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118334: Ponderal Index: An Important Anthropometric Indicator for Physical Growth Downloads
Devajit Mohajan
118333: Impact of mobile money taxation on social sector financing in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Harshali Ranjan
118331: Effect of Commodity Exchange on the Economy- Prospects and Challenges Downloads
Md Nazmul Huda, Sayed Mohammad Athar Hossain and Jakhongir Shaturaev
118327: Women's Access to Post-Secondary Education and Structural Inequalities Downloads
Samuel Erasmus Alnaa and Juabin Matey
118326: The energy efficiency issue in the European Union: perspectives, objectives and challenges Downloads
Dalina Andrei
118323: Theorie der kapitalismusbedingten Finanzkrisen - Tractatus logico oeconomicus (Theory of financial crises caused by capitalism - Tractatus logico oeconomicus) Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
118321: Effective Aggregate Support to Indian Agriculture Downloads
Atri Mukherjee, Suganthi D., Rishabh Kumar and Priyanka Bajaj
118320: Balanced growth and degrowth with human capital Downloads
Stefano Bosi, Carmen Camacho and Thai Ha-Huy
118318: Knowledge Creation through Multimodal Communication Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
118316: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Patterns Downloads
Fazle Lohani, Mostafizur Rahman and Jakhongir Shaturaev
118315: Gender pay gap and Employment choice in Nigeria Downloads
Paul Ekpeyong
118314: General Constrained Dynamic Models in Economics - General Dynamic Theory of Economic Variables - Beyond Walras and Keynes Downloads
Erhard Glötzl, Florentin Glötzl, Oliver Richters and Lucas Binter
118311: How Does Competition Affect Incentives for Market Research? Downloads
Rafayal Ahmed and Colin Shopp
118309: Оценка на институционалната структура на оползотворяване на утайки от ПСОВ в българското земеделие (Assessment of the institutional structure of sludge utilization in Bulgarian agriculture) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
118308: Impact of Final Consumption, Domestic Investment, Exports, and Imports on Economic Growth in Albania Downloads
Najwa Akermi, Nadia Ben Yedder and Sayef Bakari
118307: Why Machines Will Not Replace Entrepreneurs. On the Inevitable Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in Economic Life Downloads
Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
118300: Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Germany's Labor Market: Insights from a ChatGPT Analysis Downloads
Matthias Oschinski
118294: On the Nexus Between Economic Growth and Bank-based Financial Development: Evidence from Morocco Downloads
Ahmed Kchikeche and Ouafaà Khallouk
118293: Accessing U.S. Dollar Swap Lines: Macroeconomic Implications for a Small Open Economy Downloads
Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
118290: Effect of climate change on Thailand’s agriculture: New results Downloads
Witsanu Attavanich
118288: Exploring Disparate Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Containment Measures on Food Security within Ethiopia Downloads
Negash Debalke
118282: Unleashing the Power of Technology: Fueling Entrepreneurship Development Through Innovation Downloads
Kamrul Hasan and Jakhongir Shaturaev
118281: Greening the Future: Mobilizing Environmental Finance for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries Downloads
Samuel Yeboah and Kwadwo Boateng Prempeh
118271: Efficiency on the Dynamic Adjustment Path in a Financial Market Downloads
Nasreen Nawaz
118270: Vulnerability Resilience and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Shocks on Rural Households in Bangladesh Downloads
Syed Mortuza Asif Ehsan and Shaharia Akter
118267: Estimating Madagascar economic growth using the Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) approach Downloads
Andrianady Josue, Njakanasandratra Rajaonarison and Yves Razanajatovo
118266: Dynamiques ´Economiques à Madagascar: Lien entre Croissance, Crises et Stabilité Politique (Economic Dynamics in Madagascar: Exploring the Nexus between Growth, Crises, and Political Stability) Downloads
Andrianady Josue and Michel H. P. Ranaivoson
118264: India in the landscape of Climate Finance: Prospects and Challenges Downloads
Dr. SIBY K M and Teena Rose K J
118263: ¿Cuánto tardan los permisos de edificación habitacional en iniciar obras?: Caso Chile (How long to start works? Building permits in Chile) Downloads
Byron Idrovo and Francisco-Javier Lozano Navarro
118262: Análisis de la concentración de mercado en la actividad inmobiliaria de Santiago (Market concentration of real estate in Santiago) Downloads
Francisco-Javier Lozano Navarro
118261: Efecto de las condiciones financieras sobre el desempeño del sector Construcción (Effect of financial conditions on the performance of the Construction sector) Downloads
Francisco-Javier Lozano Navarro
118260: Estimación del equilibrio del mercado inmobiliario (Real estate market equilibrium estimation) Downloads
