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72379: The Economics of State Fragmentation: Assessing the Economic Impact of Secession - Addendum Downloads
Jo Reynaerts and Jakob Vanschoonbeek
72376: Multimarket Competition and Profitability: Evidence from Ukrainian banking Downloads
Tho Pham, Oleksandr Talavera and Junhong Yang
72372: The Influence of School Ability Measures on Accounting Competencies: A Path Analysis Downloads
Jan Linster Cimafranca, Beverly Capuyan, Fabien Cabilla, Angelique Cansancio and Garnette Mae Villaflor-Balacy
72368: The Labor Market in Azerbaijan Downloads
Ramiz Rahmanov, Asif Qasimov and Gulzar Tahirova
72363: Modèle de détection avancée des crises bancaires basé sur une approche panel logistique (Banking crisis detection model based on a panel logistic approach) Downloads
Taha Zaghdoudi
72362: Methodological Aspects of Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of Decision-Making Processes Downloads
Remigiusz Gawlik
72359: Exchange Arrangements and Speculative Attacks: Is there a link? Downloads
Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
72358: Bihar’s Education System in Shambles: Building History with the Rubbles of my Fading Memory Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
72357: No more cakes and ale: banks and banking regulation in the post-bretton woods macro-regime Downloads
Ulrich Klüh and Moritz Hütten
72356: Parametric continuity from preferences when the topology is weak and actions are discrete Downloads
Patrick O'Callaghan
72353: A Simple Class of Measures of Skewness Downloads
Galip Altinay
72349: Do diversity, creativity and localized competition promote endogenous firm formation? Evidence from a high-tech US industry Downloads
Alexandra Tsvetkova
72348: The Extrinsic Value of Low-Denomination Money Holdings Downloads
Allan Hernandez-Chanto
72340: Public financial management in Indonesia: Review of Islamic public finance Downloads
Aan Jaelani
72338: Concept of Ideal Banking and Realization of it using Ubiquitous Banking Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Suresh Kumar
72337: Nanotechnology Innovations and Commercialization – Opportunities, Challenges & Reasons for Delay Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
72335: Inequality Causes Recessions: A Fallout from Ramsey's Conjecture Downloads
Gilles Bélanger
72334: Leading Leadership style to motivate cultural-oriented female employees in the I.T sector of developing country: I.T Sectors responses from Pakistan Downloads
Adnan ul Haque, Riffat Faizan, Nasreen Zehra, Akhtar Baloch, Vipin Nadda and Fayyaz Riaz
72333: ABC Model of Research Productivity and Higher Educational Institutional Ranking Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Suresh Kumar
72330: A note on construction of a composite index by optimization of Shapley value shares of the constituent variables Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
72326: Finite Gaussian Mixture Approximations to Analytically Intractable Density Kernels Downloads
Natalia Khorunzhina and Jean-Francois Richard
72325: The equilibrium allocation of creative capital to R&D in a dynamic creative region Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
72319: Retail resilience: A theoretical framework for understanding town centre dynamics Downloads
Les Dolega and Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
72313: Volunteering and perceived health. A European cross-countries investigation Downloads
Damiano Fiorillo and Nunzia Nappo
72312: Modelling and assessment of the effect of income on service exports in Ghana Downloads
Eugene Adusei Poku, Samuel Broni-Pinkrah and Gabriel Effah Nyamekye
72304: Determinants of Small Business Survival: The Case of Very Small Enterprises of the Traditional Manufacturing Sectors in Brazil Downloads
Evaldo Barbosa
72303: Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Argentina construida con resultados de PBI alternativos proveniente del ARKLEMS-LAND UBA (A Social Accounting Matrix for Argentina built using alternative GDP's estimations from ARKLEMS-LAND UBA model) Downloads
Ariel Coremberg, Leonardo Mastronardi, Carlos Romero and Juan Pablo Vila Martinez
72300: The impact of immigration on output and its components: A sectoral analysis for Italy at regional level Downloads
Ivan Etzo, Carla Massidda, Romano Piras and Paolo Mattana
72297: Bilateral Trade Elasticity: B&H versus its seven trade partners Downloads
Safet Kurtovic, Blerim Halili and Nehat Maxhuni
72291: On the global determinants of visiting home Downloads
Faruk Balli, Basher Syed Abul, Jean Louis Rosmy and Mahmud Ahmed Saber
72287: Die Kapitalmarktunion: eine zweifelhafte Vision (The Capital Market Union - a dubios vision) Downloads
Hubert Gabrisch
72286: Forecast in Capital Markets Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
