MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 115806: Public health equity in information asymmetry: phenomenological studies upon SARS-CoV-2 super-virus mutation

- Yang Pachankis
- 115801: Co-movement and global factors in sovereign bond yields

- Ioannis Venetis and Avgoustinos Ladas
- 115800: Oligopoly pricing: the role of firm size and number

- Iwan Bos and Marco Marini
- 115799: Jeopardies in human security and politicization of COVID-19

- Yang Pachankis
- 115798: Inflation targeting and disinflation costs in emerging market economies

- Martin Stojanovikj and Goran Petrevski
- 115797: Adopting inflation targeting in emerging markets: exploring the factors behind the decision

- Martin Stojanovikj and Goran Petrevski

- Anuj Bhowmik
- 115791: Utility Maximization Analysis of an Organization: A Mathematical Economic Procedure

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 115790: Optimal Capital structure and financial stability

- Firano Zakaria and Fatine Filali adib
- 115789: Classic Grounded Theory: A Qualitative Research on Human Behavior

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 115784: Achieving financial inclusion: whatever it takes

- Peterson Ozili
- 115783: Difficult issues in financial regulation for financial stability

- Peterson Ozili
- 115782: Bank income smoothing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from UK Banks

- Peterson Ozili
- 115781: eNaira central bank digital currency (CBDC) for financial inclusion in Nigeria

- Peterson Ozili
- 115780: Digital finance research and developments around the World: a literature review

- Peterson Ozili
- 115777: Fault Lines in Financial Inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 115775: Embedded finance: assessing the benefits, use case, challenges and interest over time

- Peterson Ozili
- 115773: Assessing global interest in decentralized finance, embedded finance, open finance, ocean finance and sustainable finance

- Peterson Ozili
- 115772: Financial inclusion and sustainable development: an empirical association

- Peterson Ozili
- 115770: Institutional theory of financial inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 115769: The acceptable R-square in empirical modelling for social science research

- Peterson Ozili
- 115768: CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial Inclusion and financial stability

- Peterson Ozili
- 115767: Sustainability and sustainable development research around the world

- Peterson Ozili
- 115766: Последовательные труэли: равновесие с выживанием сильнейшего (Sequential Truels: an equilibrium with the survival of the fittest)

- Ilinskiy Dmitry, Izmalkov Sergey and Savvateev Alexey
- 115765: Consumption and Life Satisfaction: The Korean Evidence

- Youngjoo Choung, Tae-Young Pak and Swarn Chatterjee
- 115764: Impact of New Technologies on Economy and Society: A literature Review

- David Driskell
- 115763: The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption in Promoting Sustainability and Circular Economy. A Data-Driven Analysis

- Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
- 115761: Crowdfunding and Bank Financing: Substitutes or Complements?

- Anton Miglo
- 115760: Theories of crowdfunding and token issues: a review

- Anton Miglo
- 115752: Impacts of Bolsa Familia Program on multidimensional poverty

- Raffaele Ciula
- 115751: Knowledge Management: A Tool and Technology for Organizational Success

- Sidharta Chatterjee and Mousumi Samanta
- 115749: Using Demand Transfer Ratios to Infer Market Impacts of New Goods

- Philip Gayle and Ying Lin
- 115748: Глобалните вериги на стойността в селското стопанство по примера на Българските земеделски производители (Global value chains in agriculture on the example of Bulgarian farmers)

- Daniela Georgieva, Milena Mitkova and Teodora Georgieva
- 115744: Chaos, granularity, and instability in economic systems of countries with emerging market economies: relationships between GDP growth rate and increasing internal inequality

- Marco Desogus and Elisa Casu
- 115741: Inequality-Constrained Monetary Policy in a Financialized Economy

- Luca Fierro, Federico Giri and Alberto Russo
- 115739: Does Hometown Tax Donation System as Interjurisdictional Competition Affect Local Government Efficiency? Evidence from Japanese Municipality level Data

- Akinobu Ogawa and Haruo Kondoh
- 115737: Does Hometown Tax Donation System as Interjurisdictional Competition Affect Local Government Efficiency? Evidence from Japanese Municipality level Data

- Akinobu Ogawa and Haruo Kondoh
- 115735: Cuidados continuados e cuidadores informais na Europa (Long term care and informal carers in Europe)