Francisco-Javier Lozano Navarro
118259: Converting Remittances to Investment: A Dynamic Optimal Policy Downloads
Nasreen Nawaz
118256: Effects of Time Zone Related Distance on Trade: Goods vs. Service Downloads
Biswajit Mandal and Maitrayee Das
118255: Položaj poljoprivrede u primarnoj raspodeli tokom 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina (Position of agriculture in the primary distribution during the 1970s and 1980s) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
118253: Evolution from political fragmentation to a unified empire in a Malthusian economy Downloads
Angus Chu, Pietro Peretto and Yuichi Furukawa
118252: Climate change, natural disasters 2021 and the impact on insurance demand! A look at Germany from the perspective of Behavioral Economics Downloads
Claudia Pitterle
118249: The Rise and Fall of Cryptocurrencies: Defining the Economic and Social Values of Blockchain Technologies, assessing the Opportunities, and defining the Financial and Cybersecurity Risks of the Metaverse Downloads
Radanliev Petar
118248: Did Grain Futures Prices Overreact to the Russia-Ukraine War? Downloads
Colin Carter and Sandro Steinbach
118245: The Cointegration Relationship between Patent, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in United States of America Downloads
Abdelhafidh Othmani, Nadia Ben Yedder and Sayef Bakari
118244: Impact of Cryptocurrency Market on the Performance of Stock Market- An Empirical Study Downloads
Jakhongir Shaturaev
118239: Forecasting oil prices with penalized regressions, variance risk premia and Google data Downloads
Dean Fantazzini, Alexey Kurbatskii, Alexey Mironenkov and Maria Lycheva
118238: The Responses of an Organization for the Increase in Wage Rates: Profit Maximization Cases Downloads
Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
118237: Bertrand-Edgeworth game under oligopoly. General results and comparisons with duopoly Downloads
Massimo A. De Francesco and Neri Salvadori
118234: Uniform Confidence/Certainty Estimation Downloads
Rob Arnold
118231: Economics and Islam: Interdisciplinary Insights Downloads
Nabeel Iqbal
118230: The Scope of Input-Process-Output Diagrams in Teaching Economics Downloads
Nabeel Iqbal
118229: Teaching introductory economics: an interdisciplinary approach Downloads
Nabeel Iqbal
118228: An Impact Evaluation of Digital Cash Transfers Scheme on Income Poverty in Nigeria Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi
118221: Inter-city Academic Consortium: Structural Analysis Downloads
Kaiola Liu
118216: Unlocking the Potential of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries: Enhancing Resource Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
118215: Unlocking the Potential of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries: Enhancing Resource Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
118214: Navigating Sustainability: Unveiling Responsible Consumption and Production in Developing Economies for SDG 12 Achievement Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
118213: The Effect of Firm Size, Profitability and Leverage on Corporate Social Responsibility Downloads
Aristananda Aristananda and Asep Risman
118212: The behavioral finance of MSMEs in the advancement of financial inclusion and financial technology (fintech) Downloads
Asep Risman, Anees Janee Ali, Mochamad Soelton and Indra Siswanti
118211: The causal impact of mental health on tobacco and alcohol consumption - An instrumental variables approach Downloads
Francis Mitrou, Ha Nguyen, Huong Thu Le and Stephen Zubrick
118207: Impact of Covid-19 on stock market volatility-A Bangladesh Perspective Downloads
Jakhongir Shaturaev
118202: Improved Financial Performance Without Improved Operational Efficiency: The Case of Nigerian Firms Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
118200: Efficient Market Hypothesis in the Presence of Market Imperfections: Evidence from Selected Stock Markets in Africa Downloads
Ikechukwu Kelikume, Olaniyi Evans and Faith Iyoha
118199: Tourism Effects of Pandemics: New Insights from the Novel Coronavirus Downloads
Emeka Osuji and Olaniyi Evans
118198: The Curious Case of Petro-Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Oil-Producing Countries: An Analysis of the Effect of Oil Price on Inflation in Nigeria Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
118197: The criticality of institutions and the macroeconomy for education outcomes in Africa Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
118196: Is Your Portfolio Free from Coronavirus? Downloads
Jakhongir Shaturaev
118193: Analyse de la gestion des stocks de produits périssables en utilisant le modèle EOQ en Tunisie Analysis of the management of stocks of perishable products using the EOQ model in Tunisia (Analysis of the management of stocks of perishable products using the EOQ model in Tunisia) Downloads
Imen Rahal