72284: E-waste management as a global Challenge (introductory chapter) Downloads
Florin Mihai and Maria-Grazia Gnoni
72279: Segregation or homologation? Gender differences in recent Italian economic thought Downloads
Giulia Zacchia
72277: О стадном поведении в динамической модели замкнутого однотоварного рынка, участниками которого являются конечные автоматы (On the herd behavior in the dynamic model of closed one commodity market with finite automata as participants) Downloads
Mark Voronovitsky
72272: How Islamic is the diminishing musharakah model used for home financing? Downloads
Zubair Hasan
72269: Ship inspections in invasive species management: Alternate regimes and their properties Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
72268: Statistica descriptivă a seriilor de timp financiare (Descriptive statistics of the financial time series) Downloads
Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
72266: The Asset Management Industry and Systemic Risk: Is There a Connection? Downloads
Claude Lopez, Donald Markwardt and Keith Savard
72264: Rola struktury administracyjnej kraju w rozwoju hiszpańskich wspólnot autonomicznych (The role of the administrative structure in Spanish autonomous communities development) Downloads
Jakub Piecuch
72263: Influence of European integration process on social and economic performance in Iberian Peninsula Downloads
Jakub Piecuch
72261: Czy decentralizacja władzy przyspiesza tempo rozwoju regionalnego? Doświadczenia hiszpańskich wspólnot autonomicznych (Does devolution of power increase dynamics of regional development? Experience of Spanish autonomous communities) Downloads
Jakub Piecuch
72259: Regional Decentralization in Spain: a Way to Increase Dynamics of Economic Growth Downloads
Jakub Piecuch
72258: How does the health sector benefit from trade openness? Evidence form panel data across sub-Saharan Africa countries Downloads
Jacob Novignon and Yaw Boateng Atakorah
72255: The cost of travel time variability: three measures with properties Downloads
Leonid Engelson and Mogens Fosgerau
72252: Risk-sharing the sole basis of Islamic finance? time for a serious rethink Downloads
Zubair Hasan
72251: Derivative use and its impact on Systematic Risk of Indian Banks: Evidence using Tobit model Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Sakshi Sharma
72247: Relationship of financial stability and risk with market structure and competition: evidence from Indian banking sector Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Sakshi Sharma
72246: Study on Research Productivity in World Top Business Schools Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
72245: Changing Approaches in Campus Placements: A New Futuristic Model Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Varun Shenoy
72240: Maintaining Teacher Quality in Higher Education Institutions Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and J. Suresh Kumar
72238: The Nature of Money in Modern Economy – Implications and Consequences Downloads
Mabid Al-Jarhi
72236: Dodd-Frank: Washington, We Have a Problem Downloads
Claude Lopez and Elham Saeidinezhad
72233: A game model of competition for market share between a new good producer and a remanufacturer Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
72224: Economia Pluralista para Enfrentar Crisis Contemporanea (Pluralist Economics to Confront Recent Crisis) Downloads
Jairo Parada
72222: The Mediterranean Refugees Crisis and Extreme Right Parties: Evidence from Greece Downloads
Petros Sekeris and Chrysovalantis Vasilakis
72219: Improving access to microcredit in Benin: are the poor and women benefiting? Downloads
Gbètoton Nadège Adèle Djossou, Djohodo Ines Monwanou and Jacob Novignon
72216: Internal Sources of Financing Companies on the Basis of Static and Dynamic Indicators: Comparative Analysis Downloads
Radica Pavlović, Rajko Bukvić and Aleksandar Gajić
72211: Short-run and Long-run Effects of Capital Taxation on Innovation and Economic Growth Downloads
Ping-Ho Chen, Angus Chu, Hsun Chu and Ching-chong Lai
72209: Training, quality of management and firm level bargaining Downloads
Mirella Damiani and Andrea Ricci
72202: Monetary Expressions of Labor Time and Market Prices: Theory and Evidence from China, Japan and Korea Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Dimitris Paitaridis
72200: Setting the dowry optimally to extract the full surplus: a contract theory perspective Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
72197: Measuring spot variance spillovers when (co)variances are time-varying - the case of multivariate GARCH models Downloads
Matthias Fengler and Helmut Herwartz
72194: Ordered Consumer Search Downloads
Mark Armstrong
72193: Monetary policy and bond market development: A case of Mongolia Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav, Batnyam Damdinsuren and Lkhagvajav Baasansuren
