MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 38449: The global economy, a new vision for the euro

- Christophe Aubin-Nury de Malicorne
- 38447: Altruistic bequests with inherited tastes

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38444: Household Demand and Welfare Implications of Water Pricing in Cyprus

- Panos Pashardes, Phoebe Koundouri and Soteroula Hajispyrou
- 38443: Diffuse Pollution and the Role of Agriculture

- David Pearce and Phoebe Koundouri
- 38441: Cost–benefit analysis and efficient water allocation in Cyprus

- Ben Groom, Phoebe Koundouri and Timothy Swanson
- 38440: Design and Implementation of an Integrated Water Management Approach

- Phoebe Koundouri
- 38439: Scope, Limitations and Future Directions

- Melinda Smale, Leslie Lipper and Phoebe Koundouri
- 38438: Solidarités familiales par la démonstration (Familial solidariies and the demonstration effect)

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38437: Demand uncertainty mismatch and (un)employment

- Mohamed Jellal, Jacques Thisse and Yves Zenou
- 38435: Ethnic diversity market structure and risk sharing in developing countries

- Mohamed Jellal and Yves Zenou
- 38434: Identification and estimation of dynamic factor models

- Jushan Bai and Peng Wang
- 38431: Day of the week effect in central European stock markets

- Daniel Stavarek and Tomas Heryan
- 38430: Using the contingent valuation method to inform sustainable wetland management: the case of the Akrotiri wetland in Cyprus

- Ekin Birol, Phoebe Koundouri and Yiannis Kountouris
- 38429: Unemployment and work sharing in an efficiency wage model

- Mohamed Jellal, Khaled Bouadbdallah and François-Charles Wolff
- 38428: Implications of declining discount rates: Climate Change Policy in the UK

- Ben Groom, Cameron Hepburn, Phoebe Koundouri and David Pearce
- 38426: Using the Choice Experiment Method to Inform Flood Risk Reduction Policies in the Upper Silesia Region of Poland

- Ekin Birol, Phoebe Koundouri and Yannis Kountouris
- 38425: Current issues in the economics of groundwater resource management

- Phoebe Koundouri
- 38424: A simple empirical measure of central banks' conservatism

- Grégory Levieuge and Yannick Lucotte
- 38423: International migration and human capital formation

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38422: The design of new policies in the global economy and society: The case of star markets and cultural change

- Thodoris Koutsobinas
- 38420: Gifts bequests and family incentives

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38419: Dynamique des transferts intergénérationnels et effet de démonstration (Dynamics of Intergenerational Transfers and the Demonstration Effect)

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38418: Croissance et statut social (Growth and social status)

- Mohamed Jellal and Taoufik Rajhi
- 38417: How Do Indian Voters Respond to Candidates with Criminal Charges: Evidence from the 2009 Lok Sabha Elections

- Bhaskar Dutta and Poonam Gupta
- 38416: Please don’t vote for me: strategic voting in a natural experiment with perverse incentives

- Jörg Spenkuch
- 38415: PPPs in the rail sector - A review of 27 projects

- Julien Dehornoy
- 38414: A quantitative analysis of the used-car market

- Alessandro Gavazza, Alessandro Lizzeri and Nikita Rokestkiy
- 38413: Information corruption and optimal law enforcement

- Mohamed Jellal and Nuno Garoupa
- 38411: Adam Smith on Monopoly Theory. Making good a lacuna

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- 38410: Determinants of successful electricity market reform

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 38408: Financial versus human Resources in the Greek - Turkish Arms Race 10 Years on: A forecasting Investigation using Artificial Neural Networks

- George Zombanakis and Andreas A. Andreou
- 38407: Genetically modified organisms in agriculture: social and economic implications

- Ben Davies, Caspian Richards, Clive Spash and Claudia Carter
- 38406: Eurosystem debts, Greece, and the role of banknotes

- John Whittaker
- 38405: Financing the Start-up and Operation of Immigrant-owned Businesses: the path taken by African Immigrants in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area of South Africa

- Robertson Tengeh, Harry Ballard and Andre Slabbert
- 38403: Categorized production function: a note

