MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 71627: Finance & Stochastic

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 71625: Optimal Income Taxation with a Stationarity Constraint in a Dynamic Stochastic Economy

- Marcus Berliant and Shota Fujishima
- 71624: Logical Forecasting of the Eurozone Crisis through ANP

- Davood Moradi and Ehsan Rasoulinezhad
- 71616: Рыночные механизмы сокращения выбросов парниковых газов и активности и перспективы России (Market mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and actions and perspectives of Russia)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 71615: Taxing cross-border intercompany transactions: are financing activities fungible?

- Ann Kayis-Kumar
- 71614: Demographic determinants of car ownership in Japan

- Michiyuki Yagi and Shunsuke Managi
- 71613: Retirement Financing: An Optimal Reform Approach

- Roozbeh Hosseini and Ali Shourideh
- 71607: La Economía y la Administración Pública. De la teoría a la práctica sondeando el presupuesto participativo en Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo (Economics and Public Administration. From theory to practice: probing the participatory budget in Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo)

- Crucita Ken and Margely Cruz Martínez
- 71606: Межстрановые различия в душевых ВВП и производительности труда: роль капитала, уровня технологий и природной ренты (International differences in per capita GDP and labor productivity: role of capital, technological level and resource rent)

- Alexander Zaytsev
- 71605: A távol-keleti kapcsolatok logisztikája és a Duna lehetséges szerepe (Logistics of the far-eastern connections and the possible role of the Danube)

- Tamás Fleischer
- 71604: Student loans, fertility, and economic growth

- Koichi Miyazaki
- 71603: Механизмы регулирования выбросов парниковых газов и Киотский протокол (Mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases and Kyoto Protocol)

- Rajko Bukvić, Vladimir Zakharov and Marina Kartavykh
- 71602: Are Thai Equity Index Returns Sensitive to Interest and Exchange Rate Risks?

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 71601: The presence of MNCs and the differentials and spillovers of productivity and wages in Southeast Asian manufacturing

- Siwat Nakmai
- 71596: Some properties of the technology gap between leading and lagging regions

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
- 71595: La disyuntiva que enfrentan los jóvenes y el empleo en Quintana Roo: Una oportunidad para diversificar las actividades productivas (Young labor force´s dilemma between employment and education in Quintana Roo: An opportunity to diversify its productive activities)

- Crucita Ken and Cindy María Góngora
- 71594: Growth scenarios for sub-Saharan countries in the framework of economic complexity

- Matthieu Cristelli, Andrea Tacchella, Andrea Zaccaria and Luciano Pietronero
- 71593: Heterogeneous Credit Union Production Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects

- Emir Malikov, Diego Restrepo-Tobon and Subal Kumbhakar
- 71592: Entrepreneurial activity in the OECD: Pooled and cross-country evidence

- José Alberto Molina, Jorge Velilla and Raquel Ortega
- 71591: Back to the long-run: the “Development Operation” as a supply-side policy by the Italian Industrial Association during the Seventies

- Alessandro Dafano
- 71589: Do Combination Forecasts Outperform the Historical Average? Economic and Statistical Evidence

- Apostolos Thomadakis
- 71588: Greek Sovereign Defaults in Retrospect and Prospect

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Michel Zouboulakis
- 71587: Entrepreneurship Capital and Regional Productivity Revisited

- José Massón-Guerra and Pedro Ortín-Ángel
- 71586: Job Creation and the Role of Dependencies

- Paolo Fornaro and Henri Luomaranta
- 71577: La Microeconomie du Consommateur: Utilité, Budget et Optimum de Consommation (The Consumer Microeconomics: Utility, Budget and Consumption optimum)

- Moussa Keita
- 71571: Exports diversification and knowledge sharing from south-south and south-north economic cooperation: evidence from the Central and West Africa

- Houdou Ndambendia
- 71569: Intelligence and Crime: A novel evidence for software piracy

- Raufhon Salahodjaev, Shoirahon Odilova and Antonio Andres
- 71566: Civic capital and support for the welfare state

- Roy Cerqueti, Fabio Sabatini and Marco Ventura
- 71561: Manajemen Zakat di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam (Zakah Management in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam)

- Aan Jaelani
- 71560: The heterogeneity in immigrants unhealthy assimilation

- Paolo Barbieri
- 71558: The impact of migrants on the cross-border M&A: Some evidence for Japan

- Ivan Etzo and Sumiko Takaoka
- 71552: Currency demand stability in the presence of seasonality and endogenous financial innovation: Evidence from India

- Sunny Kumar Singh
- 71550: Aurora of a new order in the Brazilian telecommunications sector and regulation

- Luciano De Freitas and Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas
- 71543: The Accuracy of USDA's Export Forecasts

