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56310: Investissement, protectionnisme et décision de migration internationale (Investment, protectionism and decision of international migration) Downloads
Essaid Tarbalouti
56309: El Espacio Administrativo Europeo en el contexto de la europeización (The European Administrative Space in the context of europeanization) Downloads
Ana Ionela Cristea
56307: Sensitivity of Value at Risk estimation to NonNormality of returns and Market capitalization Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Shalini Agnihotri
56301: Division of Work and Fragmented Information: An Explanation for the Diminishing Marginal Product of Labor Downloads
Taiji Harashima
56297: The savings depreciation factor and economic growth Downloads
Kees De Koning
56296: Settlers and surnames: An atlas illustrating the origins of settlers in 19th century America Downloads
Ellis Eff
56294: Is the Social Security Crisis Really as Bad as We Think? Downloads
Shantanu Bagchi
56291: Global financial inclusion challenges for banking system of Uzbekistan Downloads
Olimkhon Aliqoriev
56290: Industrial and technological policy: Contributions from evolutionary perspectives to policy design in developing countries Downloads
Gabriel Yoguel and Mariano Pereira
56289: Typologie des systèmes financiers des pays émergents et/ou en développement (financial system typology in emerging countries) Downloads
Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
56288: Перспективы развития системы безналичных расчетов в Узбекистане (Development perspectives of non-cash payments in Uzbekistan) Downloads
Olimkhon Aliqoriev
56287: Benchmarking financial systems in emerging and / or developing countries: financial development index (Benchmarking financial systems in emerging and / or developing countries: financial development index) Downloads
Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
56286: تأثير السياسة المالية على التنافسية السعرية لقطاع الصناعة التحويلية الأردني (The impact of fiscal policy on the price competitiveness of the manufacturing sector of Jordan) Downloads
Hassan Alamro
56285: The seeming unreliability of rank-ordered data as a consequence of model misspecification Downloads
Jin Yan and Hong Il Yoo
56283: Children and Maternal Migration: Evidence from Exogenous Variations in Family Size Downloads
Vengadeshvaran Sarma and Rasyad Parinduri
56282: The Principal Components Approach to Quota Formulation at the IMF: 2011 Economic Size and Quota Formula Update Downloads
Thierry Nguema-Affane
56277: Trends in occupational segregation: What happened with women and foreigners in Germany? Downloads
Stephan Humpert
56271: هيكل الدين العام في الأردن وتأثيره على النمو الاقتصادي (1980 - 2012) (The structure of public debt in Jordan and its impact on economic growth (1980-2012)) Downloads
Radi AL-Adayleh, Hassan AL-amro and Huthaifa AL-Gralleh
56270: A regional agricultural SAM for Ireland 2007 Downloads
Emanuele Ferrari and Pierre Boulanger
56267: Dissecting the Act of God: An Exploration of the Effect of Religion on Economic Activity Downloads
Jean-François Carpantier and Anastasia Litina
56264: Modern Social Science Concepts, Proportionate Reciprocity, Modesty, and Democracy Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
56259: Predictive Power of Aggregate Short Interest Downloads
Eric Jinsan Yu
56257: Les déterminants théoriques de la faillite de l’entrepreneur et l’efficience de l’allocation du risque juridique: un survol de littérature (Theoretical determinants of the bankruptcy of the entrepreneur and the efficiency of the allowance of the legal risk: A review of literature) Downloads
Essaid Tarbalouti
56256: Assessing Credit Risk in Money Market Fund Portfolios Downloads
Sean Collins and Emily Gallagher
56252: Detecting abnormalities in the Brent crude oil commodities and derivatives pricing complex Downloads
Gregory P Swinand and Amy O'Mahoney
56251: Institutional quality and bank instability: cross-countries evidence in emerging countries Downloads
Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
56247: Risque politique,démocratie et dictature (Political Risk,democracy and dictatorship) Downloads
Bertrand Lemmenicier and Essaid Tarbalouti
56246: Estimating the impact of wind generation and wind forecast errors on energy prices and costs in Ireland Downloads
Gregory P Swinand and Amy O'Mahoney
56242: Regionalization and historical–cultural dimension of Northwest Romania Downloads
Mircea Brie and Edina Lilla Mészáros
56238: European enlargement and new frontiers of Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Mircea Brie
56232: Ageing populations, retirement incomes and public policy: what really matters Downloads
Michael Littlewood
56231: The Efficiency of Australian Schools: Evidence from the NAPLAN Data 2009-2011 Downloads
Hong Son Nghiem, Ha Nguyen and Luke Connelly
56227: Changes in the Eternal City: Inequalities, commons, and elections in Rome districts from 2000 to 2013 Downloads
Federico Tomassi
56224: Britain's electricity capacity auctions: lessons from Colombia and New England Downloads
David Harbord and Marco Pagnozzi
