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58051: Team Performance in a Fractious Culture Downloads
George Wayne and Percy Darrel
58049: Loan Refusal, Household Income and Savings in Ghana Downloads
Isaac Koomson, Samuel Annim and James Peprah
58047: ¿Estudiar Economía te Hace más Egoísta? (Studying Economics make you more Selfish?) Downloads
Marcelo Caffera, Leandro Zipitria and Lucila Arboleya
58046: New Directions in Price Test for Market Definition Downloads
Leandro Zipitria
58044: Social fairness and sustainability of economic productivity Downloads
Iris Mihai
58043: Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a copula-based approach Downloads
Takeshi Emura and Yi-Hau Chen
58042: A methodological contribution for measuring trade competition Downloads
Vania Lopes, Nadia Simoes and Nuno Crespo
58037: Stochastic stability in coalitional bargaining problems Downloads
Ryoji Sawa
58034: Koncepcja solidarności pokoleń w krajowej polityce społecznej (Concept of Solidarity of Generations in the National Social Policy) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
58033: Identifying the Sources of Seasonal Effects in an indirectly adjusted Chain-Linked Aggregate: A Framework for the Annual Overlap Method Downloads
Marcus Cobb
58028: Economic Centrality: How Much is Economics and How Much is Geography? Downloads
Nuno Crespo, Maria Paula Fontoura and Nadia Simoes
58024: Book Review – Rethinking Housing Bubbles Downloads
Peter Bell
58023: Governance and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Newly Decentralized Indonesia Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto, Asep Suryahadi and Alex Arifianto
58022: Explaining GDP Quarterly Growth from its Components in the Context of the Annual Overlap Method: A Comparison of Approaches Downloads
Marcus Cobb
58020: Rentabilidad de un sistema mixto de pagos por servicios ambientales en una cuenca hidrográfica de Argentina (Profitability of a payment for environmental services mixed in an Argentinean hydrological basin) Downloads
Miguel Sarmiento
58018: Development indices, inequality, and applied development policy analysis: some issues for discussion Downloads
Ruben Mercado
58017: Growth analysis in developing countries: empirical issues and a small dynamic model Downloads
Ruben Mercado and Martín Cicowiez
58016: Coal Mining, Economic Development, and the Natural Resource Curse Downloads
Michael Betz, Michael Farren, Linda Lobao and Mark Partridge
58013: Optimizacion estatica restringida en economia: metodos, algoritmos e implementacion en el general algebraic modeling system (Constrained static optimization in economics: methods, algorithms and implementation in the general algebraic modeling system) Downloads
Germán D. Lambardi and Ruben Mercado
58012: Optimizacion dinamica restringida en economia: metodos matematicos e implementacion en el general algebraic modeling system (Dynamic optimizacion in economics: mathematical methods and implementation in the general algebraic modeling system) Downloads
Ruben Mercado
58010: De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum: An Experimental Investigation Downloads
Utteeyo Dasgupta, Lata Gangadharan, Pushkar Maitra and Subha Mani
58009: Oddziaływanie imprez sportowych na gospodarkę: na przykładzie Euro 2012 organizowanego w Polsce (The sport's mega event impact on the economy: the case of Euro 2012 staged in Poland) Downloads
Ewa Olik
58008: Денежная политика количественного смягчения при высоких ставках центрального банка (Monetary Policy of Quantitative Easing at the Central Bank’s High Interest Rates) Downloads
Sergey Blinov
58007: And yet it moves (down) Downloads
Esteban Maito
58006: Risk-sharing versus risk-transfer in finance: A critique Downloads
Zubair Hasan
58004: The Law of Supply and Demand: Here It Is Finally Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
57999: Specification Testing of Production Frontier Function in Stochastic Frontier Model Downloads
Xu Guo, Gao Rong Li and Wing-Keung Wong
57997: Decomposition of productivity considering multi-environmental pollutants in Chinese industrial sector Downloads
Hidemichi Fujii, Jing Cao and Shunsuke Managi
57996: How enterprise strategies are related to innovation and productivity change: An empirical study of Japanese manufacturing firms Downloads
Hidemichi Fujii, Edamura Kazuma, Koichi Sumikura, Yoko Furusawa, Naomi Fukuzawa and Shunsuke Managi
57989: Land Market Restrictions, Women's Labor Force Participation and Wages Downloads
M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
