MPRA Paper
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- 56310: Investissement, protectionnisme et décision de migration internationale (Investment, protectionism and decision of international migration)

- Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56309: El Espacio Administrativo Europeo en el contexto de la europeización (The European Administrative Space in the context of europeanization)

- Ana Ionela Cristea
- 56307: Sensitivity of Value at Risk estimation to NonNormality of returns and Market capitalization

- Pankaj Sinha and Shalini Agnihotri
- 56301: Division of Work and Fragmented Information: An Explanation for the Diminishing Marginal Product of Labor

- Taiji Harashima
- 56297: The savings depreciation factor and economic growth

- Kees De Koning
- 56296: Settlers and surnames: An atlas illustrating the origins of settlers in 19th century America

- Ellis Eff
- 56294: Is the Social Security Crisis Really as Bad as We Think?

- Shantanu Bagchi
- 56291: Global financial inclusion challenges for banking system of Uzbekistan

- Olimkhon Aliqoriev
- 56290: Industrial and technological policy: Contributions from evolutionary perspectives to policy design in developing countries

- Gabriel Yoguel and Mariano Pereira
- 56289: Typologie des systèmes financiers des pays émergents et/ou en développement (financial system typology in emerging countries)

- Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
- 56288: Перспективы развития системы безналичных расчетов в Узбекистане (Development perspectives of non-cash payments in Uzbekistan)

- Olimkhon Aliqoriev
- 56287: Benchmarking financial systems in emerging and / or developing countries: financial development index (Benchmarking financial systems in emerging and / or developing countries: financial development index)

- Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
- 56286: تأثير السياسة المالية على التنافسية السعرية لقطاع الصناعة التحويلية الأردني (The impact of fiscal policy on the price competitiveness of the manufacturing sector of Jordan)

- Hassan Alamro
- 56285: The seeming unreliability of rank-ordered data as a consequence of model misspecification

- Jin Yan and Hong Il Yoo
- 56283: Children and Maternal Migration: Evidence from Exogenous Variations in Family Size

- Vengadeshvaran Sarma and Rasyad Parinduri
- 56282: The Principal Components Approach to Quota Formulation at the IMF: 2011 Economic Size and Quota Formula Update

- Thierry Nguema-Affane
- 56277: Trends in occupational segregation: What happened with women and foreigners in Germany?

- Stephan Humpert
- 56271: هيكل الدين العام في الأردن وتأثيره على النمو الاقتصادي (1980 - 2012) (The structure of public debt in Jordan and its impact on economic growth (1980-2012))

- Radi AL-Adayleh, Hassan AL-amro and Huthaifa AL-Gralleh
- 56270: A regional agricultural SAM for Ireland 2007

- Emanuele Ferrari and Pierre Boulanger
- 56267: Dissecting the Act of God: An Exploration of the Effect of Religion on Economic Activity

- Jean-François Carpantier and Anastasia Litina
- 56264: Modern Social Science Concepts, Proportionate Reciprocity, Modesty, and Democracy

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 56259: Predictive Power of Aggregate Short Interest

- Eric Jinsan Yu
- 56257: Les déterminants théoriques de la faillite de l’entrepreneur et l’efficience de l’allocation du risque juridique: un survol de littérature (Theoretical determinants of the bankruptcy of the entrepreneur and the efficiency of the allowance of the legal risk: A review of literature)

- Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56256: Assessing Credit Risk in Money Market Fund Portfolios

- Sean Collins and Emily Gallagher
- 56252: Detecting abnormalities in the Brent crude oil commodities and derivatives pricing complex

- Gregory P Swinand and Amy O'Mahoney
- 56251: Institutional quality and bank instability: cross-countries evidence in emerging countries

- Zina Essid, Younes Boujelbene and Dominique Plihon
- 56247: Risque politique,démocratie et dictature (Political Risk,democracy and dictatorship)

- Bertrand Lemmenicier and Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56246: Estimating the impact of wind generation and wind forecast errors on energy prices and costs in Ireland

- Gregory P Swinand and Amy O'Mahoney
- 56242: Regionalization and historical–cultural dimension of Northwest Romania

- Mircea Brie and Edina Lilla Mészáros
- 56238: European enlargement and new frontiers of Central and Eastern Europe

- Mircea Brie
- 56232: Ageing populations, retirement incomes and public policy: what really matters

- Michael Littlewood
- 56231: The Efficiency of Australian Schools: Evidence from the NAPLAN Data 2009-2011

- Hong Son Nghiem, Ha Nguyen and Luke Connelly
- 56227: Changes in the Eternal City: Inequalities, commons, and elections in Rome districts from 2000 to 2013

- Federico Tomassi
- 56224: Britain's electricity capacity auctions: lessons from Colombia and New England

- David Harbord and Marco Pagnozzi
- 56223: The Bargaining Power of Health Care Unions: Union Wage Premiums for Registered Nurses in Hospitals

- Christopher Coombs, Robert Newman, Richard Cebula and Mary White
- 56222: Firm heterogeneity in productivity across Europe. What explains what?