56223: The Bargaining Power of Health Care Unions: Union Wage Premiums for Registered Nurses in Hospitals Downloads
Christopher Coombs, Robert Newman, Richard Cebula and Mary White
56222: Firm heterogeneity in productivity across Europe. What explains what? Downloads
Francesco Aiello and Fernanda Ricotta
56221: Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
56220: Défaut de paiement,Achat de consentement et efficience économique (Default, purchase of consent and economic effeciency) Downloads
Mr Tarbalouti
56219: OFDI between India and the LAC Region: A firm level motive analysis Downloads
Sumati Varma and Rishika Nayyar
56218: Food and Nutrition Scenario of Kenya Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
56216: Cessation de paiement et droit de la faillite en prespective historique: de l'Antiquité à nos jours (Default and the law of Bankruptcy in historical perspective:the Antiquity to our days) Downloads
Essaid Tarbalouti
56214: Faut-il réformer la caisse de compensation au Maroc ? (Is it necessary to reform the policy of compensation in morocco ?) Downloads
Mr Tarbalouti
56213: A Politico-economic Approach on Public Debt in an Endogenous Growth Economy Downloads
Real Arai and Katsuyuki Naito
56209: Achieving an adequate balance between the level of complexity, objectivity and comparability which is required within the capital framework: credit ratings and the Standardized Approach (SA-CCR) for measuring Exposure at Default (EAD) for Counter-Party Credit Risk Downloads
Marianne Ojo
56205: Hurricane Katrina: Behavioral Health and Health Insurance in Non-Impacted Vulnerable Counties Downloads
Michael Pesko
56201: How Does Exchange Rate Uncertainty interact with International Trade? A Meta-Analysis Revisited Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
56194: Empirical study on inter-country OFDI Downloads
Sebastian Morris and Palakh Jain
56191: Re-examining Turkey's trade deficit with structural breaks: Evidence from 1989-2011 Downloads
Irem Erten and Nesrin Okay
56190: Volatility Spillovers in Emerging Markets During the Global Financial Crisis: Diagonal BEKK Approach Downloads
Irem Erten, Murat B. Tuncel and Nesrin Okay
56189: Designing Matching Mechanisms under Constraints: An Approach from Discrete Convex Analysis Downloads
Fuhito Kojima, Akihisa Tamura and Makoto Yokoo
56187: Multinational’s global open innovation activities in emerging markets: A case of Japanese firms’collaborations with national research institutes in Thailand Downloads
Kazuyuki Motohashi
56186: When Category-based Indices Encounter Non-independent Categories: Solving the Taxonomy Issue in Resource-based Empirical Studies Downloads
Dong Huo and Kazuyuki Motohashi
56185: Dilemma in Individual Collaboration for Invention: Should We be Similar or Diverse in Knowledge? Downloads
Dong Huo and Kazuyuki Motohashi
56184: Patent statistics: a good indicator for innovation in China? Assessment of impacts of patent subsidy programs on patent quality Downloads
Jangwei Dang and Kazuyuki Motohashi
56182: Specificity of Accounting and Tax Treatments related to Triangular Foreign Trade Transactions Downloads
Lucia Paliu-Popa
56180: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Stochastic Volatility: A Case study of India Downloads
Ka Wai Terence Fung, Ender Demir and Lu Zhou
56178: Superstars in politics: the role of the media in the koizumi regime Downloads
Eiji Yamamura and Fabio Sabatini
56177: Regional inequalities in the impact of broadband on productivity: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Juan Jung
56176: A convergência espacial do conhecimento em Portugal (The spatial convergence of knowledge in Portugal) Downloads
Gertrudes Guerreiro and António Caleiro
56174: Assessing the Value Relevance of Accounting Data After the Introduction of IFRS in Europe Downloads
Alain Devalle, Riccardo Magarini and Enrico Onali
56171: Le comportement du musulman en matière de crédit à intérêt face à la contrainte religieuse (The behavior of the Muslim regarding credit with interest in front of the religious constraint) Downloads
Mustapha Kchirid, Essaid Tarbalouti and Mohamed Elgraa
56166: SHG-Bank Linkage in India in the third Millennium Downloads
Rajasekharan Pillai
56165: Interpersonal Bundling Downloads
Yongmin Chen and Tianle Zhang
56161: Impact of Interbank Liquidity on Monetary Transmission Mechanism: A Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
56149: Determinants of Market Participation among Small-scale Pineapple Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya Downloads
Geoffrey Sigei, Hillary Bett and Lawrence Kibet
56148: Deciphering Liquidity Risk on the Istanbul Stock Exchange Downloads
Irem Erten and Nesrin Okay
56145: The electricity-growth nexus in South Africa: Evidence from asymmetric co-integration and co-feature analysis Downloads
Andrew Phiri and Botha Nyoni
56144: Absorbţia fondurilor structurale şi de coeziune în Romania: bilanţul perioadei 2007-2013 şi lecţii pentru exerciţiul financiar curent (The absorption of structural and cohesion funds in Romania: balance of the period 2007-2013 and lessons for the current financial exercise) Downloads
Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
56143: An Empirical Analysis of Excess Interbank Liquidity: A Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
56141: Bounded Rationality and Socially Optimal Limits on Choice in A Self-Selection Model Downloads
Eytan Sheshinski
56140: An elimination contest with non-sunk bids Downloads
Olga Chiappinelli
56139: An Analysis of the Impact of Government Size on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An Endogenous Growth Downloads
Shumaila Zareen and Abdul Qayyum
56137: The Effect of Credit on the Export Performance of Colombian Exporters Downloads
Danielken Molina and Monica Roa
56136: Signals from the Government: Policy Uncertainty and the Transmission of Fiscal Shocks Downloads
Giovanni Ricco, Giovanni Callegari and Jacopo Cimadomo
56134: Διαστήματα εμπιστοσύνης για εκατοστημόρια σε στάσιμες ARMA διαδικασίες: Μία εμπειρική εφαρμογή σε περιβαλλοντικά δεδομένα (Confidence intervals for percentiles in stationary ARMA processes: An application using environmental data) Downloads
George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
56132: What's New and What's Old in New Growth Theory: Endogenous Technology, Microfoundation, and Growth Rate Predictions Downloads
Johannes Schneider and Thomas Ziesemer
56127: Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets Efficiency and Speculative Bubbles: A Non-linear Entropy-based Approach Downloads
Angélica Alonso-Rivera, Salvador Cruz-Ake and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
56126: On the Estimation of Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodites Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
56123: Forty two Flawed Arguments for and Against Full Reserve Banking Downloads
Ralph Musgrave
56122: Effects of non-pecuniary rewards on employee delight Downloads
Saba Gulzar
56121: التغيير وإدارة التغيير في قطاع الصناعة التقليدية: استكشاف المقومات و بحث في الأدوات (Change and change management in the algerian handicraft sector:Exploring the assets and searching for tools) Downloads
Benzarour Choukri
56119: Macro Micro Model with a Post-keynesian Perspective in the banking industry Downloads
Hyejin Cho
56118: Rational Expectation Bubbles: Evidence from Hong Kong’s Sub-Indices Downloads
Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Kui-Wai Li and Junji Shimada
56117: On the tracks of Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation: A Quantitative Investigation Downloads
yavuz Han Topal
56115: Price Drivers and Investment Strategies of Gold Downloads
Mahmoud Arayssi
56114: Innovation and Innovation Policy in the Nordic Region Downloads
Jan Fagerberg and Morten Fosaas
56112: The Causal Effects of Criminal Convictions on Labor Market Outcomes in Young Men: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis Downloads
Jeremiah Richey
56108: İnsan Düşüncesinde İktisadi Alanın (Yeniden) Yapılanması Üzerine Spekülasyonlar (Speculations About The (Re)Structuring of The Field of Economics in The Human Thougt) Downloads
Bilal Kargi
56106: Evolution of national - international trade in the period before the economic and financial crisis for selected economies Downloads
Lucia Paliu-Popa and Ana Gabriela Babucea
56105: Imports of Goods on its Own with Payment at Sight Analyzed from an Accounting Perspective Downloads
Lucia Paliu-Popa
56104: System of VAT Payable upon Receipt–Facility or Burden? Downloads
Lucia Paliu-Popa and Nicolae Ecobici
56100: The conditional pricing of currency and inflation risks in Africa's equity markets Downloads
Odongo Kodongo and Kalu Ojah
56098: Global Punctuality Index: A Tool to Save Trillion Man Hours Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
56094: Développement humain responsable et aménagement du territoire. Réflexions à partir de deux réserves de biosphère périurbaines en France et au Chili (Responsible Human Development and Land-Use Planning: reflections based on two peri-urban UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in France and in Chile) Downloads
Jérôme Pelenc
56093: Superstars in politics: the role of the media in the koizumi regime Downloads
Eiji Yamamura and Fabio Sbatini
56092: The relationship between reserves of oil endowment and economic growth from the resource curse viewpoint: a case study of oil producing countries Downloads
Teymour Mohammadi, Fateme Jahangard and Seyed Morteza Khani Hoolari
56091: Dynamic Production Theory under No-Arbitrage Constraints Downloads
Guo Zhao
56088: Identifying the determinants and spatial nexus of provincial carbon intensity in China: A dynamic spatial panel approach Downloads
Xinye Zheng, Yihua Yu, Jing Wang and Huihui Deng
56086: Portfolio in Turkish Economy, and A Long Termed Relation Between Foreign Direct Investments and The Growth, and The Structural Breakage Analysis (1980-2012) Downloads
Bilal Kargi
56085: Nivel y desigualdad por género en el uso del tiempo en la Argentina. Una nota introductoria (Gender inequality in the use of time in Argentina. An introductory note) Downloads
Jorge Paz and Carla Arévalo
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