72191: Aggregation with Cournot competition: an empirical investigation Downloads
Bertrand Koebel and Francois Laisney
72190: Anticorruption and Growth: Evidence from China Downloads
Guangjun Qu, Kevin Sylwester and Feng Wang
72187: Persistence and Amplification of Financial Frictions Downloads
Daichi Shirai
72182: Stock market integration and diversification possibilities during financial crises: Evidence from Balkan countries Downloads
Aleksandar Zdravkovski
72181: Bill Of Exchange - A Modern And Efficient Instrument Of Payment Within The Commercial Relations Downloads
Gabriel Mihai
72180: Evidence of cross-country portfolio diversification benefits: The case of Saudi Arabia Downloads
Bm Hakim and Abul Masih
72177: Government spending effectiveness and the quality of fiscal institutions Downloads
Aygun Garayeva and Gulzar Tahirova
72173: About Political Change in Greece Downloads
Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis and Stelios Tzagarakis
72171: Facebook Addiction and Aggression: Is There a Profound Relation? Downloads
Jonathan Arendain and John Vianne Murcia
72169: A stochastic analysis of goods allocation by queuing and the prevention of violence Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Gamini Herath
72168: The ethics of tax accounting. Is there a conflict? Downloads
Loredana Oana Toma
72167: Banking Competition and Financial Stability: Evidence from CIS Downloads
Javid Nabiyev, Kanan Musayev and Leyla Yusifzada
72166: Do changes in shariah screening methodology make islamic indices substitutes or complements? an application of MGARCH-DCC and markov switching analysis Downloads
Mohammed Mahmoud Mantai and Abul Masih
72164: Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy Downloads
Matthias Kalkuhl, Joachim von Braun and Maximo Torero
72161: Pro-Consumer Price Ceilings under Regulatory Uncertainty Downloads
John Bennett and Ioana Chioveanu
72159: Determinants of depositors’ behaviour: Heterogeneous panel estimates Downloads
Aytan Mammadova, Leyla Mammadova, Fuad Mammadov and Leyla Yusifzade
72158: Развитие региональной проблемы в Югославии в 1918–1941 гг.: централизм, федерализм и межнациональные проблемы (Development of the Regional Problem in Yugoslavia (1918–1941): Centralism, Federalism and Ethnic Problems) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
72157: Industrial Pricing and Growth Fluctuations in India Downloads
Ashima Goyal
72156: La politica economica della Democrazia Cristiana (1948-1963) e il dibattito all’interno del partito (The economic policy of Christian Democracy (1948-1963) and the debate within the party) Downloads
Alessandro Dafano
72155: Growth Dynamics in a General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Model for India Downloads
Ashima Goyal
72152: A stochastic model of the provision of guided tours to tourists Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
72151: The Legacy of the Crisis: Policy Options in a Favorable Environment Downloads
Guillermo LaGarda, Osmel Manzano Mazzali and Jordi Prat
72150: Exports and Labor Skills: The Role of Training Downloads
Juan Blyde
72149: Fast profits in a fasting month? A markov regime switching approach in search of ramadan effect on stock markets Downloads
Faruq Hasbullah and Abul Masih
72146: The Causal Effect of Education on Health Behaviors: Evidence From Turkey Downloads
Aysıt Tansel and Deniz Karaoglan
72145: The role of exchange rate in Mongolia: A shock absorber or a source of shocks? Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav
72143: Türk Telekom A.Ş.’nin Özelleştirilmesi: Oyun Teorisi Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme (Privatization of Turkish Telecom Company: An Assessment from Game Theory Perspective) Downloads
Umit Koc and Oya Safinaz Erdogdu
72142: Capital flows and their implications for central bank policies in Mongolia Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav
72140: Exchange rate pass-through to inflation in Mongolia Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav
72139: Small Inflation Model of Mongolia (SIMOM) Downloads
Batnyam Damdinsuren, Gan-Ochir Doojav and Tomasz Łyziak
72138: Training, quality of management and firm level bargaining Downloads
Mirella Damiani and Andrea Ricci
72137: Does Higher level of Education Reduce Poverty and Increase Inequality? Evidence from Urban India Downloads
Sabyasachi Tripathi
72136: Bidding for network size Downloads
Renaud Foucart and Jana Friedrichsen
72135: A vision about the farming sector’s future: What is in there for farmers in the time of the second machine age? Downloads
Marian Rizov
72134: An independence result concerning the arrival rate of and the provision of transport to tourists Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
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