- Aida Isabel Tavares
- 115734: Перспективы развития моногородов российской Арктики (Prospects for the development of single-industry towns in the Russian Arctic)

- Maria Pitukhina and Anastasia Belykh
- 115729: American bilateral trade with emerging economies and its influence on world economic recovery post Covid-19: Analysis through VECM

- Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.
- 115728: Counter-Terrorism Efforts by Government in case of hostage taking by negotiation and bargaining: A Game Theoretic Analysis

- Aishwarya Harichandan
- 115727: Accuracy of self-reported private health insurance coverage

- Ha Nguyen, Huong Thu Le, Luke B. Connelly and Francis Mitrou
- 115726: Correction Power factor through FACTS devices

- Saber Yazdi, Reza Safa and Mahsa Abdi
- 115721: The Impact of Post-GFC Monetary Policy in the US on Capital Flows to the SEACEN Economies

- Solikin Juhro and Reza Anglingkusumo
- 115720: Relative Deprivation and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from South Korea

- Tae-Young Pak and Patryk Babiarz
- 115717: Attitude, Perception And Consumer Behavior Research Of Indian Consumers Towards Vertical Farming: Can Vertical Farming Offer Sustainable Solution To India’s Booming Urban Population By 2050?

- Tanya Narang
- 115714: Sanctions and Imports of Essential Goods; A Closer Look at the Equipo Anova (2021) Results

- Francisco Rodríguez
- 115712: Practice, Entrepreneurship and Subjectivity in Artist Identification with Applications to the Covid-Era

- Cameron Weber, Ying Zhen and Jj Arias
- 115711: High Dimensional Dynamic Panel with Correlated Random Effects: A Semiparametric Hierarchical Empirical Bayes Approach

- Antonio Pacifico
- 115706: The Effects of Mass Shootings on Gun Sales: Motivations, Mechanisms, Policies and Regulations

- Tae-Young Pak
- 115704: Livestock production, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and grassland conservation: Quasi-natural experimental evidence

- Min Liu, Wenli Xu, Hangyu Zhang, Huang Chen, Qiang Bie, Guodong Han and Xiaohua Yu
- 115703: Financial Literacy: A Peep into the Literature and Note for Policy

- Alhassan Musah, Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu and Matthew Abagna
- 115701: Why Should LGBTQI Marriage Be Legalized

- Yang Pachankis
- 115699: Comments on “Capital Flow Deflection under the Magnifying Glass”

- Solikin Juhro
- 115688: Assessment of Space Junks — Organizational Origins, Current Status, and Economic Impacts

- Yang Pachankis
- 115687: A Self-help Guide to Psychoanalysis in Cisgender Homosexual Male from Consciousness

- Yang Pachankis
- 115683: Una Aplicación de la Descomposición Blinder–Oaxaca junto a regresiones por cuantiles de influencia recentrada al sector formal e informal y sus determinantes (An Application of the Blinder–Oaxaca Decomposition together with regressions by quantiles of recent influence to the formal and informal sector and their determinants)

- Juan Rodríguez Núñez and Isaac Enmanuel Guerra Salazar
- 115681: Высокочастотные данные, характеризующие розничную торговлю: интересы государства, предприятий и научных организаций (High-frequency retail data: the interests of the state, enterprises and scientific organizations)

- Venera Timiryanova
- 115679: The socio-cultural integration of immigrants in Germany: changes across generations

- Eleftherios Giovanis and Sacit Akdede
- 115675: Are transportation solutions doomed to fail climate-change actions? A book review

- Omid Rouhani
- 115674: Solutions to combat anthropogenic climate change impacts: a review of “Drawdown”

- Omid Rouhani, Ehsan Moradi, Wooseok Do, Song Bai and Antoine Farhat
- 115671: Contas Nacionais de Portugal em 2018. Contas económicas integradas, representações matriciais e extensões (National Accounts of Portugal in 2018. Integrated economic accounts, matrix representations and extensions. (Portuguese version))

- Susana Santos
- 115667: Are less informed people more honest? A theoretical Investigation with Informal Mutual Insurance

- Shampita Das and Sukanta Bhattacharya
- 115666: Elements of Intellectuality in Decision Making

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 115663: Police-Involved Killings and the Black-White Gap in Economic Expectations