- Stephen MacDonald
- 71539: Reaping the Bless of Arab Migrants: Mobilizing Diaspora for Private Sector Development

- Sherif Hassan
- 71535: Condición Marshall-Lerner y el efecto Curva J: Evidencias para la República Dominicana (Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-Curve Effect: Evidence for the Dominican Republic)

- Anadel G. Peguero and Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 71533: La gestion structurelle des déficits jumeaux au Maroc et la recherche d’une stratégie d’équilibre (Structural management of twin deficits in Morocco and Finding an equilibrium strategy)

- Meriem Demdoumi
- 71526: Los determinantes de la pobreza en los estados mexicanos en la frontera con Estados Unidos (The determinants of poverty in the Mexican states of the US–Mexico border)

- Jorge Garza-Rodriguez
- 71523: The determinants of poverty in the Mexican states of the US-Mexico border

- Jorge Garza-Rodriguez
- 71519: Impact of Export Composition on Economic Growth in South Asia

- Zanib Javed and Kashif Munir
- 71518: Efficient waste management practices: A review

- George Halkos and Kleoniki Natalia Petrou
- 71517: What determines the direction of technological progress?

- Defu Li and Benjamin Bental
- 71516: Stationary Growth and the Impossibility of Capital Efficiency Gains

- Defu Li, Benjamin Bental and Jiuli Huang
- 71512: The steady-state growth conditions of neoclassical growth model and Uzawa theorem revisited

- Defu Li and Jiuli Huang
- 71508: Herbert A. Simon e o conceito de racionalidade: limites e procedimentos (Herbert A. Simon and the concept of rationality: boundaries and procedures)

- Gustavo Barros
- 71506: Cutthroats or comrades: Information sharing among competing fund managers

- Bernhard Ganglmair, Alex Holcomb and Noah Myung
- 71502: Strategic bidding, wind ownership and regulation in a decentralised electricity market

- Darragh Walsh, Laura Malaguzzi Valeri and Valeria Di Cosmo
- 71501: Adversarial decision-making: Choosing between models constructed by interested parties

- Luke Froeb, Bernhard Ganglmair and Steven Tschantz
- 71494: The Building Up of New Imbalances in China: The Dilemma with ‘Rebalancing’

- Prof. Dr. Helmut Wagner
- 71490: Potentials and Constraints of Cambodian Rice Export

- Rido Thath
- 71488: Researchers and the Wealth of Nations

- Matias Cabello and Carolina Rojas
- 71487: Yield Curve for Japanese Agency Bonds: From 2002 to the Present

- Takahiro Hattori and Hiroki Miyake
- 71485: Volatilitede uzun hafıza ve yapısal kırılma: Borsa Istanbul örneği (Long memory and structural breaks on volatility: evidence from Borsa Istanbul)

- Emrah Çevik and Gültekin Topaloğlu
- 71484: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası’nda etkin piyasa hipotezinin uzun hafıza modelleri ile analizi: sektörel bazda bir inceleme (The testing of efficient market hypothesis in the Istanbul Stock Exchange by using long memory models: a sector-specific analysis)

- Emrah Çevik
- 71483: Hysteresis in unemployment: evidence from sector-specific unemployment in Turkey

- Salih Barışık and Emrah Çevik
- 71481: Testing the international capital asset pricing model with Markov switching model in emerging markets

- Turhan Korkmaz, Emrah Çevik and Serhan Gurkan
- 71480: Self-Selection and Learning-by-Exporting Hypotheses: Micro Level Evidence

- Naqeeb Rehman
- 71479: Testing CAPM using Markov switching model: the case of coal firms

- Turhan Korkmaz, Emrah Çevik, Elif Birkan and Nesrin Özataç
- 71477: Testing intraday volatility spillovers in Turkish capital markets: evidence from ISE

- Mustafa Okur and Emrah Çevik
- 71476: Does economic growth really depend on the magnitude of debt? A threshold model approach

- Magdalena Osinska, Tadeusz Kufel, Marcin Błażejowski and Pawel Kufel
- 71475: Determinants of Changing Informal Employment in Brazil, 2000–2010

- David Fairris and Erik Jonasson
- 71473: Pattern of Development and Sustainable Economic Growth In Pakistan: A Descriptive Analysis

- Fizza Younis, Aslam Chaudhary and Muhammad Akbar
- 71471: La innovación como determinante pare el emprendimiento (Innovation as determinant of entrepreneurship)

- José Alberto Molina and Jorge Velilla
- 71469: Determinants of employment and unemployment situation in India with Special reference to North Eastern states of India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 71468: Solution manual to accompany Introduction to Economics (Middle East Edition) by Frank, Bernanke and Squalli (2010)