- Feng Dai
- 38398: Climate, ecosystem resilience and the slave trade

- James Fenske and Namrata Kala
- 38396: La Riforma del Welfare, il Paygo, i nuovi Ammortizzatori per il Mercato del Lavoro (Reform of Welfare System, Scale of functioning of PayGo, and development of modern Unemployment Benefits)

- Nicola Carmine Salerno and Fabio Pammolli
- 38395: Dual labor market and strategic efficiency wage

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38391: Gender effects of education on economic development in Turkey

- Aysıt Tansel and Nil D. Gungor
- 38390: Essai sur les régions et la décentralisation au Maroc (Essay on Moroccan regions and decentralization)

- Said Jellal
- 38389: A game theoretic approach of war with financial influences

- Mihai Daniel Roman
- 38388: Employment in Romania: evidence from a panel data analysis

- Denisa Vasilescu, Larisa Aparaschivei and Mihai Daniel Roman
- 38387: Competition

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- 38384: Income terms of trade and trade balance: the long run evidence from Bangladesh

- Faridul Islam, Iqbal Tahir Mohammad and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 38382: Cash-in-advance constraint with status in a neoclassical growth model

- Ken-ichi Kaminoyama and Taketo Kawagishi
- 38379: Skills development and competitiveness - the role of HRD

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38376: Free entry under uncertainty

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38372: A search-matching model of the buyer-seller platforms

- Kong-Pin Chen and Huang Yen-Chi
- 38371: A dynamic model of auctions with buy-it-now: theory and evidence

- Jong-Rong Chen, Kong-Pin Chen, Chien-Fu Chou and Ching-I Huang
- 38370: Dollar denominated accounts in Latin America during the 1990s

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Carlos Serrano and Alejandro Somuano
- 38369: The Seller's listing strategy in online auctions: evidence from eBay

- Kong-Pin Chen, Yu-Sheng Liu and Ya-Ting Yu
- 38368: Intra-eurosystem debts

- John Whittaker
- 38367: Privatisation et négociation collective (Privatization and collective bargaining)

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- 38366: Estimation des élasticités du modèle de recherche d'emploi sur données françaises (Estimation of the elasticities of the model of job search on French data)

- David Talarowski
- 38365: Dualisme Migration et Chômage au Maroc (Morocco dualism migration and unemployment policies)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 38364: International Trade And Business Practices: A Comparative Attempt In The Apparel Market

- Helen Kavvadia
- 38362: An Empirical Investigation of Interorganizational Opportunism and Contracting Mechanisms

- Fabrice Lumineau and Bertrand Quelin
- 38361: Let’s work it out (or we’ll see you in court): litigation and private dispute resolution in vertical exchange relationships

- Fabrice Lumineau and Joanne Oxley
- 38360: An organizational learning perspective on contract design

- Fabrice Lumineau, Marc Frechet and Dominique Puthod
- 38359: Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution

- Fabrice Lumineau and Deepak Malhotra
- 38358: Trust and collaboration in the aftermath of conflict: the effects of contract structure

- Deepak Malhotra and Fabrice Lumineau
- 38357: The European Investment Bank as a force of Paneuropean integration:the case of South-Eastern Europe

- Helen Kavvadia
- 38356: European Integration and the Peripheral Disparities in Greece. The way ahead

- Helen Kavvadia
- 38353: Jobs for Iraq: an employment and decent work strategy

- Rashid Amjad and Havers (edited by), Julian
- 38352: Mexico: inpoverishment and the conditional cash transfers programmes of the World Bank

- Veronica Villarespe Reyes and Ana Patricia Sosa Ferreira
- 38351: Preferences, information and biodiversity preservation

- Clive Spash and N Hanley
- 38349: Structural identification of production functions

- Daniel Ackerberg, Kevin Caves and Garth Frazer
- 38348: Corporate investment decisions under asymmetric information and uncertainty

- Peter Bell
- 38347: Government spending in a model where debt effects output gap

- Peter Bell
- 38346: The transformative impact of business models

- Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
- 38343: A theory of antitrust enforcement game