- Cody Couture and Ann Owen
- 115662: Tunneling when Regulation is Lax: The Colombian Banking Crisis of the 1980s

- Carlos Eduardo Hernandez, Jorge Tovar and Caballero/Argáez, Carlos
- 115658: Climate change and its impact on water consumption in Tunisia: Evidence from ARDL approach

- Chamseddine Mkaddem and Soufiane Mahjoubi

- Erginbay Uğurlu
- 115643: Determinantes de la Violencia entre Parejas (VEP) hacia la mujer en los hogares en la República Dominicana: un perfil basado en el Enfoque Ecológico de la Violencia (EEV) (Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence (VEP) towards women in homes in the Dominican Republic: a profile based on the Ecological Approach to Violence (EEV))

- Juan Rodríguez Núñez and Hamilton Taveras Velez
- 115642: Pobreza e informalidad, ¿un dilema de causalidad reversa en la República Dominicana? (Poverty and informality, a reverse causality dilemma in the Dominican Republic?)

- Juan Rodríguez Núñez
- 115641: Diversification benefits of commodities in portfolio allocation: A dynamic factor copula approach

- Michael Gaete and Rodrigo Herrera
- 115637: microeconomic theory: general equilibrium

- Davide Osti
- 115636: survival analysis: the analysis of transition data

- Davide Osti
- 115635: Dynamic optimization; lecture notes

- Davide Osti
- 115634: Macroeconomic implications of the new currency refurbishment and capital formation in Nigeria

- Oluwatosin Olujobi
- 115631: Budget deficit in a growing monetary economy: ver. 2

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 115629: Returns to scale with a Cobb-Douglas production function for a small italian mechanical firm

- Davide Osti
- 115628: Communication and heterogeneity in a commons dilemma: an experimental approach

- Mihoko Wakamatsu and Shunsuke Managi
- 115627: The Impact of Renewable Electricity Output on Sustainability in the Context of Circular Economy. A Global Perspective

- Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
- 115625: Francophonie en Afrique subsaharienne: dépendance postcoloniale ou autodétermination ? (Francophonie in sub-Saharan Africa: Post-colonial dependence or self-determination ?)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 115623: Valuing Water Service Improvements through Revealed Preference: Averting Behaviour Method

- Sisira Rajapakshe, Mette Termansen and Jouni Paavola
- 115622: A probabilistic analysis of governmental forms

- Alessandro Saccal
- 115617: Macroeconomic Determinants of Tourism Demand in Malaysia: A Markov Switching Regression Approach

- Ann-Ni Soh, Chin-Hong Puah and Meng-Chang Jong
- 115616: Influence The Education Levels on Income Worldwide: Empirical Evidence

- Walid Alali
- 115615: Inequality in Education and Income Across Countries

- Walid Alali
- 115614: The Contribution of Education to Economic Development

- Walid Alali
- 115613: Cross Countries Economic Performances - SPF Approach

- Walid Alali
- 115612: Impact of Natural Environment, Regional Integration, and Policies on FDI

- Walid Alali
- 115611: Role of Political Institutions on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence

- Walid Alali
- 115610: Impact of Institutions and Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence

- Walid Alali
- 115609: Institutions, Policies, and Economic Growth: Overview

- Walid Alali
- 115608: Botswana's economy and the question of diversification

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 115606: Shift Balance of Centralized Banking System — Saving Democracy from Populism

- Yang Pachankis
- 115605: Monetary stability and regional currency board: towards a two-tier system to accelerate regional integration in the Horn of Africa: a policy proposal

- Moustapha Aman and Nikolay Nenovsky
- 115601: Financing sustainable tourism in Mexico through hotel room tax

- Laura Sour
- 115591: The flypaper effect in Mexican local governments

- Laura Sour
- 115589: Group decision-making and voting in ultimatum bargaining: an experimental study

- Laura Sour, Alexander Elbittar and Andrei Gomberg
- 115574: CBDC as imperfect substitute to bank deposits: a macroeconomic perspective

- Elena Perazzi and Philippe Bacchetta
- 115572: Visual formats in risk preference elicitation: What catches the eye?

- Michelle Segovia, Marco Palma, Jayson Lusk and Andreas Drichoutis
- 115567: Social Structure, Economic Exclusion, and Fragility? Pertinent Theories and Empirics from Africa

- Mesfin Mulugeta Woldegiorgis
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