MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 55148: A Critical Analysis of Herbert Spencer’s Theory of Evolution

- Dewan Mahboob Hossain and Sohela Mustari
- 55145: Global Solutions to DSGE Models as a Perturbation of a Deterministic Path

- Viktors Ajevskis
- 55142: Globalized markets, globalized information, and female employment: accounting for regional differences in 30 OECD countries

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 55141: Comment on “Simulation and Estimation of Hedonic Models” by Heckman, Matzkin and Nesheim

- Michael Keane
- 55140: Recursively Simulating Multinomial Multiperiod Probit Probabilities

- John Geweke, Michael Keane and David Runkle
- 55139: Serial default and debt renegotiation

- Tamon Asonuma

- Michael Keane and Robert Moffitt
- 55136: Introduction to the JBES Special Issue on Structural Estimation in Applied Microeconomics

- Michael Keane and Kenneth Wolpin
- 55133: Sovereign defaults, external debt and real exchange rate dynamics

- Tamon Asonuma
- 55130: Which firms benefit more from being located in a Science and Technology Park? Empirical evidence for Spain

- Angela Vásquez-Urriago, Andrés Barge-Gil and Aurelia Modrego
- 55127: Incentive and normative analysis on sequencing problem

- Parikshit De
- 55124: Improving competitiveness and trade balance of Greek economy: a coopetitive strategy model

- David Carfì and Schiliro' Daniele
- 55120: Intrafirm Trade of US MNCs: Findings and Implications for Models and Policies Toward Trade and Investment

- Susan Feinberg and Michael Keane
- 55118: Originators, traders, neutrals, and traditioners – various banking business models across the globe. Does the business model matter for financial stability?

- Aneta Hryckiewicz
- 55117: Quality of Internal Risk Rating Frameworks at Commercial Banks in Pakistan

- Syed Ali
- 55110: The Analysis of Export Performance of Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs): The Lesson for African Countries

- Sulaimon Yusuf
- 55104: Fertility rebound and economic growth. New evidence for 18 countries over the period 1970-2011

- Ewa Lechman, Piotr Dominiak and Anna Okonowicz
- 55099: Stochastic Kaya model and its applications

- In Chang Hwang
- 55096: Expected Macroeconomic Impacts of the Accession to WTO on Azerbaijan Economy: Empirical Analysis

- Khatai Aliyev
- 55090: Work cycles of independent ensembles

- Thomas Friedrich
- 55088: Optimal dynamic nonlinear income taxes: facing an uncertain future with a sluggish government

- Marcus Berliant and Shota Fujishima
- 55087: Implications of integrating electricity supply dynamics into life cycle assessment: a case study of renewable distributed generation

- Mourad Amor, Caroline Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier Pineau and Réjean Samson
- 55079: Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin-Sanchez
- 55078: The Illiquidity of Water Markets

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin-Sanchez
- 55073: Measuring and decomposing the overall efficiency of multi-period and -division systems associated with DEA

- Kaihua Chen
- 55072: Weighted Additive DEA Models Associated with Dataset Standardization Techniques

- Kaihua Chen
- 55070: Mock Theta Conjectures

- Sabuj Das and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 55059: On the Power of Invariant Tests for Hypotheses on a Covariance Matrix

- David Preinerstorfer and Benedikt Pötscher
- 55058: Long-Term Impacts of Individual Development Accounts on Homeownership among Baseline Renters: Follow-Up Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

- Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Michael Sherraden, William Gale, William Rohe, Mark Schreiner and Clinton Key
- 55056: Tax Reform for Growth, Equity, and Revenue

- Samuel Brown and William Gale
- 55054: Governing Knowledge for Development: Knowledge Clusters in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia

- Syamimi Ariff, Hans-Dieter Evers, Ngah Anthony Banyouko and Farah Purwaningrum
- 55050: Diversification into Technical Textiles: A Forward Momentum for Indian Textiles Industry

- Pawan Chugan
- 55048: Government Expenditure Determination on the Basis of Macroeconomics

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 55046: Is Harrod-neutrality Needed for Balanced Growth? Uzawa's Theorem Revisited

- Defu Li, Jiuli Huang and Ying Zhou
- 55045: Revisting the Steady-State Equilibrium Conditions of Neoclassical Growth Models

- Defu Li, Jiuli Huang and Ying Zhou
- 55044: 新古典增长模型的稳态路径能否包括资本增进型技术进步? (Can the Steady-State Path of Neoclassical Growth Model Embrace Capital-Augmenting Technological Progress?)

