MPRA Paper
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- 19116: Testing the weak-form market efficiency and the day of the week effects of some African countries

- Michael Batuo Enowbi, Francesco Guidi and Kupukile Mlambo
- 19115: Предпринимательство и маркетинг (Entrepreneurship and marketing)

- Roman Sidorchuk
- 19114: The Brave New World of Carbon Trading

- Clive Spash
- 19112: Explaining Taxes at the Upper Tail of the Income Distribution: The Role of Utility Interdependence

- Daniel Samano
- 19109: Democratisation via elections in an African 'narco state'? The case of Guinea-Bissau

- Dirk Kohnert
- 19108: تجربـة الجزائـر فـي تنميـة الصناعـة التقليديـة و الحـرف 1992 2009 (Algeria's experience in the development of handicrafts and trades)

- Benzarour Choukri
- 19106: Особенности маркетинга малого бизнеса в мясной индустрии (Features of marketing of a small-scale business (SME) in the meat industry)

- Roman Sidorchuk
- 19100: Regulatory Reform in Turkish Energy Industry: An analysis

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19099: Electricity Demand Analysis Using Cointegration and ARIMA Modelling: A case study of Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19098: Nuclear Power in Open Energy Markets: A case study of Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19097: An Expose of Bioenergy and its Potential and Utilization in Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19096: On the Wind Energy in Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19095: Some Thoughts on the Turkish Electricity Distribution Industry

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19092: A Snapshot of Geothermal Energy Potential and Utilization in Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19091: Natural gas demand in Turkey

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19090: A paper on the unsettled question of Turkish electricity market: Balancing and settlement system (Part I)

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19089: Turkish support to Kyoto Protocol: A reality or just an illusion

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19088: A Review of Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Market

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 19082: Panel data estimates of the growth and level effects of human capital in the selected Asian countries

- B. Rao and Rup Singh
- 19081: Moments of the generalized hyperbolic distribution

- David J Scott, Diethelm Würtz, Christine Dong and Thanh Tam Tran
- 19080: Explaining the size distribution of cities: x-treme economies

- Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
- 19076: Inter-industry Wage Premia in Portugal: Evidence from EU-SILC data

- Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
- 19073: Delhi’s VAT Department- Mixed Results and Lessons for GST

- Rahul Garg
- 19072: The Efficiency of Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence from the MENA and Asian Countries Islamic Banking Sectors

- Fadzlan Sufian, Mohamad Akbar Noor Mohamad Noor and Muhamed Zulkhibri
- 19071: Decentralization, Subnational Governments' Behaviour and Macroeconomic Instability: The Case of Malaysia (Decentralization, Subnational Governments' Behaviour and Macroeconomic Instability: The Case of Malaysia)

- Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil
- 19069: Economic Development, Institutional Quality and Regional integration: Evidence from Africa Countries

- Michael Batuo and Gema Fabro
- 19065: Un Sistema de Ingresos Representativo para los Municipios de México (A Representative Revenue System for Local Governments in Mexico)

- Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and Edgar Cruz-Mora
- 19064: Evolución Estrategica del Conflicto Armado en Colombia (Strategic Evolution of Armed Conflict in Colombia)

- Fernando Estrada
- 19060: Wage inequality and returns to schooling in Europe: a semi-parametric approach using EU-SILC data

- Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
- 19059: Technological Capability, Employment Growth and Industrial Development: A Quantitative Anatomy of Indian Scenario

- Lakhwinder Singh and Baldev Singh Shergill
- 19055: Communication, Coordination and Networks

- Syngjoo Choi and Jihong Lee
- 19054: On the links between inflation, output growth and uncertainty: system-GARCH evidence from the Turkish economy

- Levent Korap
- 19049: On the Truly Noncooperative Game of Island Life: Introducing a Unified Theory of Value & Evolutionarily Stable Island Economic Development Strategy

- Matt Funk
- 19048: In Search of Competencies of an Exceptional QS in Public Entity: Building a Theoretical Foundation

- Mohmad Mohd-Derus, Othman Mohd-Yunus and Mohd Hafiz Saberi
- 19044: The Illusion of Irrationality

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 19043: The role of national/regional identity in aircraft ordering