- Mohamed Jellal and Said Souam
- 38342: The quality of growth

- Ann Owen and Julio Videras
- 38341: Business cycle synchronization during US recessions since the beginning of the 1870's

- Nikolaos Antonakakis
- 38340: Allocation rules for fixed and flexible networks: the role of players and their links

- Surajit Borkotokey and Sudipta Sarangi
- 38339: Does the insurance effect of public and private transfers favor financial deepening? evidence from rural Nicaragua

- Emilio Hernandez-Hernandez, Abdoul G. Sam, Claudio Gonzalez-Vega and Joyce Chen
- 38338: Does cigarette smoking affect body weight? causal estimates from the clean indoor air law discontinuity

- Luca Pieroni and Luca Salmasi
- 38337: An evidence of speculation in Indian commodity markets

- Vijay Varadi
- 38335: Poverty in rural Pakistan

- Irfan Mohammad and Rashid Amjad
- 38332: Transferts des Migrants Tunisiens et Qualification Théorie et Evidence (Transfers and Qualification of Tunisian Migrants Theory and Evidence)

- Mohamed Jellal and Riadh Ben Jelili
- 38330: Crowdsourcing patent application review to capitalize on innovation

- Roya Ghafele, Benjamin Gibert and Paul DiGiammarino
- 38329: Impactos ambientais e regionais de cenários de crescimento da economia brasileira — 2002-2012 (Environmental impacts and regional scenarios of economic growth in Brazil - 2002-2012)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Ricardo Lopes and Ronaldo Serroa da Motta
- 38328: O impacto da globalização na indústria têxtil, 1990 a 1999 (The impact of globalization in the textile industry, 1990-1999)

- Fernanda Sartori de Camargo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38327: Impacts of Changes In Regional Sugar and Ethanol Exports Upon Brazilian Overall Economy

- H. L. Burnquist, C. C. Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38326: Productive relations in the northeast and the rest of Brazil regions in 1995: decomposition & synergy in input-output systems

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Michael Sonis
- 38325: Emprego e Mecanização na Colheita da Cana-de-Açúcar: diferenças regionais (Employment and Harvest Mechanization in the Cane Sugar: regional differences)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, M. C. Marjotta-Maistro, A. L. M. Barros and M. Istake
- 38318: Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais (The Brazilian market structure on flowers and ornamental plants in 200)

- Lilian Cristina Anefalos and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38317: Cognitive ability and learning to play equilibrium: A level-k analysis

- David Gill and Victoria Prowse
- 38313: Visualizing Input-Output Data: Some New Techniques Applied to the Amazon Region

- Joaquim Guilhoto and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
- 38311: Estrutura Produtiva, Relações Intersetoriais e Cooperativas Agropecuárias no Paraná em 1980 E 1985 (Production Structure, Intersectoral Relations and Agricultural Cooperatives in Paraná in 1980 and 1985)

- R. L. Rodrigues and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38310: The regional (state level) importance of the agribusiness GDP in the Brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38309: O Pib do Agronegócio Familiar no Rio Grande do Sul (The Agribusiness Family in Rio Grande do Sul)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, F. G. Silveira, Carlos Azzoni and S. M. Ichihara
- 38304: Ballot order effects: an analysis of Irish general elections

- John Regan
- 38303: U.K. cross-sectional equity data: do not trust the dataset! The case for robust investability filters

- Francesco Rossi
- 38301: Analyses du Chômage de Longue Durée et du Chômage Récurrent le cas de la France (Analyzes of Long-term Unemployment and Unemployment recurrent the case of France)

- Mohamed Jellal and Marie Christine Challier
- 38299: State Capacity and Long-Run Performance

- Mark Dincecco and Gabriel Katz
- 38297: Remittances and poverty in Pakistan: a note

- Rashid Amjad
- 38296: Remittances and development in South Asia

- Rashid Amjad
- 38294: Geography and high-tech employment growth in U.S. counties

- Belal Fallah and Mark Partridge
- 38293: Country Road Take Me Home: Migration Patterns in the Appalachia America and Place-Based Policy

- Mark Partridge and Michael Betz
- 38291: Integrating regional economic development analysis and land use economics

- Mark Partridge and Dan Rickman
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