- Aleksandar Vasilev and Gergana Boncheva
- 71463: Diferencias entre auto-empleados y asalariados en los usos del tiempo: Aragón vs. Spain (Differences between self-employees and wage-earners in time uses: Aragon vs. Spain)

- Juan Campaña, J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal and José Alberto Molina
- 71462: Brazil, Preservation of Forest and Biodiversity

- Alida Paunic
- 71458: Direction of Bulgarian Foreign Trade – Results of the EU Membership

- Eduard Marinov
- 71457: Защо България загуби пазарите си в Африка – отговорът на българския бизнес (Why Bulgaria Lost Its Markets in Africa – The Answer of Bulgarian Business)

- Eduard Marinov
- 71456: Типология на споразуменията за регионална икономическа интеграция (Typology of Regional Economic Integration Agreements)

- Eduard Marinov
- 71455: Monetary Policy and Efficiency in Over-the-Counter Financial Trade

- Athanasios Geromichalos and Kuk Mo Jung
- 71454: The Strategic Determination of the Supply of Liquid Assets

- Athanasios Geromichalos and Lucas Herrenbrueck
- 71453: Digital Technology and Health: Evaluating the Impact of Mobile Health-Tracking Applications on Patients Well-Being

- Moussa Keita
- 71452: Ingénierie des Données Appliquée sous SAS: Traitement, Organisation et Analyses (Data Engineering Applied in SAS: Processing, Organization and Analysis)

- Moussa Keita
- 71451: Winter Transport via Trucks with Chains and the Fraction of Time Spent in Accidents

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 71450: On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos

- Roman Anton
- 71445: Creating an environment for economic growth: creativity, entrepreneurship or human capital?

- Alessandra Faggian, Mark Partridge and Ed Malecki
- 71440: Econometric notes

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 71435: Study of Annual Research Productivity in Indian Top Business Schools

- Sreeramana Aithal
- 71434: Internal Quality Assurance Cell and its Contribution to Quality Improvement in Higher Education Institutions: A Case of SIMS

- Sreeramana Aithal
- 71433: How an effective leadership and governance supports to achieve institutional vision, mission and objectives

- Sreeramana Aithal
- 71432: The shadow rate as a predictor of real activity and inflation: Evidence from a data-rich environment

- Jari Hännikäinen
- 71428: Designing a Climate Agreement for the Reality of Self-interested and Short-term Oriented Nations

- Arpad Cseh
- 71414: Literature review of 100 empirical studies of Foreign Direct Investment: 1950-2015

- Theodore Metaxas and Polyxeny Kechagia
- 71413: Profit-reducing fixed-price contract: The role of the transport sector

- Kazuhiro Takauchi
- 71412: Assessing the effectiveness of Communication Media in Health

- Srinivasan K.
- 71405: Trade and the Environment with Heterogeneous Firms

- Claustre Bajona, Andrea Pierce and Paul Missios
- 71400: Does the Reserve Options Mechanism really decrease exchange rate volatility? The Synthetic Control Method Approach

- Huseyin Aytug
- 71396: The Effect of Infomation on Financial Markets: A Survey

- Andreas Chouliaras
- 71394: Models of Mortality rates - analysing the residuals

- Colin O'Hare and Youwei Li
- 71392: Modelling mortality: Are we heading in the right direction?

- Colin O'Hare and Youwei Li
- 71388: Information Technology Innovations in Office Management - A Case Study

- Reshma Salian, Sridhar Acharya and Sreeramana Aithal
- 71384: Ecopreneurship: The reality cultured for today and tomorrow?

- Mr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani and Dr. Jasdeep Kaur Dhami
- 71382: A Review on Anticipated Breakthrough Technologies of 21st Century

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
- 71381: How Innovations and Best Practices can Transform Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of SIMS

- Sreeramana Aithal, Srinivas Rao and Suresh Kumar
- 71380: Ideal Technology Concept & its Realization Opportunity using Nanotechnology

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
- 71379: What is the Effect of Economic Globalisation on the Productivity of the Manufacturing Sector of Ghana?

- Samuel Yeboah, Samuel Broni Pinkrah and Paul Quansah Abbey
- 71374: Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of SIMS - VISION 2025

- Srinivas Rao, Suresh Kumar and Sreeramana Aithal
- 71358: La democracia en México desde el resultado de las políticas públicas vista por el desempeño en el desarrollo de sus entidades federativas (Democracy in Mexico from the result of public policy seen by performance in the development of its states)

- Crucita Ken and Adelmo Gamaliel Asencio
- 71344: Financial Inclusion Index at District Levels in Bangladesh: A Distance-based Approach

- Md Rashel Hasan and Md Ezazul Islam
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