- Martin Grancay
- 19040: Groups Excluded from ‘Representative’ Household Surveys: An Analysis Based on Remittances Sent and Received in Vietnam

- Wade Pfau
- 19039: Emerging Market Pension Funds and International Diversification

- Wade Pfau
- 19038: Determinants and Impacts of International Remittances on Household Welfare in Vietnam

- Wade Pfau
- 19037: The Role of International Diversification in Public Pension Systems: The Case of Pakistan

- Wade Pfau
- 19036: How Representative are Representative Workers? An Assessment of the Hypothetical Workers Commonly Used in Social Security Studies

- Wade Pfau
- 19035: The Funded Pension Scheme in Uzbekistan: An Analysis

- Alisher Khasanbaev and Wade Pfau
- 19034: Reforming Social Security: Issues and Challenges for Personal Retirement Accounts

- Wade Pfau
- 19033: Comparing the Impacts of Social Security Benefit Reductions on the Income Distribution of the Elderly

- Wade Pfau
- 19032: The Effects of Social Security on Private Savings: A Reappraisal of the Time Series Evidence

- Wade Pfau
- 19030: Modelling Unobserved Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models of Labour Supply

- Daniele Pacifico
- 19029: Educating India’s poorest: A radical plan to attract private sector investment

- Ranjan Sreedharan
- 19028: Ganzheitliche Wirkungen von Dummyvariablen auf die Prognosegenauigkeit ökonometrischer Modelle – analysiert am Beispiel des RWI-Konjunkturmodells KM59 (Holistic effects of dummy variables on the forecast accuracy of econometric models – an analysis of the RWI-business cycle model as an example)

- Georg Quaas
- 19027: Spotřební družstevnictví a jeho pozice ve vnitřním obchodě ČR po roce 1989 (Consumer cooperation and its position within the internal business of the Czech republic after the year of 1989)

- Halina Starzyczná
- 19025: On the Problem of Sustainable Economic Development: A Theoretical Solution to this Prisoner's Dilemma

- Matt Funk
- 19023: Foreign Direct Investment and Labour: The Case of Indian Manufacturing

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Vinoj Abraham and Manoj Kumar Sahoo
- 19022: How Do Indian Multinationals Affect Exports from Home Country?

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 19021: A theory of sharecropping: the role of price behavior and imperfect competition

- Debapriya Sen
- 19019: How to feed the world in 2050: Macroeconomic environment, commodity markets - A longer temr outlook

- Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Israel Osorio Rodarte, Andrew Burns and John Baffes
- 19018: The Impact of Reducing the Administrative Costs on the Efficiency in the Public Sector

- Ani Matei and Carmen Savulescu
- 19017: Characteristics of the Reforming Process in the Romanian Public Administration System

- Tudorel Andrei, Ani Matei, Erika Tusa and Monica Nedelcu
- 19015: Strategic Capacity Investment under Holdup Threats: The Role of Contract Length and Width

- Laure Durand-Viel and Bertrand Villeneuve
- 19010: How Do Trade, Foreign Investment, and Technology Affect Employment Patterns in Organized Indian Manufacturing?

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 19009: La Agenda 21 Local como instrumento de desarrollo sostenible (The Local Agenda 21 as an instrument for sustainable development (Ph.D.))

- Itziar Aguado-Moralejo
- 18999: Enterprise Resources Planning Systems – accountancy support. Dematerialization of the documents

- Anca Mehedintu and Cerasela Pirvu
- 18998: Town versus Gown: The Effect of a College on Housing Prices and the Tax Base

- Donald Vandegrift, Amanda Lockshiss and Michael Lahr
- 18997: Empirical Study on the Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 in France: The Role of Nuclear Energy

- Hiroki Iwata, Keisuke Okada and Sovannroeun Samreth
- 18996: Managerialism and the Demise of the Big Three

- Robert Locke
- 18995: From stability to growth in neoclassical multisector models

- Mario Pomini
- 18990: Multivariate portmanteau test for structural VARMA models with uncorrelated but non-independent error terms

- Yacouba Boubacar Mainassara
- 18989: The evolutionary dynamics of tolerance

- Luca Correani, Fabio Di Dio and Giuseppe Garofalo
- 18988: America's secret competitive advantage is a dirty secret

- Ranjan Sreedharan
- 18986: The Effects of 1993 EITC Expansion on Marginal Tax Rates

- Kampon Adireksombat
- 18980: Functional overview of financial crises development and propagation

- Catalin Popa
- 18979: النمو الاقتصادي العالمي وأثره في اقتصاديات النفط خلال الفترة 1980-2005 (World Economic Growth and its Effect on Economic of Energy during 1980-2005)

- Ibrahim Alomar
- 18977: Reforming the Fed: what would real change look like?