- Francesco Aiello and Fernanda Ricotta
- 56221: Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions

- Hussein Elasrag
- 56220: Défaut de paiement,Achat de consentement et efficience économique (Default, purchase of consent and economic effeciency)

- Mr Tarbalouti
- 56219: OFDI between India and the LAC Region: A firm level motive analysis

- Sumati Varma and Rishika Nayyar
- 56218: Food and Nutrition Scenario of Kenya

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 56216: Cessation de paiement et droit de la faillite en prespective historique: de l'Antiquité à nos jours (Default and the law of Bankruptcy in historical perspective:the Antiquity to our days)

- Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56214: Faut-il réformer la caisse de compensation au Maroc ? (Is it necessary to reform the policy of compensation in morocco ?)

- Mr Tarbalouti
- 56213: A Politico-economic Approach on Public Debt in an Endogenous Growth Economy

- Real Arai and Katsuyuki Naito
- 56209: Achieving an adequate balance between the level of complexity, objectivity and comparability which is required within the capital framework: credit ratings and the Standardized Approach (SA-CCR) for measuring Exposure at Default (EAD) for Counter-Party Credit Risk

- Marianne Ojo
- 56205: Hurricane Katrina: Behavioral Health and Health Insurance in Non-Impacted Vulnerable Counties

- Michael Pesko
- 56201: How Does Exchange Rate Uncertainty interact with International Trade? A Meta-Analysis Revisited

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 56194: Empirical study on inter-country OFDI

- Sebastian Morris and Palakh Jain
- 56191: Re-examining Turkey's trade deficit with structural breaks: Evidence from 1989-2011

- Irem Erten and Nesrin Okay
- 56190: Volatility Spillovers in Emerging Markets During the Global Financial Crisis: Diagonal BEKK Approach

- Irem Erten, Murat B. Tuncel and Nesrin Okay
- 56189: Designing Matching Mechanisms under Constraints: An Approach from Discrete Convex Analysis

- Fuhito Kojima, Akihisa Tamura and Makoto Yokoo
- 56187: Multinational’s global open innovation activities in emerging markets: A case of Japanese firms’collaborations with national research institutes in Thailand

- Kazuyuki Motohashi
- 56186: When Category-based Indices Encounter Non-independent Categories: Solving the Taxonomy Issue in Resource-based Empirical Studies

- Dong Huo and Kazuyuki Motohashi
- 56185: Dilemma in Individual Collaboration for Invention: Should We be Similar or Diverse in Knowledge?

- Dong Huo and Kazuyuki Motohashi
- 56184: Patent statistics: a good indicator for innovation in China? Assessment of impacts of patent subsidy programs on patent quality

- Jangwei Dang and Kazuyuki Motohashi
- 56182: Specificity of Accounting and Tax Treatments related to Triangular Foreign Trade Transactions

- Lucia Paliu-Popa
- 56180: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Stochastic Volatility: A Case study of India

- Ka Wai Terence Fung, Ender Demir and Lu Zhou
- 56178: Superstars in politics: the role of the media in the koizumi regime

- Eiji Yamamura and Fabio Sabatini
- 56177: Regional inequalities in the impact of broadband on productivity: Evidence from Brazil

- Juan Jung
- 56176: A convergência espacial do conhecimento em Portugal (The spatial convergence of knowledge in Portugal)

- Gertrudes Guerreiro and António Caleiro
- 56174: Assessing the Value Relevance of Accounting Data After the Introduction of IFRS in Europe

- Alain Devalle, Riccardo Magarini and Enrico Onali
- 56171: Le comportement du musulman en matière de crédit à intérêt face à la contrainte religieuse (The behavior of the Muslim regarding credit with interest in front of the religious constraint)

- Mustapha Kchirid, Essaid Tarbalouti and Mohamed Elgraa
- 56166: SHG-Bank Linkage in India in the third Millennium

- Rajasekharan Pillai
- 56165: Interpersonal Bundling

- Yongmin Chen and Tianle Zhang
- 56161: Impact of Interbank Liquidity on Monetary Transmission Mechanism: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
- 56149: Determinants of Market Participation among Small-scale Pineapple Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya

- Geoffrey Sigei, Hillary Bett and Lawrence Kibet
- 56148: Deciphering Liquidity Risk on the Istanbul Stock Exchange

- Irem Erten and Nesrin Okay
- 56145: The electricity-growth nexus in South Africa: Evidence from asymmetric co-integration and co-feature analysis

- Andrew Phiri and Botha Nyoni
- 56144: Absorbţia fondurilor structurale şi de coeziune în Romania: bilanţul perioadei 2007-2013 şi lecţii pentru exerciţiul financiar curent (The absorption of structural and cohesion funds in Romania: balance of the period 2007-2013 and lessons for the current financial exercise)

- Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
- 56143: An Empirical Analysis of Excess Interbank Liquidity: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Muhammad Omer, Jakob de Haan and Bert Scholtens
- 56141: Bounded Rationality and Socially Optimal Limits on Choice in A Self-Selection Model

- Eytan Sheshinski
- 56140: An elimination contest with non-sunk bids

- Olga Chiappinelli
- 56139: An Analysis of the Impact of Government Size on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An Endogenous Growth

- Shumaila Zareen and Abdul Qayyum
- 56137: The Effect of Credit on the Export Performance of Colombian Exporters

- Danielken Molina and Monica Roa
- 56136: Signals from the Government: Policy Uncertainty and the Transmission of Fiscal Shocks

- Giovanni Ricco, Giovanni Callegari and Jacopo Cimadomo
- 56134: Διαστήματα εμπιστοσύνης για εκατοστημόρια σε στάσιμες ARMA διαδικασίες: Μία εμπειρική εφαρμογή σε περιβαλλοντικά δεδομένα (Confidence intervals for percentiles in stationary ARMA processes: An application using environmental data)

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 56132: What's New and What's Old in New Growth Theory: Endogenous Technology, Microfoundation, and Growth Rate Predictions

- Johannes Schneider and Thomas Ziesemer
- 56127: Impact of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets Efficiency and Speculative Bubbles: A Non-linear Entropy-based Approach

- Angélica Alonso-Rivera, Salvador Cruz-Ake and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 56126: On the Estimation of Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodites

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 56123: Forty two Flawed Arguments for and Against Full Reserve Banking

- Ralph Musgrave
- 56122: Effects of non-pecuniary rewards on employee delight

- Saba Gulzar
- 56121: التغيير وإدارة التغيير في قطاع الصناعة التقليدية: استكشاف المقومات و بحث في الأدوات (Change and change management in the algerian handicraft sector:Exploring the assets and searching for tools)

- Benzarour Choukri
- 56119: Macro Micro Model with a Post-keynesian Perspective in the banking industry

- Hyejin Cho
- 56118: Rational Expectation Bubbles: Evidence from Hong Kong’s Sub-Indices

- Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Kui-Wai Li and Junji Shimada
- 56117: On the tracks of Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation: A Quantitative Investigation

- yavuz Han Topal
- 56115: Price Drivers and Investment Strategies of Gold

- Mahmoud Arayssi
- 56114: Innovation and Innovation Policy in the Nordic Region

- Jan Fagerberg and Morten Fosaas
- 56112: The Causal Effects of Criminal Convictions on Labor Market Outcomes in Young Men: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis

- Jeremiah Richey
- 56108: İnsan Düşüncesinde İktisadi Alanın (Yeniden) Yapılanması Üzerine Spekülasyonlar (Speculations About The (Re)Structuring of The Field of Economics in The Human Thougt)

- Bilal Kargi
- 56106: Evolution of national - international trade in the period before the economic and financial crisis for selected economies

- Lucia Paliu-Popa and Ana Gabriela Babucea
- 56105: Imports of Goods on its Own with Payment at Sight Analyzed from an Accounting Perspective

- Lucia Paliu-Popa
- 56104: System of VAT Payable upon Receipt–Facility or Burden?

- Lucia Paliu-Popa and Nicolae Ecobici
- 56100: The conditional pricing of currency and inflation risks in Africa's equity markets

- Odongo Kodongo and Kalu Ojah
- 56098: Global Punctuality Index: A Tool to Save Trillion Man Hours

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 56094: Développement humain responsable et aménagement du territoire. Réflexions à partir de deux réserves de biosphère périurbaines en France et au Chili (Responsible Human Development and Land-Use Planning: reflections based on two peri-urban UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in France and in Chile)

- Jérôme Pelenc
- 56093: Superstars in politics: the role of the media in the koizumi regime

- Eiji Yamamura and Fabio Sbatini
- 56092: The relationship between reserves of oil endowment and economic growth from the resource curse viewpoint: a case study of oil producing countries

- Teymour Mohammadi, Fateme Jahangard and Seyed Morteza Khani Hoolari
- 56091: Dynamic Production Theory under No-Arbitrage Constraints

- Guo Zhao
- 56088: Identifying the determinants and spatial nexus of provincial carbon intensity in China: A dynamic spatial panel approach

- Xinye Zheng, Yihua Yu, Jing Wang and Huihui Deng
- 56086: Portfolio in Turkish Economy, and A Long Termed Relation Between Foreign Direct Investments and The Growth, and The Structural Breakage Analysis (1980-2012)

- Bilal Kargi
- 56085: Nivel y desigualdad por género en el uso del tiempo en la Argentina. Una nota introductoria (Gender inequality in the use of time in Argentina. An introductory note)

- Jorge Paz and Carla Arévalo
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