57988: Internalization of External Costs of Energy Generation in Central and Eastern European Countries Downloads
Máca Vojtěch, Melichar Jan and Ščasný Milan
57987: Land Titling and Investment In Tanzania: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Woubet Kassa
57983: The impact of China's hukou restrictions on the aggregate national saving Downloads
Cristobal Campoamor Adolfo
57981: Immigration, Skill Heterogeneity and Qualification Mismatch Downloads
Xiangbo Liu, Theodore Palivos and Xiaomeng Zhang
57980: Euro and the three Cs - competition, competitiveness, convergence Downloads
Nicolae Iordan-Constantinescu
57978: Option Pricing in an Oligopolistic Setting Downloads
Marcelo Villena and Mauricio Villena
57971: La Qualità Totale nel terziario: problemi e prospettive (Total Quality in the Service Industry. Problems and Opportunities) Downloads
Fabio Musso
57969: Potere e stabilità nei rapporti di fornitura della grande distribuzione britannica (Power and stability in supplying relationships of British large etailers) Downloads
Fabio Musso
57967: La Qualità Totale nell'impresa turistica (Total Quality in tuourism firms) Downloads
Fabio Musso
57964: The Impact of the Crisis of 2008 on Women`s and Men`s Income in Mexico Downloads
Julia-Maria Becker
57960: Games With Possibly Naive Hyperbolic Discounters Downloads
Marco Haan and Dominic Hauck
57959: 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究 (Dual-recycling channel management for WEEE with stochastic demand) Downloads
Chuanfa Li, Lipan Feng and Xuehong Wang
57958: Search and Ripoff Externalities Downloads
Mark Armstrong
57957: A fast-forward look at tertiary education attainment in Europe 2020 Downloads
Catalin Dragomirescu-Gaina, Leandro Elia and Anke Weber
57955: The Solution is Full Reserve / 100% Reserve Banking Downloads
Ralph Musgrave
57954: India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: The Untapped Potential Downloads
Nilanjan Banik
57950: War Size Distribution: Empirical Regularities Behind the Conflicts Downloads
Rafael González-Val
57949: Supply Chain Disruption Management: Review of Issues and Research Directions Downloads
Adam Brown and Fazleena Badurdeen
57948: Il sistema distributivo cinese fra tradizione e modernizzazione (The Chinese retailing and wholesaling system between tradition and modernization) Downloads
Fabio Musso
57947: The absolute equilibrum theory; a new vision of the goods exchange Downloads
Rim Arem
57943: The social responsibility of retailers and small and medium suppliers in international supply chains Downloads
Cosetta Pepe, Fabio Musso and Mario Risso
57936: Matching with Couples: Stability and Algorithm Downloads
Zhishan Jiang and Guoqiang Tian
57935: Entry-Deterring Nonlinear Pricing with Bounded Rationality Downloads
Dawen Meng and Guoqiang Tian
57934: The Periphery’s Terms of Trade in the Nineteenth Century: A Methodological Problem Revisited Downloads
Joseph Francis
57933: The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines? Downloads
Douglas Campbell and Ju Hyun Pyun
57931: Collusion-Proof Mechanism Design in Two-Agent Nonlinear Pricing Environments Downloads
Dawen Meng and Guoqiang Tian
57930: On the Existence of Price Equilibrium in Economies with Excess Demand Functions Downloads
Guoqiang Tian
57929: A Full Characterization on Fixed-Point Theorem, Minimax Inequality, Saddle Point, and KKM Theorem Downloads
Guoqiang Tian
57925: A Social Accounting Matrix of Mexico for the Year 2000 Downloads
Gaspar Núñez
57915: Resolving the Halperín Paradox: The Terms of Trade and Argentina’s Expansion in the Long Nineteenth Century Downloads
Joseph Francis
57913: A theory of family education incentives and inequality Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57907: What Does Crypto-currency Look Like? Gaining Insight into Bitcoin Phenomenon Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
57905: Does Labor Market Rigidity Matter for Economic Performance? Evidence from the Four Asian Tigers Downloads
Li-Hsuan Huang and Julia Hsin-Yi Huang
57903: Women’s representation in local politics: Evidence from The Philippines Downloads
Jordan Valente and Frede Moreno
57901: The Argentine Macroeconomy during the Post-Convertibility Period: Performance, Debates and Perspectives Downloads
Martin Rapetti
57900: Gini Coefficients for the 2000 Census Downloads
Mark Burkey