- Defu Li and Jiuli Huang
- 55039: Economic and Social Progress toward Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Prospect in Post MDGs Architecture

- Khaing Saw
- 55034: Activity Choice in Rural Non-farm Employment (RNFE): Survival versus accumulative strategy

- Sosina Bezu and Christopher Barrett
- 55031: Objective Principles of Economics

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 55029: The Mediterranean countries of European Union and their progress from 1980 to 2012: A comparative analysis

- Argyro Zisiadou and Theodore Metaxas
- 55027: Environmental policy and CSR: How climate change is interpreted in CSR reports of Greek companies

- Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
- 55024: Forecasting Bankruptcy with Incomplete Information

- Xin Xu
- 55021: Food environment and childhood obesity: The effect of dollar stores

- Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga, Heather L. Rouse and Michael R. Thomsen
- 55020: The Invariance Proposition in Baseball: New Evidence

- Duane Rockerbie
- 55017: Theoretical guidelines for a partially informed forecast examiner

- Alexander Tsyplakov
- 55014: Economics and Genocide: Choices and Consequences

- Jurgen Brauer and Charles Anderton
- 55011: Metaphors and Analogies in Institutional Economic Theory

- Daniil Frolov and Anna Lavrentyeva
- 55010: A geometrical approach to structural change modeling

- Denis Stijepic
- 55009: Some elements of economic efficiency of biological treatment to combat corn borer (ostrinia nubilalis hbn) in the conditions of Transylvania

- Felicia Mureşanu, Voichiţa Has and Mircea Ignea
- 55008: How to unblock the financing of small and medium size farms in Romania? Financial instruments proposal for RDP 2014-2020

- Cornelia Mihai and Alexandra Toderita
- 55007: The concept of economic efficiency in agriculture

- Rodica Chetroiu and Ion Călin
- 55006: Halophilic microorganisms from Romanian saline environments as a source of extracellular enzymes with potential in agricultural economy

- Madalina Enache, Simona Neagu and Roxana Cojoc
- 55005: Romanian traditional products

- Valentina Tudor, Ioana Macau and Marian Butu
- 55004: Considerations on the intellectual potential creativity

- Simion Certan and Ion Certan
- 55003: Performance evaluation of production structures in agricultural holdings – case study

- Adrian Turek Rahoveanu and Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu
- 55002: Employment and unemployment in the Bucharest-Ilfov region

- Alina Stoicescu, Ioan Niculae Alecu, Valentina Tudor and Marian Butu
- 55001: Improvement of the social requirements of the quality social accountability-health and safety integrated management system

- Romeo Denuntzio
- 55000: Researches on social infrastructure development, in South munTenia development region

- Daniela Cretu, Radu Andrei Iova and Elena Lascar
- 54999: Analysis of nominal income evolution in the rural area, on types of households. Case study, South Muntenia region

- Daniela Cretu, Radu Andrei Iova and Elena Lascar
- 54998: From the experience of S.C. Toma S.R.L. Călărasi County on autumn rape crop technology

- Georgiana Crudu and Marin Toma
- 54995: The Anglo-Saxon market for corporate control, the financial system and international competitiveness: notes for the Notre Dame conference on "strengthening U.S. competitiveness"

- Ajit Singh
- 54994: Savings, investment and the corporation in the East Asian miracle

- Ajit Singh
- 54993: Long term trends in the world economy: the gender dimension

- Candace Howes and Ajit Singh
- 54992: The post-Uruguay round world trading system, industrialisation, trade and development: implications for Asia-Pacific developing countries

- Ajit Singh
- 54991: Expanding employment in the global economy: the high road or the low road?