118192: La CEDEAO, autrefois puissance affirmée en Afrique de l'Ouest réduite à un tigre de papier ? (ECOWAS, once an assertive power in West Africa, reduced to a paper tiger?) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
118191: ECOWAS, once an assertive power in West Africa, reduced to a paper tiger? Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
118189: Impact of Blockchain on Stock Market Downloads
Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
118188: Merger control in Ireland after the Uniphar/NaviCorp transaction: state of play meetings and market testing remedies Downloads
Paul Gorecki
118183: 大学中退の逐次意思決定モデルの構造推定 (Structural estimation of a sequential decision model of college dropout) Downloads
Yasutomo Murasawa
118182: Aid, Reform, and Interest Groups Downloads
Jac C Heckelman and Bonnie Wilson
118181: Impact of leadership on a country’s economic growth Downloads
Zagabe Sanders
118180: Balancing Growth and Green: Strategies for Sustainable Development in Developing Economies Downloads
Samuel Yeboah
118179: How do South-South and North-South FDI affect energy intensity in developing countries? Downloads
Dierk Herzer and Niklas Schmelmer
118178: Digital Government a Pathway to Sustainable Development Downloads
Haider Ellalee and Israa I. Al-Qaysi
118176: An Economical Study When Cost of Irregular Raw Materials of an Industry Increases for Nonlinear Budget Constraint Downloads
Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
118175: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Stock Trading Downloads
Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
118174: The nexus between domestic investment and economic growth in MENA countries; Do Patents matter? Downloads
Nadia Ben Yedder, Malek El Weriemmi and Sayef Bakari
118173: Analyzing the Impact of Foreign Capital Inflows on the Current Account Balance in Developing Economies: A Panel Data Approach Downloads
Amjad Ali and Marc Audi
118172: Time Use and the Efficiency of Heterogeneous Markups Downloads
Brian Albrecht, Thomas Phelan and Nick Pretnar
118171: Subsidies for Close Substitutes: Evidence from Residential Solar Systems Downloads
Alexander Abajian and Nick Pretnar
118169: The Causal Factors Driving the Rise in U.S. Health-services Prices Downloads
Maria Feldman and Nick Pretnar
118168: Measuring Inequality with Consumption Time Downloads
Nick Pretnar
118167: Structural Change with Time to Consume Downloads
W.L. Bednar and Nick Pretnar
118162: Technological Transfer Channels of Food and Beverage Processing Multinationals to Host Countries: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Ruth Rama
118158: Reputation and the Wall Street Walk Downloads
Koji Asano
118155: Una caracterización de los determinantes de la oferta laboral de la población de origen extranjero en la República Dominicana, año 2017 (A Characterization of the Determinants of the Labor Supply of the Population of Foreign Origin in the Dominican Republic, Year 2017) Downloads
Juan Rodríguez Núñez and Joel Gabriel Mendez Cabrera
118153: Intrinsic Motivation vs. Corruption? Experimental Evidence on the Performance of Officials Downloads
Johann Graf Lambsdorff, Kevin Grubiak and Katharina Werner
118149: L'eau, une bénédiction et une malédiction: comment résoudre les conflits liés à l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest? (Is water a blessing or a curse? How to address water conflicts in West Africa) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
118148: Is water a blessing or a curse? How to address water conflicts in West Africa Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
118147: Reaction of Stock Market to Covid-19: A South Asian Perspective Downloads
Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
118146: Voters, Bailouts, and the Size of the Firm Downloads
Linda Schilling
118142: Towards a New Global Financial Architecture for the Global South Downloads
Haider Khan
118140: Investors’ Attitude toward Stock Market Risk-A Chittagong Perspective Downloads
Ayub Islam and Emon Kalyan Chowdhury
118139: When Excellence is not Excellent: The Impact of the Excellence Initiative on the Relative Productivity of German Universities Downloads
Uwe Cantner, Nils Grashof, Thomas Grebel and Xijie Zhang
118138: Insider Trading with Semi-Informed Traders and Information Sharing: The Stackelberg Game Downloads
Wassim Daher, Fida Karam and Naveed Ahmed
118135: Return and Volatility Connectedness in Foreign Exchange Markets of Sierra Leone Downloads
Leroy Johnson and Evans Osabuohien
118134: Effects of Various Inputs for Increased Interest Rate of Capital: A Nonlinear Budget Constraint Consideration Downloads
Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
118128: Analysis of the dynamic of inflation process in Nigeria: An application of GARCH modelling Downloads
Paul Ekpeyong
118121: Public Policy: A science and/or a Field? Downloads
Omid Rouhani
118120: An investigation of auctions in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Downloads
Peyman Khezr and Armin Pourkhanali
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