57897: Family attention care and transfers Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57896: Sull'inseparabilità delle strutture sintattiche nell'analisi classica del valore e della distribuzione (On the inseparability of synctactic structures in classical analysis of value and distribution) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
57895: Dove va l'economia italiana? (Where is the Italian economy going?) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
57894: Addiction to Microcredit: An Obstacle to Social and Financial Mobility Downloads
James Peprah and Isaac Koomson
57893: Social Protection in Indonesia:Past Experiences and Lessons for the Future Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto and Samuel Bazzi
57892: It's All in the Timing:Household Expenditure and Labor Supply Responses to Unconditional Cash Transfers Downloads
Samuel Bazzi, Sudarno Sumarto and Asep Suryahadi
57890: Evaluating Economic Warfare: Lessons from Efforts to Suppress the Afghan Opium Trade Downloads
Jeffrey Clemens
57888: The Physicality of Monetary Agency Downloads
Stephen Ternyik
57885: The Short-Run Impacts of Connecticut’s Paid Sick Leave Legislation Downloads
Tom Ahn and Aaron Yelowitz
57884: Social psychology and gender efficiency wage gap Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57883: The Great Depression and the Great Recession: A Comparative Analysis of their Analogies Downloads
Cristina Peicuti
57879: Aspectos Locativos do Investimento Alemão em Portugal (Locational Aspects of German Investment in Portugal) Downloads
José Lúcio and Bruno Pereira Marques
57878: International portfolio allocation with European fixed-income funds: What scope for Italian funds? Downloads
Paolo Zagaglia
57871: Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Multiple Change-point Model Downloads
Stanley Iat-Meng Ko, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Pulak Ghosh
57868: Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban São Paulo Due to a Shift from Ethanol to Gasoline Use Downloads
Alberto Salvo and F Geiger
57865: The Reform of Federal Deposit Insurance Downloads
Richard Cebula
57864: Extended Stakeholder Responsibility as a Public Policy for E-waste Management in India Downloads
Selvam Jesiah and Uma Lakshmi
57861: Spatial Aspects of Innovation Activity in the US Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou and Sotiris Karkalakos
57859: Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania (Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania) Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
57852: Corrections to: Multivariate normal distribution approaches for dependently truncated data Downloads
Chi-Hung Pan and Takeshi Emura
57848: Scarcity self-interest and maximization from Islamic angle Downloads
Zubair Hasan
Vladimir Popov
57841: Economic Growth and Jobs Creation in Morocco: Overall and Sectors’ Analysis Downloads
Elhadj Ezzahidi and Aicha El Alaoui
57836: Agglomeration economies and optimal efficiency wage Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57834: Motivational structures underlying judicial discretion: An information theoretic investigation Downloads
Avinash Bhati
57831: Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İş Ahlakı Algısı ile Özel Sektör ve Kamu Çalışanlarının İş Ahlakı Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırılması (Perceptions of College Students and Attitudes of Private and Public Employees towards Business Ethics) Downloads
Nihat Alayoglu, Ali Osman Ozturk and Mehmet Babacan
57830: The Nature of Lobbying and Regulation in Turkey Downloads
Mehmet Babacan
57829: Economics of Philanthropic Institutions, Regulation and Governance in Turkey Downloads
Mehmet Babacan
57827: Is Germany’s Energy Transition a case of successful Green Industrial Policy? Contrasting wind and solar PV Downloads
Anna Pegels and Wilfried Lütkenhorst
57826: A justification for the role of audits?: adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and jurisdictional analyses (Brazil, China,Japan and South Africa) Downloads
Marianne Ojo
57824: Being Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Dynamics of Indonesian Subnational Growth and Poverty Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto and Indunil De Silva
57823: Explaining the Regional Heterogeneity of Poverty: Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto, Marc Vothknecht and Laura Wijaya
57820: The nature of Argentina's policy reforms during 1976-1981 Downloads
Julio Nogues
57818: Electricity Consumption, Inflation, and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Dynamic Causality Test Downloads
Bernard Njindan Iyke
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