- Ajit Singh
- 54990: Institutional requirements for full employment in advanced economies

- Ajit Singh
- 54989: Employment and unemployment: North and South. Notes for a global development agenda for the 1990s

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- 54988: 'Openness' and the 'Market Friendly' approach to development: learning the right lessons from development experience

- Ajit Singh
- 54987: The Asia-Pacific developing countries and the new world trading system: a historical overview of emerging policy issues

- Ajit Singh
- 54986: The state and industrialisation in India: successes and failures and the lessons for the future

- Ajit Singh
- 54985: Emerging markets, industrialisation and economic development

- Ajit Singh
- 54984: Working For the Few: Political Capture and Economic Inequality

- Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva and V. Nicholas Galasso
- 54982: The optimal degree of competition and dynamic efficiency in Japan and Korea

- Alice Amsden and Ajit Singh
- 54981: Globalisation and sustainable development: the employment challenge

- Ajit Singh
- 54980: Notes on the Pension Reform in Turkey: an interim report

- Ajit Singh
- 54978: Growth: its sources and consequences

- Ajit Singh
- 54977: المسؤولية الاجتماعية للقطاع الخاص ودورها في التنمية المستدامة للمملكة العربية السعودية (Social responsibility of the private sector and its role in sustainable development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 54976: Podejście umiarkowane w sporze o możliwość i użyteczność moralną kodyfikacji norm etycznych (Moderate Position in the Debate on the Moral Possibility and Usefulness of Ethical Standards Codification)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 54975: Assessing fiscal sustainability in some selected countries

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 54974: A Note on Natural Gas Market Evolution in Light of Transaction Cost Theory

- Vipin Arora
- 54972: Review of the role of government in East Asian economic development, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997, Aoki, Kim and Okuno - Fujiwara (editors)

- Ajit Singh
- 54971: Energy-growth nexus and energy demand in Ghana: A review of empirical studies

- Paul Kwakwa
- 54963: The Institutionalization of Socio-Responsible Business: Global Trends and Regional Features

- Daniil Frolov and Anna Shulimova
- 54954: Robust standard error estimators for panel models: a unifying approach

- Giovanni Millo
- 54953: Social Externalities, Overlap and the Poverty Trap

- Young-Chul Kim and Glenn Loury
- 54952: Widening Gap in College Admission and Improving Equal Opportunity in South Korea

- Young-Chul Kim, Young-Joon Kim and Glenn Loury
- 54950: Collective Reputation and the Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination

- Young-Chul Kim and Glenn Loury
- 54940: Child labor in agricultural households in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Mali: test of the luxury axiom by a fuzzy sets theory approach

- Kodzovi Abalo
- 54939: Etude comparative des conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso, en Cote d’Ivoire et au Mali (Comparative study of working conditions of children from agricultural households in Burkina Faso, Cote d’ivoire and Mali)

- Kodzovi Abalo
- 54936: Corporate financial patterns in industrialising economies: a comparative international study

- Ajit Singh
- 54935: Foreign direct investment, technology transfer to the South and competition for the North: towards co-operative institutional arrangements between the North and the South?

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- 54934: The future of urban employment

- Ajit Singh
- 54932: Asian capitalism and the financial crisis

- Ajit Singh
- 54931: How competitive are the emerging markets? an analysis of corporate rates of return from nine emerging markets

- Jack Glen, Ajit Singh and Rudolph Mathias
- 54930: The stockmarket, the financing of corporate growth and Indian industrial development

- Ajit Singh
- 54929: Liberalisation, the stock market and the market for corporate control: a bridge too far for the Indian economy?

- Ajit Singh
- 54928: Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and the UNCTAD

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- 54927: The stock market and economic development: should developing countries encourage stock markets?

- Ajit Singh
- 54926: How East Asia grew so fast? slow progress towards an analytical consensus

- Ajit Singh
- 54925: Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development

- Ajit Singh
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