- Michael Belongia
- 18976: The U.S. proposed carbon tariffs, wto scrutiny and China's reponses

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 18973: Inequality, Human Capital and Development: Making the Theory Face the Facts

- Chris Papageorgiou and Nor Azam Abdul Razak
- 18972: The Effects of For-Profit College Training on Earnings

- Anna Chung
- 18971: The Choice of For-Profit College

- Anna Chung
- 18970: The evolving role and definition of the federal funds rate in the conduct of U.S. monetary policy

- Michael Belongia and Melvin Hinich
- 18969: Where simple sum and Divisia monetary aggregates part: illustrations and evidence for the United States

- Michael Belongia
- 18967: For-Profit Student Heterogeneity

- Anna Chung
- 18965: Die europäische Richtlinie für Genpatente - eine ordnungspolitische Institution aus Sicht der Patenttheorie (The european guideline for genetic patents - a regulative institution from the perspective of patent theory)

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Vollpert
- 18964: Technical and Environmental efficiencies and Best Management Practices in Agriculture

- Lota Tamini and Bruno Larue
- 18961: Agri-Environment Advisory Activities Effects on Best Management Practices Adoption

- Lota Tamini
- 18960: Mapping the Tariff Waters

- Antonia Diakantoni and Hubert Escaith
- 18959: El rol de coerción y disciplinamiento del Fondo Monetario Internacional durante la crisis de la Argentina de 2001 y 2002 (The coercitive and discplining role of the IMF during Argentina´s crisis in 2001-2002)

- Federico Marongiu
- 18958: Impact of Decentralization on the Corruption Phenomenon

- Ani Matei and Florin Popa
- 18957: Europeanisation of Higher Education in the Area of Administrative Sciences in Romania

- Lucica Matei
- 18956: Alta inflación y planes de ajuste en Brasil durante el retorno a la democracia - 1985-1994 (High inflation and adjustment in Brazil during the return to democracy - 1985-1994)

- Federico Marongiu
- 18955: Europeanization or Curricular Harmonization in the Area of Administrative Sciences (Follow-Up of Bologna Process): Comparative Analysis and Empirical Research

- Lucica Matei
- 18954: E-Administration as a Way of Increasing the Managerial Capacity in Public Sector

- Ani Matei and Diana Camelia Iancu
- 18953: Depression as a Nash Equilibrium Consisting of Strategies of Choosing a Pareto Inefficient Transition Path

- Taiji Harashima
- 18951: Land Acquisition: Fragmentation, Political Intervention and Holdout

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 18949: The role of real and nominal variables in defining business cycles: dynamic properties of a hybrid model - an alternative view

- Themba Chirwa
- 18941: On the Way to Modernization: The 'Good Enough' Governance Making in Romania

- Lucica Matei and Diana Camelia Iancu
- 18940: Meritocratic Aspects Concerning Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector - A Case Study for Romania

- Ani Matei and Lucica Matei
- 18938: Biological correlates of the Allais paradox

- Sergio Da Silva, Dinorá Baldo and Raul Matsushita
- 18930: Agricultural Crisis in India: The Root Cause and Consequences

- Albert Christopher Dhas
- 18925: Domestic Reshufflings, Such as Transport and Coal, Do Not Explain the Modern World

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 18917: Evidence of the role of the real exchange rate in the growth of the GDP in Argentina (1989-2007)

- Mariana Saidón
- 18915: Exporting and Product Innovation at the Firm Level

- Massimiliano Bratti and Giulia Felice
- 18909: The total real capital structure analysis in the profits mass relevant for turnover (The total real capital structure analysis in the profits mass relevant for turnover)

- Constantin Caruntu and Mihaela Loredana Lapadusi
- 18908: Museum and monument attendance and tourism flow: A time series analysis approach

- Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia