Ibrahim Soliman and Shahla Shapouri
- 66625: How to Double Russia’s GDP

- Sergey Blinov
- 66623: Happiness Inequality in China

- Jidong Yang, Kai Liu and Yiran Zhang
- 66621: Export, Import and Total Trade Potential of Pakistan: A Gravity Model Approach

- Maryam Sultan and Kashif Munir
- 66620: A Complete Characterization of Equilibria in Two-type Common Agency Screening Games

- David Martimort, Aggey Semenov and Lars Stole
- 66618: Subjective inclusive development in developing countries: An analysis of contributing factors

- Jose Miley
- 66614: Από τον Καποδίστρια στον Καλλικράτη: Θεσμικές Μεταρρυθμίσεις της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης και Συνεργατικές Στρατηγικές στην Ανατολική Μακεδονία και Θράκη (From Kapodistrias to Kallikrates: Local Government Reforms and Cooperative Strategies in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace)

- Panos Ioannidis
- 66613: Going to the Discounter: Consumer Search with Local Market Heterogeneities

- Martin Obradovits
- 66612: If banks do not have a 100% capital ratio, they are subsidised

- Ralph S. Musgrave
- 66611: Location Determinants of high Growth Firms

- Minghao Li, Stephan Goetz, Mark Partridge and David Fleming
- 66609: Interacting effects of state cigarette taxes on smoking participation

- James Bishop
- 66606: What Is Effect of Climate Change Mitigating Policies on Energy Sector in Slovakia?

- Milan Ščasný, Lukáš Rečka and Jiří Balajka
- 66605: The economic analysis of a Q-learning model of Cooperation with punishment

- Nazaria Solferino, Viviana Solferino and Serena Taurino
- 66602: On the Effect of State fragility on Corruption

- Simplice Asongu
- 66601: Does Intelligence Affect Economic Diversification?

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Simplice Asongu
- 66600: Kvantifikace environmentálních a zdravotních dopadů (externích nákladů) z povrchové těžby hnědého uhlí v Severočeské hnědouhelné pánvi v těžebních lokalitách velkolomů Bílina a ČSA a využití vydobytého hnědého uhlí ve spalovacích procesech pro výrobu elektřiny a tepla na území ČR (Quantification of environmental and health impacts (external costs) attributable to open-pit brown coal mining in Bílina Mine and ČSA Mine in the Northern Bohemia and burning the brown coal to generate electricity and heat in the Czech Republic)

- Milan Ščasný, Vojtěch Máca, Jan Melichar and Lukáš Rečka
- 66599: The Economic and Environmental Effects of Taxing Air Pollutants and CO2: Lessons from a Study of the Czech Republic

- Olga Kiula, Anil Markandya, Milan Ščasný and Fusako Menkyna Tsuchimoto
- 66598: Equitable and Sustainable Development of Foreign Land Acquisitions: Lessons, Policies and Implications

- Simplice Asongu and Christian Nguena
- 66597: Sino-African relations: a review and reconciliation of dominant schools of thought

- Simplice Asongu
- 66595: Impacts on investors sentiments of financial crisis- A study with references of recent financial crisis

- Kevin M Rhodes
- 66590: Environemental perils of climate change in India:Future concerns and strategies

- Chandran K P Vipin and P Sandhya
- 66588: The impact of foreign aid on economic growth

- Pablo Martinez
- 66587: An Investigation of Areva Inc. Huge Financial Loss in the Aftermath of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

- Saeed Mohajeryami, Seyedmahdi Moghadasi and Kaveh Rahimi
- 66586: Japanese Foreign Aid, Development Expenditures and Taxation in Thailand 1960-2012:Econometric Results from a Bounded Rationality Model of Fiscal Behavior

- Haider Khan and Ahmad Najim Dost
- 66583: Как удвоить ВВП России (How to Double Russia’s GDP)

- Sergey Blinov
- 66578: Heterogeneous Adaptive Expectations and Coordination in a Learning-to-Forecast Experiment

- Annarita Colasante, Antonio Palestrini, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
- 66577: Wave function in economics

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 66576: Возможность включения ночных клубов в систему профилактики наркомании (Nightclubs can be included in system of drug prevention)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66574: Местное самоуправление и социальная работа: методические указания к семинарским занятиям и СРС (Local government and social work: guidelines for seminars and independent work of students)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66573: Distance to School and Competition in the Chilean Schooling System

- Francisco Meneses, Sergio Urzua, Ricardo Paredes and Romulo Chumacero
- 66572: Мониторинг образовательных услуг (Monitoring of educational services)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66571: Социальная работа: перспективы новой специальности (Social work: prospects for a new special)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66570: Predicción de notas en Derecho de la Universidad de Chile: ¿sirve el ranking? (College performance of Law Students in the University of Chile - Does High School Ranking help?)

- Francisco Meneses and Javiera Toro
- 66568: Aspectos geográficos de los cambios de estudiantes entre establecimientos escolares (Geographic factor of School Choice)

- Catalina Canals, Francisco Meneses and Camila Serra
- 66561: Log-growth distributions of US city sizes and non-Lévy processes

- Arturo Ramos
- 66559: Концепция социального контроля в работах П.А. Сорокина (The concept of social control in the works of P.A. Sorokin)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66558: Применение технологии социального проектирования в процессе подготовки специалистов по социальной работе в вузе (Use technology social projecting for training specialists in social work in high school)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 66557: A Unified Model of Spatial Price Discrimination

- Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Nickolas Michelacakis
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